American Military Pissing (into the wind) part 2

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American Military Pissing (into the wind) part 2

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Yeah, here's the real deal that many have perceived but few have acknowledged. The guy's a 17-year marine vet and he's saying clearly what the leaked pictures and nasty scandals of late only indicate. And really, the colossal scope of this this situation--and that is the American war machine having effectively been completely expropriated by the Military Industrial/Congressional complex and deployed in a permanent churning phony war of massive profiteering along with utter military futility--demands the attention and outrage of anyone who is concerned with irresponsible government spending. That is, this particular account--which the congressional group currently reviewing it is trying to muzzle--should properly unite the furthest left Occupier with the furthest right Tea Bagger, at least with one central issue. Of course the Tea Baggers will have to wipe that Santorum off their faces before they can think straight, but I would dare any to read this without being convinced.
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Re: American Military Pissing (into the wind) part 2

Post by mvscal »

Who, exactly, is laboring under the impression that things are going well in Afghanistan? Anybody?
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Re: American Military Pissing (into the wind) part 2

Post by War Wagon »

84 pages? I'm not reading all that, LTS. Go ahead and summarize the salient facts while leaving out your customary blather.
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Re: American Military Pissing (into the wind) part 2

Post by mvscal »

War Wagon wrote:84 pages? I'm not reading all that, LTS. Go ahead and summarize the salient facts while leaving out your customary blather.
I read about 25 pages. The cliff notes version is that shit is fucked up in Afghanistan while certain senior military officers are painting a rosy picture that does not agree with facts on the ground.
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Re: American Military Pissing (into the wind) part 2

Post by dingus »

I'm watching Red Badge of Courage on Military Channel. The Union Army is kicking ass and freeing the black folks. Yee-haw. Richard Thomas is wearing a bandage around his head, does that some way presage a future war against turban wearing mofos?
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Re: American Military Pissing (into the wind) part 2

Post by Dinsdale »

dingus wrote:Richard Thomas is wearing a bandage around his head, does that some way presage a future war against turban wearing mofos?
If so, I'd be very fucking afraid if I had a big ol' mole on my face.
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Re: American Military Pissing (into the wind) part 2

Post by dingus »

mvscal wrote:Who, exactly, is laboring under the impression that things are going well in Afghanistan? Anybody?
When has it ever gone well for anybody in Afganistan?
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Re: American Military Pissing (into the wind) part 2

Post by mvscal »

Alexander managed but it wasn't easy.
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Re: American Military Pissing (into the wind) part 2

Post by dingus »

mvscal wrote:Alexander managed but it wasn't easy.
True, but Alexander wasn't trying to "win hearts and minds," or hampered by "rules of engagement. Pissing on the dead bodies of their enemies was probably the least of the things they did to them.
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Re: American Military Pissing (into the wind) part 2

Post by mvscal »

dingus wrote:True, but Alexander wasn't trying to "win hearts and minds,"
I wouldn't say that. He used diplomacy where appropriate. Granted his objective in Afghanistan was limited, but he was the only one I know who was able to fight a successful counter-insurgency war in Afghanistan. He managed to import Greek culture into Central Asia and that legacy lasted for centuries. You can still traces of it 1,700 years later.

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Re: American Military Pissing (into the wind) part 2

Post by Van »

That's the expression bradhusker wore upon his first sighting of black cock.
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Re: American Military Pissing (into the wind) part 2

Post by dingus »

Awesome pic. Agreed about Alexander and his use of diplomacy and his military acumen-neither of which we seem to exercising there today.
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Re: American Military Pissing (into the wind) part 2

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Alexander and his approach to conquer the world as a God is of absolutely no relation to the current duplicitous and murderous machinations endeavored by our Military/Industrial/Congressional complex. The acts of depravity committed by American soldiers thus deployed are the issue--and their legacy which has permanently stained whatever claim to moral decency this nation has ever stood for. And it's getting worse. That's the point.

We're spent in Afghanistan--just like the British (and Alexander, who basically straggled out, regretting his invasion--and unlike his other invaded lands, leaving NO legacy at all in the land then known as Bactria), and yet the neocons and the war mongers have such a hold on the collective balls of our congress that we're continuing to pour vast amounts of money down the quagmire/sinkhole.

The fact is that the money we've completely wasted on Iraq and Afghanistan could have easily funded Social Security, Medicare, and government pensions for a few hundred years.

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Re: American Military Pissing (into the wind) part 2

Post by mvscal »

LTS TRN 2 wrote:
...Alexander, who basically straggled out, regretting his invasion--and unlike his other invaded lands, leaving NO legacy at all in the land then known as Bactria...
Like the rest of your idiotic "take," this assertion is categorical bullshit.
Alexander and Greek Rule, 330-ca. 150 B.C.

It took Alexander only three years (from about 330-327 B.C.) to subdue the area that is now Afghanistan and the adjacent regions of the former Soviet Union. Moving eastward from the area of Herat, the Macedonian leader encountered fierce resistance from local rulers of what had been Iranian satraps. Although his expedition through Afghanistan was brief, he left behind a Hellenic cultural influence that lasted several centuries. ... xander.htm

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Re: American Military Pissing (into the wind) part 2

Post by mvscal »

LTS TRN 2 wrote:The fact is that the money we've completely wasted on Iraq and Afghanistan could have easily funded Social Security, Medicare, and government pensions for a few hundred years.

The money we've spent in Iraq and Afghanistan wouldn't even fund that for a single year, you ignorant, cum gargling fuckhead.

Cost of the war in Afghanistan and Iraq through FY 2011: $1.29 trillion.

Cost of Social Security, Medicare and gov't pension obligations: $1.34 trillion ... 1n#usgs302
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Re: American Military Pissing (into the wind) part 2

Post by Van »

Okay, let's see here. On the one hand we have...
LTS wrote:The fact is that the money we've completely wasted on Iraq and Afghanistan could have easily funded Social Security, Medicare, and government pensions for a few hundred years.
...while on the other there's...
mvscal wrote:The money we've spent in Iraq and Afghanistan wouldn't even fund that for a single year, you ignorant, cum gargling fuckhead.
I dunno, but I'm thinking this won't end up being one of those deals where the two parties respectfully agree to disagree.

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Re: American Military Pissing (into the wind) part 2

Post by mvscal »

Van wrote:I dunno, but I'm thinking this won't end up being one of those deals where the two parties respectfully agree to disagree.

It won't. I'm right. He's wrong. I support my take with facts. He supports his with...well, nothing at all. I guess we're just supposed to take his word for it or something.
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Re: American Military Pissing (into the wind) part 2

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

First of all, your figures on the cost of these ghastly and utterly failed wars is way low.

(Reuters) - When President Barack Obama cited cost as a reason to bring troops home from Afghanistan, he referred to a $1 trillion price tag for America's wars.

Staggering as it is, that figure grossly underestimates the total cost of wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan to the U.S. Treasury and ignores more imposing costs yet to come, according to a study released on Wednesday.

The final bill will run at least $3.7 trillion and could reach as high as $4.4 trillion, according to the research project "Costs of War" by Brown University's Watson Institute for International Studies.

The sinkhole of military spending is systemic . Try to wrap your tissue-thin intellect around this basic fact.

Despite its popularity, our current all-volunteer military is very expensive. To give you a sense of how expensive, the GAO determined that the average annual total compensation (including base pay, allowances, current and deferred benefits and tax exemptions) for a member of the active duty military in 2005 was about $115,000. By comparison, the median annual household income in 2005 was less than $50,000.

If these wars were legal, moral, or in any way necessary, perhaps some virtue of sacrifice might be assigned. Instead, it's AIPAC and its dutiful stooges (and that's you, Mall Cop) running this once great nation right into the ground.

As for the legacy of Alexander, yes the Greco satraps were indeed ensconced in Bactria for a good while. But, as I pointed out, this is merely a silly diversion and of absolutely so significance to the events in the past 1000 years, let alone the present QUAGMIRE.
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Re: American Military Pissing (into the wind) part 2

Post by Dinsdale »

LTS TRN 2 wrote: The final bill will run at least $3.7 trillion and could reach as high as $4.4 trillion

So, the genius known as LTS thinks 4.4 trillion divided by 1.37 trillion = ~ " a few hundred."

We should probably all take his word on all matters of everything -- history, math, science... you name it.
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Re: American Military Pissing (into the wind) part 2

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

What are you dribbling about, Dins? Do you even try to make sense or do you just need to post anything like some hysterical child? Take up your nonsense with the good folks at Brown University if you dispute the figures.

If you feel the wars have been justified, well go ahead, walk into that propeller. 8)
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Re: American Military Pissing (into the wind) part 2

Post by Van »

LTS, you said the money saved on the military would pay for "a few hundred years" of social services. mvscal refuted it with one set of figures. You rebutted with another set. Even using your highest estimations, at best they would only offset a few years, not a few hundred.

Or what?

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Re: American Military Pissing (into the wind) part 2

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

The difference is that the trillions pissed away in the wars is gone, period. That same money used for Social Security, etc., would of course be invested, accrue interest, and roll over again and again as it is doled out. And guess what, we could also fix our roads and bridges (and not privatize them as toll roads for corporations, often foreign). And more..
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Re: American Military Pissing (into the wind) part 2

Post by Cuda »

mvscal wrote:Who, exactly, is laboring under the impression that things are going well in Afghanistan? Anybody?
to quote Raider James, that would be the "Bison-spearing Click-talker" in the white house
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Re: American Military Pissing (into the wind) part 2

Post by Moving Sale »

mvscal wrote: Cost of the war in Afghanistan and Iraq through FY 2011: $1.29 trillion.
5.5 billion missing. I had forgotten about that one. Isn't that back when you still had your dick up the Shrub's ass?
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Re: American Military Pissing (into the wind) part 2

Post by Dinsdale »

LTS TRN 2 wrote:Do you even try to make sense or do you just need to post anything like some hysterical child?

Dinsdale wrote:
LTS TRN 2 wrote: The final bill will run at least $3.7 trillion and could reach as high as $4.4 trillion

So, the genius known as LTS thinks 4.4 trillion divided by 1.37 trillion = ~ " a few hundred."
Damn, you really are this fucking stupid.

Since I'm apparently teaching stuff that elementary school teachers left out of some classes, I'll help you out...

The answer to the math problem was "approximately 3." Not "a few hundred"... 3.

If you stick around for the next lesson, I'll explain what the phrase "order of magnitude" means. It's relevant here because that's what your math was off by.

You swallow up radical left wingnutisms you hear without any sort of critical thought like Scrote slurping jizz in a steam room..
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Re: American Military Pissing (into the wind) part 2

Post by Bizzarofelice »

Cuda wrote:
mvscal wrote:Who, exactly, is laboring under the impression that things are going well in Afghanistan? Anybody?
to quote Raider James, that would be the "Bison-spearing Click-talker" in the white house
he gets to see al kinds of intelligence we are not privy to. of course he doesn't think things are going well in afghanstoilet.
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Re: American Military Pissing (into the wind) part 2

Post by mvscal »

Bizzarofelice wrote:
Cuda wrote:
mvscal wrote:Who, exactly, is laboring under the impression that things are going well in Afghanistan? Anybody?
to quote Raider James, that would be the "Bison-spearing Click-talker" in the white house
he gets to see al kinds of intelligence we are not privy to.
And I'm sure he even occasionally flips through some of it on his way out to his latest ice cream run, golf outing or seeing Moobacca off on her latest trip to whichever upscale resort happened to catch her fancy.

Looks like it's skiing in Aspen this week with the little wooklets. I'm sure it must have been a grueling month she had to endure since her last two week vacay in Hawaii.
Screw_Michigan wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:39 pmUnlike you tards, I actually have functioning tastebuds and a refined pallet.
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Re: American Military Pissing (into the wind) part 2

Post by Moving Sale »

mvscal wrote:And I'm sure he even occasionally flips through some of it on his way out to his latest ice cream run, golf outing or seeing Moobacca off on her latest trip to whichever upscale resort happened to catch her fancy.

Looks like it's skiing in Aspen this week with the little wooklets. I'm sure it must have been a grueling month she had to endure since her last two week vacay in Hawaii.
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Re: American Military Pissing (into the wind) part 2

Post by Cuda »

it's obama's white half that i despise

please say you knew
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Re: American Military Pissing (into the wind) part 2

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Dinsdale wrote:
If you stick around for the next lesson, I'll explain what the phrase "order of magnitude" means. It's relevant here because that's what your math was off by.

You're completely missing the point. First, the TRILLIONS we spend on the wars is (literally) pissed away. Burned up like the $400 per gallon gasoline , and sunk into the ground like depleted uranium shells, it's a COMPLETE LOSS of capital.

Now, consider these same TRILLIONS of dollars pumped into the American economy. First, it provides actual service to Americans--health care and basic sustenance. And that's good, right? Second, this money continues to be pumped through the economy, spreading out through the populace--Americans getting paid, whether they are public or private employees. And this good, right? I mean, it's a hell of a lot better than paying the Taliban, right? ... ty-taliban

As usual the pathetic sign-off chickenhawks around here always seem to ignore the massive uncounted cost of these horrid illegal wars--the astronomical amount of health care required for the hundreds of thousands of severely damaged American soldiers returning home. Just the costs of the suicide/murders are staggering.

Wake the fuck up and stop be disgraceful.
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Re: American Military Pissing (into the wind) part 2

Post by mvscal »

LTS TRN 2 wrote:The final bill will run at least $3.7 trillion and could reach as high as $4.4 trillion, according to the research project "Costs of War" by Brown University's Watson Institute for International Studies.
Hmmm. I provide a number based on actual appropriations of Congress and you provide a number based on estimates from a "research project" issued by some wingnut think tank. Tough call, really.
As for the legacy of Alexander, yes the Greco satraps were indeed ensconced in Bactria for a good while. But, as I pointed out,
The only thing you pointed out is that you didn't (and don't) know what the fuck you're talking about in no uncertain terms.
Alexander...basically straggled out...and unlike his other invaded lands, leaving NO legacy at all in the land then known as Bactria...
This was your demonstrably false claim and it wasn't even the first in this thread alone. You then proceed to lie about the costs and legality of the wars, compound your idiocy with your complete and utter ignorance of finance and even manage to top it off with a dollop of dumbfuckery on basic chemistry. Needless to say, you remain a sad, stupid joke, Felchy.
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Re: American Military Pissing (into the wind) part 2

Post by Van »

Alrighty then!
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Re: American Military Pissing (into the wind) part 2

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

mvscal wrote:
LTS TRN 2 wrote:The final bill will run at least $3.7 trillion and could reach as high as $4.4 trillion, according to the research project "Costs of War" by Brown University's Watson Institute for International Studies.
Hmmm. I provide a number based on actual appropriations of Congress and you provide a number based on estimates from a "research project" issued by some wingnut think tank. Tough call, really.
As for the legacy of Alexander, yes the Greco satraps were indeed ensconced in Bactria for a good while. But, as I pointed out,
The only thing you pointed out is that you didn't (and don't) know what the fuck you're talking about in no uncertain terms.
Alexander...basically straggled out...and unlike his other invaded lands, leaving NO legacy at all in the land then known as Bactria...
This was your demonstrably false claim and it wasn't even the first in this thread alone. You then proceed to lie about the costs and legality of the wars, compound your idiocy with your complete and utter ignorance of finance and even manage to top it off with a dollop of dumbfuckery on basic chemistry. Needless to say, you remain a sad, stupid joke, Felchy.
So..what is your point?

That the wars are not colossal sinkholes of trillions of dollars desperately needed at home?

Or that the fact of a temporary Greco legacy following Alexander will somehow be echoed in the inevitable defeated retreat of our Freedom campaign? That somehow our forced presence, like that of the mad Macedonian's, will somehow play out well for history? Is that the snide point you're passively trying introduce--like a fart? You are seriously twisted. Just like Rusp.

Yo M-Cop, thanks bro!

Hey Sparky, have I got a cell-phone plan for you...hello?

Hey Joe, where the fuck am I going with a gun in my hand?....seriously, where's the meds, I'm about to flip..

The point is, you have no opinion except to rigidly recite and doggedly defend the sour gas of Rusp Limpdick. In fact you've never once diverted from his demented oxycontin marching orders. Are you aware of that?
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Re: American Military Pissing (into the wind) part 2

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

I wouldn't criticize anyone if I hadn't checked them out--listened to them and analyzed their style, etc. Fortunately in the case of Limpdick, a brief encounter suffices because he's so utterly simplistic, repetitive and ultimately predictable. Same with Hannity and O'Reilly and the lesser lights of contemporary terminal ignorance.

What's essential in understanding these hacks is that they are completely bought and paid for. They are nothing more than highly paid mouthpieces for corporate interests and do not have any independence in their statements or expressions. Their talking points and guests are provided them daily.

Personally, I find it annoying and uncomfortable listening to any of them for even a few minutes. They are all fiercely anti-intellectual, relying on childish simplicity and bullying arrogance--interrupting constantly anyone who might disagree. And I actually feel some sympathy for anyone who would actually tune in on a regular basis because their shows are larded with the most advertizing per hour in history.

Incidentally, Limpdick may be on the way out...AIDS?....because he's had a guest host since December. Who cares about him--it's the fixed corporate doctrine that he dutifully bellows that is the issue. And you'll notice--if you're honest--that the fatuous fraud here known as Mall Cop (formerly "babs") has in fact been in absolute lock-step with Limpdick on every single issue for years. Dispute this?

Now...try to get back to fact that our Military/Industrial/Congressional Complex has completely fucked our economy and national honor--and is being ramped up again by the seething neocons to do it some more.

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Re: American Military Pissing (into the wind) part 2

Post by R-Jack »

LTS TRN 2 wrote:--that the fatuous fraud here known as Mall Cop (formerly "babs") has in fact been in absolute lock-step with Limpdick on every single issue for years. Dispute this?
I personally can't dispute it because I don't listen to that tripe, so I wouldn't know. For you to believe this to be fact, you would have to extensively listen and be well versed on all of his talking points. You realize this don't you?

At best, you yet again don't know what the fuck you are talking about due to your self-imposed ignorance of right wingnut radio. At worst, you are lying about how much you pay attention to Rush and the rest of the tools and are approaching "I'm gonna use a plugged in extention cord as a fleshlight while in the shower" levels of self loathing.
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Re: American Military Pissing (into the wind) part 2

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

No, R-Hack, you're missing the point. Limpdick and company don't have extensive issues or detailed positions which might require serious focus and study. On the contrary, as I clearly noted, theirs is a steady drone of repetitive mantras, simplified slogans dumbed down to a trailer park level of playground taunts and malicious smears. This is what fiercely anti-intellectual means. Limpdick, Hannity, and O'Reilly go automatically into loop mode on any of the four or five basic subjects, and their respective loops are bombastic and bullying always, because any actual reasoned debate would leave each of them hapless and deflated in short order. They would never dare engage in a forum where they weren't allowed to loudly interrupt and ramble. Think about that.

Your suggestion that you "never listen to that tripe" is a joke because the same deeeeeeep pocket corporate interests who brought us these crypto-fascist hacks make damn sure that everyone hears the message. If it's not these three prominent gargoyles, it's Bachmann, Palin, Santorum, and the similar twisted freaks who have--if you really haven't smelled any tripe lately--effectively hijacked the GOP like the fucking Lindberg kid and are presently taking a shower with it in the manner of Mr. Sandusky.

The point, Hack-R, is that these utterly unspeakable fuckstains most of all completely support all wars either dreamed of or actually fomented by the neocon agenda, period. And..that the equally fake and cowardly Mall Cop has proven a loyal barking stooge of this contagion without fail. Got it straight now? :wink:

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Re: American Military Pissing (into the wind) part 2

Post by Van »

LTS wrote:utterly simplistic, repetitive and ultimately predictable.
While I'm one of the few here—perhaps the only one—who 'likes' you and usually enjoys your passion for The Cause, you must realize that you couldn't have possibly described your own broken-record shtick more perfectly.
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Re: American Military Pissing (into the wind) part 2

Post by Goober McTuber »

Van wrote:
LTS wrote:utterly simplistic, repetitive and ultimately predictable.
While I'm one of the few here—perhaps the only one—who 'likes' you and usually enjoys your passion for The Cause, you must realize that you couldn't have possibly described your own broken-record shtick more perfectly.
Very cleverly cloaked IKYABWAI. Nicely done.
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Re: American Military Pissing (into the wind) part 2

Post by Van »

Not in the least. In order for IKYABWAI to exist, the initially accused must respond. LTS wasn't speaking to me, or of me. His quote was in reference to Rush Limbaugh. So, unless I'm Rush Limbaugh, which, last I checked, I am not, IKYABWAI did not and could not have occured between myself and LTS.

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Re: American Military Pissing (into the wind) part 2

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

Why is mvscal "mall cop"? You mean, like the Kevin James movie?
There were a few chuckle-out-loud moments...not spectacular, but decent for one viewing at least.
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Why don’t you just STFU.