Martyred wrote:Truman's fairly excellent post (not that I'm entirely in agreement, just that it was well phrased), followed up by this piece of shit:
bradhusker wrote:
If a person is too poor to afford a fuckin condom, then I am of the opinion that they are a scumbag.
Honestly, your schtick is getting a little worn out.
What you call schtick, others call REALITY. Marty, get your head out of "fantasy land", and wake the fuck up YOU IDIOT!
Its time I called you out for being a clueless tard. You ignore the direction this country is headed by your useless drivel. This government is headed in the wrong direction, WE SPEND A TRILLION MORE THAN WE TAKE IN. DID YOU HEAR THAT MARTY??
ANSWER THE QUESTION PRICK. I SAID, this country is spending a trillion more than it takes in, do you think that we can find areas to trim??? HUH dummy?
OBVIOUSLY, you dont give two shits that this federal government is in deep deep shit. So when I tell you that we our out of control and in a deadly downward spiral, all you can say is "schtick"???
Lts and you need to get into reality, a hard dose of reality needs to hit you in the head like a ton of bricks, and fast.
You are so fuckin clueless that you dont see a problem with female law students needing free condoms from our federal government. AND, thats just the tip of the iceberg, there are examples of billions upon billions being wasted every single day.
We make jokes about it, I said that if my tax dollars go to giving this law student freebies, I fully expect to get a video for my hard earned tax dollars.
Obviously, you cant handle humor in this or any other situation. AT THE END OF THE DAY HOWEVER, it is me, bradhusker who is more in tune with the harsh realities of our out of control bloated federal government, and you marty, who is stuck in denial and fantasy.
Get back to us when you can fully realize the grave and serious matter at hand.
I'll pull you out of that one bunk hilton and cast you down with the sodomites. The warden, shawshank redemption.