Statue and the cloud deck descending bringing fresh snow
View of grounds from our room
Woke up to snow on Friday and headed out to ski
Snowed all day Fri so no pics of that but then Sat was a blue bird day
Surprisingly not a ski run, but rather an old dumping area from a silver mine
Taos was hosting the Salomon Freeride Extreme Series
Pretty good turn out to watch despite it being on the top of the mountain, lift ticket required
Look close for the kid who is stuck behind the dead tree
Ski Patrol had to rope down to him and then rope him down from there
Wide view of the area he was trying to ride
Another 'boarder thought he would give it a go (upper left quad of photo near tree)
But he just chickened out and slid down some
View from lift up to Kachina Peak. This isn't lift accessible, but requires an hour hike
Another view of the peak, from top of a different lift and you can see some of the ridge you walk to get there
Lefty in action
The Seaters
After skiing Taos thru Tuesday we got up early and headed back to Santa Fe on Wed morning to ski a half day there before heading home
Looking towards Los Alamos
Departing Albuquerque
Virgin America flight from LAX to DFW. We overtook this guy around the NM/TX boarder and then left him behind, eat that airbus!
On Final to DAL with DFW under the wing in the distance