Okay - this subject needs to be touched on.
Moderator: Jesus H Christ
Re: Okay - this subject needs to be touched on.
You and Sam are just bound and determined to repost every story mvscal already linked in this thread, arentcha?

Joe Satriani is a mime, right? - 88
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Show me your dicks. - trev
- Screw_Michigan
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Re: Okay - this subject needs to be touched on.
"I don't want them to think we're untamed children or anything...."
Re: Okay - this subject needs to be touched on.
'Spray posted TMZ breaking that story.Sudden Sam wrote:
http://www.thesmokinggun.com/documents/ ... rks-769123
Mother Seeks Trayvon Martin Trademarks|
Hell, might as well make a buck off my son...while I'm grieving, ya' know what I mean?

The only thing as sad as a mother making money off her dead son is a mother watching others make money off her dead son. I don't see this as a bad thing if she's looking to prevent the latter. She make have gotten some good advice after worring about people leeching off the tragedy, but it makes her a money grubbing whore if you want to look through the libtard hating lens. Ironically those are the same type of people who said not to rush to judgement when the kid was shot.
The second shirts with those trademarks hit the streets, go ahead and fling shit at her.
- World Renowned Last Word Whore
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Re: Okay - this subject needs to be touched on.
Yes, I heard about it. Four weeks ago when it happened. If you occasionally took a break from stuffing your gob, you might have time to keep up with current events.Papa Willie wrote:http://www.nydailynews.com/news/nationa ... -1.1033062
A nice story here. Two black thugs set kid on fire because he's white. Almost kills him. They haven't found the black guys. Have y'all heard a fucking WORD about this shit? I have not.
Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote: They couldn't even kick that doctors ass
Seems they rather just lay there, get fucked and play victim
Re: Okay - this subject needs to be touched on.
Charles Manson is in his jail cell saying "I told you so!"KC Scott wrote:SPOT ONSudden Sam wrote:
Did Trayvon Martin deserve to die? I don't know...I wasn't there. I hate to think anyone deserves to be shot.
Painiting Zimmerman (Jewish Hispanic?) as a racist appears to be ridiculous as well. A close friend of his (black) said that he tutors black kids on a regular basis.
But the consistent misrepresentation of the kid (old photos, hiding his school records, Facebook page taken down) is bullshit. And if the media doesn't start reporting the TRUTH in this case, the entire nation could explode.
The media has gone from reporting the news to creating News
Who the fuck knows what this shit may incite
Rahowa, Helter Skelter. A race riot over several states during one of the most important election cycles in history would be very deecem.
Re: Okay - this subject needs to be touched on.
I think you got the scoop on that one!Sudden Sam wrote:By god, I don't think these have been posted yet!
http://www.local10.com/news/Police-Tray ... index.html
Police: Trayvon protesters ransack store
North Miami Beach Walgreens incident caught on video

bradhusker (IIRC) beat you to that one!http://www.thesmokinggun.com/documents/ ... rks-769123
Mother Seeks Trayvon Martin Trademarks|
Hell, might as well make a buck off my son...while I'm grieving, ya' know what I mean?

(Edit: R-Jack says it was 'Spray.)
Joe Satriani is a mime, right? - 88
Show me your dicks. - trev
Show me your dicks. - trev
Re: Okay - this subject needs to be touched on.
Sam, the good news is that in the end this is just the story du jour. Like every other stupid media creation, this too will quickly be forgotten. People can only feign outrage for so long before one of the Kardashians gets pregnant again and the attention of the media dutifully shifts.
The shelf life on this one will probably only be another week or so before some other asshat does something stupid and we're on to the next lame topic.
We're Americans, and those National Enquirers aren't going to print themselves.
The shelf life on this one will probably only be another week or so before some other asshat does something stupid and we're on to the next lame topic.
We're Americans, and those National Enquirers aren't going to print themselves.
Last edited by Van on Wed Mar 28, 2012 5:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Joe Satriani is a mime, right? - 88
Show me your dicks. - trev
Show me your dicks. - trev
- Left Seater
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Re: Okay - this subject needs to be touched on.
Don't forget the New Black Panther Party which put out the bounty.
Moving Sale wrote:I really are a fucking POS.
Softball Bat wrote: I am the dumbest motherfucker ever to post on the board.
- Certified Cockologist
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Re: Okay - this subject needs to be touched on.
msnbc is by far, THE WORST OFFENDER HERE. They are ignoring actual facts, and going out of their way to paint trayvon as a sweet and innocent child here. Martin Bashir closed his show today on msnbc with FACTS all showing trayvon to be sweet, BUT, Martin Bashir left out ONE VERY IMPORTANT FACT,`
An ACTUAL eyewitness who saw trayvon who is 6 ft 2, on top of zimmermann who is 5 ft 8. AND he is bashing his head into the pavement, AND this is backed up completely by hospital reports of deep gashes to the back of zimmermanns' skull. A REAL journalist would have included this in his report.
BUT like other msnbc left wing hacks, they completely hide ANY facts which dont shine a good light on their left wing agenda.
Friends, When the States Attorney gets hold of this information, which gets backed up by hospital records and the eyewitness's testimony, there will be no arrest, TRUST ME.
Trust me on this friends, I know the law here. I demand that the Sanford police chief be re-instated with full honors. Zimmermann was one skull bashing away from losing conciousness forever, I dare you to say that he must lose conciousness and die, instead of taking his gun and using it to preserve his own life. I DARE U.
An ACTUAL eyewitness who saw trayvon who is 6 ft 2, on top of zimmermann who is 5 ft 8. AND he is bashing his head into the pavement, AND this is backed up completely by hospital reports of deep gashes to the back of zimmermanns' skull. A REAL journalist would have included this in his report.
BUT like other msnbc left wing hacks, they completely hide ANY facts which dont shine a good light on their left wing agenda.
Friends, When the States Attorney gets hold of this information, which gets backed up by hospital records and the eyewitness's testimony, there will be no arrest, TRUST ME.
Trust me on this friends, I know the law here. I demand that the Sanford police chief be re-instated with full honors. Zimmermann was one skull bashing away from losing conciousness forever, I dare you to say that he must lose conciousness and die, instead of taking his gun and using it to preserve his own life. I DARE U.
I'll pull you out of that one bunk hilton and cast you down with the sodomites. The warden, shawshank redemption.
Re: Okay - this subject needs to be touched on.
I dare you to stop making these lame demands. You're in no position to demand anything, just as you have no weight, full or otherwise, to throw behind Mitt Romney's campaign.
You're a silly troll who writes at a third-grade Mayberry level. That's it.
You're a silly troll who writes at a third-grade Mayberry level. That's it.
Joe Satriani is a mime, right? - 88
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Show me your dicks. - trev
- Certified Cockologist
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Re: Okay - this subject needs to be touched on.
REALLY VAN? I bring up actual eyewitness testimony, which hospital records back up thru wounds consistent with said testimony, AND YOU VAN, beg to differ?Van wrote:I dare you to stop making these lame demands. You're in no position to demand anything, just as you have no weight, full or otherwise, to throw behind Mitt Romney's campaign.
You're a silly troll who writes at a third-grade Mayberry level. That's it.
Then, I bring up the legal notion, that when a 6 ft 2 trayvon is bashing the skull of a 5 ft 8 zimmermann, again, eyewitness testimony, THAT legally its within zimmermann's legal rights to use his firearm rather than have his skull split open, AND YOU VAN beg to differ?
Interesting weird leftist you are van, indeed.
I'll pull you out of that one bunk hilton and cast you down with the sodomites. The warden, shawshank redemption.
- Smackie Chan
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Re: Okay - this subject needs to be touched on.
Can't argue with that.bradhusker wrote:Interesting weird leftist you are van, indeed.
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Re: Okay - this subject needs to be touched on.
AND, I have listenned to the 911 audio some 25 times now. ANYONE who hears a racial slur of any kind is a sick disturbed left wing creep.
Last night on Lawrence O Donnell s show, he says he hears an obvious racial slur, "coon". HOWEVER, this shows how disturbed Lawrence O Donnell , Rachel Maddow, and Ed Shultz really are.
The word is clearly "PUNKS". anyone with a reasonable amount of intelligence can hear zimmermann say fuckin "PUNKS".
YET, the creepy weird left wing sickos on msnbc LIE and say it was a racial slur.
THIS proves how un-hinged they are over at msnbc. major meltdown.
SPEAKING of meltdowns , did anyone hear Obama's stupid attorney's argue before the supreme court the past three days?
These left wing Obama hacks tried to spin their agenda before the smartest judges in the world.
They literally got laughed out onto the sidewalk!!!!
A brilliant mind like John Roberts probably had to contain his sheer laughter at the hacks Obama sent in to pimp his plan.
Anthony Kennedy was also laughing at these losers. So was Scalia, Obama's solicitor general is a joke and a fool who came unprepared.
Even the judges appointed by democrats were laughing so hard they must have soiled their robes.
Last night on Lawrence O Donnell s show, he says he hears an obvious racial slur, "coon". HOWEVER, this shows how disturbed Lawrence O Donnell , Rachel Maddow, and Ed Shultz really are.
The word is clearly "PUNKS". anyone with a reasonable amount of intelligence can hear zimmermann say fuckin "PUNKS".
YET, the creepy weird left wing sickos on msnbc LIE and say it was a racial slur.
THIS proves how un-hinged they are over at msnbc. major meltdown.
SPEAKING of meltdowns , did anyone hear Obama's stupid attorney's argue before the supreme court the past three days?
These left wing Obama hacks tried to spin their agenda before the smartest judges in the world.
They literally got laughed out onto the sidewalk!!!!
A brilliant mind like John Roberts probably had to contain his sheer laughter at the hacks Obama sent in to pimp his plan.
Anthony Kennedy was also laughing at these losers. So was Scalia, Obama's solicitor general is a joke and a fool who came unprepared.
Even the judges appointed by democrats were laughing so hard they must have soiled their robes.
I'll pull you out of that one bunk hilton and cast you down with the sodomites. The warden, shawshank redemption.
Re: Okay - this subject needs to be touched on.
brad, where I beg to differ is not with your information, it's with your penchant for making silly demands. Oh, and for sounding like a six-year-old every time you troll with the Steven Segal/Chuck Norris garbage. And also for pretending to decry racism while spouting it at every turn.
Seriously, what grown-up would spend their days trolling that way? Of all the troll personas for you to adopt, why the fuck did you choose this one? A "cornfed stud" who nevertheless claims to be NYC born and raised, and who gushes like a Depends-wearing invalid over the corniest TV shit?
Seriously, what grown-up would spend their days trolling that way? Of all the troll personas for you to adopt, why the fuck did you choose this one? A "cornfed stud" who nevertheless claims to be NYC born and raised, and who gushes like a Depends-wearing invalid over the corniest TV shit?
Joe Satriani is a mime, right? - 88
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Show me your dicks. - trev
- ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2
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Re: Okay - this subject needs to be touched on.
Then why respond if you know the end user is just spewing bullshit.Van wrote:You're a silly troll.
Are you that bored?
Re: Okay - this subject needs to be touched on.
Joe Satriani is a mime, right? - 88
Show me your dicks. - trev
Show me your dicks. - trev
Re: Okay - this subject needs to be touched on.
Reading a bradhusker post is like trying to wade through a New Jersey feed lot. Roll up your pants legs, kick off your Doc Martin's, and try to gain the other side as quickly as possible without anything unsavory clinging to your toes and ankles.
brad posts never fail to engage the autoscroll feature built into my laptop.
Yet what truly astounds, Van, is that you make the trip several times a day, posting your per usualm thoughtful, withering, er, ripostes, pummeling this sad troll into regular oblivion and banishing him to his accustomed station underneath his bridge.
Until he emerges again. Fucker won't die. Might wanna try wooden stakes next time, friendo. 'Sayin'.
brad is beginning to remind me of "Paul" from the early T1B days. A complete human pile-on who refuses to acknowledge when to quit. Trouble is, only you seem to have the ability to go soup-to-nuts on one of brad's posts.
I'm not sure if you should be commended... Or committed. :wink:
brad posts never fail to engage the autoscroll feature built into my laptop.
Yet what truly astounds, Van, is that you make the trip several times a day, posting your per usualm thoughtful, withering, er, ripostes, pummeling this sad troll into regular oblivion and banishing him to his accustomed station underneath his bridge.
Until he emerges again. Fucker won't die. Might wanna try wooden stakes next time, friendo. 'Sayin'.
brad is beginning to remind me of "Paul" from the early T1B days. A complete human pile-on who refuses to acknowledge when to quit. Trouble is, only you seem to have the ability to go soup-to-nuts on one of brad's posts.
I'm not sure if you should be commended... Or committed. :wink:
- Diego in Seattle
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Re: Okay - this subject needs to be touched on.
Ultimately it's the media to blame for most of this mess. Jackson & Sharpton wouldn't be jetting around the country if there wasn't a POS member of the media stupidly shoving a microphone in their piehole (just like the members of a certain whacko church in Topeka). If the media ever stopped giving them the time of day they'd go back to their holes & all races would be better for it. I don't know if they've ever proclaimed themselves as leaders of the black community, but they'd stop being that if the media stopped giving them the time of day.
The other half of the equation is the media's attempt to portray Martin as a saint & Zimmerman as a convict. The lack of pictures of Martin from the last three or four years was a huge flare that the media was slanting this story in a huge way.
Why would they do that?
Look at viewership & readership numbers from the '92 LA riots and I think you'll have your reason.
Ultimately it's the media to blame for most of this mess. Jackson & Sharpton wouldn't be jetting around the country if there wasn't a POS member of the media stupidly shoving a microphone in their piehole (just like the members of a certain whacko church in Topeka). If the media ever stopped giving them the time of day they'd go back to their holes & all races would be better for it. I don't know if they've ever proclaimed themselves as leaders of the black community, but they'd stop being that if the media stopped giving them the time of day.
The other half of the equation is the media's attempt to portray Martin as a saint & Zimmerman as a convict. The lack of pictures of Martin from the last three or four years was a huge flare that the media was slanting this story in a huge way.
Why would they do that?
Look at viewership & readership numbers from the '92 LA riots and I think you'll have your reason.
9/27/22“Left Seater” wrote:So charges are around the corner?
Re: Okay - this subject needs to be touched on.
Truman, at least I've reduced the length of my responses to brad. They're usually just short little rejoinders now.
By the way, can you or someone else here fill me in on the story behind 'usualm,' with the 'm' added? I know it's a longstanding joke, bit I missed its derivation.
By the way, can you or someone else here fill me in on the story behind 'usualm,' with the 'm' added? I know it's a longstanding joke, bit I missed its derivation.
Joe Satriani is a mime, right? - 88
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Show me your dicks. - trev
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Re: Okay - this subject needs to be touched on.
Alright Van, let me clear a few things up. First, the Chuck Norris bit I do is for humor. Second, after watching msnbc shows like Ed, Lawrence and Maddow, I get so angry, that I start to notice things like the commentators they bring on. Usually weird and gay and hard core left.Van wrote:brad, where I beg to differ is not with your information, it's with your penchant for making silly demands. Oh, and for sounding like a six-year-old every time you troll with the Steven Segal/Chuck Norris garbage. And also for pretending to decry racism while spouting it at every turn.
Seriously, what grown-up would spend their days trolling that way? Of all the troll personas for you to adopt, why the fuck did you choose this one? A "cornfed stud" who nevertheless claims to be NYC born and raised, and who gushes like a Depends-wearing invalid over the corniest TV shit?
So, In response to your concerns over my racist remarks, its the anger I feel at the lies spewed forth on msnbc. And the creepy weird commentators they put forth as experts.
I guess I could just stick to the facts, HOWEVER, I find myself drifting over to the dark side now and then. I see the very weird leftists brought on to give opinions over at msnbc. Jonathon Capeheart,(gay black), Charles Blow, (another gay black) appropriate name by the way. Julian Epstein, (gay jew) Jonathon Turley, (gay leftist) Michael Mustow( gay creepy weird leftist) etc etc
There are literally a few hundred more weird leftists who would NEVER be asked to appear on serious news shows due to their far far left views. I get angry when msnbc parades these guys on their shows as so-called experts, like we should take seriously what they have to say?
Here is a perfect example, Jonathon Capeheart tried to match wits with New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, it was a joke, Christie made Capeheart look like a little dick sucking fool without a fuckin clue.
When any of these fools leaves the safety of msnbc and tries to actually debate a real hard core republican like Chris Christie, they get bitch slapped in a bad way.
I'll pull you out of that one bunk hilton and cast you down with the sodomites. The warden, shawshank redemption.
Re: Okay - this subject needs to be touched on.
Van wrote:By the way, can you or someone else here fill me in on the story behind 'usualm,' with the 'm' added? I know it's a longstanding joke, bit I missed its derivation.
Anymore, I think "someone else" is down to me, Cuda, and Bace, with an occasional Invictus mixed in.
It's a Dennardism. The man left a legacy.
His extremely large fingers led to many words frequently had recurring typos with an adjacent letter on the keyboard mixed in.
Blacvk was a classic, and I'm forgetting the others at the moment. "Usualm" was generally the most amusing, since I'm not sure how even that giant dude managed to hit the M after the L... I think he did some of that stuff on porpose.
I miss reading about the invisible models and Emo Gurl. I'll have to pur our some laundry soap and such in honor of the big lug.
I got 99 problems but the 'vid ain't one
Re: Okay - this subject needs to be touched on.
Dins, I figured it had something to do with hitting the 'm' when he meant to hit the adjacent comma key, since I often see 'usualm' with the 'm' replacing a comma. Hell, I do that quite a bit.
Joe Satriani is a mime, right? - 88
Show me your dicks. - trev
Show me your dicks. - trev
- War Wagon
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Re: Okay - this subject needs to be touched on.
I watch MSNBC all the time and far from getting angry, I find it hilarious. If it makes you angry, change the channel. You know what you're going to get there, just like you know what you'll get from Fox.bradhusker wrote:So, In response to your concerns over my racist remarks, its the anger I feel at the lies spewed forth on msnbc.
I prefer to categorize watching Ed and Rachel as 'knowing what the enemy is thinking'... kinda like reading a Goobs post.
Re: Okay - this subject needs to be touched on.

NRA selling concealed-carry hoodies
Until the death of Trayvon Martin, the hoodie was best known as the wardrobe choice of unshowered college kids, an in-disguise E.T. and Bill Belichick -- now, it's a co-star in the coverage surrounding the case, especially since the fashion-forward NRA has gotten involved. Their official Made-in-the-USA Concealed Carry Hooded Sweatshirt has been designed to include a pair of internal gun pockets. According to their online store, it "gives you an extra tactical edge because its unstructured, casual design appears incapable of concealing a heavy firearm -- but it does so with ease!"
Screw_Michigan wrote: Democrats are the REAL racists.
Softball Bat wrote: Is your anus quivering?
- Certified Cockologist
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Re: Okay - this subject needs to be touched on.
I suppose you are right, maybe I should take msnbc with a grain of salt. Laugh at their weird creepy talking heads, who, would be laughed off of any serious news journal.War Wagon wrote:I watch MSNBC all the time and far from getting angry, I find it hilarious. If it makes you angry, change the channel. You know what you're going to get there, just like you know what you'll get from Fox.bradhusker wrote:So, In response to your concerns over my racist remarks, its the anger I feel at the lies spewed forth on msnbc.
I prefer to categorize watching Ed and Rachel as 'knowing what the enemy is thinking'... kinda like reading a Goobs post.
Thanks for helping me see things more clearly here.
I'll pull you out of that one bunk hilton and cast you down with the sodomites. The warden, shawshank redemption.
Re: Okay - this subject needs to be touched on.
So what type of person would need an extra tactical edge with consealed gunplay while wearing a hoodie?Derron wrote: According to their online store, it "gives you an extra tactical edge because its unstructured, casual design appears incapable of concealing a heavy firearm -- but it does so with ease!"
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Re: Okay - this subject needs to be touched on.
Guys, I'd like to clear up something if I may. Trayvon martin had his backpack searched down in Miami by school officials. they found an extra large flathead screwdriver and several thousand dollars worth of women's diamond and gold jewelry.
This isnt my opinion, but stone cold FACT.
It shows that trayvon was a fuckin head case with mental problems.
When I was 17, I never had those items in my backpack. Because I wasnt a criminal thug.
Now, I know this information is inadmissable, FINE, I only bring it up to show what kind of animal we are dealing with here.
Now, to the people defending trayvon, there is absolutely nothing wrong with finding those items in his backpack.
BUT, to healthy people, its a HUGE RED FLAG.
Zimmermann's dad came forward today saying that trayvon told his son that he was going to die today. GUESS AGAIN trayvon, YOU FUCKED WITH THE WRONG PERSON PUNK ASS BITCH.
This isnt my opinion, but stone cold FACT.
It shows that trayvon was a fuckin head case with mental problems.
When I was 17, I never had those items in my backpack. Because I wasnt a criminal thug.
Now, I know this information is inadmissable, FINE, I only bring it up to show what kind of animal we are dealing with here.
Now, to the people defending trayvon, there is absolutely nothing wrong with finding those items in his backpack.
BUT, to healthy people, its a HUGE RED FLAG.
Zimmermann's dad came forward today saying that trayvon told his son that he was going to die today. GUESS AGAIN trayvon, YOU FUCKED WITH THE WRONG PERSON PUNK ASS BITCH.
I'll pull you out of that one bunk hilton and cast you down with the sodomites. The warden, shawshank redemption.
Re: Okay - this subject needs to be touched on.
Link it up next time or it goes away brad.
http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/ ... story.html
http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/ ... story.html
Re: Okay - this subject needs to be touched on.
It didn't match the description of any "reported thefts"?

Joe Satriani is a mime, right? - 88
Show me your dicks. - trev
Show me your dicks. - trev
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Re: Okay - this subject needs to be touched on.
Hey jack? Did I say he committed a burglary? NO I DID NOT.R-Jack wrote:Link it up next time or it goes away brad.
http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/ ... story.html
Second, the report I cited was from the miami herald, ever heard of them jack?
Third, care to tell me how a 17 yr old can afford that kind of jewelry?
Take your time, Im not in a hurry.
DO NOT INSULT THIS BOARD. I never said he was charged with ANYTHING. BUT, unless you can give me a nice explanation of how a punk kid can afford expensive jewelry, dont insult our intelligence.
I'll pull you out of that one bunk hilton and cast you down with the sodomites. The warden, shawshank redemption.
- Shlomart Ben Yisrael
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Re: Okay - this subject needs to be touched on.
Maybe he was working part-time after school as an electrician's apprentice to earn the money to buy his mom something nice...like jewellery. Ever consider that?bradhusker wrote:...they found an extra large flathead screwdriver and several thousand dollars worth of women's diamond and gold jewelry.
rock rock to the planet rock ... don't stop
Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
Why don’t you just STFU.
Re: Okay - this subject needs to be touched on.
Link it up next time or it goes away brad.bradhusker wrote:Hey jack? Did I say he committed a burglary? NO I DID NOT.R-Jack wrote:Link it up next time or it goes away brad.
http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/ ... story.html
Second, the report I cited was from the miami herald, ever heard of them jack?
Third, care to tell me how a 17 yr old can afford that kind of jewelry?
Take your time, Im not in a hurry.
DO NOT INSULT THIS BOARD. I never said he was charged with ANYTHING. BUT, unless you can give me a nice explanation of how a punk kid can afford expensive jewelry, dont insult our intelligence.
- Certified Cockologist
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Re: Okay - this subject needs to be touched on.
OK, I guess I could swallow that explanation marty in the same way you or I would be able to swallow a full grown elephants cock.Martyred wrote:Maybe he was working part-time after school as an electrician's apprentice to earn the money to buy his mom something nice...like jewellery. Ever consider that?bradhusker wrote:...they found an extra large flathead screwdriver and several thousand dollars worth of women's diamond and gold jewelry.
I'll pull you out of that one bunk hilton and cast you down with the sodomites. The warden, shawshank redemption.
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Re: Okay - this subject needs to be touched on.
OK, so let me understand, Do I have to actually have a link? OR, can I cite the miami herald or some other trustworthy news organization, then have you check from there?R-Jack wrote:Link it up next time or it goes away brad.
http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/ ... story.html
I'll pull you out of that one bunk hilton and cast you down with the sodomites. The warden, shawshank redemption.
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Re: Okay - this subject needs to be touched on.
It seems fair to me, and I would guess most others on this board, that if I cite a reputable news organization, that in and of itself should suffice. Once I do that, all you'd have to do is just click, and you will see what I have cited. THEN, if what I cited isnt there, I would have to explain myself.
sound fair?
sound fair?
I'll pull you out of that one bunk hilton and cast you down with the sodomites. The warden, shawshank redemption.
Re: Okay - this subject needs to be touched on.
bradhusker wrote:DO NOT INSULT THIS BOARD.

The Herald reported that when campus security confronted Martin with the jewelry, he told them that a friend had given it to him, but he wouldn’t give a name.BUT, unless you can give me a nice explanation of how a punk kid can afford expensive jewelry, dont insult our intelligence.
Yep, 'cause that's what teenage friends do. They give each other "thousands of dollars" worth of diamond and gold jewelry. Gifting each other with watches is the new Facebook.
What's the problem?
Joe Satriani is a mime, right? - 88
Show me your dicks. - trev
Show me your dicks. - trev
Re: Okay - this subject needs to be touched on.
Did I fucking stutter?bradhusker wrote:It seems fair to me, and I would guess most others on this board, that if I cite a reputable news organization, that in and of itself should suffice. Once I do that, all you'd have to do is just click, and you will see what I have cited. THEN, if what I cited isnt there, I would have to explain myself.
sound fair?
- Certified Cockologist
- Posts: 2085
- Joined: Sun Aug 07, 2005 7:18 am
Re: Okay - this subject needs to be touched on.
For example, I cited an article in the miami herald, why should I supply a link, when all you need do is simply click over to their site?
I dont make shit up, unless I am being funny and looking for laughs. In the case of martin's backpack, I simply cited the article from the miami herald. So, again, why go to the trouble of supplying a link, when a simple click could bring anyone to the miami herald in mere seconds?
I consider it an insult to my intelligence when I must supply you with a link. YES, I damm sure do.
What is this, middle school?
I dont make shit up, unless I am being funny and looking for laughs. In the case of martin's backpack, I simply cited the article from the miami herald. So, again, why go to the trouble of supplying a link, when a simple click could bring anyone to the miami herald in mere seconds?
I consider it an insult to my intelligence when I must supply you with a link. YES, I damm sure do.
What is this, middle school?
I'll pull you out of that one bunk hilton and cast you down with the sodomites. The warden, shawshank redemption.
- Shlomart Ben Yisrael
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- Location: filling molotovs
Re: Okay - this subject needs to be touched on.
It's called "sourcing" your material.bradhusker wrote: I consider it an insult to my intelligence when I must supply you with a link. YES, I damm sure do.
What is this, middle school?
Felchco doesn't do it either.
Brad, don't be like Felchco. You're better than this, man.
rock rock to the planet rock ... don't stop
Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
Why don’t you just STFU.
- Certified Cockologist
- Posts: 2085
- Joined: Sun Aug 07, 2005 7:18 am
Re: Okay - this subject needs to be touched on.
alright alright, The real reason I dont do links is cause im old school. I still dont know how to port things over from youtube. THERE, are you happy now Jack? You've embarrassed me into telling everyone in here why I dont have links/
feel better?
feel better?
I'll pull you out of that one bunk hilton and cast you down with the sodomites. The warden, shawshank redemption.