I participate in these biometric screenings at work to get a discount on my health insurance. All you have to do to qualify for the savings is total cholesterol under 240 and a blood pressure of 140/90. In simple terms, as long as you are not a walking stroke risk with clogged arteries, you’re eligible. With the bloodwork they do, they include a list of other results for you to forward to your doctor and develop strategies to fix.
Got my results. Let's just say I don't need to call my doctor to work towards improvement.
Total cholesterol. Expected range 125-200. Mine : 149
HDL cholesterol (the good one). Expected: over 40mg/dl. Mine: 66
Triglycerides. Expected: under 150mg/dl. Mine : 33
LDL cholesterol (the bad one). Expected: under 130mg/dl. Mine : 76
Cholesterol/HDL ratio: Expeced: 5 or under. Mine : 2.3
Glucose: Too low:65. Too high:99. Mine: 84
BMI: 24.0
Blood Pressure: normal goal 120/80. Mine: 118/60
Needless to say that last weeks bloodwork was the best test I ever took in my life. Now I know this isn't the definitive statement of total body health. I have minor things like a creaky knee after back to back three hour games of basketball and I doubt that it's normal for one testicle to itch so much more than the other two. However I was very happy with reading these results yesterday. It goes without saying that I celebrated with a six pack of Pyramid.
Get used to it. This shithole is going to have me for a long, long, time.