First of all, how are you defining a "GOP candidate"? I mean since none of these demented frauds can seem to admit they've lost in the primary rounds, they've one after another announced the "suspending" of their campaign rather than "ending" it. Rick Perry is technically still in this "race." So is Cain and Bachmann.
Next, what do you mean by a "friend" of Israel? Do you mean a candidate willing to do anything whatsoever that Israel asks (except for freeing Pollard, of course)? Or propitiating the fake national socialist apartheid bunker state until the Lord Returns?
Obviously Barry is a big pal, and since he bailed out the banks and has backed all things military and federally intrusive, he actually qualifies as a GOP operative.
Romney's cult has "Zion " right there in the long official name, so he's a pal.
Currently suspended Santorum pledges fealty while feeling a frothy mixture of reverence and resentment against the Ashkanazi colonialists in Palestine (he regards them as the actual descendents of the ancient Hebrews).
Newt's state of suspension would react favorably to anyone willing to give him some cash.
Bachmann wants to fuck Bibi but she disgusts him.
Pretty sad when you consider there's no one else to even consider.
LTS TRN 2 wrote:...they've one after another announced the "suspending" of their campaign rather than "ending" it. Rick Perry is technically still in this "race." So is Cain and Bachmann.
Since you're stunningly ignorant as well as being a blithering idiot, I'll help you out here. Suspending a campaign is a technicality that allows a former candidate to continue fund raising in order to retire his campaign debts.
They aren't laying out in the weeds hoping for a break to get back in the race as you seem to believe in your pitifully delusional state.
Screw_Michigan wrote: ↑Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:39 pmUnlike you tards, I actually have functioning tastebuds and a refined pallet.
Look, I never regarded them in any race to begin with. They're literally a bunch of lunatics who should properly horrify even the staunchest goose-steppers among the bunkered ranks of right-wing hackdom--and that's you, Mall Cop. Why aren't you horrified? You're a big friend of Israel, so can you accept a robot from the planet Kolob as America's commander in chief, to dutifully serve the Zionazi state in its agenda? I mean what are friends for?
But..there's always the welter of ignorance and fear girdling our rowdy republic, and...(psssst..) they know it.
While only 36 percent of all Americans believe that the Bible is God's Word and should be taken literally, 59 percent say they believe that events predicted in the Book of Revelation will come to pass. Almost one out of four Americans believes that 9/11 was predicted in the Bible, and nearly one in five believes that he or she will live long enough to see the end of the world. Even more significant for this study, over one-third of those Americans who support Israel report that they do so because they believe the Bible teaches that the Jews must possess their own country in the Holy Land before Jesus can return.
Millions of Americans believe that the Bible predicts the future and that we are living in the last days. Their beliefs are rooted in dispensationalism, a particular way of understanding the Bible's prophetic passages, especially those in Daniel and Ezekiel in the Old Testament and the Book of Revelation in the New Testament. They make up about one-third of America's 40 or 50 million evangelical Christians and believe that the nation of Israel will play a central role in the unfolding of end-times events. In the last part of the 20th century, dispensationalist evangelicals become Israel's best friends-an alliance that has made a serious geopolitical difference.