So what does the future hold for PSU?

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Re: So what does the future hold for PSU?

Post by PSUFAN »

The Seer wrote:
PSUFAN wrote:Please explain to me what NCAA violations PSU has committed - or why the NCAA would have jurisdiction in criminal or civil matters.
Okay......let's pretend the NCAA had the foresight to include in their bylaws that ass raping kids by members of the football program is not permitted. THEN they would be guilty of an NCAA infraction.....

What would an appropriate punishment action look like to you?
If the NCAA took over jurisdiction over non-athletics, then I guess a punishment would have to be set for all sorts of things. Maybe they can take over divorce, traffic violations, small claims while they're at it? Establishing an entirely separate channel for judicial proceedings....great idea! Maybe this is a way to cut government spending.

Fucking brilliant.
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80' out.
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Re: So what does the future hold for PSU?

Post by PSUFAN »

buckeye_in_sc wrote:if you are going to cover up this type of abuse...what ELSE did they cover up?

Rougue Booster payments?
Securing recruits?
etc, etc

I mean honestly people want to bag on Tressel for what he did and what happened at OSU...Joe Pa knew this was going on and only fired Jerry and still gave him access to the place? He is just as complicit as the rest...and it's funny PSU fans on boards were pounding OSU and JT for what seems MINOR compared to what this could bring...but they all defend Joe like he is still some Saint...dude knew kids were getting abused and FUCKING DID NOTHING except fire the asswipe but still let him around the joint...

say what you want...but if you covered this up again...what else would Joe and his grand experiment cover up...fuck Joe Pa and PSU

Essentially, I agree with you. Every fan base has the Moron Sector. PSU is particularly well-supplied...or maybe it just seems that way to me, because I share a rooting interest with them.

In an developing rivalry like that of PSU/tOSU, you have idiots flinging stones in glass houses. When the barest hint of tOSU wrongdoing surfaced, you had the PSU Moron Sector prematurely ejaculating all over the internet and at tailgates in their glee to be able to talk stupid shit.

The Moron Sector is there for all fanbases...which lead you eventually to the understanding that there are plenty of good, reasonable fans out there that are completely different. They are the true lifeblood of BTPCF.

At PSU, we have a contingent that readied their defenses the very second the Sandusky Affair hit the presses. Their beginning standpoint was that their God would be protected, no matter what. Let everything else go to hell, Joe Paterno had nothing whatsoever to do with this. I can't adequately express how much this approach disgusts me. These are particularly trying times for this contingent, and I'll gladly join you in denouncing them.
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80' out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
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Re: So what does the future hold for PSU?

Post by Goober McTuber »

SoCalTrjn wrote:California produces more MLB players than any other state. USC alone, on top of 12 National Titles (twice as many as any other school) has produced 200 MLB players.
California produces more NBA players than any other state ... ca/page/26
California produces more soccer players than any other state ... y_US_state
California also produces more pro skaters, more pro surfers, more pro MX racers, more pro auto racers...than any other state.
California also produces more tards than any other state.
Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote: They couldn't even kick that doctors ass

Seems they rather just lay there, get fucked and play victim
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Re: So what does the future hold for PSU?

Post by buckeye_in_sc »

PSU...yeah those were more the people I was running that at...but again if Joe knew and covered this up again what else went on? That is where the NCAA rub comes in...I mean they could investigate right? They can be sitting in their non profit (cough ivory tower) going well if Joe Pa covered this up can we find other shit...

maybe? Who knows...

yeah there was a contingent defending JT although they are much different issues and abuses of power...I'll gladly denounce on either side of the fan bases those who feel either or any was in the right...
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Re: So what does the future hold for PSU?

Post by buckeye_in_sc »

pro surfers and bmx just wow...

we have an early morning favorite going off here fellas for Bitch of the year
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Re: So what does the future hold for PSU?

Post by PSUFAN »

War Wagon wrote:
PSUFAN wrote:Again, I'll say it - Sandusky and his enablers committed crimes, not NCAA violations. I do understand...
What you apparently don't understand is that you were and are one of the enablers... and that you keep digging the hole deeper.
You're right, I definitely don't understand that I'm an enabler. I understand that you are an enabler, however.

I know that it's difficult for you to take in, process, and report meaningfully on information that you stumble across, so I don't expect results here apart from the benefit of onlookers.

If you think suspending or killing PSU Football strikes a blow against Pedophilia, sexual abuse, or anything of the kind, then you are completely missing the boat...and at worst, you are enabling Pedos that play upon your ignorance and idiocy like kcpaul plays upon a twinkie wrapper.

The core issue here is a defense of victims and improved awareness and advocacy and support for services that combat abuse.

Whether or not PSU plays another down of football is so far down the chain as to be insignificant in my view - yet, that is exactly where you and your ilk are focusing their attentions. I hope you're proud of yourself - and I hope (but don't expect) that one day you come to understand these issues and how important it is that they be dealt with in every community.

What the fuck have you done in this regard, Wags...apart from point the finger at someone else? You need to stop assuming that this is a "Penn State Problem" and use every available watt in your dim bulb to sort this through, next time preferably before you wedge open your stinking lardhole.
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80' out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
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Re: So what does the future hold for PSU?

Post by Goober McTuber »

PSUFAN, your sticking point seems to be that Sandusky’s violations were legal, and not NCAA violations. So if say, Oklahoma has multiple instances of athletes beating people up, carrying guns, raping women, etc, that goes on year after year, that doesn’t represent LOIC?
Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote: They couldn't even kick that doctors ass

Seems they rather just lay there, get fucked and play victim
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Re: So what does the future hold for PSU?

Post by PSUFAN »

What has happened in the past when student athletes have broken the law? Have we looked to the NCAA to administer justice, or to the judicial system?

Like MClub says above - who knows which way the wind will blow where the NCAA is concerned?

Also - who knows what revelation will hit next? I'll admit - the first rumorings about Sandusky seemed totally unbelievable to me. I could never have foreseen the events of the past few months. For all I know tomorrow will bring a whole new disgusting facet into view.
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80' out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
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Re: So what does the future hold for PSU?

Post by Van »

PSUFan, the NCAA already has taken over jurisdiction of non-athletic violations. They didn't punish USC for anything "athletic." They punished USC for a house that was rented by the family of one of USC's players. That was an NCAA violation, and it was hardly based on anything to do with athletics.

PSU coaches and administrators covering up violations committed by football staff personnel is no different, and child-rape is clearly an NCAA violation whether you wish to accept it or not.
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Re: So what does the future hold for PSU?

Post by PSUFAN »

I'll take your word on what happened to USC. Time will tell what the NCAA will do to PSU, it appears our positions on the matter are fairly well delineated.
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80' out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
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Re: So what does the future hold for PSU?

Post by M Club »

buckeye_in_sc wrote:if you are going to cover up this type of abuse...what ELSE did they cover up?

Rougue Booster payments?
Securing recruits?
etc, etc

I mean honestly people want to bag on Tressel for what he did and what happened at OSU...Joe Pa knew this was going on and only fired Jerry and still gave him access to the place? He is just as complicit as the rest...and it's funny PSU fans on boards were pounding OSU and JT for what seems MINOR compared to what this could bring...but they all defend Joe like he is still some Saint...dude knew kids were getting abused and FUCKING DID NOTHING except fire the asswipe but still let him around the joint...

say what you want...but if you covered this up again...what else would Joe and his grand experiment cover up...fuck Joe Pa and PSU
I've been wondering the same about Tressel. Totally did things by the book until we all discovered he didn't even own one in the first place. Unless tatgate was his first dance with the devil. :meds:
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Re: So what does the future hold for PSU?

Post by buckeye_in_sc »

M that is my point...this was the only thing that JT supposedly did...but again with the ONE man in charge type of philosophy he could very well have covered up anything...not saying he didn't...

my bigger point is if this was going on for years at PSU what else could be NCAA wise? That is my question/statement...

nothing more nothing less...
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Re: So what does the future hold for PSU?

Post by M Club »

It's not exactly a linear progression from minor NCAA violations to giving a pedo the spare key to your house. Deleting emails and lying about eligibility is shady; letting your friend rape kids is something else entirely.
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Re: So what does the future hold for PSU?

Post by SoCalTrjn »

buckeye_in_sc wrote:pro surfers and bmx just wow...

we have an early morning favorite going off here fellas for Bitch of the year
Dont take it out of context, that was a counter point to a post that stated that athletes in New York participate in other sports rather than just football so I posted that to show that that is the case everywhere.
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Re: So what does the future hold for PSU?

Post by SoCalTrjn »

Goober McTuber wrote:PSUFAN, your sticking point seems to be that Sandusky’s violations were legal, and not NCAA violations. So if say, Oklahoma has multiple instances of athletes beating people up, carrying guns, raping women, etc, that goes on year after year, that doesn’t represent LOIC?
Bryant Gumbell made that point on Real Sports when USC was hit with the LOIC. His statement was that Florida had something like 50 players arrested in a 4 year span while all USC had was one players step dad take some money from some agent wannabes to get his step son to leave school early and go pro. That it seemed to him that Florida did not have the institutional control.
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Re: So what does the future hold for PSU?

Post by Dinsdale »

Two legit, solid takes from Toejam in a row?

Someone obviously slipped me some acid.
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Re: So what does the future hold for PSU?

Post by MgoBlue-LightSpecial »

SoCalTrjn wrote:Bryant Gumbell made that point on Real Sports when USC was hit with the LOIC. His statement was that Florida had something like 50 players arrested in a 4 year span while all USC had was one players step dad take some money from some agent wannabes to get his step son to leave school early and go pro. That it seemed to him that Florida did not have the institutional control.
That's because the NCAA deals with "fair play" matters, not criminal matters. [BSmack]Tell me you knew?[/BSmack]
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Re: So what does the future hold for PSU?

Post by Wolfman »

My brother played his college ball at Penn State in the early 1960's. He is not happy with what is going down, but as a Varisty Club member and all that still has his season tickets and goes to the games. He see a bit of a silver lining as there was a lot of grumbling that JoePa had outlived his time. A new coach and new philosophy about how to play the game may well smooth things out in Happy Valley.
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Re: So what does the future hold for PSU?

Post by Terry in Crapchester »

Van wrote:
Terry in Crapchester wrote:The number of sports "kids" play is wholly irrelevant to this discussion. Most "kids" won't be playing Division 1 level football, or any other sport for that matter. And that holds true regardless of where you live.
It also holds true that every single person who plays D1 football is/was a kid.
What is relevant is the number of sports that elite athletes play. In New York, they are encouraged to play multiple sports. I could be wrong about this, but I believe that in most other states, elite athletes are encouraged to focus on one sport.
What on earth are you basing this on? In a warm-weather state like California do you think elite athletes don't play other sports besides football? Have you seen how many of USC's players over the years also ran track, for instance?

John Elway, noted football player, was also known to have played a bit of baseball as well.
You're making the argument something it's not. As my first post said, it goes to the culture. Virtually every elite athlete in New York is encouraged to play a sport in every season.

Are you telling me that many (not all, but many) of the elite football players in California are not encouraged to focus on football?
Lacrosse is a non-starter why? Because you said so?
Because it's not a choice between being a star football player or playing lacrosse for enough kids that it would amount to a hill of beans. Lacrosse is a sport played at a serious level only in select communities, and no one else cares. Football isn't suffering from lacrosse-drain.
There are a lot more kids playing Division I lacrosse than you realize. There are only about 60 or so Division I lacrosse programs in the country, but that's about the same number as for hockey.
Who gives a fuck? Football isn't suffering from hockey-drain either. Jesus, could your arguments be any more provincial?
You were the one who brought hockey into the discussion, remember?
New York didn't have a state school competing at the Division 1-A level until 1999, and still doesn't have a state school competing at the BCS level. New York is, far and away, the most heavily populated state about which that claim can be made. Massachusetts is the closest competitor in that regard.
WGARA? Nebraska has managed to become a football power, and they have a population that's about the same as one ghetto in a single NYC borough.

Why not Syracuse? Who said it has to be a state school?
Offhand, the only states I can think of where the most successful 1-A football program is at a private school are Indiana (ND), California (USC), Massachusetts (BC), New York (Syracuse), and, for a time (although no longer) Florida (Miami) and Utah (BYU). In every other state with at least one school competing at the 1-A level, the most successful football program is at a state school.

That point notwithstanding, are you familiar with Syracuse athletics? Basketball is kingpin there.

And while we're kinda sorta on the subject, let's take a look at the Division 1-A football schools where basketball is king, shall we? Off the top of my head, we have . . .

Illinois (??)
New Mexico
North Carolina
North Carolina State
Pitt (more recently, although a bit more debatable from an historical standpoint)

Notice a similarity here? It's certainly not geography, so let me fill you in as to what it is. None of these schools is anything remotely approaching a football power. Yeah, some of them might have the occasional 9-3 season here or there, but none of them is ever going to seriously contend for a national championship (yeah, Pitt did win one in our lifetime, but like I said earlier, Pitt is a relatively recent addition to this group). Other than that, the closest thing on this list to a sustained national power is UCLA. And most of the time, they're not even the best football team in their own city (although they are better than Cal most of the time).

That is why Syracuse is not a football power. How does Nebraska's basketball team usually fare?
7-game regular season in New York. How, exactly, is that a non-starter?

As if Ohio would let such silly impediments become "problems." If places that are colder than NYC can have normal-length football seasons, why can't NY?
The issue has more to do with the start of the football season than the end of it. Like I said, school doesn't start in New York until after Labor Day. They won't start the high school football season before school is back in session -- in fact, I don't think they could do that, legally, even if they wanted to.

Also, the sectional/state playoffs run for a rather lengthy period of time -- about six-seven weeks all told (three weeks for sectionals, then three-four for state playoffs). Of course, with each successive week, fewer and fewer teams are playing (sin, you know who). And high school basketball coaches have successfully lobbied to have the state football playoffs concluded by Thanksgiving weekend.

Short of giving them the finger, there's no way to extend the season later. The only way to extend it would be earlier, but that would require changing the school calendar.
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Re: So what does the future hold for PSU?

Post by Wolfman »

Terry spots an interesting point here.Before New York's high school athletic association instituted a football play-off system, most schools played a 9-10 game schedule with maybe a couple of intersectional games at the end of the regular season. Once the play-off system came into being, many schools only ended up playing maybe 6 or 7 games, especially the smaller schools. Coaches began to have a hard time convincing players to quit summer jobs early and commit to the sport and end up playing only a few games. I was involved in both situations as an official of 32 years in central NY.
Also, lacrosse became a hot sport and a ticket to a free college education for a lot of NY high school kids. It is played in the spring and made a wreck out of high school baseball. Also, a lot of the LAX kids opted for soccer in the fall, a lot more games and better training/conditioning for LAX.
One other thing for people not from NY. Syracuse University itself is NOT a NY State university. The SUNY system has many smaller schools like Stoney Brook, Cortland, Albany, etc. scattered around the state and no huge large campus like say Penn State.
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Re: So what does the future hold for PSU?

Post by Mr T »

NCAA went after schools with Native American mascots because of their code of ethics. If the NCAA doesn't hammer them like a little boy in the state of PA, I call bullshit
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Re: So what does the future hold for PSU?

Post by BSmack »

Wolfman wrote:One other thing for people not from NY. Syracuse University itself is NOT a NY State university. The SUNY system has many smaller schools like Stoney Brook, Cortland, Albany, etc. scattered around the state and no huge large campus like say Penn State.
Close, but not exactly. SUNY has 4 schools (Buffalo, Binghamton, Albany and Stoney Brook) that are considered Universities that are far and away bigger than all the other SUNY institutions. It is those 4 schools that are allowed by state law to compete as Division 1 schools as they have the enrollment numbers needed to compete in D1 sports. In the case of Stony Brook, they have an enrollment of over 20,000.
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Re: So what does the future hold for PSU?

Post by MgoBlue-LightSpecial »

Stony Brook made it to the College World Series this year. What other schools have offered your figment of your imagination son?
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Re: So what does the future hold for PSU?

Post by Screw_Michigan »

:lol: He's posting under Schmick.
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You are truly one of the worst pieces of shit to ever post on this board. Start giving up your paycheck for reparations now and then you can shut the fuck up about your racist blasts.
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Re: So what does the future hold for PSU?

Post by PSUFAN »

Your son should friend Sandusky on FB...just sayin'.
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80' out.
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Re: So what does the future hold for PSU?

Post by BSmack »

schmick wrote:I had never even heard of Stony Brook college until December when their baseball coaches started sending my son a letter every 3 or 4 days. When they call him he keeps telling them that he is not interested in going to school on the wrong side of the country or living where it snows. Does not matter, they have been unflappable, even visited him at a baseball tournament back east last weekend.
It almost never snows on Long Island, and the few times it does, it melts a day later. Not to mention, Stony Brook is a short ride on the LIR to NYC. I could think of a lot worse ways to spend 4 years.
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Re: So what does the future hold for PSU?

Post by MgoBlue-LightSpecial »

schmick wrote:Haven't posted under a different name
schmick isn't a different name from SoCalTrjn? :?
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Re: So what does the future hold for PSU?

Post by MgoBlue-LightSpecial »

schmick wrote:I think having to live in the north east would be a culture shock to a kid who has never lived anywhere but in Southern California more than 20 miles from the Beach, goes to High School in Orange County and who hates cold weather. Plus cold weather isn't conducive to baseball, here they can play it year round
In other words, he's a weather pussy who couldn't handle life away from mommy & daddy.
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Re: So what does the future hold for PSU?

Post by BSmack »

schmick wrote:Plus He didnt like NYC the 2 times I have taken him there, he said he preferred New York New York Casino in Vegas to NYC. Unfortunately, a large portion of his better scholarship offers have come from schools in the New York area, RPI and RIT have both been pretty consistent with wanting him to go there as well as 2 SUNY schools

I think having to live in the north east would be a culture shock to a kid who has never lived anywhere but in Southern California more than 20 miles from the Beach, goes to High School in Orange County and who hates cold weather. Plus cold weather isn't conducive to baseball, here they can play it year round
For starters, RIT and RPI are nowhere near NYC. RPI is 3 hours north near Albany and RIT is 6 hours away in a suburb of Rochester. Now THOSE are places that will get snow, particularly RIT.

Also, I'm not sure about RPI, I do know that RIT is not a D1 school for baseball. RIT can't even offer scholarships for hockey, which they DO play at a D1 level, so I'm not sure how they are offering your son anything other than work study grants for baseball.

Who is the other SUNY school offering? UB? Albany? Binghamton?
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Re: So what does the future hold for PSU?

Post by MgoBlue-LightSpecial »

schmick wrote:Never understood the "weather pussy" thing. He chooses not to go live in a place with shitty weather, doesn't make him a pussy . If he chose not to go to Penn State would he be an ass rape pussy?
Turning down better opportunities because you don't like the cold = weather pussy.
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Re: So what does the future hold for PSU?

Post by BSmack »

Turns out Joe Pa didn't just cover up for child rapists. He also covered up his athlete's wrongdoings.

Are we getting closer to LOIC? ... -behavior/
"Once upon a time, dinosaurs didn't have families. They lived in the woods and ate their children. It was a golden age."

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Re: So what does the future hold for PSU?

Post by Goober McTuber »

BSmack wrote:Turns out Joe Pa didn't just cover up for child rapists. He also covered up his athlete's wrongdoings.

Are we getting closer to LOIC? ... -behavior/
Lack Of Institutional Control? Sounds like JoePa had shitloads of institutional control (SOIC).
Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote: They couldn't even kick that doctors ass

Seems they rather just lay there, get fucked and play victim
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Re: So what does the future hold for PSU?

Post by PSUFAN »

We're definitely getting closer to more hot water for Spanier, that's for sure.

I think before long, he'll need to weigh in on Triponey's charges...specifically, was it true that Paterno threatened to stop fundraising if he (Spanier) didn't fire Triponey?

No matter what, seems Spanier let Paterno walk all over him...just like a lot of other people did in the administrations over the years.
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80' out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
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Re: So what does the future hold for PSU?

Post by Van »

Goober McTuber wrote:
BSmack wrote:Turns out Joe Pa didn't just cover up for child rapists. He also covered up his athlete's wrongdoings.

Are we getting closer to LOIC? ... -behavior/
Lack Of Institutional Control? Sounds like JoePa had shitloads of institutional control (SOIC).

With all this shit finally coming out, Paterno is coming off more and more as a fucking mob boss.
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Re: So what does the future hold for PSU?

Post by BSmack »

Van wrote: :lol:

With all this shit finally coming out, Paterno is coming off more and more as a fucking mob boss.
By comparison, the Jackie Sherrills and the Barry Switzers are looking pretty good.
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Re: So what does the future hold for PSU?

Post by Terry in Crapchester »

BSmack wrote:
Wolfman wrote:One other thing for people not from NY. Syracuse University itself is NOT a NY State university. The SUNY system has many smaller schools like Stoney Brook, Cortland, Albany, etc. scattered around the state and no huge large campus like say Penn State.
Close, but not exactly. SUNY has 4 schools (Buffalo, Binghamton, Albany and Stoney Brook) that are considered Universities that are far and away bigger than all the other SUNY institutions. It is those 4 schools that are allowed by state law to compete as Division 1 schools as they have the enrollment numbers needed to compete in D1 sports. In the case of Stony Brook, they have an enrollment of over 20,000.
I ask this because I honestly don't know, but . . . is enrollment an absolute dealbreaker for Division I status?

I tend to think not. There are plenty of schools whose enrollment doesn't come close to five figures yet play at the D1 level. Duke, Wake Forest, Rice, the service academies, and Providence (doesn't play Division 1-A football, granted, but does play a ton of other D1 sports) come quickly to mind. Of course, it's possible that the NCAA may have grandfathered those schools in against enrollment requirements. Of course, low enrollment does adversely affect a school's ability to be competitive in sports at the D1 level.
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Re: So what does the future hold for PSU?

Post by Terry in Crapchester »

schmick wrote:
MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:
schmick wrote:Never understood the "weather pussy" thing. He chooses not to go live in a place with shitty weather, doesn't make him a pussy . If he chose not to go to Penn State would he be an ass rape pussy?
Turning down better opportunities because you don't like the cold = weather pussy.
Not necessarily a better opportunity, some of those schools may offer a larger portion of a scholarship but the schools dont rate as high as the ones he prefers or because he is an out of state student, the portion not covered by the scholarship will be as high or higher than what he would be left with if he chooses an instate school. There is nothing wrong with a 17 year old choosing not to live where the weather is miserable when he has options like he does
schmick wrote:After Stanford his favorite schools are UCI, UCSB, Pepperdine.
Uhhh, two of the schools you mentioned above are private, so the in-state tuition argument doesn't apply. Plus those two schools are among the most expensive in the country, tuition-wise.

To be totally fair, RPI and RIT aren't Division I for baseball, IIRC, so if your kid's heart is set on playing at the D1 level, there is that.

Btw, I'm somewhat surprised that your kids are allowed to play "pussy" sports like baseball and surfing.
War Wagon wrote:The first time I click on one of your youtube links will be the first time.
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Re: So what does the future hold for PSU?

Post by BSmack »

Terry in Crapchester wrote:I ask this because I honestly don't know, but . . . is enrollment an absolute dealbreaker for Division I status?
In the opinion of the SUNY Board of Trustees it is. And they're the only opinion that matters when it comes to SUNY. Obviously in NY alone there are plenty of private schools that have lower enrollment than SUNY University Centers that sponsor D1 sports. St. Bonaventure, Niagara, Colgate, Marist...

My guess is that the trustees don't want the budgetary issues that come with having to field 6 sports and meet scholarship levels for all of the many SUNY colleges, so they restrict the D1 sports to the University Centers.
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Re: So what does the future hold for PSU?

Post by Screw_Michigan »

Go fuck yourself already, cunt.
kcdave wrote: Sat Sep 09, 2023 8:05 am
I was actually going to to join in the best bets activity here at good ole T1B...The guy that runs that contest is a fucking prick
Derron wrote: Sat Oct 03, 2020 3:07 pm
You are truly one of the worst pieces of shit to ever post on this board. Start giving up your paycheck for reparations now and then you can shut the fuck up about your racist blasts.
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Re: So what does the future hold for PSU?

Post by Van »

Screwball, why the enmity towards schmick? This guy clearly is not SoCalTrjn; or, if he is, he's so much better in his shmick persona that we ought to welcome the change from shit troll to reasonable poster.
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