MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:Van wrote:Because in Penn St's case they have the easy fallback you're arguing, which is that the justice system can mete out all the punishment needed.
But you've stated multiples times how PSU has *CLEARLY* committed major violations -- so considering that, why wouldn't the NCAA crack down on them?
For the same reason the Penn St coaches and administrators did nothing despite knowing they were harboring a child predator: because they can. Given the choice between taking action or passing the buck, it's easier to pass the buck.
If these violations are as clear-cut and blatant as you claim, then no, they wouldn't have an easy fallback.
Sure they would/will, because of people like you who think that letting the judicial system punish the individuals involved is sufficient, as if the football program and its overinflated importance to the Penn St administration wasn't the key factor in why any of this was allowed to happen.
They have the option of simply pussing out and doing nothing, same as the Penn St coaches and administrators did, and they'll likely prove to be just as loathsome by again choosing the path of least resistance.
Why didn't they choose that same path with USC then? Especially since USC really didn't even do anything wrong, according to you? Your logic still makes no sense.
Because they didn't have the judicial system punishments and the death of the main protagonist to fall back on.
Please try to follow along, Mgo. These obvious distinctions are not difficult to discern.
How could it not be? LOIC can be applied as arbitrarily as they wish. The NCAA has proven that fact beyond any shadow of a doubt. They do NOT require a specific set of guidelines already be in effect before those guidelines are deemed broken. No, they can convene and interpret their findings any way they want and then act accordingly. They are free to set their own precedents each and every time, changing them on a whim.
I guessed this to be the case at one point too. From what I've read and heard, I don't believe that's how the NCAA operates at all. I heard a radio interview last week with a former member of the NCAA's compliance department, and he said he didn't believe the NCAA would take action because PSU didn't break major violations IN ACCORDANCE TO HOW THE NCAA DEFINES THEM, and that they most certainly would not redefine their jurisdiction and/or set new precedents for matters that stemmed from criminal action.
The NCAA hasn't a clue from one day to the next as to how they define and enforce their own rules. They are all over the map, and no one can dispute this. All it takes is for one key member to be replaced by another and the whole agenda can change. Hell, all it may take is for one member to wake up on the wrong side of the bed and their whole agenda can change.
Hammering USC the way they did while letting OSU off with nothing but a slap on the wrist despite having committed far worse transgressions is proof of this, and their treatment of Cal Tech only offers further proof.
LOIC is a general tag for a collection of specific major violations exclusively related to "fair play" matters.
That may be your interpretion of LOIC, but that definition sure isn't written in NCAA stone.
I'm asking you to link those specific violations.
I already did: LOIC, which THEY define however they wish, subject to NO oversight. 'LOIC' does not have a set definition. They apply it as needed, however and whenever they wish.
You act like these guys convene over a cup of coffee and go, "Okay, so what are we gonna hit these guys with? LOIC? Everyone good with that? Cool, let's hit the links."
They easily could do exactly that, yes. No one could stop them, and they would be entirely correct to do so.
That's why they won't do it. They're the NCAA.
No, they've got a book thicker than War & Peac full of chapters, points, sub points, sub sub points, etc., that get down to the nitty gritty.
Not where LOIC is concerned, they don't. They hit USC with LOIC based on no specific set of violations committed by USC. They spoke of vague "culture" issues, and little of substance beyond the Reggie Bush incident. They then completely ignored whatever criteria they used in the USC decision when they were presented with Jim Tressel's actions amid the whole OSU scandal. Again, you had the
head coach committing the main violation there, and still the NCAA somehow found it within their infinite wisdom not to construe what he did as a LOIC.
There is no rhyme or reason as to how they apply that particular dictum. It's their wild card, their blank piece in a Scrabble game that they can pull out or withhold as needed.
Simply saying that they committed LOIC, from your point of view, is completely useless. Put up or shut up.
I already have. In spades. It's your turn to tell me how an institution (coaches
and the highest members of the university's administration) that behaved wildly out of control was not guilty of a lack of institutional control.