"11th Trimester."poptart wrote:"What is the latest point at which you would allow an abortion to take place?"

Moderator: Jesus H Christ
"11th Trimester."poptart wrote:"What is the latest point at which you would allow an abortion to take place?"
Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
Why don’t you just STFU.
Jsc's take is that only infants who are "incompatible with life" should be put to death, but his definition of "incompatible with life" is just his own.Van wrote:pop, he already clarified it as "the moment it draws breath," so of course he's not including newborns...that is, unless they have a horrible, tragic, and permanent/fatal physical issue upon birth.
You're laffably wrong on both points you made.Van wrote:Jesus, quit being a moron. That question is nearly as ridiculous as equating Pol Pot's campaign of genocide to women choosing what to do with their own bodies.
What, do you seriously think the majority of abortions are performed on thirty-ish, upstanding career women?trev wrote:Not buying that at all. Maybe a small percentage.
It is NOT his own fucking definition! He clearly stated that "incompatible with life" is a strict medical term, and that doctors are the only ones who can make that determination. Not himself, not me, not you, not the mother...doctors. You know, those professionals who rely on provable science and actually know what they're talking about when it comes to making such determinations?poptart wrote:Jsc's take is that only infants who are "incompatible with life" should be put to death, but his definition of "incompatible with life" is just his own.Van wrote:pop, he already clarified it as "the moment it draws breath," so of course he's not including newborns...that is, unless they have a horrible, tragic, and permanent/fatal physical issue upon birth.
That's for abortion. His "incompatibility with life" qualifier referred to newborns. For an abortion, yes, it should always be the woman's decision. Religious concerns and panties-in-a-wad types with their misplaced sensitivities should have no bearing on what a woman does with her own body.The standard he set in wanting to shoot down my 3 condition limit on abortions (rape, danger to mother, fatal fetus defect) is that they should ALWAYS be a woman's decision.
Exactly. How dare you. You have no right to tell a woman what she must do with her own body. When you can become pregnant and go through everything you're telling her she must go through, then you can offer your opinion to her, and that's it.How dare I try to set a limit based on my own sensibilities.
Are you insane? Seriously. Have you gone completely off the deep end, and now you aren't even truly firing on all cylinders?He said, "Great, good for you, pop. You have weighed the circumstances, and after careful consideration, decided on the abortion option. Why do you want to prohibit others from doing the same thing?"
But look at him now.
He is doing the EXACT same thing that he scolded me for.
He accepts that infants may be killed if they are "incompatible with life," and yet he thinks that only HE may decide what that means.
Parents DON'T make that determination! Doctors do. ONLY DOCTORS! Jsc isn't trying whatsoever to make any decisions for the parents or the doctors!If parents decide that an infant is "incompatible with life," due to it having some form of disability, Jsc can step the hell OUT and let them make their own death decision for that infant... and themselves.
He isn't telling them anything. He's saying that if doctors determine a newborn to be "incompatible with life" then the parents should have the option of euthanizing the newborn, just as the elderly and their families ought to have the right to euthanization for the terminally ill who are needlessly suffering.How dare he try to tell them their business?
The "U.S. campaign"? So, what, now you have the U.S. Government making the call and demanding women have abortions?You're laffably wrong on both points you made.Van wrote:Jesus, quit being a moron. That question is nearly as ridiculous as equating Pol Pot's campaign of genocide to women choosing what to do with their own bodies.
The U.S. campaign of genocide dwarfs that of Pol Pot.
Not close.
It's not a dead baby, either. When that fetus dies in her body naturally, it also gets dispelled naturally from her body...because it's part of her body.The dead fetus is not the woman's body.
Welcome to Reality 101.
Which is why neither I nor any other man ever ought to try and tell a woman what she must do with her own body.trev wrote:Van, you are a male and really can't begin to know what's it's like being a female.
Yes, and "a lot" of young, clueless women are having them too. In the end, their age doesn't even matter. It's their body. That's all anyone needs to know.But, nice try. A lot of 20's and over are having abortions.
If it's part of her body, why did you just say that a fetus dies?Van wrote:It's not a dead baby, either. When that fetus dies in her body naturally, it also gets dispelled naturally from her body...because it's part of her body.
Of COURSE it's a U.S. campaign, dimwit.Van wrote:The "U.S. campaign"? So, what, now you have the U.S. Government making the call and demanding women have abortions?
Because fetuses can die, just like cells and tissues in her body die.poptart wrote:If it's part of her body, why did you just say that a fetus dies?Van wrote:It's not a dead baby, either. When that fetus dies in her body naturally, it also gets dispelled naturally from her body...because it's part of her body.
The woman lives on. As it should be.But the woman lives on, so guess what?
It ain't "another" until it leaves her body and is breathing without her necessary assistance.The death of another has taken place.
It's not "bullcrap" and I'll never stop with it. It's 100% fact, as is "poptart is a fucking lunatic."You can stop with the "it's her body" bullcrap.
Oh really? The U.S. Government demands that women have abortions? They make women have them?Of COURSE it's a U.S. campaign, dimwit.Van wrote:The "U.S. campaign"? So, what, now you have the U.S. Government making the call and demanding women have abortions?
Women make the choice themselves. No government representative or member of any authoritative body is making them do anything.The U.S. people have been doing the killing - and the people's representatives have surely sanctioned it.
Hardly. The story of Noah's ark is the dumbest thing you've ever heard. Wait. No. The story of Adam and Eve and Creation is the dumbest thing you've ever heard. No, wait...."Incompatible with life" is perhaps the dumbest term I've ever heard.
It's a medical term. We don't pimp it. Jsc didn't come up with it. Doctors came up with it to describe a specific set of provable physical circumstances.So dumb, in fact, that, well, you and Jsc would pimp it.
Since you managed to miss everything else Jsc posted, I guess it would make sense that you also missed the definition he provided for the term. Anyway, no, it doesn't mean they're dead. It means they stand no chance of continuing to live for very much longer. Survival is impossible.If someone is incompatible with life, it's funny to then see them... living, isn't it?
We have a ballpark life expectancy based on provable statistics for healthy people. That ballpark is longer than a few days or weeks beyond birth.In fact, we ALL are incompatible with life, then, because we are ALL dying as soon as we're born.
He did answer your question, and I repeated his answer for you: It ain't a chicken if it's still an egg, so don't count your chickens until they hatch.Btw, Jsc, you never answered my question.
Why is the 'first breath' the magic moment at which sacred life can not be terminated... except in the case of the dreaded 'incompatible with life' scenario?
Shut the fuck up, you fat, drunken pedophile.Toddowen wrote:WTF, Van?
3/4ths of your last post is fodder and filler. Is all that really necessary?
Carry on.
Just ...you don't need to carry on so much.
Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote: They couldn't even kick that doctors ass
Seems they rather just lay there, get fucked and play victim
I'm pretty sure the S. Koreans haven't snuffed the equivalent of almost 20% of their population over the course of 40 years.M Club wrote:wonder what the statistical profile of abortions in south korea looks like.
I was asking who gets abortions in Soko and why.poptart wrote:I'm pretty sure the S. Koreans haven't snuffed the equivalent of almost 20% of their population over the course of 40 years.M Club wrote:wonder what the statistical profile of abortions in south korea looks like.
Back of an envelope calculations suggest unmarried women have about 186,576 abortions a year. Who knows how many married women account for so I'll just say 200,000 total. 200,000 x 40 = 8 million. About 48 million in Soko so I guess that means only 16% of their population over the course of 40 years, so guess you're right.In 2007, 7,774 babies were born out of wedlock in South Korea, 1.6 percent of all births. (In the United States, nearly 40 percent of babies born in 2007 had unmarried mothers, according to the National Center for Health Statistics.) Nearly 96 percent of unwed pregnant women in South Korea choose abortion, according to the Ministry for Health, Welfare and Family Affairs.
How is the shit troll thing working out for you? Do you understand that you kick your own ass each and every time you post? I'm flattered a total loser that got ass blasted by me under a different nic had to hide under a shit troll. I win, you lose. Simple.Imus wrote:Come forth and entertain us, Ms. Panties
BSmack wrote:Best. AP take. Ever.
Seriously. I don't disagree with a word of it.
Atomic Punk wrote:
wolfman wrote:I also remember seeing all the old people dying in the streets because they did not have medicare. Good times.
Finally something you have a fucking clue about.Atomic Punk wrote: that got ass blasted by me
Screw_Michigan wrote: Democrats are the REAL racists.
Softball Bat wrote: Is your anus quivering?
FTFY.Imus wrote:Atomic Punk wrote:
Screw_Michigan wrote: Democrats are the REAL racists.
Softball Bat wrote: Is your anus quivering?
^ This^ - This is good common sense.trev wrote:One late term abortion would be too many, in my opinion. I am sure it has happened. 8.5 months? maybe, maybe not. It's not the decision I would make. Honestly, since evey situation is different, I am glad women have the choice. That doesn't mean women should take advantage of the choice and be irresponsible about it. That's all.
The typical pro-life conservative mindset. We'll do anything and everything for that fetus/baby from conception until birth. After that ? You're on your own.KC Scott wrote:Forcing a woman who can't afford a child to have it, then refusing as a taxpayer to help her support itpoptart wrote: What is my hypocracy supposed to be?
I know this was typed in response to Jsc but since I am dropping my 2 cents here, just clarifying. I don't GAS about gay marriage (two same sex partners want marital benefits and the chance to be as happy/miserable as the rest of the married population, have at it. who the fuck cares ? this is not a real issue and fuck anyone who thinks it is. don't like gay marriage ? don't get gay married. it's pretty simple, really. you love who you love. no one else's business.)War Wagon wrote:Fuck you, who think you have the right to decide who should live or die before a human being is even given the chance... while YOU bleat on about gay marriage being a fundamental right.
Fuck you all to hell and back.
Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote: They couldn't even kick that doctors ass
Seems they rather just lay there, get fucked and play victim
Yeah, there's also that.Sudden Sam wrote:And might I add that it's ridiculously hypocritical for those who worship a god who encourages murder, slaughter, cutting kids in half, and other assorted atrocities to even suggest that they're offended by the thought of aborting a fetus.
The woman and her partner are not removing a wart.buzzer wrote:Fuck you and your self righteous ilk right back. Fuck you for thinking that you (as an uninvolved party) have any right to decide what the woman (and her partner) who is pregnant should do about said pregnancy.
But by all means, pop, keep dancing amid the lunatic fringe.Van wrote:Which is why neither I nor any other man ever ought to try and tell a woman what she must do with her own body.trev wrote:Van, you are a male and really can't begin to know what's it's like being a female.
Thank you
No wonder you had to move to Korea to get laid. Your obvious high regard for women just oozes from every fourteenth-century pore.pop wrote:When a woman gets pregnant, she knows that her calling is to be a vessel for the new life which is housed in her - until such time as it is capable of moving out to live apart from the mother's vessel.
Just repent, Van, and "know women" takes on a whole new meaning...Van wrote:I thump my chest and say I know women?