...at arm's length.
Moderator: Jesus H Christ
You've found your method for controlling human behavior, haven't you?KC Scott wrote:You are truly ignorant if you believe you can legislate / control human behavior
Abortion is merely the most vile and barbaric aspect of our accountability-free culture.
you then somehow decided that because even poptart makes allowances for circumstances such as those i was once in that this drivel was necessary :Child molestation and abuse is at least equally vile and barbaric. It happens all too often
Actually it WAS part of the discussion because i put it out there, pop's allowances, your misogynistic mentality and Wags bible thumping, soap boxing aside.Save your bullshit for the brain dead. Even poptart makes allowances in the instance of rape, incest or danger to the life of the mother. That isn't even part of the discussion, dumbfuck.
We're talking about the other 96% of abortions which are performed soley for the mother's convenience.
Abortion is illegal in your beloved South Korea yet your in-laws are eating scrambled eggs at a similar per capita rate as Americans. Perhaps your ideas for social engineering aren't as brilliant as you've fooled yourself into believing.poptart wrote: Does anyone actually think the family unit has grown stronger since Roe v. Wade?
For a couple of generations, America has put policies in place which do not encourage responsible behavior.
So guess what?
We've got irresponsible behavior.
War Wagon wrote:Fuck you, who think you have the right to decide who should live or die before a human being is even given the chance...
?????????War Wagon wrote:No. Rape is of course a legit reason for an abortion.
It's called a compromise, pindick.M Club wrote:That rape fetus never bothered anyone, so why does it have to die while a poverty fetus has to live?
Screw_Michigan wrote: ↑Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:39 pmUnlike you tards, I actually have functioning tastebuds and a refined pallet.
That's one vote for - the family unit has grown stronger since 1973.M Club wrote:Abortion is illegal in your beloved South Korea yet your in-laws are eating scrambled eggs at a similar per capita rate as Americans. Perhaps your ideas for social engineering aren't as brilliant as you've fooled yourself into believing.poptart wrote: Does anyone actually think the family unit has grown stronger since Roe v. Wade?
For a couple of generations, America has put policies in place which do not encourage responsible behavior.
So guess what?
We've got irresponsible behavior.
Do you really think pro-lifers are the ones engaging in social engineering?M Club wrote:your ideas for social engineering...
Van, you've repeatedly used the "It's not right to force a woman to do something which is against her will" rational in defending abortion, but in doing this, you conveniently overlook the giant elephant (not KC Paul) in the room.Van wrote:Exceptional circumstances? I stated that every single pregnancy results in sickness, disfigurement, physical difficulties and permanent physical changes. I stated that you would never allow someone to compel you to do those things to yourself against your will.
People can (and do) make marriage many different things, but God (in the Bible) has surely shown us what His intention is - and Jesus verified it.Jsc wrote:just as the people citing the Bible are wrong in claiming that shows marriage is limited to one man and one woman...
Not much at all, which is why this will be a never-ending debate. There is no middle ground between allowing life to continue and deciding to cut it short. It also hinges on there being a distinction made between humanity and personhood. While there is no debate regarding the fact that a zygote is human, it's not legally a person with individual human rights, including due process.poptart wrote:The pro-lifers begin with the recognition that the fetus is a helpless life which ought to be protected.
The pro-choicers begin with a conviction that a woman must have freedom to be able to make decisions involving her own body.
Not much middle ground to be found.
You sure about that, Smackie? Then why are killers charged with double homicide when they take out a pregnant woman with a stray bullet or in a drunken hit-and-run?Smackie Chan wrote:Not much at all, which is why this will be a never-ending debate. There is no middle ground between allowing life to continue and deciding to cut it short. It also hinges on there being a distinction made between humanity and personhood. While there is no debate regarding the fact that a zygote is human, it's not legally a person with individual human rights, including due process.poptart wrote:The pro-lifers begin with the recognition that the fetus is a helpless life which ought to be protected.
The pro-choicers begin with a conviction that a woman must have freedom to be able to make decisions involving her own body.
Not much middle ground to be found.
Wondered about that myself as I was typing my post. I just know that if personhood was legally conferred to fetuses, abortion would be illegal since it would constitute the willful killing of a person. On the subject of personhood, from wiki:Truman wrote:You sure about that, Smackie? Then why are killers charged with double homicide when they take out a pregnant woman with a stray bullet or in a drunken hit-and-run?Smackie Chan wrote:Not much at all, which is why this will be a never-ending debate. There is no middle ground between allowing life to continue and deciding to cut it short. It also hinges on there being a distinction made between humanity and personhood. While there is no debate regarding the fact that a zygote is human, it's not legally a person with individual human rights, including due process.poptart wrote:The pro-lifers begin with the recognition that the fetus is a helpless life which ought to be protected.
The pro-choicers begin with a conviction that a woman must have freedom to be able to make decisions involving her own body.
Not much middle ground to be found.
According to some theories, once human beings are born, personhood is considered automatic. However, personhood could also extend to fetuses and human embryos, depending on what theory one ascribes to. With respect to abortion, 'personhood' is a term used to describe the status of a human being having individual human rights. The term was used by Justice Blackmun in Roe v. Wade.
The courts.So who determines when a fetus is legally a person with individual human rights, including due process? Who legally draws the line in the sand?
Not sure what the law is or what sentences can be handed down when an abortion is performed after the fetus has reached the stage of development beyond which abortions can be legally performed. My understanding is that personhood is not conferred until birth. Not aware of any cases where a doctor was charged with murder for performing an illegal abortion. Is malpractice the worst an abortionist can be charged with if caught performing illegal late-term procedures?And where is the line drawn?
If they're born, they're people and have legal human rights, regardless of how long they spent in utero. As long as mom is still the host, they have no such rights. At least that's my understanding.Babies have been born at 21 weeks – well within the 2nd trimester, by my count - and lived. As medicine continues to advance, who’s to say babies born even earlier won’t grow to become productive adults?
Which is what prompted my post. Are the nouns person and human synonymous? If so in all cases, abortion would be illegal. But a legal distinction has been made between humanity and personhood, whereby all persons are human, but not all humans are persons, and, ironically, human rights are only granted to persons.My bitch all along has been with the hypocrisy of the law. If the law states that it is OK to terminate a pregnancy at 4 weeks, then there should be no complaint when a pregnancy is terminated at 34. A human life is a human life at either stage of development.
If you really want to freak your kids out, trev, tell them you remember the exact moment that you created them. Works like a champion!trev wrote:I intentionally tried to get pregnant twice. I got pregnant twice. It's pretty simple.
Never tried this one.Truman wrote:If you really want to freak your kids out, trev, tell them you remember the exact moment that you created them. Works like a champion!trev wrote:I intentionally tried to get pregnant twice. I got pregnant twice. It's pretty simple.
You answered your own question, right here...Truman wrote:And where is the line drawn?
Once they're born, they attain real personhood.babies have been born
KC Scott wrote:^^^ yea, then you can tell tham about swallowing their siblings
She accepted those risks and consequences when she allowed herself to get knocked up. Who the fuck is she to force somebody else to die in order to make her life more convenient?Jsc810 wrote: Who is anyone to force those risks and consequences on a woman?
Screw_Michigan wrote: ↑Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:39 pmUnlike you tards, I actually have functioning tastebuds and a refined pallet.
Birth = personhood, eh? Good to know.Van wrote:You answered your own question, right here...Truman wrote:And where is the line drawn?
Once they're born, they attain real personhood.babies have been born
Screw_Michigan wrote: Democrats are the REAL racists.
Softball Bat wrote: Is your anus quivering?
A response to this would surely kick-start another 19 pages added to this thread, so I'll decline.Roach wrote:Not to beat this to death, again, but . . .poptart wrote: God said in Genesis 6 . .
"God said" Did he? Really? And who is he? And who says He said it? And how are you sure god is a "he?"
Not saying that Wiki is the Truth either, but it surely represents current scientific knowledge, as applied to the old writings.
Perhaps "god" spoke to each of those early writers and editors and interpreters and placed them all in synch and then blessed the "Authorized Version" of the King James version of the bible to quote his words. Perhaps in the middle ages, the church hierarchy was pure in intentions and didn't rewrite any of the stories to serve their selfish purposes. And perhaps those same church leaders were pure when they $old tickets to heaven, killed the non-believers, and groomed the young boys for their pleasure. Perhaps. But the pope Is a catholic. And perhaps the other 66% of the world, who are not "christians" are wrong and doomed to "hell."
Also perhaps the bible is a compendium of very wise stories and wisdom, a collection of one cultural groups thinking. And the believers call the source of it "god."
Remember too, once the earth was flat and the universe rotated around it.
"God said." That statement is so fraught with ignorance, narcissism, and blind faith in second hand information as to make it seem just plain silly. I am not making fun of your religion, or demeaning it, just asking you to take off the rose colored glasses for a moment and think for yourself. Maybe you have, and have also come to the conclusion that "God said so." Like issues concerning abortion, that is your personal choice (if you are a woman), but for heaven's sake, do not push it on others, or use it to judge what others do or think.
I want you to know that I'll ponder this for a while before giving it the response it deserves.Jsc810 wrote:Can we go through this? Of course I don't expect to change your mind, but I would like to understand it, at least on this point.War Wagon wrote:They want everyone to accept their deviant behavior as if it were normal. Sorry, I don't, I won't and it's not.
You say that homosexuality is not normal, is that why you oppose same sex couples from getting married?
Depending on how you use the term, homosexuality is normal and it is not. It is not normal in the sense that the majority of the population is not homosexual; of course, in that regard, things like being left handed, having red hair, and being a fan of Missouri football are not normal. I trust that you don't oppose those people from getting married, even to each other.
On the other hand, homosexuality is normal in they're sense that it happens naturally, a small percent of every population in history has been gay. Likewise, homosexuality naturally occurs throughout the animal kingdom, so again in that sense, homosexuality is normal.
So I'm wondering how you are using the term
I like the sassyness, at least.lovebuzz wrote:i'm not in your face. if i were, you'd know.
Seems like your issue is the act that led to conception, so fair enough, but for folk who think they're giving a voice to those without one life was conceived regardless, so no free passes for rape, incest, etc.mvscal wrote:It's called a compromise, pindick.M Club wrote:That rape fetus never bothered anyone, so why does it have to die while a poverty fetus has to live?
well, fair enough. Social engineering is a term either side of an argument can use to advance their point since any decision affecting society has an outcome in mind. What I meant by social engineering was your idea that by making abortion illegal and cutting government entitlements the abortion rate would somehow magically drop, but you already live in a case study of that scenario, and no.poptart wrote:[Do you really think pro-lifers are the ones engaging in social engineering?M Club wrote:your ideas for social engineering...
I think we're the ones who are saying that nature should simply be allowed to take it's rightful course.
Isn't it groups like PLANNED parenthood who are involved in social engineering?
They are the ones who seek to interrupt nature (in a very barbaric way) in order to have a person achieve a situation which they perceive to be socially pleasing.
I don't believe you thought that take through very well.
Suspect in that they're underreported, so Koko's probably throwing away even more fetuses per 1000 preggers than the States.Abortion is technically illegal (with exceptions) in S. Korea, so whatever numbers are trotted out (and they vary) are suspect.
I'm pretty sure the system of Korean age reckoning predates contemporary views of abortion. Could have something to do with finding it more logical to be considered one year old during your first year of life, two during your second, etc., otherwise wouldn't they celebrate their first birthday three months after birth? The Korean legal system uses Western age, FWIW.As you know, when infants are born in Korea they are given the age of... one.
Culturally, and just generally speaking, the people seem to have placed a higher value on the unborn than Americas have.
I doubt it and I suspect the opposite.M Club wrote:Suspect in that they're underreported, so Koko's probably throwing away even more fetuses per 1000 preggers than the States.poptart wrote:Abortion is technically illegal (with exceptions) in S. Korea, so whatever numbers are trotted out (and they vary) are suspect.
I remember when Alan Keyes was running for prez - I think in 2000?M Club wrote:But a woman is the only one of a sexual pair who HAS to take on full responsibility for the resulting child. In America, with all those supposed abortions-on-demand, it far too often means a woman with little earning potential contending with three other baby mammas for her child's father's attention (and financial support). Some people are lucky enough to have parents and other relatives to help out with the child rearing and some aren't. Either way, le dad can skip out completely on his responsibilities and the only consequences will be some clucking from people in his community, if they even care. I suppose baby mama can go the legal route to get some child support, but I believe in real life that looks like [1] er, I have to pay for an attorney? and [2] you really think a deadbeat, walk-out father has any sort of gainful employment?
Who exactly is "they"? I'd understand your point if I were pulling stats off a .org site with an agenda, but they were numbers quoted from the South Korean government, which finds itself in a position right now to limit abortions as much as possible, negative birth rate and all. That and everyone's anecdotal "friend" who had to pay for a girlfriend's abortion.poptart wrote: They were obviously inflating the illegal estimates for dramatic purposes - and I suspect the same thing is done now with the Korea numbers - because there are those who push for full legalization of the procedure here, and they like to claim the illegal ones are dangerous, etc.
Ja, douchies should be offed, as well as the women who go to bed with them knowing he already has seven other kids he doesn't give a fuck about. Is part of the reason I don't necessarily agree with abortion myself but will withhold judgment of a woman who gets one. Contrary to what some of you seem to think, most abortions are only "convenient" in that it's far too easy to characterize another person's plight that way from the perch we all sit in.I remember when Alan Keyes was running for prez - I think in 2000?
He was all up in arms about what you are describing - the deadbeat daddy.
The Keyes' solution?
Public floggings of fathers who ditch their wife and/or kids.
I almost voted for Mr. Keyes on this basis alone.
The they in my post to Scott was specifically Suzanne Gordon, who wrote in the April 4, 1989 Washington Post Health Magazine that 1.2 million illegal abortions had been happening every year in America before Roe v. Wade passed.M Club wrote:Who exactly is "they"? I'd understand your point if I were pulling stats off a .org site with an agenda, but they were numbers quoted from the South Korean government, which finds itself in a position right now to limit abortions as much as possible, negative birth rate and all.
Hyperbole?M Club wrote:the question of abortion will always come down to the point Van's been tirelessly trying to make about a woman's experience. I don't necessarily mean in a "my body, my choice" sort of way, because despite his hyperbole about pain and disfigurement through childbirth
Mah bad. I meant "they" in to mean the stats I was referencing. I read you wrong and thought you were saying the ones I found from the SK government were part of a liberal conspiracy to promote abortion.poptart wrote: The they in my post to Scott was specifically...
The article I linked to a few days ago was much more recent and suggested unwed pregger women alone accounted for nearly 200,000 abortions a year. But yes, neither of us know exactly how many are going down, just that a whole lot are getting terminated whether legal or not, which was my point to begin with: women who wake up pregger are going to take stock of their future and make a decision accordingly, and that's without even considering the men in their lives who will coax them into one even if homegirl doesn't want to.The article you linked says that a SK gov study showed that about 340,000 abortions happened in S. Korea in 2005.
But in 2005 S. Korea had a liberal administration heading the government, and the fertility rate issue hadn't become the really hot issue that it now is.
Any way you slice it (no pun), neither of us really knows for sure what the real numbers are - but there are too many happening, imo.
The only thing resembling historical data I could find is here: http://www.johnstonsarchive.net/policy/ ... korea.htmlBut you know what?
Korea put a FULL ban on abortion in 1953 - which lasted until the limited exception law of 1973 was passed.
It was that limited exception law of '73 that allowed women to more freely get the procedure done, because it became possible to fudge on the real reason for aborting the fetus.
Do you think there were as many abortions in S. Korea in the '50s and '60s (full criminal ban) as there have been since things opened up more in 1973?
I don't.
Of course it's nothing to minimize. But it's also the natural process we're stuck with. It happens. I just think "it's my body" is not much of an argument compared to "I have to make 100% of the sacrifices here." But yes, I'm totally on your side about self-righteous men pontificating about their holy role perpetuating god's children.Van wrote: Yeah...not so much. The pain is real, it occurs every time, and it's nothing to minimize. The disfigurement is real, some degree of it occurs every time, and it's also nothing to minimize.
Again, it's very easy for people to sit up on their high horses and pontificate about what women must and must not do, but there is no way in hell men would ever allow themselves to be legislated into doing this to their bodies against their will. Anyone who thinks otherwise is living in a fantasy world.
Not saying you're among those cavemen, M Club. In fact, I highly suspect you are not. I'm speaking of the poptarts and War Wagons of the world who are so ready to drop "a lifetime of shame and regret" on a woman lest she do their misogynistic bidding.
Only the most hardcore fundamentalists advocate that. The rest of those who oppose abortion hold a more pragmatic view.M Club wrote:Seems like your issue is the act that led to conception, so fair enough, but for folk who think they're giving a voice to those without one life was conceived regardless, so no free passes for rape, incest, etc.mvscal wrote:It's called a compromise, pindick.M Club wrote:That rape fetus never bothered anyone, so why does it have to die while a poverty fetus has to live?
Screw_Michigan wrote: ↑Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:39 pmUnlike you tards, I actually have functioning tastebuds and a refined pallet.
For the time being.KC Scott wrote:Roe v. Wade is Law -
Screw_Michigan wrote: ↑Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:39 pmUnlike you tards, I actually have functioning tastebuds and a refined pallet.