(G) Somewhere, Jsc just got a boner (G)

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(G) Somewhere, Jsc just got a boner (G)

Post by Van »

Victims of "legitimate rape" cannot biologically become pregnant and thus do not need access to legal abortions, says GOP Senate candidate Todd Akin

http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/ticket/gop- ... 18070.html

"First of all, from what I understand from doctors [pregnancy after rape] is really rare," Akin told KTVI-TV in defense of his stand that rape victims should not be allowed to access abortions. "If it's a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down."

Akin said that even if a rape victim does somehow become pregnant, "I think there should be some punishment, but the punishment ought to be on the rapist and not attacking the child."


Wow. Just...wow.
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Re: Somewhere, Jsc just got a boner.

Post by War Wagon »

why I voted for Sarah Steelman in the primary but stepping on his dick like that still won't save Claire McCasskill.
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Re: Somewhere, Jsc just got a boner.

Post by Bizzarofelice »

He ain't my rep, but he's close. Akin has said a lot of stupid shit like this. Seriously stupid shit.

And now America is laughing at Missouri. All that shit we say about Kansas and Arkansas... we ain't no betta.
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Re: Somewhere, Jsc just got a boner.

Post by Bizzarofelice »

KC Scott wrote:Channel 4 report just said this idiocy could cause a 10% vote swing
In which direction? 10% towards McCaskill would be a Big Ten swing. 10% more for Akin would be SEC.
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Re: Somewhere, Jsc just got a boner.

Post by Truman »

Always said Claire was a tough, old bird, and that you could never count her out. She orchestrated the candidate she wanted with her "Todd Akin is too conservative for Missouri" campaign commercials, then sat back and waited for him to step on his dick. Dumbass was up 51-40 as little as last Thursday, too.

Better ramp up the "ObamaClaire" commercials to remind folks who she is, Tardd, or this thing is gonna be over before it started. Stupid asshole.
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Re: Somewhere, Jsc just got a boner.

Post by mvscal »

Jsc810 wrote:Another example why we must keep religion out of government and public policy.
I'd settle for keeping dumbshits out of government and public policy.
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Re: Somewhere, Jsc just got a boner.

Post by mvscal »

Actually Ojugears is full of shit as usual. "Rape" isn't always rape. "Legitimate rape" is actual forcible intercourse. Waking up the next morning to a tatted up douchebag is a mistake not rape. For that matter, statutory rape isn't "legitimate rape" either. Whoopie Goldberg knows what he's talking about.

Akin wasn't particularly articulate in expressing what he meant but The Obongo and Plugs Show should know all about making stupid and inarticulate statements since they seem to make them on a daily basis.
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Re: Somewhere, Jsc just got a boner.

Post by Van »

mvscal wrote:Akin wasn't particularly articulate in expressing what he meant
Nonsense. The gist of his comment is that forcible rape usually won't lead to pregnancy because "the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down." To this bit of medieval brilliance he added that there "should be some punishment."

The fact that he differentiates between types of rape in terms of their biology isn't merely a case of something being poorly worded. Rather, it's an indication of astounding ignorance. He can't try to hide behind some lame excuse that he merely misspoke, or that it didn't come out quite the way he meant it to. No, his meaning was crystal clear. He communicated his thoughts perfectly well. He could have had Shakespeare compose that blurb for him and it wouldn't have changed a thing.

He's just a fucking idiot.
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Re: Somewhere, Jsc just got a boner.

Post by mvscal »

Van wrote:The gist of his comment is that forcible rape usually won't lead to pregnancy because "the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down."
Which is, in fact, true.
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Re: Somewhere, Jsc just got a boner.

Post by Van »

Which is, in fact, not true. A woman is just as likely to become pregnant regardless of the type of rape. Her eggs don't differentiate between incest-based sperm, date rape sperm, horny prom night sperm, mvscal/Mrs. Vogel sperm, or any other type of sperm. Once it arrives at her door, how it managed to get there has no bearing as to whether it'll be allowed to come on in.
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Re: Somewhere, Jsc just got a boner.

Post by mvscal »

KC Scott wrote:You got any science to back that stupid shit up?
Of course.
How Stress Causes Miscarriage

Hormonal Effects on Certain Cells May Trigger Chain Reaction to End Pregnancy

By Sid Kirchheimer
WebMD Health News
June 5, 2003 -- Stress has long been suspected as a possible cause of miscarriage, with several studies indicating an increased risk among women reporting high levels of emotional or physical turmoil in their early months of pregnancy or just before conception. But while a relationship has been noted, researchers didn't know exactly how a woman's stress could cause miscarriage.

In what may prove to be a breakthrough finding, a team of scientists from Tufts University and Greece have identified a suspected chain reaction detailing exactly how stress hormones and other chemicals wreak havoc on the uterus and fetus. Their report, in the June issue of Endocrinology, may help explain why women miscarry for no obvious medical reasons and why some women have repeated miscarriages. And it could lead to measures to prevent miscarriage -- medically known as "spontaneous abortion."

Researchers have long known that during times of stress, the brain releases several hormones --including one called corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH). In past research, women who deliver prematurely or have low-birth-weight babies were often found to have high levels of CRH in their bloodstream, and other studies show a greater risk of miscarriage in women reporting stress. CRH is a hormone the brain secretes in reaction to physical or emotional stress, and it is also produced in the placenta and the uterus of a pregnant woman to trigger uterine contractions during delivery.

http://www.webmd.com/infertility-and-re ... iscarriage
Screw_Michigan wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:39 pmUnlike you tards, I actually have functioning tastebuds and a refined pallet.
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Re: Somewhere, Jsc just got a boner.

Post by Van »

That's only about miscarriages. It doesn't say anything about preventing pregnancies in the first place. Akin's comment was that "legitimate rape" leads to pregnancy less often than other types of rape, which isn't true.
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Re: Somewhere, Jsc just got a boner.

Post by mvscal »

Van wrote:That's only about miscarriages. It doesn't say anything about preventing pregnancies in the first place. Akin's comment was that "legitimate rape" leads to pregnancy less often than other types of rape, which isn't true.
Can Stress Have an Effect on Your Fertility?

Believe it or not, our bodies are equipped to prevent conception from occurring during times of extreme stress. The presence of adrenalin, the hormone that is released by our bodies during stressful times, signals to our body that conditions are not ideal for conception. Adrenalin inhibits us from utilizing the hormone progesterone, which is essential for fertility. It also causes the pituitary gland to release higher levels of prolactin, which also causes infertility to occur.

http://natural-fertility-info.com/stres ... ility.html
How does it feel to be dumber than some idiot from Missouri? I'm guessing you'll just dig yourself in deeper rather than admiting that you just learned something and didn't know what the fuck you were talking about earlier.
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Re: Somewhere, Jsc just got a boner.

Post by Mikey »

Gee, a great new birth control method. We'll call it the mvscal protocol.

Morning after...sneak up behind your gf and hell "boo!!!"
If the spontaneous miscarriage doesn't occur immediately just punch her in the gut really hard six times while chanting "illegitimate rape, bitch."
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Re: Somewhere, Jsc just got a boner.

Post by Van »

Just shut the fuck up already, mvscal...



OBJECTIVE: We attempted to determine the national rape-related pregnancy rate and provide descriptive characteristics of pregnancies that result from rape. STUDY DESIGN: A national probability sample of 4008 adult American women took part in a 3-year longitudinal survey that assessed the prevalence and incidence of rape and related physical and mental health outcomes. RESULTS: The national rape-related pregnancy rate is 5.0% per rape among victims of reproductive age (aged 12 to 45); among adult women an estimated 32,101 pregnancies result from rape each year. Only 11.7% of these victims received immediate medical attention after the assault, and 47.1% received no medical attention related to the rape. A total 32.4% of these victims did not discover they were pregnant until they had already entered the second trimester; 32.2% opted to keep the infant whereas 50% underwent abortion and 5.9% placed the infant for adoption; an additional 11.8% had spontaneous abortion. CONCLUSIONS: Rape-related pregnancy occurs with significant frequency. It is a cause of many unwanted pregnancies and is closely linked with family and domestic violence. As we address the epidemic of unintended pregnancies in the United States, greater attention and effort should be aimed at preventing and identifying unwanted pregnancies that result from sexual victimization. (Am J Obstet Gynecol 1996;175:320-5.)

...because the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology says that 32,000 pregnancies each year in this country resulting from rape conclusively indicate that no, it's not unusual at all.

"CAN stress have an effect on your fertility?"

Jesus Christ! Why yes, it can! It can also cause migraines, hair loss, bleeding ulcers, and the Boston Red Sox!


Just come out and say it: Rape is bad (any type of forcible rape), rape causes unwanted pregnancies, and a woman ought not to have to carry such a pregnancy to term. Repeat those words. Feel the cleansing.

Seriously, it won't hurt you in the least.
Last edited by Van on Tue Aug 21, 2012 4:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Somewhere, Jsc just got a boner.

Post by mvscal »

Van wrote:Just come out and say it: Rape is bad (any type of forcible rape), rape causes unwanted pregnancies,.
Which is, of course, completely different from the medically demonstrated FACT that the hormones released by females during conditions of extreme stress such as being violently raped inhibit both conception and viable pregnancies and has nothing to do with your previous statement.
A woman is just as likely to become pregnant regardless of the type of rape. Her eggs don't differentiate between incest-based sperm, date rape sperm, horny prom night sperm, mvscal/Mrs. Vogel sperm, or any other type of sperm. Once it arrives at her door, how it managed to get there has no bearing as to whether it'll be allowed to come on in.
This statement is demonstrably WRONG. Deal with it, you hand wringing faggot. Or don't and continue to backpedal.
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Re: Somewhere, Jsc just got a boner.

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

Van wrote:Her eggs don't differentiate between incest-based sperm, date rape sperm, horny prom night sperm, mvscal/Mrs. Vogel sperm, or any other type of sperm.

"What about jizz-mop sperm? A friend asked me to ask. Not me...a friend."


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Re: Somewhere, Jsc just got a boner.

Post by War Wagon »

as for the thread title, Claire is the one getting a boner right now while GoP leaders furiously damage control and demand he withdraw from the race so they can put another viable candidate up before the deadline.

And that's messed up. Most voters should know this was nothing more than a "gotcha" moment that will pass well before November.

I hope Akin weathers the storm, shows some backbone, and stays in. If he gets beat by that bitch McCasskill, so be it. I've ate catfish straight from the Missouri river that had a better fighting chance than she does.
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Re: Somewhere, Jsc just got a boner.

Post by Bizzarofelice »

War Wagon wrote:this was nothing more than a "gotcha" moment
Akin believes some pretty bizarre shit. he's far right wing socially. all the right wing economics he actually doesn't understand. he'll talk about state's rights issue sand sound really dumb. its weird hearing it.


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Re: Somewhere, Jsc just got a boner.

Post by Van »

mvscal wrote:
Van wrote:Just come out and say it: Rape is bad (any type of forcible rape), rape causes unwanted pregnancies,.
Which is, of course, completely different from the medically demonstrated FACT that the hormones released by females during conditions of extreme stress such as being violently raped inhibit both conception and viable pregnancies and has nothing to do with your previous statement.
The point was that pregnancies via rape are not usually reduced vs pregancies via consensual sex. That remains true. Your links did nothing to refute this basic fact, so quit sucking your dick already. Akin remains wrong, and so do you.
A woman is just as likely to become pregnant regardless of the type of rape. Her eggs don't differentiate between incest-based sperm, date rape sperm, horny prom night sperm, mvscal/Mrs. Vogel sperm, or any other type of sperm. Once it arrives at her door, how it managed to get there has no bearing as to whether it'll be allowed to come on in.
This statement is demonstrably WRONG. Deal with it, you hand wringing faggot. Or don't and continue to backpedal.
Nope, it's demonstrably right, per the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology, whose research and conclusive findings trump your vaguely defined hypotheticals of what "can happen" every fucking time.

You lose.
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Re: Somewhere, Jsc just got a boner.

Post by Screw_Michigan »

War Wagon wrote:Most voters should know this was nothing more than a "gotcha" moment
We know you honestly believe that, so why don't you just drop a Sarah Palin "Lamestream Media" balst and get it over with, you retarded freak?

Christ, you're stupid.
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Re: Somewhere, Jsc just got a boner.

Post by Van »

This shit is just hilarious. I absolutely love when mvscal rides off into the sunset as if he just cleaned out a town full of bad guys even though all he really did was fart and run.
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Re: Somewhere, Jsc just got a boner.

Post by War Wagon »

all up in coathanger810's wheelhouse now with the C & P.
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Re: Somewhere, Jsc just got a boner.

Post by War Wagon »

Screw_Michigan wrote: We know you honestly believe that
I do, that's why I typed it. A gotcha moment, pure and simple. It no more defines Todd Akin than jizzmopper defines you.

what else do "we" believe?
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Re: Somewhere, Jsc just got a boner.

Post by lovebuzz »

Van wrote:This shit is just hilarious. I absolutely love when mvscal rides off into the sunset as if he just cleaned out a town full of bad guys even though all he really did was fart and run.

hilarious and then some. ps:

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Re: Somewhere, Jsc just got a boner.

Post by Van »

War Wagon wrote:
Screw_Michigan wrote: We know you honestly believe that
I do, that's why I typed it. A gotcha moment, pure and simple. It no more defines Todd Akin than jizzmopper defines you.
First off, quoting Sarah Palin will never go well for you, and that's exactly what you're doing when you use phrases such as "gotcha moment." Secondly, no, it's not just a silly flub he made. He didn't misspeak any more than mvscal did. This guy is genuinely that ignorant. He really did buy that medieval crap about violent rape and the reduced risk of pregnancy.

If you're comfortable voting for someone who's that powerfully stupid, what does that say about you?
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Re: Somewhere, Jsc just got a boner.

Post by Screw_Michigan »

Van wrote: If you're comfortable voting for someone who's that powerfully stupid, what does that say about you?
Whitey admires stupidity in his GOP politicians. He finds it endearing.
kcdave wrote: Sat Sep 09, 2023 8:05 am
I was actually going to to join in the best bets activity here at good ole T1B...The guy that runs that contest is a fucking prick
Derron wrote: Sat Oct 03, 2020 3:07 pm
You are truly one of the worst pieces of shit to ever post on this board. Start giving up your paycheck for reparations now and then you can shut the fuck up about your racist blasts.
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Re: Somewhere, Jsc just got a boner.

Post by Diego in Seattle »

Not only is mvsidiot's take absolutely ludicrous due to it having no factual basis, it is also massively moronic for the fact that it only takes into account forcible rapes. Women who are raped while being unable to give consent (such as those who are extremely intoxicated) probably wouldn't have the stress present during a forcible rape.

That post was almost AP-ish in it's stupidity.
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Re: Somewhere, Jsc just got a boner.

Post by Van »

Screw_Michigan wrote:Whitey admires stupidity in his GOP politicians. He finds it endearing.
Or he doesn't even recognize it, which is the far more frightening notion.
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Re: Somewhere, Jsc just got a boner.

Post by mvscal »

Van wrote: Your links did nothing to refute this basic fact,
Of course they did. You can ignore them all you want, but that isn't going to change human physiology or biochemistry. If you weren't a woman yourself and capable of thinking in rational, logical terms, you might even begin to understand why we have evolved that way. Being victimized by violent assault isn't exactly the most opportune time to conceive and the human body takes steps to mitigate (not eliminate) that situation. The effect of these hormones isn't subject to any serious medical dispute.

What you and gaysc have presented are social, emotional and political kneejerk reactions to a subject you find personally repugnant. Gaysc's article was so pathetically stupid I had to stop and laugh out loud at several points. Adrenaline and elevated prolactin aren't by products of chronic stress. Women are less likely to conceive as a result of a violent rape for a number of physical reasons. Period, full stop. Incest, statutory rape and "date rape" are criminal but not necessarily violent and are no different biologically speaking than ordinary intercourse yet were included for the purposes of the study.

Akin's stupidity was claiming that is was impossible to conceive via violent (legitimate) rape and in bringing it up at all.
Screw_Michigan wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:39 pmUnlike you tards, I actually have functioning tastebuds and a refined pallet.
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Re: Somewhere, Jsc just got a boner.

Post by Bizzarofelice »

KC Scott wrote:
You wonder why tax and spend libs win elections?
you mean as opposed to no tax and spend just as much conservatives?
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Re: Somewhere, Jsc just got a boner.

Post by Van »

KC Scott wrote:Why doesn't my party seem to understand this?

They keep trotting out idiots and focusing on the minutiae of social issues and lose everyone in the middle.
They know their audience, so they pander to the lowest common denominator: prayer in schools, gay marriage, abortion, gun rights, etc.

When your brain is laid out like a Nascar track, is it any wonder that you can't turn right?
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Re: Somewhere, Jsc just got a boner.

Post by Van »

mvscal wrote:Image
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Re: Somewhere, Jsc just got a boner.

Post by poptart »

Van wrote:the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology says that 32,000 pregnancies each year in this country resulting from rape
Is it that many?

1,200,000 abortions occurred last year - and just 1% cite rape as the reason for aborting.

So we're looking at about 12,000 rape victims who chose to abort last year.

But the AJoOG said there are 32,000 rape pregnancies each year.

With abortion being legal, do almost 2/3 of rape victims really chose to carry to term?
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Re: Somewhere, Jsc just got a boner.

Post by Van »

Again, since you apparently didn't read the italicized paragraph...

RESULTS: The national rape-related pregnancy rate is 5.0% per rape among victims of reproductive age (aged 12 to 45); among adult women an estimated 32,101 pregnancies result from rape each year. Only 11.7% of these victims received immediate medical attention after the assault, and 47.1% received no medical attention related to the rape. A total 32.4% of these victims did not discover they were pregnant until they had already entered the second trimester; 32.2% opted to keep the infant whereas 50% underwent abortion and 5.9% placed the infant for adoption; an additional 11.8% had spontaneous abortion. CONCLUSIONS: Rape-related pregnancy occurs with significant frequency.
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Re: Somewhere, Jsc just got a boner.

Post by Bizzarofelice »

aaaaaaand poptart is an idiot
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Re: Somewhere, Jsc just got a boner.

Post by poptart »

You have a number of problems, Van.

1. Your Page is Not Found.

2. We're told that 4008 women took part in a three year survey - and during the course of the three years, some said they were raped ---> and 5% said they became pregnant from the rape.


I'm sorry... just a funny kind of survey, me thinks.


3. It does not give us specific numbers relating to these 4008 women. It does not tell us how many of the women became pregnant, what their ages were, what the demographics were, how many said they were raped, how many rapes were reported to police, how many said they were pregnant as a result of being raped... and on and on...

4. It just goes on to make a conclusion that, based on their sample of 4008 women, AN ENTIRE U.S. POPULATION OF OVER 300 MILLION PEOPLE must have 32,101 pregnancies resulting from rape each year.

Thanks for the bullshit, Van.
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Re: Somewhere, Jsc just got a boner.

Post by M Club »

mvscal wrote:
A woman is just as likely to become pregnant regardless of the type of rape. Her eggs don't differentiate between incest-based sperm, date rape sperm, horny prom night sperm, mvscal/Mrs. Vogel sperm, or any other type of sperm. Once it arrives at her door, how it managed to get there has no bearing as to whether it'll be allowed to come on in.
This statement is demonstrably WRONG. Deal with it, you hand wringing faggot. Or don't and continue to backpedal.
Demonstrably wrong in the fact that rape victims are more likely to become preggers than people having consensual sex:
In a 2003 study in the journal Human Nature, researchers found that 6.4 percent of rapes in the hundreds of women they surveyed caused pregnancy; that compares to a rate roughly half that with consensual intercourse. In Mexico, rape crisis centers have reported that some 15 percent of rapes cause pregnancy.

The rate may be high because rape victims are less likely to be using contraception at the time of the crime than are women in a relationship, who can also choose to forego sex during fertile periods in their reproductive cycle if they do not want to conceive.
Your science is ass backwards too: long term stress may have an effect on the reproductive cycle, but traumatic stress doesn't effect whether or not an egg's making its way down the fallopian slide toward some rape sperm.

Your dumbfuck "raped broads don't get preggers" rationale from the 14th century also makes little sense considering the war rape, though I suppose less instances of childbirth there since many of those ladies don't survive the rape episode to begin with. I mean, the Japanese comfort women had it soooo easy, right?

The more insidious half of this legitimate rape bullshiz is its implication that a woman who claims rape as the reason for an abortion must obviously be lying. So not only did she have to endure the physical rape, now she has to endure social rape from self-righteous fucks like you.
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Re: Somewhere, Jsc just got a boner.

Post by Van »

poptart wrote:You have a number of problems, Van.

1. Your Page is Not Found.
Just click the main story link in the first post of the thread, then click the following link.
3. It does not give us specific numbers relating to these 4008 women. It does not tell us how many of the women became pregnant, what their ages were, what the demographics were, how many said they were raped, how many rapes were reported to police, how many said they were pregnant as a result of being raped... and on and on...

4. It just goes on to make a conclusion that, based on their sample of 4008 women, AN ENTIRE U.S. POPULATION OF OVER 300 MILLION PEOPLE must have 32,101 pregnancies resulting from rape each year.

Thanks for the bullshit, Van.
pop, just so we're clear here...

The guy who believes in human beings formed from the ribs of other human beings in a garden infested with talking snakes finds an actual medical study compiled by the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology to be "bullshit."

God, I just love it when a professional-grade 'tard boldly doubles down.
Last edited by Van on Tue Aug 21, 2012 5:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
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M Club
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Re: Somewhere, Jsc just got a boner.

Post by M Club »

poptart wrote:
1,200,000 abortions occurred last year - and just 1% cite rape as the reason for aborting.
It's commonly accepted that rape and other sexual assault is underreported. I'm no expert on human nature but it's not much of a stretch to think someone who was raped might not list that as the reason for an abortion if she doesn't have to.

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4. It just goes on to make a conclusion that, based on their sample of 4008 women, AN ENTIRE U.S. POPULATION OF OVER 300 MILLION PEOPLE must have 32,101 pregnancies resulting from rape each year.
I'm not sure if you understand how the social sciences work but surveying 300,000,000 people isn't part of anyone's job description.
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