AA Pilot confirmed to me union engaged in slowdown

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Re: AA Pilot confirmed to me union engaged in slowdown

Post by smackaholic »

moving fail needs to watch this vid, especially the end.
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Re: AA Pilot confirmed to me union engaged in slowdown

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Willie, you're chasing your own tail around and around. Sure, a 757 would certainly be rendered into a flaming heap of crushed scrap if it ran right into a solid wall. But...there's no evidence that a 757 ever hit the pentagon. Where's a picture? A video? It's one of the most secured areas in the world--and we're to believe there was nothing but a typical parking lot camera taking a pic every five seconds? And even then there's no picture at all. And where was the wreckage? On the one hand we're to believe the whole plane just vaporized--with a few convenient pieces left on the lawn. But in fact there was a large pile of wreckage--which was immediately covered up entirely and hauled away--never to be seen again. No pictures or any indication of what was there under those tarps. And moreover, despite L-seater's absurd claims, no one can just expertly fly a 757 without any experience whatsoever--and having failed even the most basic Cessna training. No, a total novice cannot suddenly execute difficult maneuvers like a 330-degree loop. Nothing adds up in the pentagon attack, just as the controlled demolition at the WTC is utterly impossible to occur accidentally. The drone of denialists is like a Tea Bagger at a Comparative Religions symposium.
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Re: AA Pilot confirmed to me union engaged in slowdown

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Roach wrote:And you LTS are like a broken record of tedious tard-dom.

Still waiting for the answer to my question as to why you are obsessed with convincing the folks on this little message board about the fraud and conspiricy of the 9-11 attacks.
Obviously, you dumb fuck, such a crime completely subsumes the entire paradigm of the PNAC's agenda--now American policy. Are you kidding?
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Re: AA Pilot confirmed to me union engaged in slowdown

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

smackaholic wrote: As for the Kikes dancing in the streets afterwards, it is understandable. I am sure Churchill had a big fukking grin on his face after Pearl Harbor for the same reason. When you are at war, news that the most powerful country in the world just got signed to a long term contract for your team, is a good thing.
This is an astonishing take, revealing a desperate need to believe the (more) comforting Official Story.

Let's consider your analysis.

First, these Israelis were pretending to be a moving company. Okay...they had large amounts of cash, fake passports, masks, and box cutters. They were not just coincidentally standing there on the New Jersey river bank. And their joyful dancing (complete with holding up lighters like at a concert) began IMMEDIATELY after the first strike. How did they know it wasn't an accident? Even the Chimp in his pathetically fake response and reaction claimed he thought the first hit was "some poor flyin' there." So, why would these innocent good friends of America be suddenly euphoric over one of the most horrifying incidents ever witnessed?

Your Churchill comparison perhaps applies to Bibi--who indeed immediately called it "a good thing," but to immediate witnesses who only saw a huge plume of smoke from a single tower to start celebrating is so obviously suspicious that indeed they were all arrested and held and interrogated for a few months--hopefully tortured. Of course they were released and allowed to return to the fake state. Bear in mind, by the way, that the perpetrators of the 1954 Lavon Affair--another false flag op based on murdering innocent Americans and blaming it on muslims--were given belated MEDALS by the fake state government in recent years. Yeah...think about that and try to go on pretending to pretend.

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Re: AA Pilot confirmed to me union engaged in slowdown

Post by Left Seater »

LTS TRN 2 wrote: And moreover, despite L-seater's absurd claims, no one can just expertly fly a 757 without any experience whatsoever--and having failed even the most basic Cessna training. No, a total novice cannot suddenly execute difficult maneuvers like a 330-degree loop.
My absurd claims? You are the one that claimed a 757 must raise it flaps when close to the ground at high speed or it will crash.

Also, just so you know anyone doing a 330 degree loop will crash because they didn't complete the loop. You do understand what a loop is correct? A loop is a plane flying parallel to the ground, then going vertical, then parallel to the ground but going in the opposite direction, then straight towards the ground before leveling out flying parallel to the ground again in the original direction of flight. A 330 loop would not finish the last section and the plane would nose into the ground.

Get your cut and paste straight at least.
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Re: AA Pilot confirmed to me union engaged in slowdown

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Cut your tedious bullshit, L-seat, because you've yet to even begin to deal with the myriad of glaring holes in every part of the Official Story, not just the pentagon fiasco. Yes, the completely untrained pilot executed a 330-degree loop. Do you dispute this? I mean beyond your childish parsing of semantics?

read this, you fraud
http://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2010/0 ... 660267.php

And chime in on the dancing Israelis...or what, that was nothing?
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Re: AA Pilot confirmed to me union engaged in slowdown

Post by Derron »

LTS TRN 2 wrote: Yes, the completely untrained pilot executed a 330-degree loop. Do you dispute this? I mean beyond your childish parsing of semantics?
Why yes he is disputing it, and he is correct and you are a complete fucking idiot. If anybody is parsing semantics, or physics, or engineering it is you. You just don't understand the written word very well now do you ?
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Re: AA Pilot confirmed to me union engaged in slowdown

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Okay, so now you're saying the plane did not execute a 330-degree loop? You're going to walk the plank as well? is this a joke?

It's not a matter of dispute, in the first place. It's right there in the official report of course as well. Simply...The plane could have gone straight into the Pentagon (it could have been flown into Donald Rumsfeld’s office), but instead it made a 330-degree loop so that it could hit the one part of the building that had very few employees in it.

Obviously neither you nor L-seat can actually dispute anything--and simple playground catcalls don't count.

So...what about the dancing Mossad operatives, D-ron?
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Re: AA Pilot confirmed to me union engaged in slowdown

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Okay, there's your tedious parsing. And of course you weasels are avoiding the meaning of the loop or turn--or, properly, the inexplicable complication in what would have been a straight forward crash. So...what? Are you disputing that this action was extremely suspicious as per the simple official tale?

And since no one else dares...how about watching you scurry away like a little mouse.....what about the Dancing Mossad operatives?
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Re: AA Pilot confirmed to me union engaged in slowdown

Post by Dinsdale »

So, the folks who weren't privy to the inner workings of the Pentagon thought that the area currently under construction might be the weak point, and therefore attacked it?

Yeah, that's entirely implausable.

Seeing LTSTard, who is to science what Hitler was to world peace (sup Godwin), tring to spar with Lefty over commercial airliners is nothing short of awesome.
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Re: AA Pilot confirmed to me union engaged in slowdown

Post by Dinsdale »

88 wrote:I have no idea what you are babbling about.

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Re: AA Pilot confirmed to me union engaged in slowdown

Post by Derron »

LTS TRN 2 wrote:Okay, there's your tedious parsing. And of course you weasels are avoiding the meaning of the loop or turn--or,

And since no one else dares...how about watching you scurry away like a little mouse.....what about the Dancing Mossad operatives?
Your tedious parsing jack off. You see, in aviation, you need to be pretty clear about what you are doing, and there is a huge difference between a loop and a turn and the resulting action. And by you trying to support your flailing reasoning with wrong information, every one puts you on ignore.

And by the Dancing Mossad..you mean these guys ?


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Re: AA Pilot confirmed to me union engaged in slowdown

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

No, it's not some silly joke--but nice try at dismissing it as such. Actually not much of a try.

Look, here's the story of which you claim to be comfortable unaware...

http://whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICL ... aelis.html

And dins, your logic is ass-backwards (again). Of course they chose the under construction section--instead of the much easier straight shot--because that's where it was easiest to plant the explosives. The plane never hit, that's why there's no pictures or videos, despite a half hour warning that some major mysterious attack was under way. Hmmm...same with leaving POTUS reading a kid's book when his schedule and location was public knowledge. Do you suppose the good folks like Ari Fleischer and Feith had no worries at all about the president? Gee...there sure are a hell of a lot of holes in this story. :wink:
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Re: AA Pilot confirmed to me union engaged in slowdown

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Oh sure, great stuff...but...

what about those dancing Mossad ops?

Gee, you guys are like bubbles...
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Re: AA Pilot confirmed to me union engaged in slowdown

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Go ahead and explain the Dancing Mossad operatives and I'll be happy to set you straight on the visitors. Come with it, bitch.
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Re: AA Pilot confirmed to me union engaged in slowdown

Post by jiminphilly »

LTS TRN 2 wrote:Image
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Re: AA Pilot confirmed to me union engaged in slowdown

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

So..this is all you little twerps can manage? Silly pics? you don't dare to read or dispute the info on the Dancing Mossad ops site I've provided--and of course you can't deal with a hundred other plain facts I've provided, so...who are you trying to bullshit?

Here's a little tidbit of what went on in NY that day when the Mossad Dancers were arrested...

The police and FBI field agents became very suspicious when they found maps of the city with certain places highlighted, box cutters (the same items that the hijackers supposedly used), $4700 cash stuffed in a sock, and foreign passports. Police also told the Bergen Record that bomb sniffing dogs were brought to the van and that they reacted as if they had smelled explosives.

Okay...time for you to kiss my ass again!
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Re: AA Pilot confirmed to me union engaged in slowdown

Post by Left Seater »


Look tardling, you need to understand basic aviation terms before you cut and paste your bat shit crazy theories.

Again, please define slats, flaps, spoilers, ground effect, loop, turn, pitch, roll, drag and thrust. Once you do that we can begin to discuss your crazy theories. However, until you understand these basic terms there is no reason to even discuss this with you as you continue to prove you know zero about flight.
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Re: AA Pilot confirmed to me union engaged in slowdown

Post by Dr_Phibes »

Nothing to do with this thread, but it is about planes.

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Re: AA Pilot confirmed to me union engaged in slowdown

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Look, you can dutifully kiss my ass all you like, but please, no lipstick.

I see you're in a tizzy, and I'm not entirely sure why. Are you so offended by the suggestion of false fires by fervent fanatics?

What do you really know of the ultra-orthodox Chabad? Are you just plain trailer park Skoal sucking morons, or are you nervously fronting some blanket fart of a pretend reality?
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Re: AA Pilot confirmed to me union engaged in slowdown

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

P-willie, you're the weakest of a weak litter.


Surely you guys can face a trace of realism...no? :(
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Re: AA Pilot confirmed to me union engaged in slowdown

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

And ..upon what is this intense reply based? That I call bullshit on the official 9/11 story? Really? It upsets you that much to even consider that we've been seriously betrayed? Hmmm...

Does it disturb you to learn that the owner of the "moving company" to which the Mossad Dancers were employed fled back to Israel--to be promptly placed on the MOST WANTED LIST of the FBI? If not, why not? Because you never had a clue that such blatant crimes were afoot? Because you wanted to believe in some John Wayne fantasy? What the fuck are you, "P-willie"? You never dare actually expound (you're unable), and you caw like a little bitch, and yet you're upset....hmmm..
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Re: AA Pilot confirmed to me union engaged in slowdown

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

So..what are your "facts"? You can barely spell. What have you offered on the Dancing Mossad operatives on 9/11? What? Are you just a total bullshitter who doesn't care that he's a joke?
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Re: AA Pilot confirmed to me union engaged in slowdown

Post by OCmike »

LTS TRN 2 wrote:And ..upon what is this intense reply based?
Easy. You gleefully exclaim your deluded 9/11 theories with wild eyes and Doc Brown's 1.21 Jigawatt hair, yet can't offer a logic or science-based explanation on how any of them would be possible. You also can't explain why they would even bother to wire up the WTC towers with explosives in the first place. Usng jets as diesel bombs on military and civilian targets is a blantant act of war and a more than adequate catalyst for military action on our part, even if the towers didn't collapse.
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Re: AA Pilot confirmed to me union engaged in slowdown

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Well thanks, Sam, I'll try to work on polishing my posts as I dash them off. Indeed, the "moving company" by which the Mossad Dancers were supposedly employed didn't actually do any moving at all. The more one looks, the more holes one finds in the Official Story.
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Re: AA Pilot confirmed to me union engaged in slowdown

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

OCmike wrote:
LTS TRN 2 wrote:And ..upon what is this intense reply based?
Easy. You gleefully exclaim your deluded 9/11 theories with wild eyes and Doc Brown's 1.21 Jigawatt hair, yet can't offer a logic or science-based explanation on how any of them would be possible. You also can't explain why they would even bother to wire up the WTC towers with explosives in the first place. Usng jets as diesel bombs on military and civilian targets is a blantant act of war and a more than adequate catalyst for military action on our part, even if the towers didn't collapse.
Huh? What are you jabbering about? "Diesel bombs" as a "catalyst for military action"? Are you referring to the exceptionally shameless insistence of Iraq somehow being connected? That "adequate catalyst"?

As for the theories of an inside job, they all make much more sense in terms of basic physics and practicality than the Official Story. Are you kidding? You can believe that the supposed pilot of the second WTC crash was ONLY identified by his perfectly preserved passport being promptly found in the smouldering rubble? Really? 8) Who's wild-eyed?

As for the WTC 7 dropping in perfect controlled fashion when it wasn't hit by anything, this is as blatant a violation of basic physics as...oh, the Magic Bullet theory upon which the entire Warren Commission was based.

Wake the fuck up, you tedious drone.

And -P-Willie, fuck your so-called buddy who was at the pentagon. Did he see a 757? No? guess who else was dutifully out on the lawn? Rummy. Yep, the major league war criminal was right there seething revenge at Saddam as the videos and evidence were being permanently sealed. What are you pretending to defend? You never really say.
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Re: AA Pilot confirmed to me union engaged in slowdown

Post by OCmike »

LTS TRN 2 wrote:As for the WTC 7 dropping in perfect controlled fashion when it wasn't hit by anything.
It was hit and damaged by debris from the collapse of the main WTC towers.

But even if you want to pretend that didn't happen, then what purpose could they possibly have to do a controlled demo of WTC7? No one outside of NYC natives even knew such a building existed.

Ooooh....I know! It was to hide the alien autopsy photos!
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Re: AA Pilot confirmed to me union engaged in slowdown

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Little tiny pieces? Really, Willie? Because there was in fact a large pile of debris immediately covered and hauled off, never to be seen or commented upon. Anything odd there?
OCmike wrote:
LTS TRN 2 wrote:As for the WTC 7 dropping in perfect controlled fashion when it wasn't hit by anything.
It was hit and damaged by debris from the collapse of the main WTC towers.

But even if you want to pretend that didn't happen, then what purpose could they possibly have to do a controlled demo of WTC7? No one outside of NYC natives even knew such a building existed.

Ooooh....I know! It was to hide the alien autopsy photos!
Well thanks for posting the official good story. A "fire" caused a 47-storey steel-framed building to collapse in perfect controlled demolition fashion--and this the very first and last steel-framed building EVER to collapse because of fire. And...you just accept this like a flu shot? You have no lingering questions as to this abrupt violation of basic physics?

And..the fact that the entire area was immediately sealed, the collapsed steel immediately hauled off and recycled without any forensic investigation? This doesn't seem suspicious? Why?

As to what was in WTC 7, your robust obliviousness reflects your stupidity. If you actually consider yourself reasonably intelligent and open-minded, check out some info concerning a variety of interesting facts about WTC 7

Until then, you're just puffing and snortin'

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Re: AA Pilot confirmed to me union engaged in slowdown

Post by ML@Coyote »


Calm down, my wild little friend. Eveything's going to be okay.
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Re: AA Pilot confirmed to me union engaged in slowdown

Post by OCmike »

From your link:
It is also widely claimed that WTC 1 and WTC 2 collapsed mainly due to fire. I emphasize, that before September 11, no steel framed skyscraper had ever collapsed due to fire.
Yeah, and prior to September 11th, no steel-framed building had been hit by a jetliner full of fuel flying at 400 mph either. So there's no point of reference in how it might fall.

That aside, I read some of what was on the website, including yet another assertion that the three WTC buildings were wired with demolition explosives. But, just like you, they fail to explain how the buildings were wired up with explosives (a job that would take weeks) without anyone noticing. Until you (or they) can explain that, it's a garbage theory.
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Re: AA Pilot confirmed to me union engaged in slowdown

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Sorry, coyote, but you've already folded. A simple picture of an "alien" doesn't help you. Bye bye.
OCmike wrote:From your link:
It is also widely claimed that WTC 1 and WTC 2 collapsed mainly due to fire. I emphasize, that before September 11, no steel framed skyscraper had ever collapsed due to fire.
Yeah, and prior to September 11th, no steel-framed building had been hit by a jetliner full of fuel flying at 400 mph either. So there's no point of reference in how it might fall.

That aside, I read some of what was on the website, including yet another assertion that the three WTC buildings were wired with demolition explosives. But, just like you, they fail to explain how the buildings were wired up with explosives (a job that would take weeks) without anyone noticing. Until you (or they) can explain that, it's a garbage theory.
Consider that the owners of the WTC were in on it. Why? Because they were total Zionazis, and had full insurance. You base your skepticism on the difficulty of placing nano-thermite on the appropriate areas? Why? If you owned the buildings it wouldn't be difficult at all to arrange this. Similarly, observe this report on just how the WTC 7 controlled demolition was handled in the rush of panic. It wasn't so difficult.
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Re: AA Pilot confirmed to me union engaged in slowdown

Post by Dinsdale »


You've really gone off tghe deep end.

And you still have no fucking idea what you're talking about.
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Re: AA Pilot confirmed to me union engaged in slowdown

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Really, dins, you ol' rattling bag of bones? So..go ahead...at some point one of you scared little pricks will have to actually attempt to dispute aome the plain evidence and logic I've supplied. For example, why would a despertely frightened strutter like SS regard the use of nano-thermite as some sort of crazy impossibility in the careful controlled demolition of a huge steel-framed sky-scraper? Why so scared and flushed, SS? Stand up, bitch, your country wants answers.
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Re: AA Pilot confirmed to me union engaged in slowdown

Post by Left Seater »

LTS TRN 2 wrote:this abrupt violation of basic physics?

Your wacky theories continue to violate physics, but you want to call out ores on physics violations?

par for the course with you.
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Re: AA Pilot confirmed to me union engaged in slowdown

Post by jiminphilly »

LTS TRN 2 wrote: and had full insurance
Tell me what you think this means.
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Re: AA Pilot confirmed to me union engaged in slowdown

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Seven weeks before "the event" Larry Silverstein acquired the lease for WTC and a $3.6 billion insurance policy. Following the (obvious) controlled demolition of the three main buildings, Silverstein sought to be paid in full for both towers--that is, $3.6 billion each. This was fought in court, Silverstein won the "double claim" (and pocketed a $500 million profit for the WTC 7 controlled demolition as well) no surprise, but as with the obvious huge short positions placed on airlines just before "the event" this insurance windfall has "mendacity" written all over it. Moreover, the access to the buildings was made easy and complete. Following the money is generally a clear path to the crime.
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Re: AA Pilot confirmed to me union engaged in slowdown

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

88 wrote:Physics, schmysics. It's all in the book, man.

You seem to think that posting a cartoon makes some kind of point. It doesn't. But this does...


Debate it if you like. Offer some refutation. Go ahead, but don't be a little bitch making cat-calls and running off. I swear you guys are like little brats on some playground.
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Re: AA Pilot confirmed to me union engaged in slowdown

Post by Van »

Get it right. It's "us meddling kids."

Scoob's expression there is priceless.
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Re: AA Pilot confirmed to me union engaged in slowdown

Post by Van »

Hey, how did you edit that without an edit line showing beneath the new post?

You Admins, I tell ya, you sure are a sneaky lot.
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Re: AA Pilot confirmed to me union engaged in slowdown

Post by jiminphilly »

LTS TRN 2 wrote:Seven weeks before "the event" Larry Silverstein acquired the lease for WTC and a $3.6 billion insurance policy.[/quiote]
Following the (obvious) controlled demolition of the three main buildings, Silverstein sought to be paid in full for both towers--that is, $3.6 billion each. This was fought in court, Silverstein won the "double claim" (and pocketed a $500 million profit for the WTC 7 controlled demolition as well) no surprise, but as with the obvious huge short positions placed on airlines just before "the event" this insurance windfall has "mendacity" written all over it. Moreover, the access to the buildings was made easy and complete. Following the money is generally a clear path to the crime.
You left out the part where the original deal between the Port Authority and Vornado Realty fell thru. Silverstein was outbid and was only able to "win" the deal when Vornado pulled out of the sale. The purchase was announced in July of 2001 but the actual bidding process was done in 2000. So your implication that Silverstein swooped in just 7 weeks before 9/11 is disingenuous at best. But this is nothing new.

He also didn't win $7.2B as you allege. Total damages awarded were just over $4.4B (and he had to share part of the settlement with the Port Authority as part of the purchase of the 99 year lease) and because insurance policies for these types of risks are so complex but not out of the ordinary and neither of the policies were fully understood by all insurers, brokers and Silverstein at the time of 9/11. There were disputes over what policy form to use, policy definitions. Do you even know how these types of policies are created?

I get it. The Jews were responsible. It's your MO. And you won't let the facts get in the way of a shitty conspiracy theory.
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