Watching the Debate?
Moderator: Jesus H Christ
Watching the Debate?
I keep expecting Mitt's head to explode.
Don't want any brain matter messing up my big screen though.
Don't want any brain matter messing up my big screen though.
- War Wagon
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Re: Watching the Debate?
Mitt cleaned Obama's clock, made him look like the porch monkey he is. Any objective observer would recognize that. Watching MSNBC, Chris Matthews is in full on melt over the ass kicking his boy endured.
Re: Watching the Debate?
Mathews suggested Romney pushed the moderator around...I heard Obama got 4+ minutes more than Romney and Lehrer seemed at times wanting to restrict Romney from rebutting Obama....Maybe needed some pushing around.War Wagon wrote: Watching MSNBC, Chris Matthews is in full on melt over the ass kicking his boy endured.
“It is usually futile to try to talk facts and analysis to people who are enjoying a sense of moral superiority in their ignorance.”
- War Wagon
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Re: Watching the Debate?
after tonight, Rachel Maddow is going to vote for Romney.
Re: Watching the Debate?
War Wagon wrote: Any objective observer

If you like bluster and bullshit, and you're any "objective observer", I guess you think Romney cleaned up.
Re: Watching the Debate?
...and that worked out pretty good for Kennedy against Nixon.Jsc810 wrote:In terms of demeanor, voice inflection, and posture, Romney won.
In terms of substance, Obama won.
JPGettysburg wrote: ↑Fri Jul 19, 2024 8:57 pm In prison, full moon nights have a kind of brutal sodomy that can't fully be described with mere words.
Re: Watching the Debate?
The only real "substance" Obama brought to the debate was details on Romney's plans.88 wrote:I don't know what substance Obama supposedly supplied. Could you help a brother out with that one.
If you want to read some funny shit, go to Daily Kos right now. Someone better put the Prozac factory into high production mode.
When it comes to who won, the local Obama cheerleader for the evening news (a USF Poli Sci professor) said, "I think it was a solid victory for Romney. When he was on the attack, his delivery was so smooth that it didn't come off as an attack at all. Obama on the other hand, was frequently flustered and irritated and struggled for words at time. And every time Obama tried to set a trap for Romney, like with social security, Romney either cleanly side-stepped it or disregarded it altogether." Keep in mind, this is the guy they go to every night just to gush about how awesome Obama is.
Moving Sale wrote: I could easily have an IQ of 40
- Felix
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Re: Watching the Debate?
if romney wins, this country is fucked two ways to sunday.....he doesn't give a shit about you, me, or anybody else.....he's not out to help anybody but his rich fucking buddies
how a sane person could vote for that fucking scam artist is beyond me....what has any republican ever done for the working class people of this country? his jobs record consists of buying companies and putting everyday people out of work.....
he thinks he can run government like a can't, businesses are in the business of making money, government is in the business of providing well being for it's citizens.....
how a sane person could vote for that fucking scam artist is beyond me....what has any republican ever done for the working class people of this country? his jobs record consists of buying companies and putting everyday people out of work.....
he thinks he can run government like a can't, businesses are in the business of making money, government is in the business of providing well being for it's citizens.....
get out, get out while there's still time
Re: Watching the Debate?
The Kolob robot is on auto-pilot. As observed, his strength is his Irish good looks. The Irish are the most beautiful women and handsomest men in the world. Barry is saddled with the "crooked broken" crossing of two very weird people. But as much as I love the Irish, they are just as fallible and corruptible as anyone else, and like Reagan and Joe McCarthy, Mittens is foul and fraudulent. His business experience has absolutely NO record of producing anything, selling anything, or employing anyone. The Bain group were simply conniving rapacious money-worshipping creeps who--in a purely Chinese ethic, btw--sought to get whatever they could no matter what.
Of course he was blathering the usual jargon and rhetoric--and Barry was carefully dodging, no question--but Mittens is insane :twisted: And his true passion is for the military--real war. Consider that "Zion" is essential to his basic essence--his Mormon cult--and there you go. Okay....'s on you.
Of course he was blathering the usual jargon and rhetoric--and Barry was carefully dodging, no question--but Mittens is insane :twisted: And his true passion is for the military--real war. Consider that "Zion" is essential to his basic essence--his Mormon cult--and there you go. Okay....

Before God was, I am
Re: Watching the Debate?
Could you be a bigger wussy?Felix wrote:if romney wins, this country is fucked two ways to sunday.....he doesn't give a shit about you, me, or anybody else.....he's not out to help anybody but his rich fucking buddies
how a sane person could vote for that fucking scam artist is beyond me....what has any republican ever done for the working class people of this country? his jobs record consists of buying companies and putting everyday people out of work.....
he thinks he can run government like a can't, businesses are in the business of making money, government is in the business of providing well being for it's citizens.....
Re: Watching the Debate?
Mittens is Crazy,88 wrote:A haiku?
Obama got rolled.
Romney kicked him in the cunt.
Dems now blame Lehrer.
Barry is mysterious,
Autumn is
Before God was, I am
- ChargerMike
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Re: Watching the Debate?
Felix wrote:if romney wins, this country is fucked two ways to sunday.....he doesn't give a shit about you, me, or anybody else.....he's not out to help anybody but his rich fucking buddies
how a sane person could vote for that fucking scam artist is beyond me....what has any republican ever done for the working class people of this country? his jobs record consists of buying companies and putting everyday people out of work.....he thinks he can run government like a can't, businesses are in the business of making money, government is in the business of providing well being for it's citizens.....
Gheesh Jim, I like ya brother, but pull yer head out will ya? That spew is about as asinine as anything I've read. You and Chris Matthews marching to the same drum.
JIP said...Hell, Michael Sam has more integrity than you do.

Re: Watching the Debate?
No, Charger, the issue is why was Lehrer--the former Marine officer--so easily pushed aside by the droning loops of Mittens? Sure, Felix is drunk ramblin', but that doesn't mean his basic argument is wrong. Mittens is MALIGNANT. Are you awake, Charger? Seriously, right now, as you drain your fifth Coors light and pack a pinch between your cheek and gum...are you really aware of the sheer insanity of the Mormon military Zionazi march? Well...
Last edited by LTS TRN 2 on Thu Oct 04, 2012 5:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
Before God was, I am
Re: Watching the Debate?
You've got to fucking be kidding me?Jsc810 wrote:In terms of demeanor, voice inflection, and posture, Romney won.
In terms of substance, Obama won.
Obama had his ass handed to him..
Re: Watching the Debate?
And you think Barry gives a flying fuck about you?!?Felix wrote:if romney wins, this country is fucked two ways to sunday.....he doesn't give a shit about you, me, or anybody else......

Screw_Michigan wrote: ↑Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:39 pmUnlike you tards, I actually have functioning tastebuds and a refined pallet.
Re: Watching the Debate?
Yes, despite his seeming betrayals to the noble progressive agenda upon which he was duly elected, Barry still retains the tenets of decency. Mittens makes no presumption and like the robot he is, he just keeps quacking along. Just like you, Mall Cop, you piss ant little creep.
Before God was, I am
Re: Watching the Debate?
No doubt..if people honestly think this shit is true we ARE fucked.mvscal wrote:And you think Barry gives a flying fuck about you?!?Felix wrote:if romney wins, this country is fucked two ways to sunday.....he doesn't give a shit about you, me, or anybody else......
People are sheep 101
Re: Watching the Debate?
Well, at least we definitely know how this guy felt it went for Obama... ... -race.html
After the debate debacle for Obama, we’ll find out if we have a race
Yes, it was as bad as it seemed.
No, it wasn’t Jim Lehrer’s fault for letting Romney expound; Obama got more time (four minutes more) than Romney. Besides, it’s not the moderator’s job to call a debater out on questionable assertions. It’s the opponent’s job.
Yes, it wasn’t the best atmospherics for Obama to look down, purse his lips, appear distracted, while Romney was attentive, engaged, relaxed. But this was much more than atmospherics. This was about one candidate who came with a frame for the evening, and who was prepared to engage on every question; and another who, perhaps because of his documented faith in his own abilities, felt he could wing it with snatches of familiar verbiage.
Most surprising, the whole evening felt as if Obama thought he was back in 2008, needing only to demonstrate a sense of cool, calm collectedness to persuade the voters that they could do what they desperately wanted to do: change course.
There was barely a moment when Obama offered any sense that he was prepared to challenge Romney on his weakest point: who does the Republican presidential nominee speak for? How much (or little) does he understand where the country is, how it got here?
Even on the most basic political points, Obama seemed clueless. When you argue as a Democrat that you and your Republican opponent share wide areas of agreement on Social Security—especially when recipients make up a chunk of Romney’s “47 percent” of indolent spongers—you have thrown in a fistful of high cards.
What remains is one key question that the next 48 to 72 hours will answer: Did this debate change the minds of significant numbers of voters? Assuming that the flash polls are right—that most viewers thought Romney won the debate—did they regard that as a loss for “their” team, or did it persuade some of them to change their minds about whom they are supporting,
One of the enduring myths of campaign analysis is that you can actually count the number of “undecided” voters by asking voters if they are undecided or not. Sometimes, significant numbers of voters actually change their minds. That’s how Reagan turned a small lead into a landslide in 1980. It’s how Gore won the popular vote in 2000, and how Kerry got back into the race in 2004.
If this debate—as one-sided as any I have ever seen—does not change the landscape, if Obama retains a small but measurable lead, it means that the election is more or less over (barring some overwhelmingly consequential event), that voters have decided they are going to stick with the President. That is thin gruel on which the Obama campaign must dine for the next few days; but after this debacle, it’s the only sustenance on the menu. ... -race.html
After the debate debacle for Obama, we’ll find out if we have a race
Yes, it was as bad as it seemed.
No, it wasn’t Jim Lehrer’s fault for letting Romney expound; Obama got more time (four minutes more) than Romney. Besides, it’s not the moderator’s job to call a debater out on questionable assertions. It’s the opponent’s job.
Yes, it wasn’t the best atmospherics for Obama to look down, purse his lips, appear distracted, while Romney was attentive, engaged, relaxed. But this was much more than atmospherics. This was about one candidate who came with a frame for the evening, and who was prepared to engage on every question; and another who, perhaps because of his documented faith in his own abilities, felt he could wing it with snatches of familiar verbiage.
Most surprising, the whole evening felt as if Obama thought he was back in 2008, needing only to demonstrate a sense of cool, calm collectedness to persuade the voters that they could do what they desperately wanted to do: change course.
There was barely a moment when Obama offered any sense that he was prepared to challenge Romney on his weakest point: who does the Republican presidential nominee speak for? How much (or little) does he understand where the country is, how it got here?
Even on the most basic political points, Obama seemed clueless. When you argue as a Democrat that you and your Republican opponent share wide areas of agreement on Social Security—especially when recipients make up a chunk of Romney’s “47 percent” of indolent spongers—you have thrown in a fistful of high cards.
What remains is one key question that the next 48 to 72 hours will answer: Did this debate change the minds of significant numbers of voters? Assuming that the flash polls are right—that most viewers thought Romney won the debate—did they regard that as a loss for “their” team, or did it persuade some of them to change their minds about whom they are supporting,
One of the enduring myths of campaign analysis is that you can actually count the number of “undecided” voters by asking voters if they are undecided or not. Sometimes, significant numbers of voters actually change their minds. That’s how Reagan turned a small lead into a landslide in 1980. It’s how Gore won the popular vote in 2000, and how Kerry got back into the race in 2004.
If this debate—as one-sided as any I have ever seen—does not change the landscape, if Obama retains a small but measurable lead, it means that the election is more or less over (barring some overwhelmingly consequential event), that voters have decided they are going to stick with the President. That is thin gruel on which the Obama campaign must dine for the next few days; but after this debacle, it’s the only sustenance on the menu.
Joe Satriani is a mime, right? - 88
Show me your dicks. - trev
Show me your dicks. - trev
Re: Watching the Debate?
My bad, willie, I meant his obvious blatant obeisance to all things evil. "Seeming" was unnecessary. But Mittens is capital "E" evil..or what?
Before God was, I am
- Atomic Punk
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Re: Watching the Debate?
Wow, what a bunch of divided people we have here. (Shocked!) I thought Obama was about uniting us and making promises with his "Hope and Change" pledge back in 2008.
For you Obama apologists, what has he done to improve anything other than his social standing with celebrities? It's intellectually dishonest to say he's been an effective leader.
Did you know private practice Doctors actually lose money seeing MediCare patients? My MD told me how the insurance companies work while I was a nursing student years ago. The Doctors get paid a rate that doesn't pay for their overhead. In this region, seeing a MediCare patient costs THEM $8 net for a 15 minute visit, while Blue Cross pays $14 net.
So a lot of these doctors are telling me it's better to become a nurse as we don't have to put up with the costs of running a business. I'm seeing very good veteran MD's retiring as it isn't worth it anymore.
Another thing... does anybody here think that Obama has any knowledge how businesses make a profit in the private sector? You seriously have to check yourselves if you think Obama is the answer. He can't blame Bush anymore yet took credit for his brother Osama. Osama, Obama... whatever.
For you Obama apologists, what has he done to improve anything other than his social standing with celebrities? It's intellectually dishonest to say he's been an effective leader.
Did you know private practice Doctors actually lose money seeing MediCare patients? My MD told me how the insurance companies work while I was a nursing student years ago. The Doctors get paid a rate that doesn't pay for their overhead. In this region, seeing a MediCare patient costs THEM $8 net for a 15 minute visit, while Blue Cross pays $14 net.
So a lot of these doctors are telling me it's better to become a nurse as we don't have to put up with the costs of running a business. I'm seeing very good veteran MD's retiring as it isn't worth it anymore.
Another thing... does anybody here think that Obama has any knowledge how businesses make a profit in the private sector? You seriously have to check yourselves if you think Obama is the answer. He can't blame Bush anymore yet took credit for his brother Osama. Osama, Obama... whatever.
BSmack wrote:Best. AP take. Ever.
Seriously. I don't disagree with a word of it.
- smackaholic
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Re: Watching the Debate?
Mitt put on the best exhibition of the stiff arm (on Lehrer) since Walter Peyton.
Rack him!
Rack him!
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
- Felix
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Re: Watching the Debate?
if you're going to be a racist, might as well go at it full throttle....thanks for the sigWar Wagon wrote:Mitt cleaned Obama's clock, made him look like the porch monkey he is.
get out, get out while there's still time
Re: Watching the Debate?
Hey, he's giving away cell phones, isn't he?mvscal wrote:And you think Barry gives a flying fuck about you?!?Felix wrote:if romney wins, this country is fucked two ways to sunday.....he doesn't give a shit about you, me, or anybody else......
I can picture Feeldix with his ponytail and sandals, mashing out that meltdown.
JPGettysburg wrote: ↑Fri Jul 19, 2024 8:57 pm In prison, full moon nights have a kind of brutal sodomy that can't fully be described with mere words.
- Terry in Crapchester
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Re: Watching the Debate?
And, particularly relevant to Romney's business history . . .Felix wrote:he thinks he can run government like a can't, businesses are in the business of making money, government is in the business of providing well being for it's citizens.....
You can't fire the citizens.
War Wagon wrote:The first time I click on one of your youtube links will be the first time.
- MuchoBulls
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Re: Watching the Debate?
Wait until the millions of people whom he said he wouldn't tax have to start paying for his healthcare plan.Jsc810 wrote:Obamacare has enabled millions to have health insurance.
Dreams......Temporary Madness
Re: Watching the Debate?
Obama was believable in 08 when he said he would be in the middle and bring both sides together. He has not even attempted to do that, he has been the opposite. Far, far left.
Re: Watching the Debate?
And still Obama went four minutes longer. They both trompled Lehrer, and good for them. This shit is too important to be constrained by arbitrary time limits. What, are we running the risk of cutting into another scinitillating episode of Mike and Molly?
Joe Satriani is a mime, right? - 88
Show me your dicks. - trev
Show me your dicks. - trev
Re: Watching the Debate?
Agreed. We want specifics of how the intend to accomplish their goals but don't give them enough time to explain any of the details. Going to create good paying jobs? How? Going to reduce the deficit and debt? How? Going to repeal Obamacare and make it better? How?Van wrote:And still Obama went four minutes longer. They both trompled Lehrer, and good for them. This shit is too important to be constrained by arbitrary time limits. What, are we running the risk of cutting into another scinitillating episode of Mike and Molly?
I gave Romney a slight edge in what was a very uninspiring 90 minute debate but I'm not sure that he'll see any long term gains from anything that was presented last night. As was pointed out on CBS last night, Kerry won his first debate but failed to win the election. Winning 2 out of 3 debates doesn't guarantee victory in November. I look for facts in a debate (of which few were presented last night) so that I can make an educated decision, not a continued presentation of the negative ads and sound bites we've all been watching for months.
- smackaholic
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Re: Watching the Debate?
Just think about that breathtakingly stupid statement for a minute.Jsc810 wrote:Bin Laden and Gaddafi aren't problems anymore.
Bin Laden wasn't a problem. He was hiding in his little hidey hole beating off. And all the credit goes to the guys in the trenches that got the job done despite Obama.
As for Gadafi not being a problem, let's ask the Libyan Ambassador. Oh, wait, that's right. We can't ask him cause he's got a bad case of eing dead at the moment. If Gadafi was still a problem, this dude is still breathing.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
Re: Watching the Debate?
To give out specifics of how to deal with the problems now would really be guessing. Who knows what will happen January 2013. Don't forget the tax increases-----errrr---- elimination of the tax cuts will happen at midnight 1/1/13. No matter what, we are in for quite a ride.
"It''s not dark yet--but it's getting there". -- Bob Dylan
Carbon Dating, the number one dating app for senior citizens.
"Blessed be the Lord my strength, which teaches my hands to the war, and my fingers to fight."
Carbon Dating, the number one dating app for senior citizens.
"Blessed be the Lord my strength, which teaches my hands to the war, and my fingers to fight."
Re: Watching the Debate?
POTUS wrote:if you want to be president you owe the American people the truth.
Pretty classic, coming from a guy who spent the previous few paragraphs lying his ass off, which is in line with his shameless lying for the last 4 years.
Classy guy -- dissing his opponent after getting his ass handed to him. But that's his MO, for sure -- blame his failures on some outside entity, NEVER himself.
I got 99 problems but the 'vid ain't one
- Felix
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Re: Watching the Debate?
oh and don't forget that if he's elected, he will have north american energy independence by how he's going to do that is anybody's guess....he'll have to nationalize all of the oil companies, otherwise, the shell oils and phillips petroleums will still be selling their crude on the open market, competing with middle eastern oil....unless of course, those oil companies decide to sell it to us cheap out of the goodness of their hearts....
so even if we could extract all of the oil we need to sustain ourselves, how is that going to reduce the price of oil? it won't
so even if we could extract all of the oil we need to sustain ourselves, how is that going to reduce the price of oil? it won't
get out, get out while there's still time
Re: Watching the Debate?
Felix wrote:if romney wins, this country is fucked two ways to sunday.....he doesn't give a shit about you, me, or anybody else.....he's not out to help anybody but his rich fucking buddies
how a sane person could vote for that fucking scam artist is beyond me....what has any republican ever done for the working class people of this country?
Yeah, just look at this roster of conservative stalwarts... you know, universities and public unions, and the money they invested in Bain Capital:
* Purdue University ($15.9 million)
* University of California ($225.7 million)
* University of Michigan ($130 million)
* University of Virginia ($20 million)
* University of Washington ($33 million)
* Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund ($2.2 million)
* Indiana Public Retirement System ($39.3 million)
* Iowa Public Employees’ Retirement System ($177.1 million)
* The Los Angeles Fire and Police Pension System ($19.5 million)
* Maryland State Retirement and Pension System ($117.5 million)
* Public Employees’ Retirement System of Nevada ($20.3 million)
* State Teachers Retirement System of Ohio ($767.3 million)
* Pennsylvania State Employees’ Retirement System ($231.5 million)
* Employees’ Retirement System of Rhode Island ($25 million)
* San Diego County Employees Retirement Association ($23.5 million)
* Teacher Retirement System of Texas ($122.5 million)
* Tennessee Consolidated Retirement System ($15 million)
Lefties are really good at toeing the party line, until it actually comes down to their own money.
So, to answer your question: They made people money.
I got 99 problems but the 'vid ain't one
Re: Watching the Debate?

If I don’t have this done in three years, then this is going to be a one term proposition.
The Ghost of Campaigns Past
Re: Watching the Debate?
Dude, everyone knows that Obama is a gifted orator when speaking with a teleprompter, before an adoring crowd, with no one there to counter his rhetoric. But last night we saw what happens when the crowd is silent, he has to think on his feet to defend his policies and there's someone there to call bullshit.Jsc810 wrote:Lots of articles that could now be posted here, but I'll just go with the President:
Moving Sale wrote: I could easily have an IQ of 40
Re: Watching the Debate?
It should have been moderated by Chuck Barris... he would have dealt with Obama appropriately.
I got 99 problems but the 'vid ain't one
- Felix
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Re: Watching the Debate?
dude, I've given lots of time and my own money to helping people, not to make more money.....there's more to fucking life than making big piles of cash....I could take the money I've made through real estate investments and grow it into a bigger pile-but to what end?Dinsdale wrote:
Lefties are really good at toeing the party line, until it actually comes down to their own money.
I'm one of those crazy people that believe that I owe something back to those less fortunate than I.....I donate enormous amounts of time and energy into helping people get off of welfare, the group I belong to buys and fixes up dwelling in order to provide those less fortunate a decent place to live.....we help them to find work which gives people meaning to their don't give me that fucking horseshit about "he made them money" so what?
and how many peoples lives has he crushed in order to make that money? you want to vote for him, by all means vote for him....but that dude is just straight up an assholeSo to answer your question: They made people money.
get out, get out while there's still time
- Felix
- 2012 JAFFL Champ
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- Location: probably on a golf course
Re: Watching the Debate?
have we become so hardened that the majority of people in this country no longer feel compassion for their fellow man?
really, is that the world you want to live in trev?
we're the richest country on the face of this planet, yet I'm continually amazed that people feel they're being robbed when we spend money to help others out
I've come to the conclusion that there are a shitload of selfish motherfuckers that inhabit this board
you really should be ashamed of yourselves
really, is that the world you want to live in trev?
we're the richest country on the face of this planet, yet I'm continually amazed that people feel they're being robbed when we spend money to help others out
I've come to the conclusion that there are a shitload of selfish motherfuckers that inhabit this board
you really should be ashamed of yourselves
get out, get out while there's still time
Re: Watching the Debate?
A lot of us help people every day. We just don't want to be forced into government tyranny. I don't want to "buy" Obamacare. I should have the freedom to buy my own healthcare.