I'm sure you boys are still icing your balls down after the kick in sack the Mountaineers just gave ya...but as a Sooner fan i have no problem whatsoever piling on Shortwhorn fan.
i'm sure we'll see THIS guy outside the stadium next saturday panhandling...

note to self Vincent...get Jane Goodall to take care of the chimps next time instead of flipping the bill yourself and you might have a little cheddar leftover in the bank.
Bank :an institution for receiving, lending, exchanging, and safeguarding money and, in some cases, issuing notes and transacting other financial business.
IE quit letting your posse of jigs get their grubby fingers on it.
on the inside i'm sure we'll see a few other texas alumni cruising the sidelines....
like this douche bag...
if there's a bigger example of a douche bag on planet earth...please feel free to post a reply.
this dumbfuck doesnt know the difference between a shard of a bat and a baseball??
If i woulda been Piazza id of shoved it right back up his ass.
or maybe well see THIS guy on the sideline...
holy shit make sure you have king sized snickers and cans of sour cream and onion pringles and you might be able to keep him quiet.
since i'm on the subject of the sticky icky..
Ricky, your thoughts?

thought so...
OU is going to make it 3 in a row against those North Mexicans...
get ready to see alot of this from mac brown when the UT D gives up a big play to OU
and then see him do this when OU scores TDs..

he'll do this when OU stuffs UT's passing "attack"
FUCK Texas.
FUCK Burnt Orange
and FUCK Bevo
by the way wHorn fan...who the FUCK springled extra chromosomes onto David Ash's wheaties??