Mikey wrote:A long but interesting read.
Wags, smackaholic, Derron, don't bother it's too long and there are some big words in there.
November 7th
Though their agendas are hidden, both Romney and Obama have plans to dramatically remake the size and character of American government. Very, very quickly....
http://nymag.com/news/politics/election ... s-2012-10/
Eat shit Mikey...the only real reason you posted that is because the word 'VAPID" is in there, and we know how much you love that.
I read it through about page 5. The article makes some very good assumptions. Rommeny's claim of being able to just do nothing and watch the economy take off has merit. I took several investors on a tour recently of several properties that a general contractor wants to develop. To a man, each of these 3 dudes said if Rommeny wins, they are pulling the trigger on at least one of these projects that my GC is working on, and a couple of others they have in the works. Hopefully we can get them to pull on at least one more of our projects. The one alone puts 3 million to work over the next 9 to 12 months. The other is a 1.75 million pop to. All private projects, all ready to go to engineering the day they sign the papers.
If Obama is elected, they are sitting on their money for at least 9 months, maybe longer. Just too afraid to put it to work if Obongo wins.
Some of the prepper and survivalist web sites are buzzing that if Obongo loses, you will see massive rioting in the inner city's, spreading quickly to outlying areas. Kind of a stretch for me, but I could see where Detroit, Chicago, NY DC, others may have some issues. Some pretty good runs and sales on ammunition according to a couple of friends that have gun shops and web sites.
I think Obongo is done for and hope like hell that it true. Not a Rommeny fan, but he is light years ahead of Obongo.