Water treatment facility U & L style. Note the nutria swimming in the water. Invasive bastard.

Note to fly over and East Coasters..that is a Mountain. Mt Hood to be exact. 11, 529 feet above sea level.

Back water slough at the same treatment facility.

Note the eagle nest in the right tree. Fucking huge.

Roosevelt elk. 1100 pounds apiece. Some of the finest eating you will ever come across. Jewell Wildlife Refuge east of Seaside Oregon.

Feeding in the meadow.

Another herd in a field down the road. Note the albino cow in the center. We have seen this cow the last 4 years since she was a calf.

Train steam engine water tank used to fill trains bringing logs out of the woods years ago.

Stem engine. Steam donkey. Used to power the early high leads and other operations on the logging landing.

Camp 18. Nice high quality eats place. Packed when ever you go there. Filmed some shows of Axemen in the basement bar. Some of those scenes will never make the show.

1100 acre lake about 3 miles from my compound. Pull 18 to 22 inch trout out of here every year, and the state record small mouth bass was caught here.

3 mountain view, from left, Mt Rainer, Mt St Helen's, Mt Adams all in WA. Rack my buddies farm wheat bins there. Probably close to 2 million dollars of wheat in those bad boys right now. Plays the wheat market like a fiddle all winter long, and holds some back for the real high prices in the late spring.

None of this fake eagle shit here. This guy sites here all winter long, unless he is killing ducks in the field behind my place.