mvscal wrote:Mace wrote:Rack Smackaholic for stepping up and thanks for your service to the country.
For fuck's sake, he's just going to be pushing a pencil somewhere. He's not a Navy SEAL.
Coming from our resident 101st Fighting Keyboarder, who tries to make himself out to be the second coming of Audie Murphy and whatsuch . . .

That was an unintentional funnay, btw.
I will rack Smackaholic for doing a job most want done, but not many want to do. As well as for this . . .
smackaholic wrote:I actually do believe it is my duty, especially since I have been for some of our imperialism fighting to bring democracy, freedom and maybe even indoor plumbing to some of the worlds 3rd world hellholes.
. . . which, I suppose, separates him from the Bush/Cheney/Limbaugh/Nugent chickenhawk wing of the Republican Party, which is all for getting people shot up and dying for that hellhole known as the Middle East, just as long as it's someone else's ass, and not their own, on the firing line.
But I see Mgo's point as well. Smackaholic's motives seem to be mixed at best (i.e., trying to get back at his asshole boss). And I realize that at the point I'm at in life, my first obligation is to my family. Being 5-6,000 miles away in a best case scenario, or coming home in a bodybag in the worst case scenario, doesn't exactly square with my obligation to my kids, one of whom is only 7 and the other of whom has special needs.