mvscal wrote:Is that what he told you?
that's what every news report reported..... ... 1166657725
in his rookie year he tested positive for amphetamines and marijuana....the amphetamine was likely something like Adderall or some other drug used to treat ADHD because they're so easy to he entered Stage One of the NFL's Intervention Staging program in which players who've tested positive are subject to additional testing and the NFL formulates a treatment plan and the players must comply with the terms of the treatment plan...players cannot be disciplined in Stage One.....
whether or not they comply with Stage One,they enter Stage Stage Two, discipline is doled out.....if the player completes Stage One successfully, they are fined an amount that equals four games pay....if they don't complete Stage One successfully, they are subject to a four-game suspension....the NFL policy states
NFL rules wrote:if the player fails to comply with his Treatment Plan or fails to cooperate with testing, treatment, evaluation or other requirements imposed on him by this policy, both as determined by the Medical Director, or has a positive test
an NFL source told a Denver Post reporter the violation in question was not the result of a sample testing positive for a PED or recreational noted, in Stage Two a player can face suspension for missed tests or counseling sessions,
an altered test or behavioral issues....according an ESPN report
the collector just wanted to be Millers buddy
Sources said the collector worked in Miami, where Miller spends offseason time, and the collector reveled in knowing the Broncos linebacker while being, according to a source, "star struck." It led, sources said, to the collector's willingness to substitute another person's urine specimen for Miller's. It might have worked, sources said, had a second collector not discovered that Miller was not in the city where his collection was supposed to have taken place.
his test failure was because he tried to use someone else's piss, not because he tested positive for anything....most reporters in Denver speculate that Miller's urine would have tested positive for reefer, thus he would have been suspended for eight games for a second trying to circumvent the testing system, he received a six game suspension which cost him about $810,000 in salary....NFL substance-abuse policy requires Miller to repay 6/17th of the bonus allocation for 2013....his original signing bonus was $13.773 million and an allocation per year of $3,443,250, so he forfeited $1.2 of his signing bonus....all told his six game suspension cost him over 2 million dollars......because he tested positive in his rookie year, he's subject to random testing anytime the NFL wants to, so the idea of Miller using HGH or any other PED is fucking laughable.....if he tested positive for any kind of performance enhancing drug or recreational drug, that would be a third violation and he'd face at minimum a full years suspension, without pay......