I can't believe there isn't a 12 page rant

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Re: I can't believe there isn't a 12 page rant

Post by Felix »

88 wrote: The voters put the party of obstruction in a position to obstruct for a reason. And while everyone on your side of the aisle is totally bummed out because the obstructionists won't lay down and give them everything they want
nobody is asking to give them everything they want.....people like me think holding the US economy hostage in an effort to repeal a law the republicans don't like is a stupid idea.....and guess what, so do a lot of other people (republicans included).....that's not governance, that's acting like spoiled brats who don't get their way....
Your party could simply agree to any one of the hundreds of bills that the obstructionists have passed and sent to the Senate. If the parts of the government/Affordable Care Act that the obstructionists do not want to fund are so good, then why not simply have your party pass them again and get them funded on their own merits?
why should they? the ACA is law and simply because the republicans don't like it, they want to fuck with our economy.....lets see, the last time they did that (in 2011) it ended up with the US credit rating being downgraded which ultimately will cost us billions in additional interest.....now they want to do it again.....they say the definition of insanity is repeating the same behavior and expecting different results......

again, why won't Boehner simply put a clean CR to an up and down vote?

look, if the republicans want to get rid of the affordable care act, there's a simple way.....win the next presidential election and if the ACA turns out to be the economic disaster every republican says it will be, a republican candidate should win in a landslide.....then they can disembowel the ACA to their hearts content....
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Re: I can't believe there isn't a 12 page rant

Post by Truman »

Felix wrote:why should they? the ACA is law and simply because the republicans don't like it, they want to fuck with our economy.....

look, if the republicans want to get rid of the affordable care act, there's a simple way.....win the next presidential election and if the ACA turns out to be the economic disaster every republican says it will be, a republican candidate should win in a landslide.....then they can disembowel the ACA to their hearts content....
Looks like that there might just be a few more folks out there other than just Republicans that oppose the ACA:

http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls ... -1130.html

Why do we have to wait until 2016? It appears to me that the People's House is simply doing the People's bidding. Maybe if you left-wingers would stop your whining and get off your can and elect a Democrat super-majority again next year, you could make all this economy-killing obstructionist stuff go away. Good luck with that. After all: That's the way we got shackled by this Obamacare shit-law in the first place.
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Re: I can't believe there isn't a 12 page rant

Post by Felix »

Truman wrote:
Looks like that there might just be a few more folks out there other than just Republicans that oppose the ACA:

http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls ... -1130.html
the majority of people have no idea what the ACA is let alone how it will or won't affect them.....
Maybe if you left-wingers would stop your whining and get off your can and elect a Democrat super-majority again next year, you could make all this economy-killing obstructionist stuff go away. Good luck with that. After all: That's the way we got shackled by this Obamacare shit-law in the first place.
the republicans are doing the heavy lifting right now, they're kicking their own asses.....

"shackled by obamacare"? you gotta love that......

currently health care costs in the United States are staggering relative to other industrialized nations.....we spend more on a per capita basis then every other industrialized country....in 2010 we spent about $8,250/person, so naturally you'd think we'd have a top flight health care rating....you know what we get for our money? the quality of the US health care is ranked 38th....we're sandwiched between Costa Rica and Slovenia...

that should be an embarrassment.....did you know that the United States has the highest rate of deaths that could have been prevented with adequate basic health care?

contrast that with France, which is considered to have the best health care in the world.....in 2010 they spent about $4,000/person and has the lowest death rate because they provide basic health care to every one of their citizens.....

this is the health care system you and the republicans are so hell bent on saving.....
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Re: I can't believe there isn't a 12 page rant

Post by Derron »

Felix wrote:....people like me think holding the US economy hostage in an effort to repeal a law the republicans don't like is a stupid idea.....and guess what, so do a lot of other people (republicans included).....that's not governance, that's acting like spoiled brats who don't get their way....
How else are people to show their displeasure with how the President and his libs have rammed this country into debt ?? Just fucking roll along with increasing the FUCKING DEBT CEILING AGAIN ? Kick the can down the road AGAIN ??? Fuck Barry and his boys, all they do is blame the Republicans and keep spending away.

You and the average American are too stupid to see how bad this spending problem will fuck our economy if it continues. Pare back on the giveaways to Federal fluff and you might stand a chance on getting this passed.

These guys are not obstructionists, they are patriots.
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Re: I can't believe there isn't a 12 page rant

Post by mvscal »

Felix wrote:why won't Boehner offer and up and down vote on a clean continuing resolution (CR)?
My goodness. Well aren't you just chock full of scripted talking points. I suppose it's easier than thinking for yourself. Please explain, in your own words, why a continuing resolution (clean or otherwise) is an intelligent and responsible method of funding the federal government. Bonus points if you can articulate why Congress has not passed a proper budget since 2009.

Now maybe, just maybe, passing "clean CRs" is the main reason why we have added 7 TRILLION dollars in debt over that same period of time. Why articulate and defend your spending priorities via the budget process when you can simply max out the debt ceiling without any control or accountability and then demand another "clean CR" lest the "full faith and credit" of the United States be "held hostage" by "dangerous extremists"?

You really aren't very smart. You are the ideal low info cum sponge for libtard demogogues.
Last edited by mvscal on Tue Oct 15, 2013 11:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: I can't believe there isn't a 12 page rant

Post by Felix »

Derron wrote:
How else are people to show their displeasure with how the President and his libs have rammed this country into debt ?? Just fucking roll along with increasing the FUCKING DEBT CEILING AGAIN ? Kick the can down the road AGAIN ??? Fuck Barry and his boys, all they do is blame the Republicans and keep spending away.
increasing the debt ceiling doesn't increase the debt and doesn't increase deficits.....all it does is just authorizes payment for what has already been spent.....the fact that you don't understand this is not surprising....because it's painfully obvious you have no idea what you're talking about
You and the average American are too stupid to see how bad this spending problem will fuck our economy if it continues. Pare back on the giveaways to Federal fluff and you might stand a chance on getting this passed.
so you believe the ACA is going to cost a boatload of money?
here, read this then get back to me.....

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Re: I can't believe there isn't a 12 page rant

Post by mvscal »

Felix wrote:increasing the debt ceiling doesn't increase the debt and doesn't increase deficits.....all it does is just authorizes payment for what has already been spent.....
:lol: :lol: :lol:

More spoon-fed talking points. You really are a pathetic dipshit. Yes, raising your credit limit doesn't, in and of itself, put you further in debt...it simply allows you to go further in debt and that is exactly what will happen the split fucking second the debt ceiling is raised, you fucking idiot.
Screw_Michigan wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:39 pmUnlike you tards, I actually have functioning tastebuds and a refined pallet.
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Re: I can't believe there isn't a 12 page rant

Post by War Wagon »

I'm not reading or responding to this whole thread so I'll confine my comments to this one dipshit sentence.
and the party of obstructionism wonders why their popularity numbers are crashing.....
not in the congressional districts that elected them and will re-elect them in 2014. Have you forgotten 2010? There will still be a GOP majority holding the purse strings. Americans, in general, don't like having mandated shit sandwiches stuffed down their throat, which is exactly what happened with the AFHCA when the Dems controlled all 3 branches.

What's happening now is a direct result of that and damn the torpedos from MSNBC and The Daily Kos, conservatives have to stick to their guns or there will be a revolution. Another Civil War, if you will.

Guess who will win?
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Re: I can't believe there isn't a 12 page rant

Post by poptart »

Felix wrote:the majority of people have no idea what the ACA is let alone how it will or won't affect them.....
Maybe people can learn more about their reaming when they can actually access the gov website. :lol:

Btw, did you sign up?
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Re: I can't believe there isn't a 12 page rant

Post by Left Seater »

One question for you Felix.

If ACA is the "law" as you stated multiple times, why is the President able to delay certain portions of it? Why are you not calling him out for violating the law as passed and decided by the SC?
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Re: I can't believe there isn't a 12 page rant

Post by poptart »

LS wrote:If ACA is the "law" as you stated multiple times, why is the President able to delay certain portions of it? Why are you not calling him out for violating the law as passed and decided by the SC?

That's why (among other reasons) the House ought not fund it.
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Re: I can't believe there isn't a 12 page rant

Post by Truman »

Felix wrote:the majority of people have no idea what the ACA is let alone how it will or won't affect them.....
THAT’s your take? People have no idea what the ACA is? According to you, and others like you, it’s what got your president re-elected and why the “obstructionists” should turn turtle. Your president has only been trying to sell his signature program to the American people since 2007. And Congress has spent billions of dollars trying to educate them as well. Oh no, Felix, the American people are VERY aware of what the ACA is. Why, remember these promises?

“If you like your health care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health care plan, period.”

“I will not sign a plan that adds one dime to our deficits—either now or in the future."

“I will protect Medicare.”

“I will sign a universal health care bill into law by the end of my first term as president that will cover every American and cut the cost of a typical family’s premium by up to $2,500 a year.”

“Under my plan, no family making less than $250,000 a year will see any form of tax increase.”


Every. Single. One.

Why do you think that those people who actually troubled themselves to learn about this law have been railing against it, your party, and your president since the day it passed? Your president is a charlatan; this law is a monstrosity and an abomination; and the people just now coming to this realization after attempting to navigate the broken, $600 million exchange Website all need to die in a collapsing, burning house of AIDs-infected dicks.
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Re: I can't believe there isn't a 12 page rant

Post by Felix »

mvscal wrote: Please explain, in your own words, why a continuing resolution (clean or otherwise) is an intelligent and responsible method of funding the federal government.
passing a continuing resolution is neither an intelligent nor responsible method of funding the government, but we're stuck with it.....if they don't, there's a good chance our credit rating will be downgraded again, and we'll end up spending billions more in interest on what is already a staggering debt.....this is pointless and like I said, the republicans are kicking their own asses with this continued freakshow......
Bonus points if you can articulate why Congress has not passed a proper budget since 2009.
without 60 votes, the Senate can't pass shit....with the exception of reconciliation legislation, it takes 60 votes to consider any legislation in the Senate....if you do not have the support of 60 Senators to invoke cloture and end a filibuster, or prevent a filibuster from even starting you can consider the legislation, if you don't, you can't....the Democrats have 52 seats, so unless 8 republicans are willing to sign on, no budget resolution is going to get passed.....
Now maybe, just maybe, passing "clean CRs" is the main reason why we have added 7 TRILLION dollars in debt over that same period of time.
where are you getting these number from? last I heard it was 4.7 trillion......
Why articulate and defend your spending priorities via the budget process when you can simply max out the debt ceiling without any control or accountability and then demand another "clean CR" lest the "full faith and credit" of the United States be "held hostage" by "dangerous extremists"?
well if that's what the republicans were after, I'd be in their corner.....but that's not what this is about....the whole point of the republicans holding up the process is simply because they want to defund the Affordable Care Act.....this has nothing to do with articulating and defending spending priorities, it has everything to do with defunding a law they don't like....
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Re: I can't believe there isn't a 12 page rant

Post by poptart »

Felix wrote:it has everything to do with defunding a law they don't like
DId you sign up?

It goes far beyond not liking it, Felix.

Barry unilaterally altered the law that was passed, signed, and upheld by the SC.

Wth is that?

And as Truman has noted, WE CAN NOT AFFORD IT -- and the entire package that was sold to the people ---> is not what it really is.

All lies, all bullshit.

You're seriously out to lunch.
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Re: I can't believe there isn't a 12 page rant

Post by Felix »

Truman wrote: People have no idea what the ACA is?
that's right....pull 10 random people aside and ask them how the affordable care act is going to affect them directly, and you'd be lucky if one could answer that question in any sort of coherent manner.....
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Re: I can't believe there isn't a 12 page rant

Post by Felix »

poptart wrote: DId you sign up?
no, I like my health care plan and just like Obama said, if I like it I can keep it....that's what I've done.....
You're seriously out to lunch.
read the GAO report, then tell me how you get to "6 trillion dollars" the program is allegedly going to cost.....then get back to me.....
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Re: I can't believe there isn't a 12 page rant

Post by Diego in Seattle »

poptart wrote:
Felix wrote:it has everything to do with defunding a law they don't like
DId you sign up?

It goes far beyond not liking it, Felix.

Barry unilaterally altered the law that was passed, signed, and upheld by the SC.

Wth is that?

I dunno...why don't you ask George W. "Signing Statements" Bush about that?
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Re: I can't believe there isn't a 12 page rant

Post by poptart »

Bush is gone.

Felix, how much did Barry say the program was going to cost?

Just because you can keep your health care paln does not mean that Barry's promise is kept.
You're aware (or you should be) that millions of people will not be able to keep their current paln.
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Re: I can't believe there isn't a 12 page rant

Post by Diego in Seattle »

poptart wrote:Bush is gone.
Thank god for that.

And I didn't see a single whimper from you republitards regarding his use of signing statements while he was in office. So STFU, foreigner.
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Re: I can't believe there isn't a 12 page rant

Post by Left Seater »

Left Seater wrote:One question for you Felix.

If ACA is the "law" as you stated multiple times, why is the President able to delay certain portions of it? Why are you not calling him out for violating the law as passed and decided by the SC?
Still waiting for an answer on this very simple question.
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Re: I can't believe there isn't a 12 page rant

Post by poptart »

Diego wrote:And I didn't see a single whimper from you republitards regarding his use of signing statements while he was in office.
I'm not a republican.

Do you ever get anything right?
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Re: I can't believe there isn't a 12 page rant

Post by Diego in Seattle »

poptart wrote:
Diego wrote:And I didn't see a single whimper from you republitards regarding his use of signing statements while he was in office.
I'm not a republican.

Do you ever get anything right?
Of course you're not. :lol:
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Re: I can't believe there isn't a 12 page rant

Post by Derron »

Felix wrote:
increasing the debt ceiling doesn't increase the debt and doesn't increase deficits.....all it does is just authorizes payment for what has already been spent.....
OK. Your circular reference logic is complete horseshit. So if increasing the debt ceiling does not increase debt, WHY THE FUCK DOES IT HAVE TO BE DONE??

Should not payment have not been made on " what has already been spent " ?? and " what has already been spent," but not paid for does not increase the debt ???

Once again standard accounting practices escape the libtard thinking.
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Re: I can't believe there isn't a 12 page rant

Post by Derron »

Diego in Seattle wrote:
I dunno...why don't you ask George W. "Signing Statements" Bush about that?
Nice...5 years into this abortion of a presidency and we get a late " It is Bush's fault " blast. You do remember your boy Osucka did get elected a second term right ??
Screw_Michigan wrote: Democrats are the REAL racists.
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Re: I can't believe there isn't a 12 page rant

Post by Truman »

Felix wrote:
Truman wrote: People have no idea what the ACA is?
that's right....pull 10 random people aside and ask them how the affordable care act is going to affect them directly, and you'd be lucky if one could answer that question in any sort of coherent manner.....
Then you and those 10 random people should all forfeit your right to vote. Bad enough you struggle to "answer that question in any sort of coherent manner" on a message board, much less in the voting booth. Mental invalids need have no say on how this country is to be governed, and America would be a far better place to live if you and those 10 random people were dead. Please kill yourself. TIA.
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Re: I can't believe there isn't a 12 page rant

Post by Goober McTuber »

Left Seater wrote:
Left Seater wrote:One question for you Felix.

If ACA is the "law" as you stated multiple times, why is the President able to delay certain portions of it? Why are you not calling him out for violating the law as passed and decided by the SC?
Still waiting for an answer on this very simple question.
You know, Lefty, according to your logic, you can't criticize the president. You have to run for president.
Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote: They couldn't even kick that doctors ass

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Re: I can't believe there isn't a 12 page rant

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

Truman wrote:...and America would be a far better place to live if you and those 10 random people were dead. Please kill yourself. TIA.

rock rock to the planet rock ... don't stop
Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
Why don’t you just STFU.
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Re: I can't believe there isn't a 12 page rant

Post by Diego in Seattle »

Derron wrote:
Diego in Seattle wrote:
I dunno...why don't you ask George W. "Signing Statements" Bush about that?
Nice...5 years into this abortion of a presidency and we get a late " It is Bush's fault " blast. You do remember your boy Osucka did get elected a second term right ??
Where did I claim that it was Bush's fault? Obviously reading comprehension is not your forte, Duhron.

I merely pointed out that Obama simply did what Bush did, only Bush had more than three times as many "signing statements" as Obama at this point in his presidency. One can't say complain about one POTUS doing something while remaining mute about what another POTUS did at a tripled rate. Well, you can, but it make you look like what you are (a fool).
“Left Seater” wrote:So charges are around the corner?
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Re: I can't believe there isn't a 12 page rant

Post by Goober McTuber »

Boehner to Tea Party: Shut Yourself Down
Margaret Carlson wrote:“Thank you, Mr. President. Signed, John Boehner.”

Deep beneath the year-round tan, the Camel Ultra Lights and the merlot, there beats a grateful heart. Somebody had to take on the Tea Party that has turned Boehner’s tenure as House speaker into a living hell.

Too bad for Republicans, that someone was a Democrat rather than one of their own, which would have signaled that the party is fit to govern. By calling the bluff of a tiny band of burn-the-place-down Tea Party activists leading their colleagues over domestic (the government shutdown) and global (the debt ceiling) cliffs, Barack Obama exposed the fact that they didn’t come to Washington to fix anything, only to tear everything but air-traffic control down.

The meltdown on Capitol Hill doesn’t mean the end of the Tea Party. In fact, most of those lawmakers accurately point out that they are doing what the constituents in their painfully drawn, one-sided, overwhelmingly white, aging, anti-gay, anti-immigrant, science-denying districts want. Still, there are emerging signs -- from declining poll numbers to the breach with the Republican Party’s traditional business allies -- that the act is getting old. Mess with Democratic totems such as Social Security and nutritional programs for pregnant mothers, send Sarah Palin to Washington periodically to pour salt on open wounds, but don’t mess with Treasury bills and the markets.

Brain Freeze

There was no convincing extremists ahead of time. Like excited children at the fair, the Tea Party had to eat too much ice cream and see the whole party get sick, and even then, they couldn’t stop themselves. But some of them had to be queasy when they saw an NBC News-Wall Street Journal poll last week: Only 24 percent of Americans had a favorable view of the Republican Party, the lowest ever. By eight points, the public said it preferred a Congress controlled by the Democrats over one in Republican hands. Positive feelings toward the Tea Party fell to an all-time low.

That would turn the stomach of the heartiest anarchist. Rather than be an enduring movement of concerned grass-roots activists, the Tea Party has become a well-financed faction of the Republican Party bankrolled by business interests such as the Koch brothers to push a narrow agenda of regressive taxes, opposition to unions and the rollback of regulations.

They went too far. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce sent a letter signed by about 250 business groups asking members of Congress to stop their shenanigans. Wall Street titans such as JPMorgan Chase & Co. (JPM) Chairman Jamie Dimon and Goldman Sachs Group Inc. Chief Executive Officer Lloyd Blankfein, alarmed that a small band of extremists is blithely considering bringing down the global economy, are pleading with the Republican leadership to rein in the renegades.

Voters may do that for them. Evidence of a declining Tea Party is also apparent in a few of the movement’s strongholds. Take the prince of the Tea Party, Michigan Representative Justin Amash. He tried to depose Boehner as speaker and considered a measure to defund Planned Parenthood not draconian enough. Rather than having to face a challenge from the far right, here comes one from a mainline conservative and pro-business investment adviser, Brian Ellis, who says the way Amash governs is “disruptive and chaotic” -- two words businessmen dislike more than taxes or regulation.

And look what has happened to Senator Mike Lee of Utah, a Tea Party darling since his surprising defeat in 2010 of Robert Bennett, a beloved conservative senator. He’s become sidekick to Senator Ted Cruz of Texas, chiming in during the recent filibuster about a childhood accident and his dream of being a pirate.

‘Wacko Birds’

Lee is one of the new lawmakers who have been dubbed “wacko birds” by Senator John McCain of Arizona. Karl Rove said Lee’s scorched-earth strategy was “the one tactic that might be able to guarantee that the Democrats pick up seats in the Congress in 2014.” Even Lee’s friend and Capitol Hill roommate, Senator Tom Coburn of Oklahoma, refused to back his plan to defund the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.

Lee’s favorable rating has dropped 10 percentage points since a June Brigham Young University poll, which doesn’t skew liberal. More than half of Utah voters see him unfavorably; 57 percent said he should be more willing to compromise. In a separate survey, a majority of Utah voters now disapprove of the Tea Party’s influence.

Like Amash, Lee will be challenged from his left. Josh Romney and Dan Liljenquist are waiting in the wings. If Lee survives that primary contest, there’s an excellent chance that Democratic Representative Jim Matheson -- who’s been gerrymandered into unwinnable districts twice but still wins -- could win a statewide race in the reddest state in the country.

Utah Republicans have been heading toward buyer’s remorse for some time. At last year’s convention in Salt Lake City, a robust 125,000 Republicans turned out. This was a reaction to the 2010 convention, when 50,000 Tea Party activists took over and eliminated Bennett in favor of Lee. By 2012, the establishment was back in charge, and Bennett got a long and loud standing ovation. At that same convention, Senator Orrin Hatch easily won the nomination and re-election.

Here’s another suggestion for thank-you notes: “Dear Senator Bennett, thank you for taking one for the establishment. Signed, Senator Hatch.”

And Senator Lee, watch out. Jim Matheson may have a note for you in 2016.
Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote: They couldn't even kick that doctors ass

Seems they rather just lay there, get fucked and play victim
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Re: I can't believe there isn't a 12 page rant

Post by poptart »

Diego wrote:I merely pointed out that Obama simply did what Bush did
That's sort of the whole problem, genius.

Soetoro has (for going on five years) taken the WORST of George Bush ---> and put it on steroids.

You can pop your head out of your ass any year now.
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Re: I can't believe there isn't a 12 page rant

Post by poptart »

Diego wrote:One can't say complain about one POTUS doing something while remaining mute about what another POTUS did at a tripled rate.

Yeah, kind of like how Bush's deficits were ape-shit out of control -- and Barry came in and tripled 'em.

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Re: I can't believe there isn't a 12 page rant

Post by mvscal »

Diego in Seattle wrote:I dunno...why don't you ask George W. "Signing Statements" Bush about that?
Signing statements don't change the law or the implementation of the law, you kiddy diddling fucktard. Spit the baby's dick out of your mouth and take a lap.
Screw_Michigan wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:39 pmUnlike you tards, I actually have functioning tastebuds and a refined pallet.
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Re: I can't believe there isn't a 12 page rant

Post by mvscal »

Felix wrote:
mvscal wrote: Please explain, in your own words, why a continuing resolution (clean or otherwise) is an intelligent and responsible method of funding the federal government.
passing a continuing resolution is neither an intelligent nor responsible method of funding the government, but we're stuck with it...
Who told you that?
if they don't, there's a good chance our credit rating will be downgraded again, and we'll end up spending billions more in interest on what is already a staggering debt........
fedgov is still raking in billions in revenue every month. There is more than enough cake to service the debt. The only way we could possibly default on our debt is if the shitskinned, cymbal-clacking affirmative action monkey in the Spite House refuses to cut the check.

Wake the fuck up and smell the coffee.
Screw_Michigan wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:39 pmUnlike you tards, I actually have functioning tastebuds and a refined pallet.
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Re: I can't believe there isn't a 12 page rant

Post by poptart »

mvscal wrote:There is more than enough cake to service the debt. The only way we could possibly default on our debt is if the shitskinned, cymbal-clacking affirmative action monkey in the Spite House refuses to cut the check.

"Default" is a total crock.
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Re: I can't believe there isn't a 12 page rant

Post by Left Seater »

Moving Sale wrote:I really are a fucking POS.
Softball Bat wrote: I am the dumbest motherfucker ever to post on the board.
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Re: I can't believe there isn't a 12 page rant

Post by poptart »

But if you listen closely to his words there, it's not as big a *FAIL* as conservatives immediately think it is.

He said he promised to cut in half, by the end of his first term, the deficit that he inherited.

In 2009 the deficit (what he says he inherited) was 1.4 trillion dollars.

This ---> http://www.taxpolicycenter.org/taxfacts ... ?Docid=200 projects that the deficit in 2014 will be about half what it was in 2009.

So I guess he missed it by a year-or-so, but... anyway.

Doesn't change the fact that gov spending is COMPLETELY BAT-SHIT CRAZY OUT OF CONTROL, but his fail isn't so horrendous if you take him at his words there.

Also does not change the reality that the fucktard has spent us into oblivion and nothing he says about anything should be taken at face value.

He's among the biggest pieces of shit on planet earth.
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Re: I can't believe there isn't a 12 page rant

Post by Left Seater »

Ok, I agree that the deficit in FY 2009 was $1.41 Trillion.

The deficit in FY 2012 was $1.09 Trillion. So at the end of his first term (remember he said first term not 4 years) he had not come anywhere close.

We also need to look at past projections to see just what effect he has really had. The CBO in 2009 projected a deficit in 2012 of only $412 Billion. So why did we miss this estimate so badly? More spending? Slower recovery? Concerns over Obamacare and other spending?

So given the piss poor ability for anyone to accurately project the deficit even a few years out, why wouldn't we wait to see actuals before proclaiming he met his promise two years late? I think the CBO's estimate will prove to be optimistic given the spending problem we have.

CBO 2009 projections see page 15
Moving Sale wrote:I really are a fucking POS.
Softball Bat wrote: I am the dumbest motherfucker ever to post on the board.
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Re: I can't believe there isn't a 12 page rant

Post by Left Seater »

He tries to cover it up down at the bottom by saying he was playing politics back in the day. As if that is any different than what he is doing today. :meds:
Moving Sale wrote:I really are a fucking POS.
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Re: I can't believe there isn't a 12 page rant

Post by Screw_Michigan »

$36 billion down the economy toilet because of the shutdown and you tards are still jerking each other off over the admirable jobs you did.

You aren't patriots. You deserved to be drawn and quartered. I thought you turds were like the party of business? Oh, that's right.
kcdave wrote: Sat Sep 09, 2023 8:05 am
I was actually going to to join in the best bets activity here at good ole T1B...The guy that runs that contest is a fucking prick
Derron wrote: Sat Oct 03, 2020 3:07 pm
You are truly one of the worst pieces of shit to ever post on this board. Start giving up your paycheck for reparations now and then you can shut the fuck up about your racist blasts.
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Re: I can't believe there isn't a 12 page rant

Post by poptart »

When Christers go *snap*!!

House stenographer freaks out, goes on a rant on the House floor during the vote -- and is removed from the area.
Freemasons, God will not be mocked, etc.

http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/ ... asons.html

Click the little orange circle so you can hear her rant.

Woah! :|
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