I have a really really stupid question

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Post by 1tnacU »

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Post by elgrandepeehole »

How's that gambling addiction going UCanburyyourcockinmyass?? Still getting your ass handed to you by the bookie? As I remember you weren't the best spread picker :wink:

Post by 1tnacU »

I'm gonna guess... hmmmmmm.... rozy?
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Post by elgrandepeehole »

1tnacU wrote:I'm gonna guess... hmmmmmm.... rozy?
Sorry UCansuckthechromeoffatrailerhitch, this is the real el, your worst nightmare. I had to fricken re-register because my old login wouldn't allow me to login.
How's trix bitch? Still taking it in the ass from the board collective? What's up with the dyslexic nic? Someone turn your manchute inside out again???
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Post by Loganfan »

elgrandepeehole wrote:
1tnacU wrote:I'm gonna guess... hmmmmmm.... rozy?
Sorry UCansuckthechromeoffatrailerhitch, this is the real el, your worst nightmare. I had to fricken re-register because my old login wouldn't allow me to login.
How's trix bitch? Still taking it in the ass from the board collective? What's up with the dyslexic nic? Someone turn your manchute inside out again???
Hey El!

Don't forget to root for MY Padres tonight.

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Post by elgrandepeehole »

Loganfan wrote:
elgrandepeehole wrote:
1tnacU wrote:I'm gonna guess... hmmmmmm.... rozy?
Sorry UCansuckthechromeoffatrailerhitch, this is the real el, your worst nightmare. I had to fricken re-register because my old login wouldn't allow me to login.
How's trix bitch? Still taking it in the ass from the board collective? What's up with the dyslexic nic? Someone turn your manchute inside out again???
Hey El!

Don't forget to root for MY Padres tonight.

I might just do that Logan. My Stro's are taking it on the chin this year. Kind of like UCan on a typical Friday night. I'm still fucking pissed we lost Carlos. These fucking 2 to 1 losses are giving me a fucking ulcer...
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Post by Loganfan »

Yeah.....your offense is damn near non-existant.
Wonder how Roger's gonna take that if he has to keep holding the other team to 1 or less runs just to get a win.
And I guess Bagwell's out for a while now?
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Post by elgrandepeehole »

Loganfan wrote:Yeah.....your offense is damn near non-existant.
Wonder how Roger's gonna take that if he has to keep holding the other team to 1 or less runs just to get a win.
And I guess Bagwell's out for a while now?
You're damn skippy LoganFudge. The Rocket might end up retiring before the season's up. Bagwell being out isn't all that bad, except for the fact that we have NOBODY to replace him. Fucking Vizciano was playing first the other night. There's still time to turn this fucked up start around, but we'll need to make a couple of trades to get it done.
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Post by Loganfan »

elgrandepeehole wrote: LoganFudge..
Sounds like El to me, ErrrrrrrrUcant
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Post by elgrandepeehole »

Loganfan wrote:
elgrandepeehole wrote: LoganFudge..
Sounds like El to me, ErrrrrrrrUcant
Who else would this be you fudgepacking freak? How's the Asian kid smuggling ring going? STill producing double digit profits?
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Post by rozy »

Yep, sounds like the real deal.

I have it on good authority, namely ME, that it is not me.
John Boehner wrote:Boehner said. "In Congress, we have a red button, a green button and a yellow button, alright. Green means 'yes,' red means 'no,' and yellow means you're a chicken shit. And the last thing we need in the White House, in the oval office, behind that big desk, is some chicken who wants to push this yellow button.
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Post by elgrandepeehole »

rozy wrote:Yep, sounds like the real deal.

I have it on good authority, namely ME, that it is not me.
I am defintely not rozyasscheeks.


Are you as down as I am on the Stro's at this point? My kids coach pitch team could probably score more runs then that pitiful lineup...
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Post by rozy »





John Boehner wrote:Boehner said. "In Congress, we have a red button, a green button and a yellow button, alright. Green means 'yes,' red means 'no,' and yellow means you're a chicken shit. And the last thing we need in the White House, in the oval office, behind that big desk, is some chicken who wants to push this yellow button.
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Post by elgrandepeehole »

rozy wrote:Yep




I'd settle for Tony Gwynn coming out of retirement at this point... :lol:
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Post by Loganfan »

elgrandepeehole wrote:
rozy wrote:Yep




I'd settle for Tony Gwynn coming out of retirement at this point... :lol:
Tony's just a bit too chunky for that, these days.
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Post by Mikey »

Sounds like elgrande and Logan need to make a date at the local bathouse.
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Post by Loganfan »

Mikey wrote:Sounds like elgrande and Logan need to make a date at the local bathouse.
Sometimes I woinder if you're reading the same threads I am when you post
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Post by elgrandepeehole »

Mikey wrote:Sounds like elgrande and Logan need to make a date at the local bathouse.
Shut your cumtunnel you little freak. The adults are talking. Go to your room and assume the position, your daddy should be there soon to inject his manjuicde within your cumgarage in the next hour or so.
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Post by Cicero »


Post by 1tnacU »

elgrandepeehole wrote:Sorry UCansuckthechromeoffatrailerhitch, this is the real el, your worst nightmare.
The real El would know that he participated in the College World Series. Name the school and the year(s).

Sorry to bust your troll like this, rozy...
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Post by elgrandepeehole »

1tnacU wrote:
elgrandepeehole wrote:Sorry UCansuckthechromeoffatrailerhitch, this is the real el, your worst nightmare.

The real El would know that he participated in the College World Series. Name the school and the year(s).

Sorry to bust your troll like this, rozy...

I did?? That's news to me. I participated in the Oklahoma State Regional in 88, in which we lost our first game to Witchita St 3 to 1.. W. St. went on to win the World Series that year.
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Post by PrimeX »

elgrandepeehole wrote:UCanjamyourpurpleheadedlovemissleinmywantingcolon,
Sig material much?
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Post by elgrandepeehole »

Cicero wrote:Cumgarage???
I sure hope you don't think you're fooling anyone by acting like you don't know what that is....Geezzz :roll:
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Post by Dinsdale »

Holding on to a ball that requires a hard collision with the outfield wall would make for an "extaordinary play."

If it requires an "extraordinary play" to make the catch/throw, it's not an error.

Basically, it comes down to whether the error call will reflect poorly on the home team's players, for the most part.
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Post by Dinsdale »

No, that's total home cooking.

The boxscore looks a lot better if homeboy gets an in-park homer, rather than 0 for 1 on the plate appearance.
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Post by Dinsdale »

Why do they call it a "boxscore," when it's only two-dimensional? Everyone knows that boxes are tree-dimensional.

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Post by elgrandepeehole »

Dinsdale wrote:Why do they call it a "boxscore," when it's only two-dimensional? Everyone knows that boxes are tree-dimensional.

This may be a stoopid question, but why do they mark a strikeout in the book as a K instead of an S??

R...ahhh...you know who I mean...
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Post by Dinsdale »

Why is it called a "bat," if it can't fly?
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Post by Mikey »

Isn't a baseball diamond actually square?
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Post by MgoBlue-LightSpecial »

elgrandepeehole wrote:I can't believe I actually read this fucking thread. That's five minutes of my life I'll never get back. Thanks dickhead....
But you're perfectly content with the countless hours you have spent describing the acts of sexual intercourse between men?
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Post by elgrandepeehole »

MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:
elgrandepeehole wrote:I can't believe I actually read this fucking thread. That's five minutes of my life I'll never get back. Thanks dickhead....
But you're perfectly content with the countless hours you have spent describing the acts of sexual intercourse between men?
Better than the countless hours you've spent engaging in them....
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Post by AnNeg »

Why is home plate pentagonal while the 3 bases are square?
Say this three times fast.....

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Post by Roger_the_Shrubber »

Dinsdale wrote:So......the guy who said this --

Roger_the_Shrubber wrote:It would make more sense to have a new category labled "hits"

Isn't reeeeealllllllly trying to run any sort of baseball knowledge, or any other form of "intelligence" smack, is he?

I didn't reeeeeealllllly just read that, did I?

Category of "hits" that don't count as either balls or strike totals. Hits count as strikes now, which is illogical. Sorry to confuse you.
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Post by Roger_the_Shrubber »

Just a "BTW":

19 entries found for strike. The first 10 are listed below.
To select an entry, click on it. For more results, click here.
strike[1,verb]strike[2,noun]called strikefirst strikefly-strikehunger strikerent strikestrike forcestrike offstrike out

Main Entry: 2strike
Function: noun
2 : an act or instance of striking
3 a : a work stoppage by a body of workers to enforce compliance with demands made on an employer b : a temporary stoppage of activities in protest against an act or condition
4 : the direction of the line of intersection of a horizontal plane with an uptilted geological stratum
5 a : a pull on a fishing rod to strike a fish b : a pull on a line by a fish in striking
6 : a stroke of good luck; especially : a discovery of a valuable mineral deposit
7 a : a pitched ball that is in the strike zone or is swung at and is not hit fair b : a perfectly thrown ball or pass
9 : an act or instance of knocking down all the bowling pins with the first bowl
10 : establishment of roots and plant growth
11 : cutaneous myiasis (as of sheep)
12 a : a military attack; especially : an air attack on a single objective b : a group of airplanes taking part in such an attack
What were we just talking about?
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Post by elgrandepeehole »

Let it go Shrubb. Geeezzzz...

As I stated earlier the balls and strikes stat is really only used for judging how many pitches a pitcher has thrown in a game. And how many of them were strikes (whether hit or not), and how many were balls. It gives the pitching coach and the pitcher a somewhat accurate assessment of how the pitcher in question performed that particular game.

BTW, why do they call it a pair of pants??
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Post by Mikey »

Roger_the_Shrubber wrote: 2 : an act or instance of striking
7 a : a pitched ball that is in the strike zone or is swung at and is not hit fair b : a perfectly thrown ball or pass
According to (2) a hit ball is also a strike.
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Post by Dinsdale »

Call me crazy, but maybe they call a "hit" a "strike" because the batter freaking swung at it?

I know, I know.....crazy.
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Post by elgrandepeehole »

Dinsdale wrote:Call me crazy, but maybe they call a "hit" a "strike" because the batter freaking swung at it?

I know, I know.....crazy.
I see you forgot to take your medication again.......
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Post by MgoBlue-LightSpecial »

elgrandepeehole wrote:
MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:
elgrandepeehole wrote:I can't believe I actually read this fucking thread. That's five minutes of my life I'll never get back. Thanks dickhead....
But you're perfectly content with the countless hours you have spent describing the acts of sexual intercourse between men?
Better than the countless hours you've spent engaging in them....
The difference here, el, is that I can bring proof to the table, as to how much time you spend dreaming up scenarios of men having sex with each other, whereas your insult toward me is completely fictitious.

How the hell do you respond to that?
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Post by PrimeX »

Leave El alone. You'd be pissed too if you had two dads who had the lisp and couldn't pronounce the name "Chad" when it came time to name give you a name.
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