A rookie QB flips someone off in a preseason game, and all of a sudden it's a news event
rivaling ISIS gone wild, nogs gone wild, Ebola gone wild, Jews gone wild, and... rookie 7th
round dicksucker makes his first tackle.
OMG... he gave 'em the finger!!
What does this mean??
Analyzing it from every direction.
Psychoanalyzing him for doing it.
Does the meaning of this incident really have to be explained to anyone??

What do I think about this?
I laffed -- and laffed a lot more when I saw JF answer questions about it in post-game.
If Oakland had drafted this guy when they had the chance, I would have had a reason to give a
shit about top-button-buttoned doucheteam they now field.
Keep kickin' the world in the pants, Johnny.
ROCK on!
That's his gig.
Enjoy the ride.
Enjoy the really big shew.