achey breaky heart--synopsis/epilogue

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achey breaky heart--synopsis/epilogue

Post by Wolfman »

It all began when mowing the yard became almost impossible, with me sucking wind after only a few minutes. I finally realized I better have someone look at me. Booked an appointment with my "primary care" guy and went over. There they took an EKG and were alarmed enough to STRONGLY suggest I go immediately to the ER. Testing at the hospital ensued.
First an echocardiogram that revealed a problem or two. Next up, heart catheterization that showed an 80% blockage in the coronary artery, a defective aortic valve, and atriofibrilation. The heart surgeon wanted me to go to surgery that Thursday.
I was not ready mentally for that so I was released home for a few days under home heath care. Being back home is good.
The next Monday I woke up with pain near my groin. I felt what was like a cucumber at the bottom of my right abdomen. Scared me. Ended up back at the ER with a hematoma apparently caused during the catheterization. Next up open heart surgery to fix my problems.
Into pre-op, I look over and the clock on the wall says around 8:30 AM. Next thing I know, I wake up from what I thought was a short nap. I look over to a clock where I was and it is just after 9 AM. Must have dozed off I thought. Hey they are removing something from my mouth/throat. GAG!!!!!! It's tubes that were down my throat during sugary and it's the next day !! Surgery is over. REmoval of tubes=BAD. Eventually I get moved to ICU. I must be OK and soon I'm moved to another room where I'm told I'll stay till discharged. Good news. I want to get the hell out of here and go home. Not so fast BigO, you need to heal up, get some tubes removed from your arm, abdomen, and neck, and get the OK from your surgeon. Finally on the Thursday after sugary I am sprung from stir. YAY!
Back home for about 2 weeks and feeling a hell of o lot better. Want to thank all those whose thoughts, prayers, and karma came my way. I'm 75 . If I was maybe even 80, I would not go through this. A large reason for me is to live long enough that my 18 month old identical twin ran daughters will remember me.
Posiitive thoughts: Lee County Health care system is top notch. We may have an insurance problem, but not health care.
Negative thoughts: sorry folks---no sexy nurses, brain messed up for a bit from the anesthesia (hallucinating some, memory issues at times), food tastes like cardboard (lousy way to lose weight, but I have).
Thanks for reading. Hi Luther.
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Re: achey breaky heart--synopsis/epilogue

Post by smackaholic »

good to hear you will likely be around for awhile more.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
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Re: achey breaky heart--synopsis/epilogue

Post by Left Seater »

Wolfman wrote: a defective aortic valve, and atriofibrilation.
Did they repair or replace the valve? Did you get a pace maker for the a-fib or did they just shock it back into normal rhythm?

Glad to see you are doing better and are still with us.

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Re: achey breaky heart--synopsis/epilogue

Post by Wolfman »

Got a valve replacement. Why do I all of a sudden have an aversion to bacon and pulled pork? Bypass on the coronary artery. Surgeon said it is a vein from inside somewhere, so I do not have a scar on my leg. Zapped my atria (valves?). Cool that I can monitor vitals from home and they are sent to the hospital. Taking more meds than I care, and hope I will be weaning from them soon. Yes, I'd kill for a cold beer. Thanks again for your concern. It really helps.
BTW---no need to defecate chunks of adobe.
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Re: achey breaky heart--synopsis/epilogue

Post by poptart »

Wolfman wrote:memory issues at times
Like starting a Saturday roll call thread on... Friday?


Very glad you made it through in good shape, Wolfie!
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Re: achey breaky heart--synopsis/epilogue

Post by MgoBlue-LightSpecial »

Wolfie, you should check out The Knick. I think you would enjoy it on multiple levels.

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Re: achey breaky heart--synopsis/epilogue

Post by ChargerMike »

Props Wolfie, sounds like the recovery is solid. I suggest you slide over to Applebee's for a tall cold one. I just went through all the test, 3 days in the hospital...came out smelling like a rose according to the Doc's They say my irregular heartbeat is nothing to worry about! HUH? WTH? If I bail out suddenly, I'm sure my daughter will check in as she did when I broke my neck and let the troops know.
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Re: achey breaky heart--synopsis/epilogue

Post by Wolfman »

To be honest with you, I am having second thoughts about going through all of this. Looks like I'll be taking some meds for a while now and checking in every so often.
Once you sign on for things like this you just go with the flow I guess. If I'm still sucking wind when I try to mow the lawn, I'll not be happy.
Re: a tall cold Beast Light. I haven't had one in over a month now. Maybe that's contributing to my feelings.
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Re: achey breaky heart--synopsis/epilogue

Post by BarFlie »

Withdrawing from any habit can get tough physically and mentally. I laid off alcohol for 8 months while taking some meds the VA was giving me. I had been drinking quit a lot everyday back then. The pills were fucking me up just as much as withdrawal issues and the first two months were hell. The pills were experimental in regards to my ptsd and didn't do a thing for me in my opinion. Getting off of the alcohol made me feel like a new man though. I still drink beer in moderation but don't get fall down drunk. I quit cigarettes back in '96 and that's a tough withdrawal also but probably why I'm still alive and in good health today. Mind over matter Wolfman. Have faith in yourself.
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Re: achey breaky heart--synopsis/epilogue

Post by trev »

Wolfie, why don't you try some odouls. To me it tastes good and just like beer. Put it in a chilled glass and relax.
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Re: achey breaky heart--synopsis/epilogue

Post by Diego in Seattle »

trev wrote:Wolfie, why don't you try some odouls. To me it tastes good and just like beer. Put it in a chilled glass and relax.
You do know that "non-alcoholic" beers do actually contain a little bit of alcohol, don't you?
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Re: achey breaky heart--synopsis/epilogue

Post by BarFlie »

Back in the old days they called it "near beer" and mentally it did kind of work at making you think you were getting a good buzz from it.
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Re: achey breaky heart--synopsis/epilogue

Post by smackaholic »

while those of us that drink real beer would rather go without than drink that swill, wolfie's a beast light man. it might be a step up.
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Re: achey breaky heart--synopsis/epilogue

Post by trev »

Sometimes an ice cold O'douls is a good substitute if you are on meds, don't want extra calories or are pregnant.
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Re: achey breaky heart--synopsis/epilogue

Post by Wolfman »

Might give it a try.
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Re: achey breaky heart--synopsis/epilogue

Post by BarFlie »

I've had Odouls before when taking meds and needing cut down the alcohol intake. What impressed me about it was the taste. I was like, "hey this shit tastes good" and actually kind of forgot the alcohol content thing.
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Re: achey breaky heart--synopsis/epilogue

Post by trev »

Sometimes it's a good thing to be clear headed. What a concept. Some people like the taste of beer and don't need to get wasted to enjoy it.
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