Brian Williams = Lying Piece of Dung

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Brian Williams = Lying Piece of Dung

Post by poptart »

Went on Letterman in 2013 and told an elaborate tale of being shot down in Iraq.
Starts at about 2:20 and goes to about 7:00.

He was called out on his bullshit by one of the dudes who was really hit,
and then he offered up this "apology" on his nightly newscast.

He said he "made a mistake in recalling what happened."


Worse yet, he just glides over the fact that he told the world TOTAL BULLSHIT,
and passes it off as an effort on his part to thank a veteran who protected him.

A laffable douchebag.

Who still listens to these pitiful propagandists?
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Re: Brian Williams = Lying Piece of Dung

Post by BarFlie »

I only watch the fox news network. Fair and balanced with a shitload of hot looking babes.
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Re: Brian Williams = Lying Piece of Dung

Post by smackaholic »

So, he forgot that he was not on the one that got hit?

:lol: :lol:

Seems to me that isn't the kind of thing you forget.

Fukk you Brian, you fake fukking war hero. He is almost as bad as Shillary.
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Re: Brian Williams = Lying Piece of Dung

Post by Screw_Michigan »

BarFlie wrote:Fair and balanced
I laffed. Watch Fox News if you want, but don't pretend it's anything other than propaganda.
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Re: Brian Williams = Lying Piece of Dung

Post by Go Coogs' »

I don't see how someone can get confused with a story like that, unless the jarring hit to the craft caused memory loss.

You're right, 'tart, the propaganda is out of control....on both sides.
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Re: Brian Williams = Lying Piece of Dung

Post by Wolfman »

Didn't Hillary make up some sort of story about being under fire while going on one of her overseas jaunts? FOX news may slant some things, but at least they actually talk about them. It's what the dinosaur networks select to ignore that is disturbing. Plus it's fun to watch an unapologetic Obama promoter squirm on The Five.
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Re: Brian Williams = Lying Piece of Dung

Post by Left Seater »

Screw_Michigan wrote: but don't pretend it's anything other than propaganda.

At least they don't pretend what they are. Unlike the other major news outlets that claim to be neutral but are just propaganda on the other side.
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Re: Brian Williams = Lying Piece of Dung

Post by Go Coogs' »

What makes it even worse is his apology seems shady to the Stars and Stripes reporter who broke the story on Williams' tale. Apparently, Williams came in on a Chinook an hour after the three Chinook's had to make an emergency landing AND they don't recall Williams and his press crew staying those two nights during the Orange Crush sand storm. They recall him leaving on another craft shortly after to Kuwait.

This is going to bury NBC's credibility all together if his apology and correction are false as well.
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Re: Brian Williams = Lying Piece of Dung

Post by R-Jack »

BarFlie wrote:I only watch the fox news network. Fair and balanced with a shitload of hot looking babes.
You don't know it's fair and balanced. You're just spewing out a tag line. By admission you don't watch other news channels so you have no clue if it is.

I'll give you a spoiler. It's not.

I'll give you another spoiler. You won't find one, so just stick with whatever news group that disseminates the information the way you like to hear it. Still less sleazy than TMZ
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Re: Brian Williams = Lying Piece of Dung

Post by Screw_Michigan »

Left Seater wrote: At least they don't pretend what they are.
What part about Fox: News are you struggling to comprehend?
kcdave wrote: Sat Sep 09, 2023 8:05 am
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Re: Brian Williams = Lying Piece of Dung

Post by Mikey »

Screw_Michigan wrote:
Left Seater wrote: At least they don't pretend what they are.
What part about Fox: News are you struggling to comprehend?
Geraldo Rivera never pretended anything.
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Re: Brian Williams = Lying Piece of Dung

Post by Go Coogs' »

Screw_Michigan wrote:
Left Seater wrote: At least they don't pretend what they are.
What part about Fox: News are you struggling to comprehend?
I think you misinterpreted what he is saying. Fox is pretty upfront about their stance on politics and want to bury Obama and his policies. They do grasp at straws a lot of times, but their agenda is clear.
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Re: Brian Williams = Lying Piece of Dung

Post by Screw_Michigan »

Pull your head out of your ass, you had been doing so well lately.
kcdave wrote: Sat Sep 09, 2023 8:05 am
I was actually going to to join in the best bets activity here at good ole T1B...The guy that runs that contest is a fucking prick
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Re: Brian Williams = Lying Piece of Dung

Post by War Wagon »

R-Jack wrote:
BarFlie wrote:I only watch the fox news network. Fair and balanced with a shitload of hot looking babes.
You don't know it's fair and balanced. You're just spewing out a tag line. By admission you don't watch other news channels so you have no clue if it is.

I'll give you a spoiler. It's not.

I'll give you another spoiler. You won't find one, so just stick with whatever news group that disseminates the information the way you like to hear it. Still less sleazy than TMZ
OAN (One America Network) gives you unbiased news, as I've mentioned before. They also have a few smoking hot babes for barfs edification. Maybe not widely carried yet by all the providers but eventually they will be.

They do have a couple of opinion shows on that are Bill O'reilly and Lou Dobbs before they became sluts, but other than that, straight news 24/7 and no commercials.

BBC America is all news as well.
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Re: Brian Williams = Lying Piece of Dung

Post by smackaholic »

OAN is pretty good. Still has a not ready for prime time feel to it, though.
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Re: Brian Williams = Lying Piece of Dung

Post by War Wagon »

Seems fairly polished to me, must be the Cialis commercials you're missing.

Enjoy it while you can because I'm fairly certain they intend to go "mainstream" and whore themselves out to Koch Industries.
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Re: Brian Williams = Lying Piece of Dung

Post by poptart »

R-Jack wrote:You won't find one (Network that is fair and balanced), so just stick with whatever news group that disseminates the information the way you like to hear it.
Yep, that's pretty much how it is.
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Re: Brian Williams = Lying Piece of Dung

Post by BarFlie »

A lot of great minds in this thread. FNN has been #1 rated cable news channel for a decade or so. CNN, MSNBC etc are far behind. The FOX babes are fukin hot and nobody gives a shit about left or right. If you're a democratic peace freak, tree huggin lesbian you would love FOX.
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Re: Brian Williams = Lying Piece of Dung

Post by poptart »

Buttsy wrote:Sure they're biased to the right, but certainly not as biased as say MSNBC
MSNBC is a cartoon network whose target demographic is -----> adult children.

FAUX' target demographic is, loosely speaking, -----> patriots.
But their presentation often omits important information and they feed "patriots" what tends to make them fool good -- and ANGRY.
It's not necessarily the whole truth, and it's frankly often very far from it.

FAUX is continually beating the war drums.
Or if they are not beating them, they are certainly rumbling about it.

For example, they beat the hell out of the war drums on Iraq... for many years.
The war was full of lies, it produced poor results for Amerika, and yet FAUX very seldom owns up to it.

Two of FAUX' biggest names, O'Really? and Hannity regularly use "ambush" interview tactics.
This can be appealing to the patriot, because some of the guests they bring on are slippery weasels, but the "correct" path moving forward (away from the ways of the weasel) which they then present, is not truly always in the best interest of Americans.

O'Really is a flat out liar -- and despicably so.
Lied his ass off about the fraud _resident.
Why would he cover for Soetoro's lying ass?

And FAUX talking bobble heads are forbidden to speak of the Barry fraud.

Why would that be?

Fair and balanced?

Not by a long shot.

They feed the patriots food that tastes good to them.

I respect patriots much more than pajama boys, but they need a wake-up call nearly as badly as the clit bois do.
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Re: Brian Williams = Lying Piece of Dung

Post by Left Seater »

Screw_Michigan wrote:
Left Seater wrote: At least they don't pretend what they are.
What part about Fox: News are you struggling to comprehend?
It would appear you struggle with comprehending what the other networks really are.
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Re: Brian Williams = Lying Piece of Dung

Post by Screw_Michigan »

Left Seater wrote:
It would appear you struggle with comprehending what the other networks really are.
No, I'm well aware what the other networks "really are." Unlike you, my panties aren't bunched over one network or the other.

News flash, idiot: All major cable news networks suck. One is not better than the other.

Comprehende, pendejo?
kcdave wrote: Sat Sep 09, 2023 8:05 am
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Re: Brian Williams = Lying Piece of Dung

Post by Left Seater »

Wow, must have hit very close to home for you to get so bent out of shape. Cross dressing and Spanish cursing in one post.

Your news flash line was pretty close to the mark. Just remove cable and networks and you got it. Cable, over the air, radio, newspapers they all pretty much suck.
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Re: Brian Williams = Lying Piece of Dung

Post by Screw_Michigan »

Poor baby. Feel better after your tantrum?
kcdave wrote: Sat Sep 09, 2023 8:05 am
I was actually going to to join in the best bets activity here at good ole T1B...The guy that runs that contest is a fucking prick
Derron wrote: Sat Oct 03, 2020 3:07 pm
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Re: Brian Williams = Lying Piece of Dung

Post by Left Seater »

That's funny based on your previous post.
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Re: Brian Williams = Lying Piece of Dung

Post by BSmack »

Left Seater wrote:Cross dressing and Spanish cursing
What is a trip to Tijuana with AP and a Mexican whore?

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Re: Brian Williams = Lying Piece of Dung

Post by Mikey »

Papa Willie wrote: hence we now have the measles scare. 150 all over the country. 139 people die from cancer every 10 minutes. Which is more severe?
Apples and oranges, my friend.

You can't "catch" cancer.
Measles is probably the most contagious disease out there. If you (or your kid) are not vaccinated (and some people legitimately can't be) you'd better be fucking scared. Or at least pretty damn careful.
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Re: Brian Williams = Lying Piece of Dung

Post by mvscal »

Tom Brokaw is allegedly furious and wants him gone. I'd say Lyin' is circling the drain right about now.
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Re: Brian Williams = Lying Piece of Dung

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Sure, but it's not like he really lied--you know, smearing someone to the point of being sued for millions... ... ntura.html

William's may not be an eagle-eyed butter-brained puppet of War Inc., but at least he apologized..
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Re: Brian Williams = Lying Piece of Dung

Post by mvscal »

LTS TRN 2 wrote: William's may not be an eagle-eyed butter-brained puppet of War Inc., but at least he apologized..
If you can call it that. No, he's just a Walter Mitty type fantasist posing as a network news anchor. Too bad he and Kyle couldn't have gotten together to swap lies about their Katrina experience. Lyin probably remembers seeing corpses float by his hotel that had been shot in the head by Kyle.
Screw_Michigan wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:39 pmUnlike you tards, I actually have functioning tastebuds and a refined pallet.
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Re: Brian Williams = Lying Piece of Dung

Post by Derron »

LTS TRN 2 wrote: but at least he apologized..
Why sure he did, and that makes it all right and go away and a complete do over. Apologizing about anything is complete bullshit anyway.
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Re: Brian Williams = Lying Piece of Dung

Post by Derron »

Jsc810 wrote:
War Wagon wrote:Cialis
Great stuff. Y'all should try it, you'll be glad you did.
Assuming that all were in the limp dick crowd that might have basis.
Screw_Michigan wrote: Democrats are the REAL racists.
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Re: Brian Williams = Lying Piece of Dung

Post by Dinsdale »

Derron wrote:
Jsc810 wrote:
War Wagon wrote:Cialis
Great stuff. Y'all should try it, you'll be glad you did.
Assuming that all were in the limp dick crowd that might have basis.
So, I was over at a lady friend's earlier this week. Her friend stopped by (I'll tell Friend's story one of these days... she's a "retired bank robber"). But the friend had a couple of Cialis she had been given, and offered them up. My lady friend started laughing, and said "the world doesn't need Dins on Cialis. Could be dangerous."
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Re: Brian Williams = Lying Piece of Dung

Post by H4ever »

poptart wrote:
Buttsy wrote:Sure they're biased to the right, but certainly not as biased as say MSNBC
MSNBC is a cartoon network whose target demographic is -----> adult children.

FAUX' target demographic is, loosely speaking, -----> patriots.
But their presentation often omits important information and they feed "patriots" what tends to make them fool good -- and ANGRY.
It's not necessarily the whole truth, and it's frankly often very far from it.

FAUX is continually beating the war drums.
Or if they are not beating them, they are certainly rumbling about it.

For example, they beat the hell out of the war drums on Iraq... for many years.
The war was full of lies, it produced poor results for Amerika, and yet FAUX very seldom owns up to it.

Two of FAUX' biggest names, O'Really? and Hannity regularly use "ambush" interview tactics.
This can be appealing to the patriot, because some of the guests they bring on are slippery weasels, but the "correct" path moving forward (away from the ways of the weasel) which they then present, is not truly always in the best interest of Americans.

O'Really is a flat out liar -- and despicably so.
Lied his ass off about the fraud _resident.
Why would he cover for Soetoro's lying ass?

And FAUX talking bobble heads are forbidden to speak of the Barry fraud.

Why would that be?

Fair and balanced?

Not by a long shot.

They feed the patriots food that tastes good to them.

I respect patriots much more than pajama boys, but they need a wake-up call nearly as badly as the clit bois do.
^^^ gets it... I watch Faux for the entertainment factor. It's nearly as bad as the old WWF pre-match build-up hoopla that kept ya watching because of how ridiculous and comical it was. the clock's ticking on that fraud network. They are continually tripping all over their dicks and Poptart is right.... The Iraq war and their whole coverage "game" is something they stay away from because they're still dripping egg and plutocracy semen from their chins.
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Re: Brian Williams = Lying Piece of Dung

Post by War Wagon »

H4ever wrote:the clock's ticking on that fraud network.

That's news to their advertisers. Fox News ratings dwarf that of CNN and MSNBC, combined.

Fox steals the best talent from other networks, probably because they can afford to pay them twice as much. Howard Kurst being the latest example.

I watch them all, as well as read newspapers and magazines, because I like to get my info from varied sources.
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Re: Brian Williams = Lying Piece of Dung

Post by mvscal »

H4ever wrote:The Iraq war and their whole coverage "game" is something they stay away from because they're still dripping egg and plutocracy semen from their chins.
Just Fox? Nobody else? Are you sure about that?

You are a pitifully deluded simpleton.
Screw_Michigan wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:39 pmUnlike you tards, I actually have functioning tastebuds and a refined pallet.
Moving Sale

Re: Brian Williams = Lying Piece of Dung

Post by Moving Sale »

I dvr Shepard Smith and Lawrence O'Donnell. I watch about 30 min between the two which is more than enough cable news for me. I haven't watched regular network news in decades. I get the rest of my news from the net including links posted by you morons.
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Re: Brian Williams = Lying Piece of Dung

Post by Left Seater »

H4ever wrote:the clock's ticking on that fraud network.
H4ever wrote: I watch Faux...

That's funny, and yes we are laughing at you.

Meanwhile Williams has now self sanctioned himself and is off the air for a bit, but Fox News is the fraud. :meds:
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Re: Brian Williams = Lying Piece of Dung

Post by H4ever »

Left Seater wrote:
H4ever wrote:the clock's ticking on that fraud network.
H4ever wrote: I watch Faux...

That's funny, and yes we are laughing at you.

Meanwhile Williams has now self sanctioned himself and is off the air for a bit, but Fox News is the fraud. :meds:
At least that pussy Williams manned up and did something about it. WHat would O Reilly, Hannity, had done? You know the answer and fuck Williams again.

Part of Fox's appeal for me is similar to the WWF staged hoopla prior to the fake matches or that of a train wreck.. ya just can't take your eyes off of it.

Here's the thing... a growing number of people watch Faux to know exactely how they should NOT vote. If Fox supports a candidate and you are a middle-class, working American, DO NOT vote for any candidate endorsed by Fox.

Clear enough? Thank you Fox for your efforts in keeping voters informed... on how NOT to vote
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Re: Brian Williams = Lying Piece of Dung

Post by BSmack »

Considering that the anti-vaccine movement was pretty much an upper middle class liberal idea practiced by the kind of people who only use fair trade coffee for their enemas (Thank you Jon Stewart), it is mind boggling to see Republicans jump on the stupid bandwagon with both feet.
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Re: Brian Williams = Lying Piece of Dung

Post by H4ever »

BSmack wrote:Considering that the anti-vaccine movement was pretty much an upper middle class liberal idea practiced by the kind of people who only use fair trade coffee for their enemas (Thank you Jon Stewart), it is mind boggling to see Republicans jump on the stupid bandwagon with both feet.
Maybe the Koch brothers and Rupert have something up their sleeves.... some kind of smoke and mirrors diversionary tactic while they ready the measles chem-trails. Population reduction preliminary maneuvers. :mrgreen: :lol:
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