Wonderful Redneck Insanity

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Re: Wonderful Redneck Insanity

Post by smackaholic »

Moving Sale wrote:
smackaholic wrote:
Moving Sale wrote:I know he didn't need a gun because I saw the video, I know he is riding the pine so I know his boss has questions about his behavior and he didn't use it so therefore we know he didn't need it.
He is riding the pine because right now, that is a smart thing to do to just let the situation calm down.

Did the cop have to pull his gun? Maybe not, but, pulling it caused an impending threat to piss down its leg and run. This is what you want it to do. If the thugs had remained engaged, only bad shit could have happened. Would you have been happier if he just tased/pepper sprayed the dude?
You don't think they would have pissed and ran he if stood up with a less than lethal weapon in his hand?
There is no way of knowing what they would have done. There is a fair chance they would have stood there and antagonized the cop further knowing that a blast of pepper spray, knotted up dome or a good tasing on video, may well have lead to a payday.

If you don't think these punks aren't thinking this as they scrap with the cops, you may be even stupider than I thought.

Thugs used to fear cops and it was much better that way.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
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Re: Wonderful Redneck Insanity

Post by Goober McTuber »

Arch Angel wrote:
The State wrote:
mvscal wrote:Can those jigs even swim for fuck's sake?


Uncle "Arch Angel" Tom
Which fucking troll that got banned for you to get another toon you fucking piece of white trash. Pickle?

I lost three calories typing that and I already feel like I am talking to a waste of human being.
Hi Arch. Guessing you're not a member of Young, Gifted and Black. One out of three isn't going to get you in the door. :mrgreen:
Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote: They couldn't even kick that doctors ass

Seems they rather just lay there, get fucked and play victim
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Re: Wonderful Redneck Insanity

Post by The Seer »

The cop was guilty.

Of not removing the black gal's swim suit just to make certain there were no concealed weapons.
“It is usually futile to try to talk facts and analysis to people who are enjoying a sense of moral superiority in their ignorance.”
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Re: Wonderful Redneck Insanity

Post by Diego in Seattle »

It was a HOA pool. Do you think there just might be a rule about inviting dozens of guests at a single time to the pool w/o prior authorization?

moving bowel;
You're accusing someone else of not believing in personal responsibility? :lol:
You're the last person who should be making that accusation.
“Left Seater” wrote:So charges are around the corner?
Moving Sale

Re: Wonderful Redneck Insanity

Post by Moving Sale »

I'm taking responsibility for my actions. My actions were posting that is tard shouldn't have pulled a gun. How are you doing with personal responsibility?
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Re: Wonderful Redneck Insanity

Post by Diego in Seattle »

Moving Sale wrote:I'm taking responsibility for my actions. My actions were posting that is tard shouldn't have pulled a gun. How are you doing with personal responsibility?
Just fine. My actions were posting that the officer was effecting a legal arrest and was rushed in an aggressive manner by subjects who had already been ordered to leave the area. Why don't you expect your tards to take responsibility for their actions?
“Left Seater” wrote:So charges are around the corner?
Moving Sale

Re: Wonderful Redneck Insanity

Post by Moving Sale »

No what you posted was that it was cool to pull a gun on a bunch of teenagers in swimsuits, which it wasn't which is why he quit. Those kids had every right to question his beating a 14yo girl, which is why no charges are pending against any of them.
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Re: Wonderful Redneck Insanity

Post by Diego in Seattle »

Moving Sale wrote:No what you posted was that it was cool to pull a gun on a bunch of teenagers in swimsuits, which it wasn't which is why he quit. Those kids had every right to question his beating a 14yo girl, which is why no charges are pending against any of them.
First off, what beating? Can you tell me where in that clip that you saw the officer striking any of the subjects? The only physical force I saw was when he pushed her onto the ground (as he had already requested her to do & not complied), and then cuffing her. That's what you call a beating? Once again the midget lawyer uses a baseless characterization to try to make his argument.

Secondly, the officer drew his weapon when he was approached from the side by a guy who puts one of his hands behind him. I saw a blue t-shirt & tan bermuda shorts, but no swimsuit. Try again, slappy.

Thirdly, do you think charges are always filed for every legitimate arrest? I suggest you try going to work for the DA's office to find out what their M.O. is. There are lots of reasons cases get tossed by for poor reasons, and politics is among them. There wasn't much of a chance that any charges would have been filed after "community leaders" took the video wild along with their race card.

And lastly, he didn't quit because he was wrong. He simply knew that continuing would have been difficult in that city with all the false outrage. The deal was sealed when his chief threw him under the bus. No cop with a lick of sense would want to continue working under such circumstances. He'll probably get picked up by another agency. Especially since he was a previous Officer Of The Year winner.
“Left Seater” wrote:So charges are around the corner?
Moving Sale

Re: Wonderful Redneck Insanity

Post by Moving Sale »

1) Yes I call that a beating. Why don't you let a cop do it to you and then you can comment further.
2) Sorry, teenagers in shorts.
3) DAs are forever sucking police cock (kinda like you do) if there were charges that could stick they would bring them.
4) He quit cause he fucked up. None of the other cops quit because they did nothing wrong. I suppose he (pseudo) apologized because of politics too? As for another job, it depends on how he comports himself over the next few months. The (pseudo) apology was a good start.
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Diego in Seattle
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Re: Wonderful Redneck Insanity

Post by Diego in Seattle »

Moving Sale wrote:1) Yes I call that a beating. Why don't you let a cop do it to you and then you can comment further. I don't commit crimes, so I wouldn't be giving them a reason to want to beat me.

2) Sorry, teenagers in shorts. You can't tell the difference between swimwear & street clothes, yet you think you know what's going on in the video?

3) DAs are forever sucking police cock (kinda like you do) if there were charges that could stick they would bring them. Bullshit. They only file on cases where they know they have a slam-dunk case. And they commonly drop charges when the arrestee tries to win the ghetto lottery. SYHTLTW

4) He quit cause he fucked up. None of the other cops quit because they did nothing wrong. I suppose he (pseudo) apologized because of politics too? As for another job, it depends on how he comports himself over the next few months. The (pseudo) apology was a good start. Darren Wilson resigned in spite of doing nothing wrong (as backed up by the GJ), so your supposition is false. And don't be surprised if some of those officers leave the department as well. They don't want to be thrown under the bus for this or any other incident where they did nothing wrong.
BTW, what's the body count up to today in Baltimore?
“Left Seater” wrote:So charges are around the corner?
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