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Re: The Rod of God

Post by R-Jack »

My company has a store in Hawaii. When the dollar is in their favor, the Japanese folks hop on a plane and buy the shit out of designer goods. Are they crossing the entire planet to do that, then how can it be done in a few short hours?
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by R-Jack »

Of course the islands may be on Japan's side of the flat rock. If that's the case, why does my flight from Cali to Hawaii takes roughly the same time as one to Florida?
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by R-Jack »

Also, what year was it when that crazy chick swam from Alaska to Russia?
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by R-Jack »

I guess all these quandaries would be possible if what we call "the North Pole" was actually in the center of the flat earth.
That said, am I to believe that the area that would receive the most exposure from the sun is covered in ice?
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by Jay in Phoenix »

That is five separate questions and I will get back to you heathen, when I am damn good and ready.

Also, when I have an answer that actually makes sense.

To me.

Fuck that loser logic and his damnable brother common sense.

-- pompoustart
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by mvscal »

poptart wrote:The Bible says in Genesis 1:6-8, 14-18 that there is a firmament -- and within the firmament are the sun, moon and stars.
And there is water above the firmament.

I say this is true.
AP says I am wrong.

That means he is saying the Bible is wrong.

What's the other choice, oh wise one?
The other choice is that you are totally clueless and, quite honestly, sound like some kind of Islamic whackjob. "The Bible" doesn't say shit. It's a fucking book, dumbass. It "says" whatever the person who wrote it wanted it to say.
Screw_Michigan wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:39 pmUnlike you tards, I actually have functioning tastebuds and a refined pallet.
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by Jay in Phoenix »

mvscal wrote:
poptart wrote:The Bible says in Genesis 1:6-8, 14-18 that there is a firmament -- and within the firmament are the sun, moon and stars.
And there is water above the firmament.

I say this is true.
AP says I am wrong.

That means he is saying the Bible is wrong.

What's the other choice, oh wise one?
The other choice is that you are totally clueless and, quite honestly, sound like some kind of Islamic whackjob. "The Bible" doesn't say shit. It's a fucking book, dumbass. It "says" whatever the person who wrote it wanted it to say.
Which is the fundamental point behind all of this. 'tart is so befuddled and drunk on Jesus jizz that he cannot see how he is mirroring Islamic extremists. Instead of practicing tolerance and understanding of his fellow man, he eschews hatred and prejudice to anyone who dares to disagree with his loopy ideology.

A true Christian he is not. He doesn't even understand the concept.

He would make for a great ISIS candidate however.
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by R-Jack »

Jay in Phoenix wrote:That is five separate questions and I will get back to you heathen, when I am damn good and ready.

Also, when I have an answer that actually makes sense.

To me.

Fuck that loser logic and his damnable brother common sense.

-- pompoustart
Ok. Well let's stick to simpler questions.

We all know the sherrif's gunman turned himself in, but the deputy's assailent remains at large. Pops, do you know who shot the deputy?

Is it possible he got over the horizon before he could be identified?
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by Atomic Punk »

poptart wrote:
AP wrote:You don't represent Christians in your attempt to be the spokesman
When did I ever claim to be THE spokesman for Christians?

Any of us are free to post whatever we want.

Feel free to go here ---> and respond to my takes if you want to.

I notice you haven't said a word in there.

Do whatever you want.
Yes, everyone is free to post whatever we want. The problem for you is, that you post on multiple threads using the same arguments. What I'm telling you, is that you are wrong. YOU are taking metaphors in biblical versus to be used by yourself as literal in order to prove your interpretations of metaphors as being correct.

Do yourself a favor... go to the book of Revelations and read the language usage. It paints a picture of God that looks like a scary monster. Those are metaphors. When the Earth was created billions upon billions of years ago, it is explained using mental images in which mankind can relate.

You are using God's explanations to primitive man to explain how things really are when you refuse to understand the context of the language. There is no point further debating you, when you don't use reason and observable data that all mankind of all faiths can clearly see and comprehend.

Then I say that YOU are not God's spokesman and then get defensive when your own understanding is kicked to the curb. So what you are doing is giving no credibility to the Bible due to your false interpretations. You mean well, but you are wrong and have KYOA repeatedly defending your nonsense.
Last edited by Atomic Punk on Sat Aug 29, 2015 3:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
BSmack wrote:Best. AP take. Ever.

Seriously. I don't disagree with a word of it.
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by poptart »

Jay wrote:So, you are saying you are the voice of God now?
Well then explain the Scriptures, 'tard.

I've given you ample opportunity -- and all you've provided is mutterings and foolish insults.
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by poptart »

R-Jack wrote:My company has a store in Hawaii. When the dollar is in their favor, the Japanese folks hop on a plane and buy the shit out of designer goods. Are they crossing the entire planet to do that, then how can it be done in a few short hours?

I'm not sure I understand your concern.
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by poptart »

R-Jack wrote:Of course the islands may be on Japan's side of the flat rock. If that's the case, why does my flight from Cali to Hawaii takes roughly the same time as one to Florida?
What are the distances for both flights?
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by poptart »

mvscal wrote:
poptart wrote:The Bible says in Genesis 1:6-8, 14-18 that there is a firmament -- and within the firmament are the sun, moon and stars.
And there is water above the firmament.

I say this is true.
AP says I am wrong.

That means he is saying the Bible is wrong.

What's the other choice, oh wise one?
The other choice is that you are totally clueless and, quite honestly, sound like some kind of Islamic whackjob. "The Bible" doesn't say shit. It's a fucking book, dumbass. It "says" whatever the person who wrote it wanted it to say.
Anything can mean anything.


Great take, 'tard.

Read Genesis 1:6-8, 14-18 and tell me that it does not say there is a firmament above us, with the sun, moon and stars within that firmament.
With waters above the firmament.

It says that.
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by poptart »

AP wrote:YOU are taking metaphors in biblical versus to be used by yourself as literal in order to prove your interpretations of metaphors as being correct.
Genesis 1:6-8, 14-18 is in no way written as a metaphor.
Genesis 1 is God's very straightforward account of His creation week.

AP wrote:When the Earth was created billions upon billions of years ago
Cite the Scripture that says the earth was created billions of years ago.

AP wrote:You are using God's explanations to primitive man
God gave Scripture also for ----> US.
The Scripture is also for you and I and all people living in 2015.


AP wrote:your false interpretations
People keep chirping this, yet they fail to step to the plate and back it up.

Show me the Scriptures whereby we might conclude that the earth is moving through space at 50,000 mph with the sun.
The Scripture that would lend itself to the earth moving at all.
Orbiting the sun.
Show me the Scripture that says we have no firmament.
Show me the Scripture that says the earth is round.

I've shown you the OPPOSITE of all of this in Scripture

If I'm making false interpretations, it must be very easy for you to show where I am wrong.


Maybe you are wrong?
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by poptart »

R-Jack wrote:Forgive me if this has been covered, but when China send all those trinkets we 'Muricans love....what route does the barge take?

These are the supposed routes.
I really don't know.
Last edited by poptart on Sat Aug 29, 2015 7:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by poptart »

Jay wrote:A true Christian he is not.
Leave it to the non-believer to decide who the true Christians are.

I believe God's Word.
I'm the real deal, Jay.
Sorry you had to find out this way.

Romans 1:22
Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by poptart »

Jay wrote:That is five separate questions and I will get back to you heathen, when I am damn good and ready.
Aside from m2, you are THE biggest spaz on the board.

Trev started this thread because she wanted to ask me questions -- seven of them.

I came in and posted this...
poptart wrote:Hi trev,

I count 7 questions or "issues" to be dealt with there, and understand that these questions are not really the kind that you can just breeze by with a quick answer to.
To answer them properly, it takes some explanation, and honestly, maybe a LOT of explanation.
And most likely follow-up questions and answers to the answers I've given.

This does not work well in a forum like this -- where we're basically just here to insult each other. :)

So I'm going to take the issues one at a time, and your last question hits at exactly WHY we need a Bible.
So I will answer your last question first.
And went on to indeed answer with a pretty lengthy reply...
poptart wrote:1. Does the New Testament trump the Old?

John 5:39 (Jesus speaking)
Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.

Jesus said this to the Pharisees, who were the greatest and most elite followers of the Old Testament.
They followed God's Laws the very best and they showed tremendous devotion to Old Testament Scripture.
They had every appearance of being God's best people.

The entire Old Testament points to a coming Messiah.
Even today, the Jews await the Messiah -- because they do not recognize that Jesus is the Promised Messiah.

So here in John 5 that I referenced, the Pharisees had the Messiah (Jesus) standing right in front of them, and yet they hated Him and wanted Him dead.
Jesus looked at them and told them plainly that the Old Testament which they show such reverence for is speaking of -----> HIM, and that HE is their eternal life.

That's right.
The entire Bible, Old and New Testament is speaking of Jesus Christ.
Literally every page speaks of Him.
He IS the Word.

Matthew 5:17 (Jesus speaking)
Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets (the Old Testament): I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.

John 20:31
But these (Scripture) are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name.

The Old Testament was promising that the Christ would come. It was shadowing Him and preparing the way for Him.
The New Testament testifies that this person Jesus, surely IS the promised Christ.

He absolutely IS the Christ and one better make no mistake about it.
He proved Himself fully.
Jsc and Gobbler came in and said...
Why didn't he answer trev's questions?
Yeah, pops, which of these Bibles do you prefer?

And Jay said...
The poptart is gifted at obsfucating his answers. He takes a direct question and turns it into misdirection.
And he went on to then ask a series of new questions, one of which was this...
Jay wrote:Let's go with King James vs. New Testament as example. They are both equally embraced by adherents, so which one holds the true Word?
And I have no idea what this ridiculous question is even supposed to mean.

What frickin' retards, man.

Trev's questions all got answered by me, just as I SAID I WOULD DO as soon as I came into the thread.

Yet three monkeys were yelping and flinging shit all over the place.

And the kicker is, even after I took plenty of time to answer substantially to trev, the retards who were screaming for answers had NOTHING TO SAY about the answers I gave.


I seriously doubt if they even read them -- except just to scroll and pick up a few words, perhaps.

A trio of complete knuckleheads -- with Gay in Phoenix as King Spaz.
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by poptart »

NASA has produced this pic. ... _info.html


The say they've photographed this galaxy which is... 13.1 billion light years away.

13.1 billion light years.
And they've got it on film.

People shut their brain off and actually believe this shit for some reason.


They are laffing, laffing, laffing at you m0rons.

13.1 billion LIGHT YEARS away.

Oh sure...

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Re: The Rod of God

Post by R-Jack »

poptart wrote:
R-Jack wrote:My company has a store in Hawaii. When the dollar is in their favor, the Japanese folks hop on a plane and buy the shit out of designer goods. Are they crossing the entire planet to do that, then how can it be done in a few short hours?

I'm not sure I understand your concern.
Wondering how the Japs can take a short flight to us soil on the flat earth and where everything falls, that's all. The most logical way is on the proposed map above, which I said already. That leads to wondering how the area that receives the most sun exposure, the middle, is covered in ice.
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by poptart »

First, I will say again, I don't know for sure what the exact shape of the earth is -- and on this entire topic, I have MANY more questions than answers.
That's why I continue to explore.

And for Left Seater, don't think I've forgotten about your last post.
I continue to look into flights in the Souther Hemisphere, etc.
I will comment more on this sometime in the future.
Not sure when.
I don't have much to add right now.

But for your question, R-Jack...


In this very rough diagram, just like on a globe model, the "equator" land areas gets the brunt of sunlight.
The north pole is getting very dim sunlight.
When an area is out of the yellow circle part, they are in darkness -- or night time.
A "sunset" is when the the sun moves so far away that it becomes so low to the horizon that due to light refraction, it's light is no longer visible to us.
That is night time.

Fwiw to you...
The Bible says that God placed these two lights (the greater light and the lesser light) in the firmament -- and the earth is not moving.
Like this diagram.

This is what we observe.
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by Smackie Chan »

poptart - Is there anything God is incapable of doing? And is there any evidence - scriptural or scientific - to indicate how big the firmament is?
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by poptart »

There are many passages of Scripture that tell of God's omnipotence.
I mean, by His very Word He spoke everything into existence.
Genesis 1.

The firmament is described in Genesis 1:6-8, Genesis 1:14-18, Job 37:18, Psalms 148:4 (mentioning again the waters above the firmament), and maybe other places.
The dimensions of the firmament are not given.
Waters are above the firmament.

I sense (although I could be wrong) the path you are going on is to say that maybe the firmament extends FAR out into space.

The Hebrew word for firmament is Raqiya, and that is a solid, tangible structure which has been pounded out into shape, as metal might be.

This guy has an excellent channel -- although not many videos yet -- and he informs about the "possible" firmament (or dome) in this video.
It's pretty fascinating (to me) how he created "sun dogs" in his own enclosure -- and demonstrates how some sun and moon phenomenon we see are explained by a dome, or firmament over us.

And this one should actually probably be watched first...

Not that I expect you'll watch them, but I'm just putting it out there.

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Re: The Rod of God

Post by MgoBlue-LightSpecial »

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Re: The Rod of God

Post by Dinsdale »

poptart wrote:

In this very rough diagram, just like on a globe model, the "equator" land areas gets the brunt of sunlight.
The north pole is getting very dim sunlight.
I'll state this as a FACT...

You're a fucking moron... full stop.

If Antarctica wasn't closed off to all humans (yet more gut-busting laughter), we could observe that in summer (our winter, which your idiotic ramblings have yet to explain) it's light almost all of the time.
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

poptart wrote: This guy has an excellent channel -- although not many videos yet -- and he informs about the "possible" firmament (or dome) in this video.
It's pretty fascinating (to me) how he created "sun dogs" in his own enclosure -- and demonstrates how some sun and moon phenomenon we see are explained by a dome, or firmament over us.

Comments are disabled for this video.

Probably for the best.
rock rock to the planet rock ... don't stop
Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
Why don’t you just STFU.
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by Dinsdale »

poptart wrote:
Dinsdale wrote:
poptart wrote:
If you're telling me I am wrong, you are telling God that the Bible is wrong.
I suggest you google up "false dichotomy."

That's a classic example. There's clearly other options, just not in your very ill mind.
Well then tell us the other choice.

The Bible says in Genesis 1:6-8, 14-18 that there is a firmament -- and within the firmament are the sun, moon and stars.
And there is water above the firmament.

I say this is true.
AP says I am wrong.

That means he is saying the Bible is wrong.

What's the other choice, oh wise one?
There's so many other options, the very idea you believe there's only two clearly demonstrates that you've left the rails.

Here's a few:

-Your personal interpretation of the Bible is wrong, and AP's is right.

-The Bible was written by men, and isn't based at all upon God's word.

-The obvious one... there is no God as described in the Bible.

I could do this all day. Catching on where the "false dichotomy" part comes in? The fact that false dichotomy was the ploy you used has been clearly demonstrated... but I'm sure you'll try to defend your dishonest "debate" technique.
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by Jay in Phoenix »

poptart wrote:
Jay wrote:So, you are saying you are the voice of God now?
Well then explain the Scriptures, 'tard.

I've given you ample opportunity -- and all you've provided is mutterings and foolish insults.
You really are a simple tool. I have explained the scriptures on multiple occasions. You do understand what a metaphor is, and the Bible is self admittedly full of them. This is your primary problem dude, you take a metaphor and try to spin it as truth. The only thing spinning here is you. Well, aside from the planets, moons, etc.

I have in turn, given you multiple, non-insult related chances to defend your position with reason and logic that are not directly quoted by scripture, which is and never will be fact or visual or physical proof. Instead, you continue to drop Gay bomb after Gay bomb, which is not only ridiculous and intolerant, not to mention 100% stupid, but entirely non- Christian. I've shown your words to a few pastors and like minded Christians, and to a one, they all wonder what is wrong with you and why you seem so obsessed with hatred and bigotry.

And why you embrace such backward interpretation of the Word.

You still speak as though you are the one true Scribe of God. That your and only your views are accurate.

Have you seen one single person here, or anywhere else, agree with you?

Check your ego and pompousness pops.

The hypocrisy you wear like a shield has deluded you from anything real and observable, as well as provable.

One more chance here bud, show us any one line from the Bible that directly, not metaphorically, mentions a flat Earth.
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by Smackie Chan »

poptart wrote:NASA has produced this pic. ... _info.html


The say they've photographed this galaxy which is... 13.1 billion light years away.

13.1 billion light years.
And they've got it on film.

People shut their brain off and actually believe this shit for some reason.


They are laffing, laffing, laffing at you m0rons.

13.1 billion LIGHT YEARS away.

Oh sure...
Hmmm...where to start. Let's begin with the picture. There are at least 3 options, as I see it: 1) It's not a photo at all, but a drawing or some sort of artist's rendering; 2) it's a doctored photo; 3) it's an actual undoctored photo. While it makes no difference for the sake of this discussion, which of these (or perhaps another option) do you believe is the case? We could assume it's a doctored photo, since NASA is simply in business to make fools of the sheeple, lead them to believe that God isn't real, then laugh at them for believing such hooey. We could also assume they're making up the distance of 13.1 billion light years based on...nothing. Someone just picked that number for its outlandishness. Why, in your opinion, might they have done that?

But let's just consider the possibility that it's a real photo, and that the distance cited is based on credible science. You obviously find this not to be the case, but why? Because 13.1 billion light years is too much a distance for you to fathom? Because the firmament isn't that large? You've stated you don't know how how big it is, but you know how big it isn't? Because there is simply no fucking way we mere humans could see something that far away and estimate with any degree of accuracy its distance?

Consider this:
you wrote:There are many passages of Scripture that tell of God's omnipotence.
I mean, by His very Word He spoke everything into existence.
By your own admission, God can do ANYTHING. Isn't it possible, then, that He created a universe so immense that, in relative terms, 13.1 billion light years is actually very close to us? The universe could be a trillion trillion light years wide, or wider, which would make 13 billion light years seem like it's just around the corner. Could God have done that? I believe you have no choice but to say that He could. Who's to say He didn't? You? Because there's nothing in the Bible to corroborate it? It's one thing to say you believe everything you read in the Bible. It's quite another to believe that if it isn't in the Bible, it didn't or couldn't have happened. Where do you stand on this?

Let's say that you do believe there could be galaxies billions of light years away. (Do you?) Does your disbelief in what NASA is saying about the circled dot in the photo stem from a belief that if there are cosmic bodies that far away, we simply couldn't see them using available technology, and/or we couldn't with any degree of certainty or accuracy estimate their distances? Why might you believe that? Humans are God's special project (He created us in his image, after all), and endowed us with the unique capacity to reason (you DO believe that, right?). He also gave us the ability to do math, be scientific and technological, and all sorts of other neat stuff, like build telescopes and rocket ships and whatsuch. Again, by your own admission, God can do ANYTHING. So why couldn't He have given us the ability to see an object as big as a galaxy (they're quite large, you know) from a distance of 13 billion light years, and estimate somewhat closely its distance from us? If 13 billion is such a large number as to be laughable, what distances fall within the realm of your believability? One light year? A hundred? A thousand miles? How far away do you think it could be, and on what do you base your estimate?

Seems to me your disbelief in what might be possible is based upon limits you've imposed on what God might be capable of doing.
you wrote:This is what we observe.[/i]

I observe a pencil that is flexible and rubbery rather than rigid. Should I then believe that to be the case?

Things aren't always as they appear or as they are observed.
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by Jay in Phoenix »

One last thing to consider.

As much crap as AP has taken over the years, whether deserved or not, it speaks volumes when Dinsdale of all people says he is right and you are wrong.

Seriously, process that and ask yourself in all honesty, why.

You may not like what you find.
Last edited by Jay in Phoenix on Sat Aug 29, 2015 10:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by Smackie Chan »

poptart wrote:NASA has produced this pic. ... _info.html


The say they've photographed this galaxy which is... 13.1 billion light years away.

13.1 billion light years.
And they've got it on film.

People shut their brain off and actually believe this shit for some reason.


They are laffing, laffing, laffing at you m0rons.

13.1 billion LIGHT YEARS away.

Oh sure...
Hmmm...where to start. Let's begin with the picture. There are at least 3 options, as I see it: 1) It's not a photo at all, but a drawing or some sort of artist's rendering; 2) it's a doctored photo; 3) it's an actual undoctored photo. While it makes no difference for the sake of this discussion, which of these (or perhaps another option) do you believe is the case? We could assume it's a doctored photo, since NASA is simply in business to make fools of the sheeple, lead them to believe that God isn't real, then laugh at them for believing such hooey. We could also assume they're making up the distance of 13.1 billion light years based on...nothing. Someone just picked that number for its outlandishness. Why, in your opinion, might they have done that?

But let's just consider the possibility that it's a real photo, and that the distance cited is based on credible science. You obviously find this not to be the case, but why? Because 13.1 billion light years is too much a distance for you to fathom? Because the firmament isn't that large? You've stated you don't know how how big it is, but you know how big it isn't? Because there is simply no fucking way we mere humans could see something that far away and estimate with any degree of accuracy its distance?

Consider this:
you wrote:There are many passages of Scripture that tell of God's omnipotence.
I mean, by His very Word He spoke everything into existence.
By your own admission, God can do ANYTHING. Isn't it possible, then, that He created a universe so immense that, in relative terms, 13.1 billion light years is actually very close to us? The universe could be a trillion trillion light years wide, or wider, which would make 13 billion light years seem like it's just around the corner. Could God have done that? I believe you have no choice but to say that He could. Who's to say He didn't? You? Because there's nothing in the Bible to corroborate it? It's one thing to say you believe everything you read in the Bible. It's quite another to believe that if it isn't in the Bible, it didn't or couldn't have happened. Where do you stand on this?

Let's say that you do believe there could be galaxies billions of light years away. (Do you?) Does your disbelief in what NASA is saying about the circled dot in the photo stem from a belief that if there are cosmic bodies that far away, we simply couldn't see them using available technology, and/or we couldn't with any degree of certainty or accuracy estimate their distances? Why might you believe that? Humans are God's special project (He created us in his image, after all), and endowed us with the unique capacity to reason (you DO believe that, right?). He also gave us the ability to do math, be scientific and technological, and all sorts of other neat stuff, like build telescopes and rocket ships and whatsuch. Again, by your own admission, God can do ANYTHING. So why couldn't He have given us the ability to see an object as big as a galaxy (they're quite large, you know) from a distance of 13 billion light years, and estimate somewhat closely its distance from us? If 13 billion is such a large number as to be laughable, what distances fall within the realm of your believability? One light year? A hundred? A thousand miles? How far away do you think it could be, and on what do you base your estimate?

Seems to me your disbelief in what might be possible is based upon limits you've imposed on what God might be capable of doing.
you wrote:This is what we observe.

I observe a pencil that is flexible and rubbery rather than rigid. Should I then believe that to be the case?

Things aren't always as they appear or as they are observed.
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by smackaholic »

poptart wrote:First, I will say again, I don't know for sure what the exact shape of the earth is -- and on this entire topic, I have MANY more questions than answers.
That's why I continue to explore.

And for Left Seater, don't think I've forgotten about your last post.
I continue to look into flights in the Souther Hemisphere, etc.
I will comment more on this sometime in the future.
Not sure when.
I don't have much to add right now.

But for your question, R-Jack...


In this very rough diagram, just like on a globe model, the "equator" land areas gets the brunt of sunlight.
The north pole is getting very dim sunlight.
When an area is out of the yellow circle part, they are in darkness -- or night time.
A "sunset" is when the the sun moves so far away that it becomes so low to the horizon that due to light refraction, it's light is no longer visible to us.
That is night time.

Fwiw to you...
The Bible says that God placed these two lights (the greater light and the lesser light) in the firmament -- and the earth is not moving.
Like this diagram.

This is what we observe.
How does this model explain the seasons and changes in sunlight duration?

The normally accepted model makes complete sense. This ridiculous model makes none. And it kind of ignores gravitational laws.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by Jay in Phoenix »

Jsc810 wrote:That model also doesn't explain the shadows on the moon. Gosh, what could possibly explain lunar eclipses?
Buh...buh, but the Bible doesn't talk about shadows on the moon. I mean, you can obviously see from my animated, totally real photograph that the Sun revolves around the Earth! Those shadows are clearly CGI's generated by the Satanists at NASA and have been since the beginning of time! Lunar eclipse? It is the design of the Devil and his minions at NASA!

NASA! Just look at that word! If you add in the T it can be respelled as SATAN! Do you see his deception!


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Re: The Rod of God

Post by Atomic Punk »

poptart wrote:
AP wrote:You didn't address on the last page my questions on you explaining lunar and solar eclipses, the concept of gravity, the apparent motion of sky objects, the phases of the predictable Moon cycle... none of that.
AP, I don't have answers for all questions -- and it's impossible to answer every question and protest that has come up in this thread.

I am exploring and I've given my hypothesis.

I don't believe NASA and I don't believe we live on the kind of round earth we've been told we live on.
I've linked to MANY resources and you can feel free to bump around on them.

Watch the flat earth clues documentary -- and go here --->
Click the green area and most likely, replies to your questions can be found.
If not, use Google and see how "flat earthers" respond to things you ask.
It's all out there.
Well Jsc, back on page 5 here above I asked him about what I asked on page 4 where he admits to seeing solar and lunar eclipses, lunar phases, etc.
BSmack wrote:Best. AP take. Ever.

Seriously. I don't disagree with a word of it.
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by Jay in Phoenix »

poptart wrote:AP II don't have answers for all questions -- and it's impossible to answer every question and protest that has come up in this thread.

I am exploring and I've given my hypothesis.

I don't believe NASA and I don't believe we live on the kind of round earth we've been told we live on.
I've linked to MANY resources and you can feel free to bump around on them.

Watch the flat earth clues documentary -- and go here --->
Click the green area and most likely, replies to your questions can be found.
If not, use Google and see how "flat earthers" respond to things you ask.
It's all out there.

So pops, your "proof" in this response to AP is an uncredited blog that includes a link that shows Hitler as being a believer in flat Earth theory? Really? This is one of your cornerstones of conviction?

Nice company you keep Herr 'tart.
Last edited by Jay in Phoenix on Sun Aug 30, 2015 2:08 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by poptart »

Dinsdale wrote:If Antarctica wasn't closed off to all humans (yet more gut-busting laughter), we could observe that in summer (our winter, which your idiotic ramblings have yet to explain) it's light almost all of the time.

1. I never said Antarctica is closed off to all humans.


2. See the yellow circle? That's sunlight. See the white ring on the outside of the surface of the earth. That's Antarctica. Light all the time?



Do do some more bong hits -- or pump some fat bar skank.
You're not offering much here.
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by poptart »

Mgo wrote:Centuries-old Proven Science
1. Nearly all of which relies on some preconceived assumption for it to work out.

2. I'm quite certain that you yourself have never done any of your own research or investigation into the world around you.
You've mostly just gulped down what's been put in front of you as "FACT"-- for decades.
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by poptart »

Dinsdale wrote:-Your personal interpretation of the Bible is wrong, and AP's is right.

-The Bible was written by men, and isn't based at all upon God's word.

-The obvious one... there is no God as described in the Bible.
With all due respect - you make ZERO sense here, Dinsdale.

1. If AP is right, why doesn't he, or anyone else, show me the Scriptures to back it up?

Nobody has shown anything.
Just barking that I am somehow misinterpreting the Scriptures.

Show me the Scriptures which show us something other than what I've said.

2. Irrelevant to this particular discussion. AP is a Christian. He BELIEVES the Bible.

3. Irrelevant to this particular discussion. AP is a Christian. He BELIEVES the Bible.

You failed, and quite badly.
Last edited by poptart on Sun Aug 30, 2015 6:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by poptart »

Shlomart Ben Yisrael wrote:
poptart wrote: This guy has an excellent channel -- although not many videos yet -- and he informs about the "possible" firmament (or dome) in this video.
It's pretty fascinating (to me) how he created "sun dogs" in his own enclosure -- and demonstrates how some sun and moon phenomenon we see are explained by a dome, or firmament over us.

Comments are disabled for this video.

Probably for the best.
It is for the best.

He (and others like him) get swamped by trolls, morons and very foolish sheep.

Just watch his videos -- or not.

Your call.
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by Jay in Phoenix »

Once again poptart is relying on an animation, the very thing he accuses NASA of faking, as his burden of proof.


Pop meet kettle.
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by poptart »

Jay wrote:You really are a simple tool. I have explained the scriptures on multiple occasions. You do understand what a metaphor is, and the Bible is self admittedly full of them. This is your primary problem dude, you take a metaphor and try to spin it as truth.
Genesis 1 is certainly not a metaphor.
Unless they have some preconceived belief about the nature of the world around them, there is NO WAY a person reads that chapter and take it as anything other than a straightforward account of God's creation week.

You believe you came from a squirrel -- so you pick up Genesis 1 and twist it around so that it fits this idea that has been planted in your head by others.

"Science" is your god.
So be it.

Jay wrote:I've shown your words to a few pastors and like minded Christians, and to a one, they all wonder what is wrong with you and why you seem so obsessed with hatred and bigotry.
Oh yes, I'm sure you've done that.


Jay wrote:Have you seen one single person here, or anywhere else, agree with you?
The thread is there.
If anyone wants to come in there and show me where I am Scripturally off base, they are free to do so.
None of the other believers have done so.

I'm very glad to talk about these things.
That's why I began that thread.
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