Goober's New Year Over/Under

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Goober's New Year Over/Under

Post by Rudolph »

Goober was too embarrassed to post this him self, so he pm'ed it to me to forward on to all you folks . . .

In the spirit of the season, and any time is sports gambling season, this is the The New Year's Day 2016 Goober McTuber Posting Total challenge. How many posts will the cute old guy rack up by Jan. 1, 2016. Official Rules (sanctioned by Santa):

The over under for how many posts The Dirty Old man will have on Jan. 1, 2016 00:00 hours. As of time of this post he is at 20,500.

You could go the pure stats route here, with a projected total of based on his prolific posting past of about 5 per day. Yes sports fans, per day. Your bookie has all ready done the math.

But his heart could take him either way. Threatened by the reindeer, he might come out with a sudden burst of defense and we see a spike in posts. Tweak for hi.

Else downtrodden by dirty hooves and gay reality, he may hunker in and have basement sex with unknown lifeforms in the dark, much akin to m2oolio's and LTS TARD existence in the bath houses of disease and insanity, and not post at all . . .

Rookie Tip: Check with Vixen for the latest condition of Goob's ass and how butt hurt might be, as he gets first look at his disgusting nakedness every morning.

Rookie Tip: Early entries are more valuable than later entries, as the time for fluctuations and trends decrease, so a special logarithmic parabolic curve algorithm designed by dinsdale will be applied to the numbers. Decision of the winner is final by the Deciders.

The winner's prize is respect and accolades from the reindeer and Deciders, and a one year exemption from google analytics, while loggin to t1b.



Merry Christmans and Happy New year
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Re: Goober's New Year Over/Under

Post by Goober McTuber »

Rudolph wrote: Threatened by the reindeer
You guys finally made me laugh. :lol: :lol:
Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote: They couldn't even kick that doctors ass

Seems they rather just lay there, get fucked and play victim
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Re: Goober's New Year Over/Under

Post by R-Jack »

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Re: Goober's New Year Over/Under

Post by Goober McTuber »

Rudolph wrote:Rookie Tip: Check with Vixen for the latest condition of Goob's ass and how butt hurt might be, as he gets first look at his disgusting nakedness every morning.
Vixen is now a he? Yeah, you guys are that lame. Or weird. Take your pick.

Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote: They couldn't even kick that doctors ass

Seems they rather just lay there, get fucked and play victim
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Re: Goober's New Year Over/Under

Post by smackaholic »

Are "Price is Right" Rules in effect?

Put me down for an even 21K.

Can goobs get in on this action? Seems to me like a small conflict of interest violation. We run a tight ship here at T1B and frown on such shenanigans.

I vote we "Pete Rose" his ass right now to uphold the reputation of T1B.
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Re: Goober's New Year Over/Under

Post by Vixen »

Goober McTuber wrote:
Vixen is now a he?
We prefer the term transgen-deer. Also, smackaholic thinks I have sweet tits.
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Re: Goober's New Year Over/Under

Post by Smackie Chan »


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Re: Goober's New Year Over/Under

Post by smackaholic »

mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
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Re: Goober's New Year Over/Under

Post by Left Seater »

Moving Sale wrote:I really are a fucking POS.
Softball Bat wrote: I am the dumbest motherfucker ever to post on the board.
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Re: Goober's New Year Over/Under

Post by The Whistle Is Screaming »

Hey Rudolph, hope you had a Happy Hanukkah. Thank the big guy for dropping off the bag of weed, who knew you could grow primo bud up there?


Rack the reindeer! I just love their mischief and mayhem.
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Re: Goober's New Year Over/Under

Post by Rudolph »

Ok kids, here is the mid season update on the really big action for The Old Guy Post Total all-in.

First some business keeping . . .

Memo to Blitzen: Wash the cheeto dust off your hands before you touch the toys. Santa doesn't care if your red pants are now orange, but the elves do a lot of work and don't want your scaly paws on their stuff.

Memo to Vixen: Santa loves the see-through clothing, but since Mrs. Santa is too fat to flog, and all he sees all day is little boy elves, Santa is in a Questioning mode. Please don't provoke the situation.

TWIS: Our pleasure to share the organics. We have an awesome hot house (easy there Vixen) full of fine produce. Santa says the real secret is the fertilizer - you know, reindeer poop from an old nomadic Jewish tradition.

Rule clarification: Yes smackaholic, Price is Right rules apply, closest without going over. See Rule Clarification Waiver Statement below.

And we have the first DQ of the match. Tough luck Goober, but the Deciders decided you are too close to the action to participate. Oh and have fun, this is all about you and it's your chance to really be a star and shine. Just do your thing and get as close to 20,690 without going over as you can.

And for the record, Goober started out on Dec. 16 with 20,500 tpp (total post points) and as of right now 15:41 GMT Dec. 22, 2015 the dom has 20,508, sand bags firmly in place it seems.

The official record:

21,000 smackaholic

20,700 Roach

20,699 TWIS

20,691 R-Jack

20,690 Rudolph

20,574 Lefty

20,499 Smackie - What did they do to you at Spook Retreat?

Rule Clarification Waiver Statement: It is possible some participants were not aware of the Price Is Right rule being in effect when they made their post. To help mitigate the possibly disastrous effects of that oversight, please see Mid-Season-Update option below.

Mid-Season-Update option: Each participant shall receive one chance to update (change) their poke at what the Dirty Old Man's post total will be New Year's Day. The window for this change opens now and closes on Christmas Day 11:00 EST.

New participants are welcome, but will be allowed only one entry with no change option.

Decisions of the Deciders and Reindeer Committee for Legal Gaming and Herb Growth Above The Arctic Circle are final, and all participants agree to abide by the rulings of the judges.

Format and logos Copyright 2015/2016 Santa's In The Bag Enterprises
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Re: Goober's New Year Over/Under

Post by Smackie Chan »

Rudolph wrote:Smackie - What did they do to you at Spook Retreat?
Apparently, they made my attributions invisible to ruminants.
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Re: Goober's New Year Over/Under

Post by Mikey »

Rudolph wrote: . The window for this change opens now and closes on Christmas Day 11:00 EST.
Is that a.m. or p.m.?

I assume that it's p.m. since you guys may just be finishing up your delivery runs in Tonga by 11:00 a.m. EST.
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Re: Goober's New Year Over/Under

Post by Blitzen »

Rudolph wrote:Ok kids, here is the mid season update on the really big action for The Old Guy Post Total all-in.

First some business keeping . . .

Memo to Blitzen: Wash the cheeto dust off your hands before you touch the toys. Santa doesn't care if your red pants are now orange, but the elves do a lot of work and don't want your scaly paws on their stuff.
The fuck? Have you been nipping the eggnog again Rudy? You know good and well I don't eat Cheeto's. I am not B'Smack and I don't wear red trousers. It's bad enough the team have to pull sleigh behind your gaseous ass every season, but for the love of hoof, get yer facts straight. Oh, by the way, have you checked a mirror lately? That formerly bright-red nose of yours has become a crusty brown from nuzzling so much Kringle tush.

Sleigh leader my ass. More like sleigh fagala, ya schmuck.

Get back to work on your spread sheets Dolpho, you got some 'splainin' to do.
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Re: Goober's New Year Over/Under

Post by Jerkovich »

What did I miss?
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Re: Goober's New Year Over/Under

Post by Rudolph »

Well fuck that went over like a lead balloon or a turd in the fridge, no styro shell. Anyway thanks to all who participated and here are the official results, after being baked and cleansed by the Deciders Committee on Justice (if it's really justice how come LTS doesn't have key word 'guitar' filtered). The Dinsdale Curve AlgoreRhythm on regressing parabolic earth drop off was not needed, due to the points spread.

The winner is: Smackie Chan - Smackie tossed in 20,499 lowballing everyone else, and came closest to but not go over Goober's final total of 20,544.

Smackie, you win the following: Anything you want to purchase for yourself go ahead. We won't reimburse you, but you have our permission to go wild. No worries about Mama, tell The Deciders said it is ok; think big: Cars, boats, etc. It's OK. Plus you get the one year 'google analytics free' plan on your regular log in at T1B. Per the Deciders fine print, this does not cover trolls that may or may not be associated with the primary account.

And you now officially have Reindeer Cred. Carry it proudly my man! Be an inspiration to the rest of this crowd.

Runner up goes to . . . Left Seater. Lefty, great toss. You too get Reindeer Cred, and a one month analytics plan. Plus the Reindeer and Deciders deeply wish that no one ever vomits in your cockpit cabin.

Jerkovitch, you had a chance to enter and swoop us all but thanks for the post. Get in there early next year.

Best 2016 to all and especially to Goober for being a good sport and funny guy to have around.

Smackie: Reindeer Cred :bode:

Lefty: Reindeer Cred: :bode:

Goober: You too my man, Reindeer Cred :bode:

See ya all next year!

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Re: Goober's New Year Over/Under

Post by Smackie Chan »

Rudolph wrote:The winner is: Smackie Chan - Smackie tossed in 20,499 lowballing everyone else, and came closest to but not go over Goober's final total of 20,544.

Smackie, you win the following: Anything you want to purchase for yourself go ahead.
Thanks, Rudolph.

Victories such as this are never the work of one person - it takes a team effort to pull off such a feat. Most recipients of honors like this usually start off by thanking G0d or Jeebus or their families, but I won't since they had nothing to do with it.

I first need to thank Goober for the inspiration he provided for this competition, and for what I believe was a deliberate effort to refrain from posting as often as most of us are accustomed to him doing, thereby allowing me to swoop in and steal this award with the conservative (and impossible to achieve) guess that "I" submitted. I'd also like to thank you again, Rudolph, as well as whatever other reindeer may have had a hoof in this, for puling the contest together, lining up the sponsors, establishing the ground rules, and maintaining the scorecard. You had to have really kept that little red nose to the grindstone during your busiest part of the year to coordinate and organize such a massive undertaking. And lastly, I owe a debt of gratitude to smackaholic, whose civics expertise served as the basis for the entry I submitted. Don't believe what everyone (including me, at times) says about your being good for nothing. This proves otherwise.

As far as what I want for winning, my tastes are simple. A working banner in the radio/chat room would make me feel more satisfied than Bill Cosby at a casting call with a pocketful of roofies. Having fresh blood join the regulars for TuneTown (which returns with a vengeance tonight) would be icing on the cake.

Last and least, I'd like to acknowledge my ImageworthyImage opponents who went up against me in this fierce competition. Sure, you're all a buncha losers who don't need me to tell you that, but I will anyway 'cuz I'm thoughtful like that.

Looking forward to defending my title next year.
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