In the past several years we've driven past the Carrizo Plain National Monument but never had time to stop. So this time we decided to leave on Thursday afternoon and stay in beautiful downtown Taft, so we could stop by the monument on the way to Paso the next day.This is supposed to be the last remaining piece of land that looks like the California inland valley looked before "civilization" arrived.
First day route to Taft:

Taft is a small town west of Neckersfield, and the site of the first oil wells in California and still the most productive area in the state, oil-wise. It sits on the historic Petroleum Highway (CA 33). Not much to see there except a bunch of run down old houses and the "West Kern Oil Museum," which we didn't get a chance to visit because we needed to get an early start on Friday.
This is what it looked like leaving Taft, going north on CA 33:

There are miles and miles of these wells along the 33.

Those hills in the background are the Temblor Range, created by the San Andreas fault, which runs along the base. We'd be driving through those hills to get to the Carrizo Plain.
This is on CA 58, just after turning off the 33. The 58 starts in Barstow and goes generally west through several mountain ranges, until hits US 101 in Santa Margarita, south of Atascadero.

As you climb through the Temblors, things start turning a little more green, at least this time of year.

As you get near the pass, you start seeing a lot of oak trees and wildflowers.

Some of these meadows and hillsides looked like somebody came by with an airbrush and painted them yellow, purple and white.

Next two pictures are looking down the other side, towards California Valley and the Carrizo Plain

The white streak in the distance is Soda Lake, a seasonally dry salt lake that's a major feature of the Carrizo Plain.
More later...