You sister bitches are still cramming up your spinsters for this worthless moment of your pathetic, sorry, lives.. Which will come to a Sooner than you realize..END!! Bwahaaahaaaa.... Be sure you keep eating all that GLORIUS animal fatty fat, and your spinkster will rot out and drop.. Plunky style.. in Mr. proctologists waste basket...

Did someone say Sooner?
This loser feels I should post something for his/her ego from sometime in her past...Bwahaaaahaa..note to plankton penis...I gotta supervisor who feels I need to clean up every damn mess you loser human life forms cause.. Bwahahaaaa.. I could give two hoots in hell...Bwaha..(nice vacation place)..if your pathetic life is concerned about you getting wood beating a crap team, last year... Got that min-I pen-I? Moby Dick my sweet ass..Bwahahaaa..
So I have yet to move this umm..responsibility.. to an intern. Seems my extensive dependence to porn, drugs, and alcohol has not met necessary standards to move "down" the ladder to bigger and better things..I'll try harder... I hope you losers do as well.. Bwahahaaaa... More scoreboard = commission... Think brats and booze bitches...I gots yer ledger sweethearts! Bwahahaaahaaaa..
Soooo any oh wayyyy.. Bwahahaaaa..

The shit Mini Dick?... Bwahahaaaa... Check my job title... Get it? Got it? Good! Bwahahaaaa...

Ummmm..cheese and beer in that (you know who) forsaken colon worshiping never land, will make you busy up potty style. Bwahahaaaa.. Check the stats... Think coronary heart disease... Bwa.. $
Those northerners know how to "stick it you stars and bars clansmen" Damn I miss those glorious outings with Sherman and the crew back in '64 . Bwahahaaaa.. Good times.. Bwa.

So these girls thought they had any chance of the promised land...?
How do you spell soft??? Hint.. Un-documented Californicator Loser Appeasers.. Bwahahaaaa..
My interns and I make our denarri in this glorious den of inequity. Bwahahaaa...
Got yer bummys polished by a faggot bunch of Boy Scouts begging for a certain former Penn St. Defensive coordinator's release... Bwahahaaaaa... Free da Sandie Man!! Gig that shit.. Bwahahaaa... Sandie Man be kiss'in' dem cheer boys after the touch back...err.. What's it called? Touchdown.. He be touching ever thing...Bwahahaaaa... Boy Scouts be all Aggied up, Jerry style... Bwahahaaaa..
All I got losers... remember, tobacco, alcohol, drugs, whores, porn and bacon are all you need for a fulfilling life....
I got yer back...