Speaking of Worst Cities...

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Speaking of Worst Cities...

Post by Mikey »

Believe it or not we're starting to think about bailing from SoCal. Not that San Diego (or Fallbrook) is anywhere near the worst city, but this area is not what it used to be and never will be. I never thought it would come to this, but...here we are.

Traffic is getting worse and is not going to get any better. Even where I have lived for the past 17 years, which is pretty rural compared to the rest of San Diego County, they're now building 100s of new homes. The two lane highway that's the main route past Fallbrook was widened to four lanes, finally completed last year, and it's already getting packed. It's now a major route from the "Inland Empire" out to the coast.

The vaunted weather is not as vaunted as it used to be. Argue all you want about climate change and its causes, it's here. Except for the rains last winter we've had the hottest, driest years here on record in the past few years. Fuck, it was almost 100 degrees here on Thanksgiving! In the 90s last week with single digit humidity. No rain at all yet this season, which should have started a month ago. We've been evacuated due to wild fire twice in the past 10 years.

A few other reasons as well, but those two are what may put us over the top.

So, where to go?

Any suggestions?

We haven't made any decisions yet. I could still be here in 10 years. We're just starting to think about where we might go. We're taking a trip out to Santa Fe next week to check out the real estate market. We can still get a nicer house there for less than what I expect we could get for our home in Fallbrook. It's colder there in the winter, but not all that cold, and actually not as hot in the summer. Lots of shit to do. Outdoorsy stuff, artsy fartsy stuff. It's the state capital but not too big. Albuquerque is an hour drive away.

I haven't been there for 20 years but when we were there last, it seemed pretty cool. Lots of fellow tree huggers and stuff.

Anybody have any experience in Santa Fe?
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Re: Speaking of Worst Cities...

Post by Diego in Seattle »

That sounds familiar.

me, 20 years ago
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Re: Speaking of Worst Cities...

Post by Screw_Michigan »

As with most of America's attractive locales, the politicians and taxpayers don't want to pay for communist shit like legitimate mass transit, so they do futile shit like widen highways and roads. Those bandaids only last for two years. And the residents in single family housing fight any sort of new dense residential because it adds to the traffic.

Sorry to hear this, Mikey. I heard Macon, Georgia, is nice.
kcdave wrote: Sat Sep 09, 2023 8:05 am
I was actually going to to join in the best bets activity here at good ole T1B...The guy that runs that contest is a fucking prick
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Re: Speaking of Worst Cities...

Post by Mikey »

Screw_Michigan wrote:
Sorry to hear this, Mikey. I heard Macon, Georgia, is nice.
Too much competition for food from what I heard.
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Re: Speaking of Worst Cities...

Post by Left Seater »

Check your PMs.

SAF is a solid town. Taxes are nonexistent compared to most places. Tons of sunny days. Not too hot or cold. More seasons than you are used to.

One thing is look at homes with front door, front walk, garage, driveway that don’t face north. It isn’t really an issue but you can often get away without shoveling any snow on 90% of the snowfalls if those aren’t north facing.

If you are there in the summer let me know and we can hook you up with opera tickets. It is t really my thing but it is outside and usually at sunset so that gives you distractions.
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Re: Speaking of Worst Cities...

Post by Mikey »

Good advice - thanks for the info. My wife is a big opera fan. Me...I’ll go along. That opera house looks pretty cool though. We actually have an appointment with a realtor to tour some listings next Thursday in and outside of town, and really looking forward to it.

Maybe a new adventure? You can count on me hitting you up for more info if we decide to pursue it any further.
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Re: Speaking of Worst Cities...

Post by Left Seater »

Sounds good.

And while Holic won’t like it, NM has a ton of incentives to magic shade trees. They also have net metering.
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Re: Speaking of Worst Cities...

Post by Screw_Michigan »

Papa Willie wrote: Always fresh to hear a DC inhabitant giving tips on traffic. :lol:
Truth hurts.
kcdave wrote: Sat Sep 09, 2023 8:05 am
I was actually going to to join in the best bets activity here at good ole T1B...The guy that runs that contest is a fucking prick
Derron wrote: Sat Oct 03, 2020 3:07 pm
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Re: Speaking of Worst Cities...

Post by Left Seater »

Screw_Michigan wrote:
Papa Willie wrote: Always fresh to hear a DC inhabitant giving tips on traffic. :lol:
Truth hurts.
How is that train to Dulles coming along? 40 years on and it still isn’t finished. Prolly should have called it the gold line as the Silver Anniversary came and went years ago.

But yeah preach on as your town clearly has it figured out.
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Re: Speaking of Worst Cities...

Post by Screw_Michigan »

Left Seater wrote: How is that train to Dulles coming along? 40 years on and it still isn’t finished. Prolly should have called it the gold line as the Silver Anniversary came and went years ago.

But yeah preach on as your town clearly has it figured out.
I don't live in Virginia. Silver Line should have never been built.
kcdave wrote: Sat Sep 09, 2023 8:05 am
I was actually going to to join in the best bets activity here at good ole T1B...The guy that runs that contest is a fucking prick
Derron wrote: Sat Oct 03, 2020 3:07 pm
You are truly one of the worst pieces of shit to ever post on this board. Start giving up your paycheck for reparations now and then you can shut the fuck up about your racist blasts.
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Re: Speaking of Worst Cities...

Post by Dinsdale »

Screw_Michigan wrote:As with most of America's attractive locales, the politicians and taxpayers don't want to pay for communist shit like legitimate mass transit, so they do futile shit like widen highways and roads.
That's odd -- I live in what was the fastest growing metro area for many years running, and it's a communist mecca. We spend money on mass transit faster than the US Mint can print it, and do very little in the way of road improvements (city of Portland rarely ever even fixes a pothole).

Those bandaids only last for two years. And the residents in single family housing fight any sort of new dense residential because it adds to the traffic.

I'd love to see if those bandaids would help, if only for 2 years. Due to draconian land-use laws, most new housing is high density (they even tear down single family homes to build high-density), and much of it is on/near rail lines.

And we now have what is rated the 5th worst traffic in the country.

So, any other party-line bullshit that's completely opposite of the real world you'd care to parrot?

Because as a person who lives in the quintessential example of what you suggested, I can tell you that my experience is the exact opposite.

As always, YHKYOA.
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Re: Speaking of Worst Cities...

Post by trev »

I'd suggest you go somewhere with higher taxes than California. You liberal commie.
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Re: Speaking of Worst Cities...

Post by Mikey »

trev wrote:I'd suggest you go somewhere with higher taxes than California. You liberal commie.
If I move to New Mexico my property taxes will decrease by 50% even though I've been in the same house in Cali for 17 years.
My state income tax will probably fall by about 50% as well.
Electric rates will be 60% lower. And if you're in Santa Fe chances are you don't have A/C.

That leaves more $$ for good California wine.
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Re: Speaking of Worst Cities...

Post by Left Seater »

Mikey wrote:
trev wrote:I'd suggest you go somewhere with higher taxes than California. You liberal commie.
If I move to New Mexico my property taxes will decrease by 50% even though I've been in the same house in Cali for 17 years.
My state income tax will probably fall by about 50% as well.
Electric rates will be 60% lower. And if you're in Santa Fe chances are you don't have A/C.

That leaves more $$ for good California wine.
Sounds like you made a decision. You might want to rethink the a/c thing. While it is only for about 75 days temps in the mid 80s can get uncomfortable.
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Re: Speaking of Worst Cities...

Post by Mikey »

Left Seater wrote:
Mikey wrote:
trev wrote:I'd suggest you go somewhere with higher taxes than California. You liberal commie.
If I move to New Mexico my property taxes will decrease by 50% even though I've been in the same house in Cali for 17 years.
My state income tax will probably fall by about 50% as well.
Electric rates will be 60% lower. And if you're in Santa Fe chances are you don't have A/C.

That leaves more $$ for good California wine.
Sounds like you made a decision. You might want to rethink the a/c thing. While it is only for about 75 days temps in the mid 80s can get uncomfortable.
Nope, no decisions yet. Just relishing some of the possibilities. Heading up there next week for a couple of days to check things out. The wife thinks Albuquerque might be more suitable due to home prices and accessibility to Costco and stuff, but I'm hoping to dislodge that thought.

A lot of the listings in Santa Fe seem to have no A/C, but evaporative cooling instead, which is a perfect fit for the climate.

At this point I'd put the chances of it happening in the next year at about 10%. I'm still checking out the job market as well. Not quite ready to slip into the comfortable numbness of retirement just yet.
Moving Sale

Re: Speaking of Worst Cities...

Post by Moving Sale »

schmick wrote:Swamp coolers aren't perfect for anything.
You're saving money, put in real AC
Of course you need ac. You live in a furnace.
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Re: Speaking of Worst Cities...

Post by Left Seater »


You come across as pretty handy and able to maintain that backyard spread. SAF has a need for quality property management. Many of the homes are 2nd homes and owners want someone to check on them a few times a month, make sure the water heaters don’t explode, coons don’t take over the pool, the driveway is plowed before they arrive, the heat continues to work all winter, did I mention the coons, etc.

Sounds like a decent part time job working for yourself. My mom pays $1200 a month for the months she isn’t there for property management and hates the company. Just sayin’.
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Re: Speaking of Worst Cities...

Post by Derron »

Mikey wrote:
Nope, no decisions yet. Just relishing some of the possibilities. Heading up there next week for a couple of days to check things out. The wife thinks Albuquerque might be more suitable due to home prices and accessibility to Costco and stuff, but I'm hoping to dislodge that thought.

A lot of the listings in Santa Fe seem to have no A/C, but evaporative cooling instead, which is a perfect fit for the climate.

At this point I'd put the chances of it happening in the next year at about 10%. I'm still checking out the job market as well. Not quite ready to slip into the comfortable numbness of retirement just yet.
Well shocking. A Californian getting ready to sell his SoCal digs and take his million plus and move somewhere that the living is reasonably priced. Glad to see you going to NM, since the SoCals have made this area sufferable. The traffic Dins speaks of is only getting much worse. The housing density communists have managed to get the new regs at about 22 to 27 units per acre. Keep cramming people into a finite space and you should have no troubles with traffic or crime.

You have to love the metro areas, and even my area on the fringes is getting fucked up. Hoping to buy a foreclosure tomorrow in Central Oregon for about 60 to 80K. About 20K in work and that bitch is either getting flipped for about 180 plus or rented for $ 1,300 a month.
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Re: Speaking of Worst Cities...

Post by Mikey »

Derron wrote:
Well shocking. A Californian getting ready to sell his SoCal digs and take his million plus and move somewhere that the living is reasonably priced. Glad to see you going to NM, since the SoCals have made this area sufferable. The traffic Dins speaks of is only getting much worse. The housing density communists have managed to get the new regs at about 22 to 27 units per acre. Keep cramming people into a finite space and you should have no troubles with traffic or crime.

You have to love the metro areas, and even my area on the fringes is getting fucked up. Hoping to buy a foreclosure tomorrow in Central Oregon for about 60 to 80K. About 20K in work and that bitch is either getting flipped for about 180 plus or rented for $ 1,300 a month.
I'm pretty shocked myself. I'm third generation in California and never thought I'd leave. Don't really want to leave. Not sure I'm even leaving now, but entertaining the possibility. Some of the shit is just getting unbearable.

I feel your pain about the influx of SoCals, but can't sympathize too much since we've been going through the same thing for decades. I feel like most of those aren't really Californians in reality but folks who moved here and then decided to move on.

My house isn't worth nearly a million but I can definitely get something equivalent in NM and end up with a net gain. I think I'd better change my licence plates before showing up there though. Not actually a SoCal, either. I was born and raised in the Bay Area but left in 1973. I have fond memories of the Peninsula but that place is a totally different world now than it was back then.
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Re: Speaking of Worst Cities...

Post by trev »

What is so unbearable Mikey? What are you sick of? You vote democrat, you are part of the problem here.
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Re: Speaking of Worst Cities...

Post by Derron »

Mikey wrote:
I'm pretty shocked myself. I'm third generation in California and never thought I'd leave. Don't really want to leave. Not sure I'm even leaving now, but entertaining the possibility. Some of the shit is just getting unbearable.
I made the decision to leave an area where I grew up, raised a family and ran a business after a lot of soul searching. One factor is that the real estate prices, I can sell and gain about 450K. I bought some property in Central Oregon last year and can put a custom manufactured home and nice shop there for about 250. I am going to use the rest to develop some residential rental properties for income. My wife will only work part time for about 3 years and then we can retire and travel. I already have 2 lots to develop when we get there.

The traffic in my area, the fucking tweakers and crime are all factors in leaving, but getting away from hordes of peo[ple, being close to some of the most awesome recreation in the West and having enough income to live well are all factors. I have family and friends in the area, so not leaving a support system.

Life is too short to live in an area that is not what I want to anymore.
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Re: Speaking of Worst Cities...

Post by Dinsdale »

Mikey wrote:The wife thinks Albuquerque might be more suitable

I spent a week in Albuquerque a couple of years ago.

What a shithole.

And it was 98-102 degrees every day I was there.
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Re: Speaking of Worst Cities...

Post by Mikey »

Dinsdale wrote:
Mikey wrote:The wife thinks Albuquerque might be more suitable

I spent a week in Albuquerque a couple of years ago.

What a shithole.

And it was 98-102 degrees every day I was there.
About what I was thinking. The wife is more into big house so we can have relatives visit. I'm more into being somewhere that I can go outside and enjoy the view.
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Re: Speaking of Worst Cities...

Post by BSmack »

Mikey wrote:
Dinsdale wrote:
Mikey wrote:The wife thinks Albuquerque might be more suitable

I spent a week in Albuquerque a couple of years ago.

What a shithole.

And it was 98-102 degrees every day I was there.
About what I was thinking. The wife is more into big house so we can have relatives visit. I'm more into being somewhere that I can go outside and enjoy the view.
Then maybe you should look into Colorado?
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Re: Speaking of Worst Cities...

Post by smackaholic »

Why not nocal?

Admit it. You want to bail from the state as the messican infestation is reaching critical mass and the place is ready to implode.
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Re: Speaking of Worst Cities...

Post by Mikey »

smackaholic wrote:Why not nocal?

Admit it. You want to bail from the state as the messican infestation is reaching critical mass and the place is ready to implode.
I was born in SF and raised in the Bay Area. Love to visit SF but the whole area is way too crowded and way way too expensive any more. I'm looking to live a little more cheaply then I am now.

I would consider way NoCal, like Fort Bragg or farther north but it's too isolated for the OL.
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Re: Speaking of Worst Cities...

Post by smackaholic »

Yeah, you can have cheap in nocal, if you go inland and wayyyyy north. On a vaca a few years back, we basically did a lap of cali/oregon. That area was pretty. And pretty creepy in some of the small towns that wouldn't have looked much out of place in Alabama.

As for our plans, we have a few options.

Plan A- Die here. Accept the fact that Ct is swirling the drain and the chance of plummeting property values is out there. If this happens, the fact that we won't much give a fukk about resale comes in handy. CB and lil' miss smack will have to get their inheritance elsewhere. They're both good looking kids. I recommend they marry it.

Plan 3th-Fix this dump up and get while the getting's good. Not terribly likely as we are both gainfully employed in yobs we like with pretty good pay. I mean, it ain't 88 money, but then who has that?

Plan VI - Fix dump up, sell it. Rent a condo.....with a short term lease. This way we can stay here, with our epcot yobs, but would be able to pack our shit and head south with short notice.

One thing I really regret is not getting in on the Florida real estate implosion aftermath back in 08-09. We were in Ft Meyers visiting mom and I saw signs nailed uo everywhere begging people to buy their condos. Probably could have bought a fairly decent 2 bedroom for 20K, maybe less. It was that bad. Could have had my mom live in it for the taxes. Today we'd have a paid for place and all we'd have to do is tell mom to hurry up and die already. Anyone that snapped up a dozen or so such properties back then would not have to work now.

When/if we do shag ass, it will likely be to the SEC, but I will admit that I really do like the area mikey is looking at too. I doubt the OL would go for it, but I would also look at some of the messican expat communities. I hear that there are some that are high enough elevation that the weather is almost socal like. The only possible issue with that is the stability of the mexican gubmint long term.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
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Re: Speaking of Worst Cities...

Post by Left Seater »

schmick wrote:
Why the fuck would anyone want to visit new mexico? The only positive thing you can say about new mexico is that it is cleaner than old mexico. There isn't fuck all to do there but look at sand and rocks. It's sort of like Arizona only no rivers, more Indians, more shit painted pink and more gun laws.
Family is gonna get excited about visiting That?
Some of my mom's family moved to Idaho, got this giant house like 6500 sq ft so everyone can come visit. Been 6 years and not even their kids want to go up there...its fuckin Idaho.
So says someone who hasn’t been to Northern NM.
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Re: Speaking of Worst Cities...

Post by smackaholic »

Northern AZ is kinda nice too. Flagstaff area.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
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Re: Speaking of Worst Cities...

Post by Diego in Seattle »

schmick wrote:
Mikey wrote:
Dinsdale wrote:I spent a week in Albuquerque a couple of years ago.

What a shithole.

And it was 98-102 degrees every day I was there.
About what I was thinking. The wife is more into big house so we can have relatives visit. I'm more into being somewhere that I can go outside and enjoy the view.

Why the fuck would anyone want to visit new mexico? The only positive thing you can say about new mexico is that it is cleaner than old mexico. There isn't fuck all to do there but look at sand and rocks. It's sort of like Arizona only no rivers, more Indians, more shit painted pink and more gun laws.
Family is gonna get excited about visiting That?
Yeah, nobody ever goes to Taos.

Have you ever not been a dumbshit?
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Re: Speaking of Worst Cities...

Post by Derron »

schmick wrote: Been 6 years and not even their kids want to go up there...its fuckin Idaho.
Great attitude and I am sure the people in Idaho appreciate that. Who needs more out of state morons anyway. More people from our area are moving to Idaho and Montana. The people in Central Oregon are moving to Idaho and Montana. For people who have income or retired these places are awesome.
People that do not care to fish, hunt, camp, explore, travel, photography, snow skiing, snowmobile, fly airplanes, ride mountain bikes, ride motorcycles, para sail, hike, climb mountains should not consider to live in Idaho or Montana. Hours plane ride to Seattle, Portland, Denver. Real shitty place to live.

Probably not why 4 of my friends have either bought primary residences, investment property or second homes in those states in the last year.
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Re: Speaking of Worst Cities...

Post by Wolfman »

Plus beaches, islands, amusement parks..... = Florida w/o mountains and snow.
And anyone visiting Fort Myers area and not at least giving me a shout-out (sup smackaholic?) should be sent to southern New Mexico.
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Re: Speaking of Worst Cities...

Post by Mikey »

schmick wrote:

Why the fuck would anyone want to visit new mexico? The only positive thing you can say about new mexico is that it is cleaner than old mexico. There isn't fuck all to do there but look at sand and rocks. It's sort of like Arizona only no rivers, more Indians, more shit painted pink and more gun laws.
Family is gonna get excited about visiting That?
Some of my mom's family moved to Idaho, got this giant house like 6500 sq ft so everyone can come visit. Been 6 years and not even their kids want to go up there...its fuckin Idaho.
Might want to check your geography on that “no rivers” blast.

There’s one very Big River that goes right through Albuquerque and Santa Fe.
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Re: Speaking of Worst Cities...

Post by Dinsdale »

schmick wrote:It's sort of like Arizona only no rivers

SoCal sayswhat?

You realize the Rio Grande runs right through Albuquerque, right?

Funny stuff.
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Re: Speaking of Worst Cities...

Post by Dinsdale »

Derron wrote:The people in Central Oregon are moving to Idaho and Montana.

Because of all the Wet Siders driving them away?
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Re: Speaking of Worst Cities...

Post by Diego in Seattle »

I'm surprised that Schmuck doesn't like Idaho. He'd feel right at home w/ a lot of the attitudes in Coeur d'Alene...
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Re: Speaking of Worst Cities...

Post by Dinsdale »

I have a friend who owns a house on Lake Couer d'Alene. Plans to retire there soon.
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Re: Speaking of Worst Cities...

Post by Moving Sale »

So to recap: I live in a better place than any of you.
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Re: Speaking of Worst Cities...

Post by Dinsdale »

Moving Sale wrote:So to recap: I live in a better place than any of you.

I wouldn't trade you if you paid me.
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Diego in Seattle
Rouser Of Rabble
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Re: Speaking of Worst Cities...

Post by Diego in Seattle »

Moving Sale wrote:So to recap: I live in a better place than any of you.
“Left Seater” wrote:So charges are around the corner?
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