Dinsdale wrote:Since the big business leaders won't(and by law, essentially can't) do the "right" thing, and keep their money at home, maybe the fed needs to do their job(for once), and control commerce to favor ALL Americans, rather than majority shareholders.
Businesses are not compelled by law not to keep their money at home. It's good business to invest your $$ where you get the highest rate of return.
By allowing large corporations to send so many of our jobs to Asia, it hurts Americans....but it sure helps to line the pockets of the already-wealthy.
Dumbass...American firms don't send jobs anywhere. It's not like Ted's job just got shipped to Malaysia. It's called capital and it's the capital that is being invested elsewhere.
How about tariffs and laws keeping jobs/money at home?
Dumbass says what? You don't know what a "tariff" is, do you?
And you want the government to impose laws that compel private firms to invest their $$ where the government tells them to?
Are you a Commie or something?
BUT....this is America. We can make it happen. Corporate heads are making China and Taiwan a better place, at the expense of Americans.
Bullshit. A record number of Americans are working right now. Have we seen the bottom fall out of wages or income? Of course not. So shut the hell up. Have we seen soncumption go up? Yes. Is the economy expanding? Yes, quite nicely, too.
It's not right. But the board of a public company is bound to maximize profit.
No shit, dummy.
The only way to fix this is by making it illegal for them to bolster corporate profits by selling out the US.
There's a way to do it, it will just take good planning.
You mean central government planning...explain to us how that has ever succeeded...in world history.
It's a lot easier for everyone to get a piece of the pie when you have a bigger pie to start with.
The pie is and has been expanding in the US and the world, dolt.
As long as it's profitable to send all of your work to China, we'll never realize our potential.
It's not always profitable to do so. That's why it's not being done. And it's also why many firms are returning their capital investment to the US.
It doesn't have to be this way. You get the tard mentality that somehow there were people put on earth to wallow in poverty, while the rich get richer. If our policies didn't cater to the few already-wealthy, and rather to keeping our "pie" at home, there would be a lot more to go around.
Idiot, do you realize that the US would stand to lose more than to gain if were apply your logic to the global economy? Are you aware that the US receives the most direct foreign investment of any other country. That investmenr represents jobs that would otherwise be employed in that home country. The US would stand to lose billions every year in foreign investment following your logic, dumbass.
Are you aware that the US benefits from outsourcing more than it loses?? I've posted the report several times here demonstrating that something like a $1.30 is realized for every $1 that is outsourced? Why? Pretty simple, actually. The "savings" from outsourcing is kept here and reinvested in expansion, new product development, etc.