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Re: Put your damn glass down, darkie

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 6:39 pm
by Truman
I suppose if-and-when the yaun unseats the good ol' Yankee dollar as the world's preferred means of doing business, you might have a point, Comrade.

So who chews up and spits out the ChiCom's capitalist market?

BTW, that little econ lesson I dropped on you a couple of posts back works everytime and everywhere it's tried. Your little labor union scenario? Not so much...

Re: Put your damn glass down, darkie

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 8:12 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Truman wrote:I suppose if-and-when the yaun unseats the good ol' Yankee dollar as the world's preferred means of doing business, you might have a point, Comrade.
Why would the Chinese want to unseat the Yankee dollar, or even a hypothetical basket of currencies?
Having America as China's #1 captive market is win-win for China.
It's no-risk-all-reward.
Have you ever read a financial newspaper?

Truman wrote: So who chews up and spits out the ChiCom's capitalist market?
Look up at the scoreboard.

Truman wrote:BTW, that little econ lesson I dropped on you a couple of posts back works everytime and everywhere it's tried. Your little labor union scenario? Not so much...
This isn't 1871. You need to update your texts.

You going all "Schoolhouse Rock" is embarrassing for both of us.

Re: Put your damn glass down, darkie

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 10:40 pm
by LTS TRN 2
R-Jack wrote:
LTS TRN 2 wrote:Wrong. Jail is more expensive.
That's what he said you bumbling halfwit.
Huh? Are you drunk?. He said school's more expensive--look..
Mace wrote: Yeah, but jail would have been cheaper than a public education.
Okay, you wind-up little moron?

Now...Tom ...
Tom In VA wrote: We all need them most of all a corruptible institution as government.

"What part of basic predication haven't you mastered? What part of basic sentence construction eludes you? What are you trying to say? Tom, this public school is bleeding the tax-paying citizenry dry so you can...fuck around with the King's English? Do we need forced sterilization of your type so as to justify the inordinate amount of our state's budget diverted to teaching you? My union provides me a cushy vacation right about now, so you'll be receiving your punishment from a part-time no-benefit temp worker. Take it like a man."

Re: Put your damn glass down, darkie

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 11:34 pm
by Truman
Martyred wrote:
Truman wrote:I suppose if-and-when the yaun unseats the good ol' Yankee dollar as the world's preferred means of doing business, you might have a point, Comrade.
Why would the Chinese want to unseat the Yankee dollar, or even a hypothetical basket of currencies?
Having America as China's #1 captive market is win-win for China.
It's no-risk-all-reward.
Have you ever read a financial newspaper?
Who knew the WSJ was printed in Cyrillic? Better question, Merde:

And if America goes south as you so gleefully predict, where does that leave the ChiComs? You Cannuckleheads gonna pick up the slack of Indy’s fetish for TV’s?
Martyred wrote:
Truman wrote: So who chews up and spits out the ChiCom's capitalist market?
Look up at the scoreboard.
Cryptic take, Comrade. Answer the fucking question.

The Sovs were run-spread and mercy-ruled by America (much to your chagrin), quit the league, and took their ball and went home.

India? Brazil? Those folks will have serious social issues to deal with as they continue to emerge. At least our poor drives Escalades.

Your original point suggested that we had two choices: Embrace Socialism or play toady to the ChiComs. Forgive us if we choose to do neither
Martyred wrote:
Truman wrote:BTW, that little econ lesson I dropped on you a couple of posts back works everytime and everywhere it's tried. Your little labor union scenario? Not so much...
This isn't 1871. You need to update your texts.
Happily. Which one do you suggest?

The one that includes the fall of the Berlin Wall back in October of 1990? Or the one that details the dissolution of the Soviet Union in December, 1991?

Why do you hate freedom and prosperity?
You going all "Schoolhouse Rock" is embarrassing for both of us.
Embarrassing? No, that would be just you, Merde.

And here you thought you had a handle on all things America. Do you truly believe that an American network would ever air anything so mundane or bourgeois as primer on Capitalism to our children?

Not how we roll here. The role of our media is to indoctrinate our young’uns into your way of thinking. Pity that you – and they - continue to subscribe to a failed political and social institution.

Last I checked, Capitalism – and by definition – Democracy - is still alive and kickin’…

Re: Put your damn glass down, darkie

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 11:52 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Truman wrote: And if America goes south as you so gleefully predict, where does that leave the ChiComs?
As is the parasitic nature of Capitalism, China's markets will focus inwards, finally hollowing out their own society.
They'll have their kick at the can and eventually join you in the dustbin of history.

Truman wrote:At least our poor drives Escalades.
An economy floated along on credit. Great while you have a government that fully endorses credit default swaps.
Then the bill comes. It always does.

Truman wrote:Last I checked, Capitalism – and by definition – Democracy - is still alive and kickin’…
...American workers in the face.

Re: Put your damn glass down, darkie

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 12:33 am
by Truman
Martyred wrote:
Truman wrote: And if America goes south as you so gleefully predict, where does that leave the ChiComs?
As is the parasitic nature of Capitalism, China's markets will focus inwards, finally hollowing out their own society.
They'll have their kick at the can and eventually join you in the dustbin of history.
But not in your lifetime. Is that your claim bode in the Afterlife, Comrade Merde? Oh wait - your kind doesn't do that…
Merde wrote:
Truman wrote:At least our poor drives Escalades.
An economy floated along on credit. Great while you have a government that fully endorses credit default swaps.
Then the bill comes. It always does.
Which is why the majority of the populace of this country is bent on running the current HNIC up the Freedom Railway. Enigmatic fucker would make a fabulous PM in your Socialist utopia. Wonder if the Torys in your Parliament would play along….
Merde wrote:
Truman wrote:Last I checked, Capitalism – and by definition – Democracy - is still alive and kickin’…
...American workers in the face.
Sorry, but would you mind bothering to set the smackfilters to American? Or did you purposely post that in Bbqfelice?

Re: Put your damn glass down, darkie

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 1:35 am
by Tom In VA
LTS TRN 2 wrote: Now...Tom ...
Tom In VA wrote: We all need them most of all a corruptible institution as government.

"What part of basic predication haven't you mastered? What part of basic sentence construction eludes you? What are you trying to say? Tom, this public school is bleeding the tax-paying citizenry dry so you can...fuck around with the King's English? Do we need forced sterilization of your type so as to justify the inordinate amount of our state's budget diverted to teaching you? My union provides me a cushy vacation right about now, so you'll be receiving your punishment from a part-time no-benefit temp worker. Take it like a man."
Damn, I don't know what happened. Guilty as charged. Unions can be corrupted as well as government. That's what I intended to say, yet both seem to be necessary evils. Checks and balances, are key.

Re: Put your damn glass down, darkie

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 1:42 am
by LTS TRN 2
Trupid, where do you get off claiming that the Americans had anything to do with the fall of the Soviets? That's just standard Reagan fawning--and that's a lie from stem to stern. They caved because they were corrupt and overextended. Just like us now. As for India having a problem--yeah, like twenty-five million new young engineers, MBA's and financiers every ten years. And Brazil sure has a problem--like 95% of its cars running on 100% alcohol. Yep, that's a problem for Chevron alright. Shouldn't you be feverishly reading an Ayn Rand tract about now?

Re: Put your damn glass down, darkie

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 1:43 am
by Dinsdale
BTW -- Village Idiot screwed up his grammarsmack in his second attempt...

Unles Felcho lives in Virginia.

Re: Put your damn glass down, darkie

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 1:44 am
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
LTS TRN 2 wrote:Trupid...

You actually made a funny...


Re: Put your damn glass down, darkie

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 1:47 am
by LTS TRN 2
Tom In VA wrote:
LTS TRN 2 wrote: Now...Tom ...
Tom In VA wrote: We all need them most of all a corruptible institution as government.

"What part of basic predication haven't you mastered? What part of basic sentence construction eludes you? What are you trying to say? Tom, this public school is bleeding the tax-paying citizenry dry so you can...fuck around with the King's English? Do we need forced sterilization of your type so as to justify the inordinate amount of our state's budget diverted to teaching you? My union provides me a cushy vacation right about now, so you'll be receiving your punishment from a part-time no-benefit temp worker. Take it like a man."
Damn, I don't know what happened. Guilty as charged. Unions can be corrupted as well as government. That's what I intended to say, yet both seem to be necessary evils. Checks and balances, are key.
No worries--the old bag's bark is worse than her bite. In fact no one actually gets punished at all--and you can graduate and have a diploma, get credit cards and look forward to being a senator or an astronaut. Cuz it's America and anything's possible with an education.

Re: Put your damn glass down, darkie

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 3:25 am
by Dr_Phibes
LTS TRN 2 wrote: They caved because they were corrupt and overextended.
Oh bullshit, the whole command structure was demolished.. from the top. Power was deliberately transferred from party to state and no state mechanisms of leadership existed. Nobody was in charge of the place.

Re: Put your damn glass down, darkie

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 3:40 am
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Dr_Phibes wrote:
LTS TRN 2 wrote: They caved because they were corrupt and overextended.
Oh bullshit, the whole command structure was demolished.. from the top. Power was deliberately transferred from party to state and no state mechanisms of leadership existed. Nobody was in charge of the place.

Which is why the Chinese were smart enough to compartmentalise their infrastructure (economic planning, autonomous investment zones, joint state/foreign investment projects).


Re: Put your damn glass down, darkie

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 3:54 am
by Truman
L TARD wrote:Trupid, where do you get off claiming that the Americans had anything to do with the fall of the Soviets? That's just standard Reagan fawning--and that's a lie from stem to stern. They caved because they were corrupt and overextended.
If by overextended you mean the Russkies caved because American defense dollars buried the Soviet defense ruble, then you would be correct. BTW, If you struggle to reconcile this fact, then you might want to register at to have Tinfoil Ted hash out a clever response.

Speaking of clever, "Trupid" ain't one of your best efforts. Drop me a PM if you need assistance sillifying my moniker...

Re: Put your damn glass down, darkie

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 4:00 pm
by Dinsdale
Truman wrote:If by overextended you mean the Russkies caved because American defense dollars buried the Soviet defense ruble, then you would be correct.

Not quite.

While Charlie helped drive a nail in the coffin, it certainly wasn't the driving force.

They collapsed under the weight of trying to cenralize every aspect of a very large nation, which had some cultural differences from coast-to-coast. Add to that a sharp waning of public support for what turned out to be a very unpopular,"endless" war, and citizens' mounting dissatisfaction with all the power and resources being centralized in an escalating ramp-up to support the government which like every other government, produced nothing but a financial burden)...

and you get an uprising/collapse.

Doesn't sound at all familiar, does it?

Which brings us full-circle to public education, which seems hell-bent on endoctrinating our youth into not cracking a history book and following the exact same path.

While people aways want to heap praise on Reagan of Wilson for expiditing the fall of the CCCP, no one seems to give the credit where it's mainly due (because we don't like everything else he did) -- James Earl Carter. It was him making nice with the Arabs that eventually brought the price of crude down, and it was the inflated price of oil that was keeping the socialist sham going for years.

Apparently, the Arabs/Middle East isn't too big on history books, either, since they seem to forget which country has the biggest oil/energy reserves (especially when you factor in shale reserves). In the past, depleting everyone else's supplies before we tapped into most of ours seemed straegically sound. The rest of the world doesn't seem to realize that it's just about time to turn on the faucet... which will have absolutely dire consequences to much of the rest of the world.

Re: Put your damn glass down, darkie

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 6:54 pm
by LTS TRN 2
Dins, have you been smoking your Depends again?

Er..that is, are you suggesting that America is sitting on the biggest oil reserves--if and when we factor in the mountains of extremely polluting oil shale? Or something else?

As for the Soviet Union's efficiency, perhaps you should consider the gigantic nosedive Russia endured immediately after allowing the privatizing "oligarchs" to effectively loot the nation's wealth.'s just like here :wink:

Re: Put your damn glass down, darkie

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 11:26 pm
by Terry in Crapchester
mvscal wrote:
Screw_Michigan wrote:
Screw_Michigan wrote:And he's gonna get re-elected
Not much. It depends on who the Republicans run. Their field is weak but, if Rick Perry runs, the game is over.
IIRC, you said that if Fred Thompson ran in '08, we might as well not even bother holding the election. How'd that turn out for you?

And on the one in a million trillion event that you're onto something, I suppose I should remind you, and the rest of the board, how well it turned out the last time a Republican Governor of Texas became President.
He has a proven track record of economic success and job creation and isn't too much of a woo woo on social issues.
You are aware that he has advocated for Texas seceding from the Union, right?
He would destroy Oporchmonkey whose proven track record is one of unmitigated disaster and embarassing ineptitude.
Say what you want about Obama, but the only guy on the Republican side with even a prayer of beating him is Jeb Bush. He's the guy you really want to vote for, after all. But it looks like he wants to sit it out until 2016.

Re: Put your damn glass down, darkie

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 1:32 am
by Cuda
Martyred wrote:
LTS TRN 2 wrote:Trupid...

You actually made a funny...


Re: Put your damn glass down, darkie

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 10:10 am
by poptart
mvscal wrote:No senators voted for President Obama's 2012 budget when it came up for a vote in the Senate Wednesday.
A procedural vote to move forward on the president's plan failed 0-97.

Obama scolds Congress over debt limit negotiations ... 22867.html

[Image]Amid ongoing frustration over a failure to reach a compromise
on the debt limit, President Obama on Wednesday sharply scolded Congress,
suggesting his daughters do a better job of getting things done ahead of time.

Obama said he's "very amused" to hear critics in Congress say he needs to show
"more leadership" on this issue. Obama noted that he's met with congressional
leaders, all the party caucuses and said "at a certain point, they need to do
their job."

More Theatre of the Absurd from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Re: Put your damn glass down, darkie

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 12:44 pm
by poptart

Re: Put your damn glass down, darkie

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2012 1:30 pm
by poptart
mvscal wrote:No senators voted for President Obama's 2012 budget when it came up for a vote in the Senate Wednesday. A procedural vote to move forward on the president's plan failed 0-97.
Barry's latest... ... hoo_hosted

But the budget forecasts a deficit for fiscal year 2012 that
will top $1.3 trillion, before falling in 2013 to $901 billion



Re: Put your damn glass down, darkie

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 12:15 am
by Carson
mvscal wrote:Their field is weak but, if Rick Perry runs, the game is over.
oops, got it half-right.

Re: Put your damn glass down, darkie

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 12:27 am
by Derron
poptart wrote:
mvscal wrote:No senators voted for President Obama's 2012 budget when it came up for a vote in the Senate Wednesday. A procedural vote to move forward on the president's plan failed 0-97.


Where the fuck are they going to get that money? Borrow more ? Unfucking real..!!

Re: Put your damn glass down, darkie

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 1:11 am
by poptart
The detachment from reality is astounding, isn't it?

Re: Put your damn glass down, darkie

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 7:16 am
by poptart
mvscal wrote:No senators voted for President Obama's 2012 budget when it came up for a vote in the Senate Wednesday. A procedural vote to move forward on the president's plan failed 0-97.

Obama budget defeated 99-0 in Senate ... -0-senate/

414-0 defeat in March of this year.


414 + 99 + 97 = 610
0 = 0

The last three Barry budgets voted on have gone down to defeat by a total vote of 610 - 0.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Seriously - WTF??

Hopeless Change.

Re: Put your damn glass down, darkie

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 8:24 am
by M2
When you bump a thread from half a year ago...

... you end up living in South Korea.

Re: Put your damn glass down, darkie

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 12:42 pm
by poptart
F, across the board


Love this, just for the anguish it gives this hack liberal reporter.

Re: Put your damn glass down, darkie

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 12:55 pm
by poptart

69,000 yobs added in May? lol
And previous month's numbers were revised down, and way down.

Cook the books much? :meds:

Shovel ready.


Re: Put your damn glass down, darkie

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 1:39 pm
by Goober McTuber
poptart wrote:bwaaa...

69,000 yobs added in May? lol
Apparently at least a third of them were in Wisconsin.

Re: Put your damn glass down, darkie

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 2:58 pm
by Goober McTuber
poptart wrote:Shovel ready.

What best describes a Sirfindafold post?

Re: Put your damn glass down, darkie

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 10:54 pm
by Carson
Goober McTuber wrote:
poptart wrote:bwaaa...

69,000 yobs added in May? lol
Apparently at least a third of them were in Wisconsin.
Scott Walker's not such a bad guy after all.

Re: Put your damn glass down, darkie

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 11:20 pm
by Diego in Seattle
Goober McTuber wrote:
poptart wrote:bwaaa...

69,000 yobs added in May? lol
Apparently at least a third of them were in Wisconsin.
Most of them were probably temp jobs paid for by the Koch brothers that will dry up after the recall vote.

Re: Put your damn glass down, darkie

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 12:40 am
by mvscal
How much have the (oooo, scary, scary) Koch brothers spent in Wisconsin and how would that compare to the tens of millions spent by labor unions both in state and out of state.

Thanks in advance...oh, and stop fucking little boys, OK?

Re: Put your damn glass down, darkie

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 2:17 am
by Diego in Seattle
mvscal wrote:How much have the (oooo, scary, scary) Koch brothers spent in Wisconsin and how would that compare to the tens of millions spent by labor unions both in state and out of state.
Walker has spent $29 million.
Barrett has spent $4 million. ... 0Af4_QtDMD

Yeah, those big-bad unions sure are outspending the Koch brothers. :lol:

Re: Put your damn glass down, darkie

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 5:08 am
by mvscal
Barrett is the only one spending? Stop lying, you kiddy-diddling fucktard.

Re: Put your damn glass down, darkie

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 12:05 pm
by Diego in Seattle
mvscal wrote:Barrett is the only one spending? Stop lying, you kiddy-diddling fucktard.
How do you come to that conclusion, dumbfuck?

Mix in some reading comprehension, pw'ed little man.

Re: Put your damn glass down, darkie

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 1:13 pm
by smackaholic
Diego in Seattle wrote:
mvscal wrote:Barrett is the only one spending? Stop lying, you kiddy-diddling fucktard.
How do you come to that conclusion, dumbfuck?

Mix in some reading comprehension, pw'ed little man.
Are you counting Union thug money in that 4 million?

As for Walker's money, I'd say the largest chunk came in small donations from across the country. Even my cheap ass sent him 20 bucks. Sure hope the fukk I never feel compelled to give money to flyover politicians again.

So, when is Barry gonna show up and lend his support? :lol:

Re: Put your damn glass down, darkie

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 1:35 pm
by Goober McTuber
smackaholic wrote:So, when is Barry gonna show up and lend his support? :lol: ... index.html

Re: Put your damn glass down, darkie

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 4:20 pm
by smackaholic
So, that's it?

He sent out a fukkin' tweet?

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

That's almost better than nothing at all.