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Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 6:03 am
by Moving Sale
PSUFAN wrote:Wow, The Vaginal One is in rare form tonight.
I don't think he meant that as a compliment. :oops: :cry:

Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 6:04 am
by Atomic Punk
Moving Sale wrote:
Atomic Punk wrote:You are a tough negotiator.
If you had gone to 15/16ths, I probably would have gone to 7/8ths.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Don't "math" me tonight. I was metaphorically speaking of drill bit sizes. Now, before you "go there" with "Ahhh! I got ZZ with some homo smack" shit, save it for those that have the time and inclination to reach down to your chin level... or up if the future respondents live above the Northern border.

Have a good night paht-nah!

Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 6:10 am
by Moving Sale
Atomic Punk wrote:I was metaphorically speaking of drill bit sizes.
I was thinking of socket sizes. You know, the part that is called the 'female' end.

Flame on Atomic Homo!
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 6:16 am
by Atomic Punk
MAPP gas to yer ass nizza!

Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 6:29 am
by Van isn’t wrong because it is illegal which you insinuated by bolding ‘illegal’ in your first post….
It is wrong though, all the reasons for which I went on to describe in great detail.

Oh, and yes, according to your government the simple notion that it is in fact illegal makes it "wrong".

"Bad", even!


Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 6:44 am
by Moving Sale
Van wrote: Oh, and yes, according to your government the simple notion that it is in fact illegal makes it "wrong".
A) Not true. Only that it is 'wrong' for America. Well not America but their wallets,
which brings us to point
B) A notion which you tried to gravy train off of. Problem is the government is full of asswipes who couldn't give two $hit$ about right from wrong.

KYOA much you vapid tard?

Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 6:59 am
by Van

Didn't I just use that term to describe you??

Come up with your own insults, you, you...contemptible spastic!*


*-Points awarded for coming up with the original author

Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 8:06 am
by Moving Sale
You're right I have never used that word before so I must have just learned it in this thread.

Do you EVER get tired of sounding like a dumbass?

Nice dodge BTW.

Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 11:54 am
by Spinach Genie
Moving Sale wrote:
Van wrote: Oh, and yes, according to your government the simple notion that it is in fact illegal makes it "wrong".
A) Not true. Only that it is 'wrong' for America. Well not America but their wallets,
which brings us to point
B) A notion which you tried to gravy train off of. Problem is the government is full of asswipes who couldn't give two $hit$ about right from wrong.

KYOA much you vapid tard?
Right and wrong are little more than practical ideas. Unchecked immigration swamping social programs, medical facilities and driving the economy down into the floor is wrong. As PSU keeps going off about like a parrot, yes...the employers in the country have a large share in creating this problem. Even with this a given, for reasons of security and control an exploding population of anonymous illegals is an important issue. With regards to America's future as a prosperous nation, floods of third world immigrants crossing our borders unchecked is "wrong". That Tyson chicken can pay jack shit and drive their costs down hiring bundles of illegals makes it "right" for them and that large swathes of the political sector can get fat off the growing hispanic minority influence and vote makes it "right" for them, but our nation's wellbeing outweighs those concerns. So, yes it is wrong for Americans, that's what matters and your point still seems like a lot of empty air.

Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 2:17 pm
by Van
TVO, this thread is guessed it...America.

That's the "nation" I'm referring to in the thread title. You admit it's "wrong" for America.


Game over. Gawd, you really suck at this.

Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 2:55 pm
by Biggie
Van wrote:TVO, this thread is guessed it...America.
Don't gleek on my head and tell me it's raining.


Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 2:56 pm
by Moving Sale
Van wrote:TVO, this thread is guessed it...America.

That's the "nation" I'm referring to in the thread title. You admit it's "wrong" for America.
I did no such thing. I said it is wrong for their wallets. Money isn't everything Van. Not to mention that making them legal gets rid of the $ argument.

Game over. Gawd, you really suck at this.
Because you are so fucking obtuse that you can't see that your 'illegal' argument was shit and so you spun and spun and spun? No Van you are a fucking tard with a shit argument and I am right about the illegal status being a red herring.

You can go fuck yourself.

Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 3:02 pm
by Terry in Crapchester
Van wrote:No denying that.

Doesn't change the fact though that coming here as an illegal often as not serves to break up families, which is the opposite of SoCal's point.
Maybe so, but forced deportation of illegals could have the same effect.

Illegals do manage to have children in the U.S., and those children, by definition, are U.S. citizens under the Fourteenth Amendment. If you deport their parents, then you are effectively deporting U.S. citizens as well. And to quote what Daniel Patrick Moynihan once said about welfare, "You can't take it out on the children. It just isn't allowed."

Illegal immigration is a complex issue with no easy answers. Espousing any other position is grandstanding, plain and simple.

Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 3:27 pm
by Cicero
mvscal wrote: If you aren't born to US citizens, you aren't one.

Have to agree w/ that.

Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 3:36 pm
by Terry in Crapchester
Cicero wrote:
mvscal wrote: If you aren't born to US citizens, you aren't one.

Have to agree w/ that.
U.S. Constitution, Amendment XIV
All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.
That's hardly a "loophole," and it would take a Constitutional Amendment to change it.

Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 3:41 pm
by jtr
Does that include native americans? just curious

Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 4:28 pm
by Neely8
Terry in Crapchester wrote:
Cicero wrote:
mvscal wrote: If you aren't born to US citizens, you aren't one.

Have to agree w/ that.
U.S. Constitution, Amendment XIV
All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.
That's hardly a "loophole," and it would take a Constitutional Amendment to change it.
Whoever is for that new amendment has my vote........

Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 5:40 pm
by Roofer
Terry in Crapchester wrote:
Van wrote:No denying that.

Doesn't change the fact though that coming here as an illegal often as not serves to break up families, which is the opposite of SoCal's point.
Maybe so, but forced deportation of illegals could have the same effect.

Illegals do manage to have children in the U.S., and those children, by definition, are U.S. citizens under the Fourteenth Amendment. If you deport their parents, then you are effectively deporting U.S. citizens as well. And to quote what Daniel Patrick Moynihan once said about welfare, "You can't take it out on the children. It just isn't allowed."

Illegal immigration is a complex issue with no easy answers. Espousing any other position is grandstanding, plain and simple.

When do we get to the part of the discussion about said children becoming Latino gang members or the dredges of society? Someone shout at me when we get to that part.

Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 6:08 pm
by Moving Sale
mvscal wrote:
Moving Sale wrote: My point is, for the 10th fucking time, that bolding it illegal proves nothing
It proves that they don't belong here, douchebag.
I don't care what twisted, right-wing, racist, Bushbots have to say.

Now go fuck yourself.

Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 6:14 pm
by Moving Sale
Blah, Blah, Blah.

Go fuck yourself you racist twat.

Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 6:36 pm
by Moving Sale
That was a pretty good post for a ignant racist tard.

Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 2:02 am
by RadioFan
mvscal wrote:
Terry in Crapchester wrote: it would take a Constitutional Amendment to change it.
Not a problem.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Yeah, like that's going to spearheaded by either party, in this or any other lifetime.

And easy to say, after your family already crossed.

By that logic, the Indians here or in New Mexico or Arizonia should pass state consitutional amendments effectively denying citizenship to all the whites.

Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 2:16 am
by socal
Van Laffer Curve wrote:Gas prices are still dictated by supply and demand, among other things. So, yes, if the number is twelve million illegals in this country then you can be damn sure they're more than doing their part to increase demand for gas.

I'll keep that in mind the next time I stuck behind the various late model SUV driven my us legal folk.
Van Treehugger wrote:Gotta then balance the six to a car factor with the fact that the car is a wheezing old Datsun B210 spewing god knows what into the air...

Hmmm. :-)
Van Libido wrote:Oh, and btw...
SoCal wrote:Something, something...yada yada...All my female relatives are from South America...and further more....dither dather...bunches of nothings, etc...Did I mention that I'm constantly sportin' wood at family gatherings 'cause of all the fuggen HOT latina chicks in my family...


Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 2:20 am
by Mikey

Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 3:06 am
by Van
TiC wrote:Illegal immigration is a complex issue with no easy answers.
So was the founding of this country.

So is finding a woman who legitimately squirts when she cums.

So is Tex Winters' Triangle offense.

So? Is the answer then to simply do nothing because it's a complex issue with no easy answers?

Not a whole lottta progress was ever made by succumbing to that attitude.
Espousing any other position is grandstanding, plain and simple.
Leaving it at that and then failing to offer anything more is pure "Sincerely, Marcus Allen" stuff, plain and simple.

Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 3:05 pm
by Terry in Crapchester
Van wrote:
TiC wrote:Illegal immigration is a complex issue with no easy answers.
So is finding a woman who legitimately squirts when she cums.

So is Tex Winters' Triangle offense.
These two are even on the same level with the other? C'mon, you can't believe that.
So? Is the answer then to simply do nothing because it's a complex issue with no easy answers?
I didn't say that, now did I? More than anything, that was just a criticism of those who try to make this out to be an easy issue. That's pretty easy to do when you're just bantering behind a keyboard, but crafting a real-life solution is something else entirely.
Espousing any other position is grandstanding, plain and simple.
Leaving it at that and then failing to offer anything more is pure "Sincerely, Marcus Allen" stuff, plain and simple.
I'll admit, I haven't given it much thought. And there's a reason for that. If you subscribe to the adage that "all politics is local," truth be told, it's not a real huge issue where I live. I won't go so far as to say that there are no illegals around here, given that agriculture is a pretty big industry here, and the agricultural industry is a major employer of illegals. But like I said before, in these parts if you say "Hispanic" or "Latino," you're usually referring to Puerto Ricans, not Mexicans. Also, last I checked, there's an awful lot of land between here and the Mexican border.

Having said all of that, of the choices I've heard so far, the Kennedy-McCain proposal makes the most sense to me. The numbers I'm hearing are 11-12 million illegals in the country. Given that we couldn't round up 200,000 people for purposes of evacuating New Orleans prior to Katrina, I just don't see the infrastructure in place to round up that many people and ship them back to Mexico, especially since they're somewhat spread out.

And Kennedy-McCain is not "amnesty", it creates a number of hoops for these people to jump through before they can become citizens. The ones who make the cut would, in all likelihood, be every bit as motivated to become citizens as those immigrants who came here legally.

But, in any event, I think this issue has become so laden with emotions, that no solution will placate a sufficient majority, and therefore, nothing will get done. I hope I'm wrong, but that's just the sense I have.

Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 3:16 pm
Accomplishing immigration reform is indeed a complex issue with no easy answers.

Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 3:24 pm
Give business the tools they need to verify an immigrant's documentation and enforce the immigration laws already on the books.
I like it.
I hate it.
-pork-swilling pol
Fuck all of that.
-most industries you'd care to name
Care for the moon on a string, also?
-enforcement agencies

Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 11:50 pm
by jtr
PSUFAN wrote:
Give business the tools they need to verify an immigrant's documentation and enforce the immigration laws already on the books.
I like it.
I hate it.
-pork-swilling pol
Fuck all of that.
-most industries you'd care to name
Care for the moon on a string, also?
-enforcement agencies

Posted: Sat May 06, 2006 4:52 pm
by Moving Sale
Van wrote:
TiC wrote:Illegal immigration is a complex issue with no easy answers.
So was the founding of this country.

So is finding a woman who legitimately squirts when she cums.

So is Tex Winters' Triangle offense.
But my point was easy to get and you still FUBARed it. How do you expect to 'get' something that is complex when you can't grasp the easiest of issues?

Posted: Sat May 06, 2006 6:15 pm
by jtr
tvo whats your record as a lawyer in terms of win-losses? just curious.

Posted: Sat May 06, 2006 7:09 pm
by Moving Sale
jtr wrote:tvo whats your record as a lawyer in terms of win-losses? just curious.
About average. Never has a client got the max. About 10% walk. 10% go to trial and a little over half of them walk. 80% plea to something usually less than DA offered originally. As far as stuff like terminating probation and getting people back into deferred judgment or prop 36 I get those done 80% of the time but I pick and chose those so the % should be higher. As far as suppression motions and 995s those are hard to win so somewhere around 5%.

What is your record at auditions?

Posted: Sat May 06, 2006 8:11 pm
by jtr
about 70% of the time I get called back for a second interview but from there Ive scored 12 tv guest appearances or commercials. My overall record would be like 39(booked)-12(no callbacks)-105(background)

Posted: Sat May 06, 2006 9:29 pm
by Van
Just a guess here but I suspect TVO's record is better than Jess's when it comes to properly tawdry talent giving him call backs...

Posted: Sat May 06, 2006 11:29 pm
by socal
Van wrote:Just a guess here but I suspect TVO's record is better than Jess's when it comes to properly tawdry talent giving him call backs...
Werd...It's all about making that GTA!



Posted: Sat May 06, 2006 11:45 pm
by The Seer
Moving Sale wrote:Blah, Blah, Blah.

Go fuck yourself you racist twat.

Whatever makes sense, I object to.

Whatever is right, I say is wrong.

Whatever is wrong, I say is right.

I am - "antagonist"

aka - typical no values shithead lawyer....

Posted: Sun May 07, 2006 12:08 am
by Moving Sale
The Seer wrote:
Whatever is right, I say is wrong.
So you are pro-racist. That's just great.

Posted: Sun May 07, 2006 3:11 am
by The Seer
Moving Sale wrote:
The Seer wrote:
Whatever is right, I say is wrong.
So you are pro-America. That's just wrong.


Posted: Sun May 07, 2006 3:12 am
by Moving Sale
Nice 3rd Grade move. You should be proud.

Posted: Sun May 07, 2006 4:55 am
by The Seer
Moving Sale wrote:Nice 3rd Grade move. You should be proud.

Coming from you?

Epic.... :lol: