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Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 2:10 pm
Which is more unlikely...

mtool warranting academic smack, or Kal warranting a top 10 ranking?


Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 3:03 pm
by JayDuck
King Crimson wrote:
i hear this argument/excuse all the time in Colorado. I'd be willing to bet that just as many people in Oklahoma hunt or fish on the weekends as people in the glory states go to the mountains (and, seriously, who goes to the beach in November?). people sit on their ass and watch TV on the weekends EVERYWHERE....even if it's not CFB.
The thing is that, I'd be willing to bet that just as many people in Oregon hunt or fish on the weekends as Oklahoma too. We are a huntin/fishin' state with a ton of lakes and rivers too.

It's certainly not the only reason that football isn't as much of a way of life on the West Coast, but it definitely contributes to it.

And, believe it or not, people go to the beach here year round. Especially in California, but even a bit in Oregon (My brother owns a bar on the Oregon coast)

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 3:14 pm
by JayDuck
the_ouskull wrote:
m2 wrote:Here's Oklahoma on a day without football

I'd take THAT ^^^ over this any day...



Also, we have a LOT less of this to deal with...



...and this...



Mainly because of this:


So if I were you, mTool, I'd watch my pretty mouth.


Oregon = the best of both worlds.

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 3:47 pm
by indyfrisco
Fucking God'd think after 6+ years on these boards some people would have some fucking [quote] etiquette.

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 5:25 pm
by Dinsdale
L45B wrote:You're pretty much dead on. Most of the schools out here have to market their team to sell tickets.

So, with this, you're implying that Oregon needs billboard ads to sell out games?

Rather than even try and explain, I'll just chuckle at the amazingly uninfomed ignorance behind it, and leave it be.

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 6:08 pm
by indyfrisco

I would hope to GOD that Oregon wouldn't have a problem selling out a 54,000 capacity matchbox sized stadium.

Which makes the pictures in post 1 of this thread even more pathetic...

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 6:17 pm
by Q, West Coast Style
Nice! Nothing like a little regionialism war to get the blood flowing before the season starts. At least none of us have this to compete with football on Saturdays:


South Central Joke Removed by Poster

As far as billboards go, Oregon has actually toned it down a bit, remember Broadway Joey?


Which prompted this, low budget (and quite good) tougne-in-cheeck response on Jason Gesser's behalf by WSU the following year:


Ah, the early 2000's, those were the days . . . When the Pacific Northwest came oh so close to completely taking over college football.

Sheds nostalgic tear

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 6:32 pm
by Dinsdale
IndyFrisco wrote:Dins,

I would hope to GOD that Oregon wouldn't have a problem selling out a 54,000 capacity matchbox sized stadium.
I don't ever remember U of O ever having a problem selling out games in my adult life.

The billboards aren't about selling tickets to U of O games -- they're about selling sneakers...duh.

Which makes the pictures in post 1 of this thread even more pathetic...

I must respectfully disagree -- in all my time on these boards, I've never really known any additional text to make a red X any more pathetic.

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 6:40 pm
by indyfrisco
Dinsdale wrote:I must respectfully disagree -- in all my time on these boards, I've never really known any additional text to make a red X any more pathetic.
How could you type that with your eyes closed, shaking your head and your fingers in your ears while spouting "Na-na-na-na-na?"

No one else seems to have a problem seeing the pictures as the comments afterwards prove.

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 6:57 pm
by indyfrisco
Ok, so the website I was pointing to removed the links. Luckily, I had them cached so they will be ther ein photobucket from now on.

In any case, of the pictures I posted, sneakers are seen in only one of the pictures. seems to be what is being sold. And another 'in any case.' no matter what they are selling, it is gay as fuck.

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 6:58 pm
by indyfrisco ... LID=521882

Promoting Oregon Football is what says the billboards are for, not selling Nike sneakers.

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 6:59 pm
by Dinsdale
IndyFrisco wrote:
No one else seems to have a problem seeing the pictures as the comments afterwards prove.

Oh wait...if I C&P the URL into a new browser...

"This page not available."

I'm sure it wasn't anything I haven't seen before.

And at this point, I must, once again, give my Homies at The Swoosh their BODE. Do you tards think that threads like these, and water cooler discussions around the country aren't by design?

If you think anything else, then you not very smart.

The advertising/product recognition Swooshie gets from a few pictures and a couple of goofy colored uniforms is priceless. I must sincerely thank you guys for indirectly bolstering my local economy by doing exactly as Nike wanted you to.

BODEBODEBODE goes to Swooshie. Another brilliant PR/marketing move, from the company that brought sports marketing to its current era. Beaverton/Washco/Oregon thanks you.

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 7:02 pm
by Dinsdale


You're talking about the same site that says Malik Hairston(sup BtH) chose Oregon for the academics and fine hoops tradition, right?

The Astoria-Megler Bridge is for sale, Indy...interested?

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 7:09 pm
by indyfrisco
Yeah, BODE to Dennis Rodman and Ricky Williams too.




See the Helicopter thread. It's ok to be embarrassed by your own.

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 8:29 pm
from the company that brought sports marketing to its current era.
what is the sound of no hands clapping?

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 8:50 pm
by quacker backer
I must disagree with Dinsie...those billboards are all about RECRUTING....
Make all of the fun you want, those uniforms and billboards are supposed to impress 16, 17, and 18 year olds...

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 9:02 pm
by indyfrisco
When I was 16, 17 or 18, I would not look at a billboard like that and say [Andrew Dice Clay]Oh yeah, dat's gotta be me. I'm goin' to Oregon so dey'll trough my picture up dare![/Andrew Dice Clay]

Damn, why can't you guys just admit those things look fucking stupid? Everyone in the N&E, M&W and S&W think the U&L billboards are fucking stupid.

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 9:06 pm
by JayDuck
When I was 16, 17 and 18, I wouldn't have pierced my tongue, eyebrows, lip or any other such place either.

16, 17 and 18 year olds don't like the same things you did at that age.

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 9:09 pm
by indyfrisco
That is really reaching.

Course, I live in a town now where the population is pretty much as follows:

Black 0.5% (or less)
Hispanic 3% (or less)
White 96.5%

So, I don't see much of this clit and cock piercing the kids are so much into these days that make them think those billboards are "da bomb."

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 9:12 pm
by JayDuck
Don't really see how that's reaching at all. Oregon is off to their best start recruiting, pretty much ever, and the recruits (even some who commit elsewhere) all say they love Oregon's new uniforms.

I also don't see what your race breakdown was all about. Oregon's as whitebred as anywhere and the white kids are pierced all over the place.

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 9:19 pm
by indyfrisco
Really? I see practically NO piercings on boys in this town and the girls don't have piercings all over their face. 1 to 3 piercings in the ears on girls is about the most you will see.

And I have a lot of high school age cousins here. I go tot he high school football and basketball games. I officiate soccer for 8th graders and there are a ot of high school kids there at the games.

Maybe it is just small town life, but kids don't look like freaks here that can't pass through a metal detector without unpinning their face.

20-something dumbfuck social rejects? yeah, I can see them doing this.


Not 16, 17, 18 year old kids though. Not ones that are looking to play CFB.

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 9:25 pm
by JayDuck
Don't know how it is everywhere, but most places I've lived in (Portland, Eugene, Seattle, Los Angeles) I'd say more white kids are into the piercings than other races, probably.

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2006 2:56 am
by The Seer
IndyFrisco wrote:That is really reaching.

Course, I live in a town now where the population is pretty much as follows:

Black 0.5% (or less)
Hispanic 3% (or less)
White 96.5%

So, I don't see much of this clit and cock piercing the kids are so much into these days that make them think those billboards are "da bomb."

For some odd reason, this large representation of SoCal doesn't seem to be able to get behind the excitement of Autumn, College grid action, UCLA, SuC, etc.....


* Not counting the University tee shirts purchased for .75 at thrift shops......

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2006 3:18 am
by indyfrisco
My injection of race into this thread was more along the lines of blacks and hispanics, in what I have seen, have more piercings than any whites I've ever seen. Granted, most of the black and hispanic males I have seen with piercings have the piercings in their ears, I still see very few whites with it, much less all over their face.

In any case, I don't see how the number of piercings in one's face has anything to do with whether or not they think the Oregon billboards are faggot as hell or not.

In my book, they are. We can set up a poll, but we all know how that would turn out.

Oregon Billboards faggoty?: Not a Duck fan 100%
Oregon Billboards faggoty?: Duck fan 0%

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2006 3:22 am
by Jimmy Medalions
IndyFrisco wrote:Oregon Billboards faggoty?: Not a Duck fan 100%
Oregon Billboards faggoty?: Duck fan 0%
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2006 4:06 am
by M2
MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:m2,

Your team is actually ranked. They're not a bad squad.

Why do you still feel compelled to bait everyone into academic smack? Your guys are playing in Knoxville soon. Isn't there enough Cal/Football related stuff to be excited about, that you don't need to tool up every thread with academic "smack?"
Magoo... I know you can read, but can you comprehend???

This is the start of the academia shit... in this thread.
King Crimson wrote:academic scholly to vanderbilt ... _brief.php

i only introduce this since "academic smack" is part of your lame ass schtick.

It's good to see PSUfan fall right into place with his post.. after your post. :lol:

PSUFAN wrote:Which is more unlikely...

mtool warranting academic smack, or Kal warranting a top 10 ranking?


By the way Magoo... what was the score of the last Cal v. Michigan State game??? 8)

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2006 4:23 am
by King Crimson
no, you said Oklahomans were toothless and meth-heads. i merely noted that as toothless and methed out as i am, i still went to a better school than you.

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2006 4:31 am
by M2
King Crimson wrote:no, you said Oklahomans were toothless and meth-heads. i merely noted that as toothless and methed out as i am, i still went to a better school than you.
I'm ok with that... Vanderbilt is a fine school and I have no problem with your spirit.

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2006 6:28 pm
by Dinsdale
JayDuck wrote: I also don't see what your race breakdown was all about. Oregon's as whitebred as anywhere and the white kids are pierced all over the place.

There's a lot of people with piercings and who dress goofy?

In Eugene?

And they're WHITE?


No way, man.

Things must be different in the Flyover Zone. Round these parts, excessive piercings (sup 1995) are pretty much a blight on the white kids. I very rarely see black or hispanic kids sporting stupid piercings. They usually dress like idiots, but stay away from the piercings.

Then again, I live in the burbs of Portland -- I rarely see black kids, period. Every 3rd person I see is Hispanic, though. And they're generally not pirced(that I can tell...not that I care).

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2006 7:22 pm
by GreginPG
Laxplayer wrote:
You also dont seem to see people (other than M2) on the west coast passionately follow a school they did not go to even with most colleges out here not even having football teams.
Wrong...I'm sure those gangster fans that infiltrate the moseleum on Saturday all graduated from $C, along with all the tools with their brand new hats, shirts, jersey's, sweatshirts etc......
All schools have fans who didn't attend.

'Sup Lax?

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 5:39 pm
by Q, West Coast Style
GreginPG wrote:
Laxplayer wrote:
You also dont seem to see people (other than M2) on the west coast passionately follow a school they did not go to even with most colleges out here not even having football teams.
Wrong...I'm sure those gangster fans that infiltrate the moseleum on Saturday all graduated from $C, along with all the tools with their brand new hats, shirts, jersey's, sweatshirts etc......
All schools have fans who didn't attend.

'Sup Lax?
The worst West Coast team, at least when they were winning, when it comes to non-alumni fans in the University of Washington. Most annoying. Bunch of preppy wine and cheese noobs from upper crust Puget Sound areas like Bainbridge and Vashon Island. They went to schools like Pacific Lutheran, U of Puget Sound and Western Washington U. Smug as fuck.


Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 6:08 pm
by JayDuck
Not that I'm all that unbiased either, but I did live in Seattle for a little over 2 years and can't argue with what he said. They're a Wine & Cheese football crowd, with pretty much little to no football knowledge.

They didn't even notice their football program deteriorating over a decade and still fail to understand why they are bottom feeders now. Of course most of them have already given up and walked away from the program, but the few that remain to support it think that they were a great football program because of their location, without undestanding that they were only a great program while Don James was coaching them. They've been just another run of the mill mediocre football school, outside of those 18 years, and, right now, are just another bottom feeder. They think they will be back, "because they are Washington, damnit!", regardless of who is coaching there.

Washington is a decent recruiting ground, but nothing great, and Seattle isn't one of the Top-25 locations to recruit to in the country. Hell, it's behind everyone in the Pac-10, except for the rest of Northwest teams, in terms of location.

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 6:22 pm
by Q, West Coast Style
They're a Wine & Cheese football crowd
Despite my Coug pride, my favorite moment as a football fan had to be when I was sitting next to one of 'em at Autzen when this happened [video width=425 height=350][/video]