the_ouskull wrote:Oh. Since YOU'RE the guy that hangs his hat on things that happened like fifty f'ing years ago, I figure you should know.
This is about the Ducks' victory in the FIRST hoops tourney, right?
I researched my family history a bit more.
Truck drivers' log books, I'm sure.
If you want to try to lob smack at me, keep it updated. I'm only like 1/32 Choctaw.
Like I give a shit. YOU were the one who CHOSE to use Indian talk. I merely responded. Shit, it's not like I was cracking on your mom for not keeping my coffee cup full in the casino, or anything -- lighten up.
Come up with, or, even better, have your writers come up with, some anti-Irish lines if you want to try to rag me.
Irish? Bartending must have been a tough job for you then, what with cutting your tongue to shreds every time anyone dropped a full glass.
By the way, are you going to still post here after this weekend, or are you just running smack in hopes that you win, kind of like shooting craps? You don't come around here very often... not that that's a problem. I'm just noticing...
Actually, I've "come around" here more than you could possibly imagine in the last 5+ years. I loves me some CFB. But see, I've never looked at this forum(or its predecessors) as the toilet that others are. You clowns actually have meaningful discussions of CFB here, a subject that I love, and there's an amazing wealth of knowledge among the people here...amazing. So, it's out of respect for the sanctity of this forum of forums that I read more, post less.
Got a problem with that?
Actually, if you were a little more observant than you are, you would have noticed over the last 5-6 summers that I'm a reader during the season, and I tend to occasionally post some irreverent silliness in the offseason....although I've always reserved a right to come in during the season and regale you all with incredible bits of CFB wisdom, such as "The Ducks will win by 14 gazillion points this weekend," "DUCKS RULEZORZ!!!!," and other such gems of sporting intellect.
But see, this season, there's a game against a team who is fairly overrepresented on this board, a team that has put it to my #1 favortest team in the whole wide world the last couple of times out. You really didn't think I'd let that be, did you?
Besides, think about it -- I come in here, run my keyboard 8000 miles an hour about Johnny Franchise gaining 1328 yards on the ground...If Stewart runs over the top of OU, I look like a prophet/genius. If it doesn't happen, I just look like a disappointed homer...
Win/win for me, eh?