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Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 3:35 pm
by Rootbeer
Bizzarofelice wrote:Watching the momma's boys and sybian sitters on this board come at douchebag with their weak attempts at smack make me laugh. I will also be laughing as you swallow your teeth.
Ditto and Rack Mr Bag and the other Mr Bag. Kick his ass, seabass.
Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 3:42 pm
by Jay in Phoenix
Doctor Welby,
I have to admit, I was unaware of the Bag Brothers having been administered to previously by Dr. Crookfinger. Given the current state of their mental duress and deluded, altered states, Crookfingers treatments should have been more apparent. As they both suffer from high degrees of anger, duress and psychosis, perhaps Dr. Derron's anger managment/shock therapy is in due order.
I am in concurence with your diagnosis of EJS (Elton John Syndrome). Sadly, the next level of repression as projected by thier gay-gang-like wardrobe (the pink polo puka look) should manifist itself via Donald Duck costumes or naval wear. We call this the "hey sailor" effect. With Dr. Derron's authoritative program, hopefully the Bag Boys' issues will be resolved. I've heard through the medical grapevine that he has developed a special plunger inspired apparatus that has worked wonders in recent cases.
As to Douchebag's severe physical disorder of "bitch-tits", there is no known cure. *
Yours in medical spirit,
* Bitch-tits is also known as Bacefeliceitis.
Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 3:44 pm
Puka shells make great anal beads, from what I've seen.
Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 4:39 pm
by Dinsdale
Douchebag wrote:that's a girl who goes by the name of Miranda
Miranda, that hole just isn't ghostly anymore.
Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 4:48 pm
by Douchebag
Tiny wrote:Kinda funny, when I was reading this drivel and I got to the part where you were speaking of Mr MassengillĀ®, and "seeing him give a ....." I know it said beatdown, but I read it as blowjob....boy, sometimes the Freudian slip can have double meanings....Anyway, I thought to myself: "Self, who would know better about Douchie's rage while delivering the perfect blowjob, than Enema-boy himself". So, I stand corrected. I'll give him his props: Summer's Eve knows his business when it comes to ass-rape, I know it 'cause lil' FleetĀ©-bag tells us so.
Ohh...BTW: It's getting late, and this is just a driveby; so you'll have to wait until tomorrow, if you want to further explain how your boy has been fantacizing about my hairy white ass, and all the sick twisted shit (pardon the pun) that he'd like to do to it. They say everyone has their own perversions, but that's just wrong!!!! So what's the story here Eminem-bag, is your ass just not enough for the "big fella" anymore??? You getting a little too wallered out for his pencil? You know there are plenty of fetish sites around that you could hook him up with, so maybe he wouldn't have have to spend a week in ICU, every time he felt the need to get his rocks off. Try searching for: "Eager Male Asses", or something of the like; that should get you what you truly seek.
you think this shit is funny? god you suck. everytime i read one of your posts, you're talking about gay sex. you are one sick faggot. fuck off, homo. and don't touch me.
Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 5:01 pm
by Ana Ng
Douchebag wrote:Shoalzie wrote:
Funny that none of these guys it all internal injuries?
are you a fucking idiot? they aren't even dead, except for the
last guy who fucked with my woman so he had to pay.
Guess it's a good thing you're "traveling" the entire COUNTRY then, eh? You might wanna roll up on a few cities in Mexico, while your at it.
Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 5:15 pm
by NjSooner
Dinsdale wrote:Douchebag wrote:that's a girl who goes by the name of Miranda
Miranda, that hole just isn't ghostly anymore.
Mars Volta fan?
Re: let me make something perfectly clear...
Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 5:16 pm
by NjSooner
patsy stone wrote:Douchebag wrote:
I don't think beating up women is acceptable.
However, I must comment about her argyle knee socks. They would be way chic with a short denim A-line skirt and a dark green 3/4-sleeve sweater. A light green scarf wrapped around her neck would be a nice accessory. And it'd look mega-cute with her red hair tied up in a loose bun and a headband. Maybe some Mary Janes with 3" heels. Perhaps I'll do a sketch so you can show her.
Once she regains consciousness, of course.
Thats not a woman, he is just emo.
Re: let me make something perfectly clear...
Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 5:25 pm
by Dinsdale
NjSooner wrote:Mars Volta fan?
I was hoping it wouldn't take too long for someone to get it. If nothing else, I figured PukaX would be along to rack me sooner or later.
NjSooner wrote:
Thats not a woman, he is just emo.
If that's the case, and the victim is dead, then you could grind up the corpse and use the remains to fertilize your lawn, with the hope that it might cut itself.
Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 5:29 pm
The Appian Way was not paved by puka shells.
Maybe the Appian Gay was...
Re: let me make something perfectly clear...
Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 5:33 pm
by NjSooner
Dinsdale wrote:If that's the case, and the victim is dead, then you could grind up the corpse and use the remains to fertilize your lawn, with the hope that it might cut itself.
Fucking funny.
Re: let me make something perfectly clear...
Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 5:42 pm
by Dinsdale
NjSooner wrote:
Fucking funny.
The FUCK it was.