poptart wrote:All they hear is noise from the media, telling them the guy must be nuts.
For a guy who has "no chance," people sure want to attack the guy with reckless abandon, particularly the republican establishment.
Wonder why that is?
Only one reasonable explaination -- they're worried. And why would they be worried? Only one reasonable explaination -- because they don't see him as having "no chance."
The Revolution is gaining support by the day, and rightly so. And it's increasing with a geometric progression. And that geometric progression has plenty of time to hit the meat-of-the-curve.
It's time for the good, moral people to take a stand. Way too many people have settled. Supporting the mainstream candidates is exactly that -- settling. It's what good sheeple do... they follow the asshole in front of them. You've been herded for too long, folks. Just because YOU'RE willing to watch the USA become a second-class country, it doesn't mean that everyone is. Those with any balls will stand up for what's right. And the current establishment is so far from being right, it's sad. And all anyone has to do to reverse the trend of the War on The Middle Class is cast a ballot.
Let your voice be heard, people. You've got two choices -- the Revolution now, or a violent revolution down the road... it's inevitable. You can only opress people for so long, and a "representative government" can only ignore the Will of the People for so long before the syatem breaks... so, how's that immigration reform thing going? The overwhelming... let me repeat... OVERWHELMING majority of people want to see our sovereignty protected by enforcing the borders. So... where's the problem? Why aren't your representatives doing your bidding, when the overwhelming majority of their constituents want something done? If they're not doing your bidding, whose bidding are they doing? Pretty strong sign that the train has left the tracks, don't you think?
Will Dr. Paul fix all of our problems? Of course not. Does that mean we should give up on trying to improve things?
For myself, I think actually following the Constitution would be an excellent start. Those Articles and 1-10 aren't some pipe-dreams to be tossed aside when certain people find them inconvenient -- they're non-negotiable. They truly are what defines "our way of life"... and always have.
Keeping those principles sacred would be a GREAT start. And all it takes is filling out your ballot correctly. Why is that such a difficult concept?
But don't take my word for it -- do what Dr. Paul recommends -- think for yourself. Do a little research. A good starting point would be to look into the increase in size of government since 1993, when the "moderate" and the "small government" guy have run the White House. What you'll learn might shock you. At the current rate of government growth(which it shows no signs of slowing, and seems to be ramping up, if anything... Bush busted in another lie :shocker: ), you'll be giving up around 3/4 of your earnings to the government within 20 years. How, exactly, does this come across as a good idea to you people?
Again -- do your own research. The rate of government growth is alarming. And there's only one candidate in the running that actually wants to
decrease the size of government -- every other one out there wants to increase it further... again, do your own research, their track records are there for the viewing.
Do you really want to create a world where your children will be handing over MOST of their money to the government? Is that really what you want? Because that's EXACTLY where things are heading. If you look at the current rate of federal government growth, it's really not that hard to envision a scenario where you no longer recieve your paycheck -- the government will take it, and give you back what's left over after their cut.
To think -- tens of thousands of brave men died in Korea and Vietnam to save other countries from having that happen... now, we're sullying their names by embracing that policy right here at home.
Fucking shameful, and anyone who doesn't do everything in their power to stop it should be ashamed of themselves.
Good luck raising those little communists you call "children." Maybe you should start working now on the answer to the question they'll ask you in the nursing home -- "Why did you let this happen, Grandpa?"
Every journey begins with a step. I guess it's up to everyone to decide for themselves when that forst step needs to be taken, after they do some actual research. In my opinion, NOW would be an excellent time to take that step.
But it's a free country, do what you think is best. Then again, if you vote for people who don't believe in American Sovereignty and the BoR, it ain't much of a "free country."