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Re: Quick. Check your bottled beer...!!!!

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 1:33 am
by Nishlord
Uncle Fester wrote: I used to find something called "Double-Diamond" to be passable, and I've choked down a few pints of bleedin' Watney's Red Barrel, but can't say I miss either one.
Fucking hell, that's a trip in the time machine. DD and Watneys used to rule the UK, but are 100% non existent nowadays here. And not particularly missed, to be honest.

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Shame you don't like Boddys - I did a newspaper article where I was chief taster at their brewery for the day. And yeah - Fullers had a fire, but it's still properly old-school. Still got the dray horses and everything.

Anyone tried Budvar Dark, btw? I think you'd like.


(we need an old-school beer commercial thread, you know)

Re: Quick. Check your bottled beer...!!!!

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 1:38 pm
There are a couple of pilsners out of PA that I enjoy: Victory Prima Pils, and Troeg's Sunshine Pils. It's definitely possible to make good pilsner, rather than brewing rice soda...

Re: Quick. Check your bottled beer...!!!!

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 4:34 pm
by War Wagon
PSU, I understand Yeungling (sp?) is a legendary PA brew. Surprized you're not pimping that for a tasters choice award, or maybe you have but I missed it.

We've got a local brewery in KC called Boulevard that some say is quite good. I've never tried it for some reason, but this thread will have me looking for some the next time I'm at the liquor store.


Re: Quick. Check your bottled beer...!!!!

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 1:54 am
I have to admit, I've gotten pretty tired of Yuengling...or too snobby, I guess. It was always the best beer we could cheaply get our mitts on back in the day...but now, you can get a six of much better tasting beer pretty easily and cheaply.