Re: UCant - Fitness question for you
Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 2:46 am
Guess night shift is starting for bedpan busboy.
Wrong. And wrong.Moving Sale wrote:Shit weightlifters use steroids. The shake weight is a shit way to lift weights.
You really are a stupid hog aren't you?Ana Ng wrote:So, in conclusion..... you've got "fat", "stupid", "ugly", "big nose", and "fat tits"?
Am I supposed to argue these now? Tha fuck, little guy?
Go play with your dog as it is the only live companion that will have you then walk down some stairs and blacken your eyes you horrid fucking cunt.Go eat some poo, or fly into the corner of a warm window sill and then proceed to forget how to fly out of it.
So you say shit weightlifters don't use steroids then you go on to regale us with how you stare at their juicy muscles and barely clothed bodies. This is not going well for you.ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 wrote:Wrong. And wrong.Moving Sale wrote:Shit weightlifters use steroids. The shake weight is a shit way to lift weights.
I have spelled it out in simple English at least two time s and you still don't get it. What makes you think that if I tell you a 3rd time that it is going to be any different?What in the fuck do you think this has to do with the Shake Weight? You're utterly clueless.
Correct. 'Shit' weightlifters don't use steroids. And there's a difference between a weightlifter and a juice monkey poser strutting out the gym like a flipping peacock. But seeing as how thisMoving Sale wrote:So you say shit weightlifters don't use steroids.
That is not what I posted. Can you read? I stated these losers draw attention to themselves. Much like yourMoving Sale wrote:then you go on to regale us with how you stare at their juicy muscles and barely clothed bodies.
That is one midget's opinion. Besides my own personal bitches like Roach and AP, you'd be hard-pressed to find anyone else who supports your idiotic stance.Moving Sale wrote:This is not going well for you.
Ok.ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 wrote: Correct. 'Shit' weightlifters don't use steroids.
Wait you just said shit weightlifters don't use roids and then you say they do? Has the needle fucked you up that bad?And there's a difference between a weightlifter and a juice monkey poser strutting out the gym like a flipping peacock.
Mmmmm yea it is.That is not what I posted.
YOUR attention apparently. So to recap, shitty weightlifters don't use roid except when they do and your attention is drawn to juicy muscles and barely clothed oily men. And this is not going good for who?I stated these losers draw attention to themselves.
So you are a juiced up roider who watches barely clothed guys lift weight AND you have two guys who are your bitches. Mmmm ok.Besides my own personal bitches like Roach and AP
Wait wait wait. There is more? So you are a juiced up roider who watches barely clothed guys lift weight AND you have two guys who are your bitches AND you want to know if I want to go for a ride with you? So you are hopped up on roid and at least a little gay. I’ll pass.Are we done here? Or do you want to go for another ride?
I didn't say anything. I know you have to speak out loud to help facilitate your reading, but I most definitely did not say anything. Much like a midget and a dwarf, there's a difference between a 'weight lifter' and a 'body builder.' Weight lifters are people that concern themselves merely with feats of strength, like seeing how far one can toss a midget. Body builders are the posers in the gym flexing at the mirrors. While both do lift weights as means to an end, their goals are rather different. Seeing as how you're the weight in the weight lifting realm, I understand your confusion. I am done with you... so I am just going to return you to the rack. Someone else will come by shortly and toss you around. It will be epic. Okay?Moving Sale wrote:Wait you just said shit weightlifters don't use roids and then you say they do?
just make sure you wipe him off after you put him on the rack. it's especially important during the flu season.ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 wrote:I didn't say anything. I know you have to speak out loud to help facilitate your reading, but I most definitely did not say anything. Much like a midget and a dwarf, there's a difference between a 'weight lifter' and a 'body builder.' Weight lifters are people that concern themselves merely with feats of strength, like seeing how far one can toss a midget. Body builders are the posers in the gym flexing at the mirrors. While both do lift weights as means to an end, their goals are rather different. Seeing as how you're the weight in the weight lifting realm, I understand your confusion. I am done with you... so I am just going to return you to the rack. Someone else will come by shortly and toss you around. It will be epic. Okay?Moving Sale wrote:Wait you just said shit weightlifters don't use roids and then you say they do?