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Re: barren down the hatches
Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 7:10 pm
by BSmack
Carson wrote:Well apparently your heartthrob has appointed even bigger dumbasses.
Nice "President of the United States" on his FEMA namecard.

Oh damn! You just messed up by calling yourself the President! What the fuck were you thinking Obama? You need to start putting your true title of "Temporary Kenyan Overlord Sent to Ensure the Rise of the New Caliphate" on that namecard.
Re: barren down the hatches
Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 7:35 pm
by Carson
If there was a single person in that room who didn't know who he was, it doesn't matter what they called him.
Re: barren down the hatches
Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 8:11 pm
by smackaholic
BSmack wrote:Dinsdale wrote:"Since Bush did one thing, Obama doing something else means he's correct."
When it comes to Bush, you cold do a lot worse than simply doing the opposite of everything he ever did.

sure is a good thing Obama, with his vast emergency management experience is there with his name tag, hurricane monitor and look of concern to guide the helpless local emergency officials through this crisis.
that look tells me he's concerned with the fact that his driving distances are gonna really suffer with all this rain.
Re: barren down the hatches
Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 8:32 pm
by mvscal
BSmack wrote:I'm sure you would rather a President follow the Bush model of appointing incompetent people to head Homeland Security and FEMA
He didn't. The incompetents were in Louisiana. "Brownie" had overseen several large hurricanes elsewhere without any notable problems. FEMA wan't and isn't a first response organization. State and local officials are the first responders and they were AWOL. There were evacuation plans in place at the state and local levels. These plans were never implemented. Local government simply disintegrated and Blanco was paralysed with indecision. Bush had to kick both of those idiots in the ass before
anything happened.
There was plenty of warning for an evacuation but Nagin said fuck it and hundreds of buses that could have been used to evacuate people went unused. That's not on Bush.
and to then spend the day of the disaster delivering birthday cake to John McCain and pretending to play guitar with some second rate country band.
Yes, at that point, he should be well out of the way and letting the professionals do their jobs rather than attempting to shore up his crumbling administration with bogus stunts for the media.
Re: barren down the hatches
Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 8:36 pm
by mvscal
smackaholic wrote:sure is a good thing Obama, with his vast emergency management experience is there with his name tag, hurricane monitor and look of concern to guide the helpless local emergency officials through this crisis.
That is clearly a look of disappointment. Poor Bambi Odowngrade was all dressed up with nowhere to go.
Re: barren down the hatches
Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 3:47 pm
by Dinsdale
Don't worry about the flooding a devastation -- Ric Jensen will have it taken care of by the end of the week.