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Re: Where's the home improvement forum up in this bitch?

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 2:01 am
by Dinsdale
Atomic Punk wrote:Okay Dins, I'll repeat...tell me where you can buy this mythical product called drywall that is pre-coated with PVA.

[AP]I know, but I'm not telling[/AP]

All kidding aside -- I'll tell you where, just as soon as you show where I even insinuated that there was a such a thing...

you fucking retard.

Did the "painted drywall" line confuse you? If so, that would make it just like every other sentence ever written.

I'll help you out -- I didn't figure he was hanging new drywall, since he might have said something to that æffect -- but he instead talked about a repaint.

Did you happen to notice that the terms "painted drywall" and "PVA" were in separate paragraphs?

If you didn't... they were.

See, I'm not the one who brought up "primer" -- I was actually admonishing someone else for doing so (since it's fucking stupid).

So, now that you know this, are you feeling as stupid as you look yet? And by "as you look," I mean at-the-moment... not standing in front of a mirror furiously snapping your next craigslist posting.

Re: Where's the home improvement forum up in this bitch?

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 2:05 am
by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2
Atomic Punk wrote:I've also noticed ucunt hasn't given me a name to verify he actually called the store on Kings Cyn as I have friends there that may have clocked out already and nobody would remember the call, let alone pick up the phone when you reach the call center options.
If no one would remember the call, let alone, pick up the phone... how could this possibly prove or disprove what happened? Furthermore, if "you have friends there", does this somehow mean you know every employee and you are able to discuss with every single one of them the nature of every damned call into the store?

Do you wake up not making any sense, or have you already killed that 30 pack?

Re: Where's the home improvement forum up in this bitch?

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 2:30 am
by Atomic Punk
ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 wrote: If no one would remember the call, let alone, pick up the phone... how could this possibly prove or disprove what happened? Furthermore, if "you have friends there", does this somehow mean you know every employee and you are able to discuss with every single one of them the nature of every damned call into the store?
Let's discuss this. A very good friend of mine is a department head and runs the Special Service Desk. I could name drop a few other people like a Store Manager as we've all worked with each other during transfers.

Most employees at HD are transient college students that sink-or-swim at any store. It's annoying to try to teach them a new skill when all they care about is texting friends on the floor.

Give me a name of who you've talked to. You haven't, and there is no way to validate your lying bullshit as they've all clocked out by now and nobody would remember a 'roided up freak calling from the East Coast.

You remind me of a guy that called somebody's workplace that years ago that got banned for life on Smackchat. I actually met the guy and guess what? This is no bullshit as all of those at a SoCal Troll Stop can attest... Diego and that guy were on a laptop with a mobile connection as myself, Harsh, Y2K, Artist, freeze, ppanther, Smackiechan, TV0, jtr, Miss C and many others were hanging out having a good time. These guys were creeps!

Now you've claimed to call what you think was my former workplace? Really? What a freak!

Re: Where's the home improvement forum up in this bitch?

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 2:37 am
by Dinsdale
Atomic Punk wrote:It's annoying to try to teach them a new skill

Nothing says "MAD home improvement skeelz" like working at HD.

The guy doing the job gets $20+ an hour, the guy attempting to tell others how to do it gets $9...

Do the math.

Re: Where's the home improvement forum up in this bitch?

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 3:07 am
by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2
Atomic Punk wrote:Let's discuss this.
Discuss what... whether or not the store currently carries Frog Tape? They do, call them and ask.

What else would you like to discuss... whether or not the information given to me about how long the product has been on the shelves was accurate? I am only relating was I told.
Atomic Punk wrote:Now you've claimed to call what you think was my former workplace?
Feel free to link that up. Down a few beers. Go back and actually read my post this time... and get back to me.

Re: Where's the home improvement forum up in this bitch?

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 3:18 am
by Atomic Punk
Dinsdale wrote:
Atomic Punk wrote:It's annoying to try to teach them a new skill

Nothing says "MAD home improvement skeelz" like working at HD.

The guy doing the job gets $20+ an hour, the guy attempting to tell others how to do it gets $9...

Do the math.
"Pay Smack" now Dinsy? You're right, those unfortunate kids got somewhere around $9/hr.

Reach lower bro as my nads have ejected the contents after your fumbling around with them. Blue balls are alleviated but I am not into know-it-all asshats that can't even talk about drywall. BTW, my ankles can use a little massaging in a non-gay manner.

Re: Where's the home improvement forum up in this bitch?

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 3:21 am
by Dinsdale
That's the best backpedal you can muster?

Again -- where did I ever mention pre-primed drywall?

Again -- take your time... hopefully a few years at minimum.

You, on the other hand, mention prepping walls with the "acid" known as TSP...

Fucking idiot. Spoken like a true $9h dweeb.

Re: Where's the home improvement forum up in this bitch?

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 3:31 am
by trev
I buy Valspar paint. It's hella expensive though. And almost never on sale.

Re: Where's the home improvement forum up in this bitch?

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 3:37 am
by Atomic Punk
Okay so I couldn't get you to bite on TSP being acidic as it's actually alkaline.

Since I have your attention as you spew rhetorical nonsense in any general direction... What primer would YOU recommend to cover up the smell of smoke or even jizz-stained damaged walls?

Keep in mind I'm on beer 16.

(BTW trev, Dins will tell you Valspar is worse than Behr since you go to Lowes). Doesn't matter which is better, but Dins knows everything there is to know including how to lube up for hamster races.

Re: Where's the home improvement forum up in this bitch?

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 3:44 am
by trev
Actually I don't go to Lowes. Or Home Depot to get paint. Neither is near me.

Re: Where's the home improvement forum up in this bitch?

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 3:50 am
by Atomic Punk
trev wrote:Actually I don't go to Lowes. Or Home Depot to get paint. Neither is near me.
So when you were in a drunken stupor like me, you DO know Valspar is Lowes version of Behr's Home Depot brand right?

Dins can go fuck himself. Let's say you and I go on a "booze cruise" to Catalina together and ENJOY the benefits of alcohol! Sound good? I'll split the price with you. Hell, you can have your own stateroom as I'll have whiskey dick and forget we're onboard together anyway.

Re: Where's the home improvement forum up in this bitch?

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 3:51 am
by Dinsdale
Atomic Punk wrote:Okay so I couldn't get you to bite on TSP being acidic as it's actually alkaline.


That's what you're going with...

the "I was trolling you" defense...

while you were trying to sound knowledgeable?


Clown on a messageboard, clown at a menial job... impressive resume'.

Re: Where's the home improvement forum up in this bitch?

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 3:52 am
by Dinsdale
Atomic Punk wrote:Dins will tell you Valspar is worse than Behr

That'd be like saying that reading an AP post is worse than having a tooth pulled -- kind of the same level of suck.

Re: Where's the home improvement forum up in this bitch?

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 3:58 am
by Atomic Punk
Dinsdale wrote:
Atomic Punk wrote:Dins will tell you Valspar is worse than Behr

That'd be like saying that reading an AP post is worse than having a tooth pulled -- kind of the same level of suck.
What, did you relocate to Kansas City for real? You are the 1st idiot to always point out IKYABWAI posts and now this is embarrassing as you are supposed to be my smack mentor. I'm still trying to learn from you.

If only there were a "Fishing Forum" so I can learn about fish that only travel to the Oregon.

Re: Where's the home improvement forum up in this bitch?

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 4:05 am
by Dinsdale
Atomic Punk wrote:So when you were in a drunken stupor like me, you DO know Valspar is Lowes version of Behr's Home Depot brand right?
Valspar is a store-brand now?

Haysoos Freaking Chreesto, you're the :facepalm" king.

Everything you've fucking posted has been wrong.

You make it hard to call anyone else a "tard" -- you've damn-near monopolized the term.

Re: Where's the home improvement forum up in this bitch?

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 4:14 am
by Dinsdale
Atomic Punk wrote: What, did you relocate to Kansas City for real? You are the 1st idiot to always point out IKYABWAI posts

OK, now I'm curious -- what part of my post did you interperet to mean "NO... YOU'RE worse than Behr!"?

Are you really at the point where you now realize you've abused yourself severely, and you're scrambling for some sort of redeeming smack in an attempt to save face... any smack?

Oh shit, I really screwed that one up. He knows what he's talking about, and I'm pretending, and it's now become obvious... I need to dial up a haymaker, STAT... let's see...

Should I go with "you're fat?"
Nah, he has a rep for being "svelte" -- that won't work.

Maybe I should cal him "gay" -- wait, I wear women's underwear and flaunt the fact... no-go

IKYABWAI? Nah, that would be too obvious...



Nevermind it's completely nonsequitous... I STILL GOT OVER!!!!!!!

Just... stop. You are, as always, a fucking train wreck who's about as good at stringing words together as a spastic auctioneer on his twelfth Red Bull and 151.

Re: Where's the home improvement forum up in this bitch?

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 4:28 am
by Atomic Punk
Yeah well, you've disappointed me in your efforts during your foolishness in these exchanges. For one, you've avoided my direct question on what primer to use to cover stains and things like smoke and water damage. I got your attention earlier about the PVA stuff and I've noticed you've caught my clever ruse to get you to answer questions but you get so butt-hurt easily.

Dins, can you ask the Deciders to set up an "Outdoors forum" since a fishing one would limit the amount of the potential educational knowledge that an idiot like myself can enjoy? I want to see reviews on everything REI sells or better yet any outdoor product made in Oregon. I want to be able to climb Mount Everest and still be able to cast out line to the nearest lake, stream, or river to catch whatever the Sherpa's do to make them so badass.

Re: Where's the home improvement forum up in this bitch?

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 4:37 am
by Dinsdale
Atomic Punk wrote:For one, you've avoided my direct question on what primer to use to cover stains and things like smoke and water damage.
I get it -- you attended a 2 hour tranny training session, and think you really know some shit.

Except you made no mention of substrate, rendering your question about as intelligent as anything else you've posted.

I got your attention earlier about the PVA stuff and I've noticed you've caught my clever ruse...

Oh shit -- I got busted for using the "I was trolling you" defense... I KNOW!!!!!


You just smacked yourself worse than I ever could (nevermind the damage your camera can do) -- even after being called on it once, you went back to the "I was trolling you" well yet again, and actually glossed yourself "clever" for doing so...

Holy. Fucking. Shit.

Enjoy your BoardBitch Trophy, Anemic Punk -- you certainly earned it.

Re: Where's the home improvement forum up in this bitch?

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 4:39 am
by Atomic Punk
Dinsdale wrote: Enjoy your BoardBitch Trophy, Anemic Punk -- you certainly earned it.
Do I get love points for pointing out grammatical errors while you deflect and go KC on me?

Re: Where's the home improvement forum up in this bitch?

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 4:47 am
by Dinsdale
Atomic Punk wrote:while you deflect and go KC on me?

Could you explain at which point you stated that I was worthy of a BoardBitch Trophy?

I reallyreallyreally don't think "going KC" and "IKYABWAI" mean what you think they mean.

BTW -- after getting called out for MULTIPLE instances of the "I was trolling you" defense, you decided your next move was MULTIPLE instances of nonsequitous "You went KC" smack?

Is this some sort of flow-chart out of "Smack For Complete Fucking Retards"?

WTF is wrong with you? Derron's overflowing shitbag during a golf swing is more coherent than you are.

Re: Where's the home improvement forum up in this bitch?

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 4:54 am
by Atomic Punk
Dinsdale wrote: Could you explain at which point you stated that I was worthy of a BoardBitch Trophy?
I didn't asked you that. The time limit on a previous question about a drywall solution has now expired as you will go Wikipedia on me if I push you further.

Re: Where's the home improvement forum up in this bitch?

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 5:13 am
by Dinsdale
Atomic Punk wrote:
Dinsdale wrote: Could you explain at which point you stated that I was worthy of a BoardBitch Trophy?
I didn't asked you that.
You said I went "KC." I was merely asking you to cite an example. You failed, since I did no such thing.

The time limit on a previous question about a drywall solution has now expired as you will go Wikipedia on me if I push you further.

You = 30 minute "training" session

Me = Offered a job as a foreman for an industrial/utility coatings corporation in the last 8 hours

Who is grasping for Wiki, Mr. Thinks PhosphateSaltsAreAcidic?

Gotta hand it to you -- you kicked some serious ass in this thread... just not the ass you were aiming for.

Re: Where's the home improvement forum up in this bitch?

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 5:24 am
by trev
The highest quality of Valspar works fine for the interior walls. The can is a bit fancier than Behr, eh, I guess you pay a little extra for quality all around. We usually go with lighter colors and our walls are in good condition. Our contractor would say we aren't very hard on things. Before I used Valspar, I used Frazee paints. Don't know if they are even still around.

Re: Where's the home improvement forum up in this bitch?

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 5:39 am
by Dinsdale
trev wrote:The highest quality of Valspar works fine for the interior walls.


Spendy junk.

Probably not the level of junk as Behr, but junk nonetheless.

(BTW-a multitude of transplants have told me that "spendy" (generally pronounced "spindy") is a uniquely U&L (mostly the northwestern corner of Oregon) thing.

Re: Where's the home improvement forum up in this bitch?

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 6:01 am
by Atomic Punk
Oregon is widely known for not only micro-breweries, fat strippers, and really good food made by the gayest of the gays that travel to the Culinary Institute up there... Yet a secret paint manufacturing plant is still in the works for opening up shop. They say as only Dinsy can divulge in private to those here that actually like him.

Since there are no takers here, Cuda said he'll swing from Biggie's... biggie to set up new shit trolls in order to annoy posters into submission.

trev was it you that I sent a credit card to for an airfare arraingement for the next "Booze Cruise?" We can drink the morning and night away if you want. Hell, I may have sent the card to some skank down in the LoCal area that boozes up in the AM. I forget as I'm losing my mind. I better cancel it before whomever she is cashes me out. (Anyway, it's a fake promo card I got in the mail but good thing I didn't give her my mother's maiden name nor last 4).

Next, on "Ethel the Frog" Dinsy is going to say something that won't be a meltdown. Reporters are now on scene for a disturbance at a local high school. Explain that one away Dinsy and how eating lead-based paint chips hasn't effected you.


Re: Where's the home improvement forum up in this bitch?

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 6:17 am
by Dinsdale
Atomic Punk wrote:Oregon is widely known for not only micro-breweries, fat strippers, and really good food made by the gayest of the gays that travel to the Culinary Institute up there...
My buddy used to be the admissions guy who fleeced the wannabes there for a few years... how many fucking chefs' jobs do these tards think open up every day? Enough to fuel a university? Horst Mager is the MAN, though.

Next, on "Ethel the Frog" Dinsy is going to say something that won't be a meltdown. Reporters are now on scene for a disturbance at a local high school. Explain that one away Dinsy and how eating lead-based paint chips hasn't effected you.



You got called out for multiple misuses of the KC/IKYABWAI meme.

You then got called out for multiple examples of "I was trolling you."

Tough act to follow, to be sure. I mean, what could possibly put the cherry-on-top of that level of douchitude?

Why, of course -- go with "YOU'RE MELTING!!!!!"

Congrats on hitting for the cycle.

Re: Where's the home improvement forum up in this bitch?

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 6:25 am
by Atomic Punk
Dinsdale wrote:


You got called out for multiple misuses of the KC/IKYABWAI meme.

You then got called out for multiple examples of "I was trolling you."

Tough act to follow, to be sure. I mean, what could possibly put the cherry-on-top of that level of douchitude?

Why, of course -- go with "YOU'RE MELTING!!!!!"

Congrats on hitting for the cycle.
I was asking you legit questions and now you're F5-ing the board to where the server is barely able to keep up, and trev can't even hit refresh in order to accept my invitation for the next "Booze Cruise."

Drywall, deck screws, etc. What's wrong with you?

Re: Where's the home improvement forum up in this bitch?

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 6:32 am
by Dinsdale
Atomic Punk wrote:What's wrong with you?
I have to keep slapping a gnat away from me.

Re: Where's the home improvement forum up in this bitch?

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 6:41 am
by Atomic Punk
Dinsdale wrote:
Atomic Punk wrote:What's wrong with you?
I have to keep slapping a gnat away from me.
If you want a hug instead of deflecting a very simple question about how to cover up drywall stains, smells, and water damage... since you know everything and all etc., by all means do what you do best.

Seriously, you need your own forum to where you can KYOA for being a braggart.

Re: Where's the home improvement forum up in this bitch?

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 6:48 am
by Dinsdale
Atomic Punk wrote:If you want a hug instead of deflecting a very simple question about how to cover up drywall stains, smells, and water damage...
You finally decided to include a substrate?

After how many tries?

BTW, retard -- as a professional (like you'd know), you don't "cover up" water damage -- they kind of have laws against that and stuff... fucking retard.

Seriously, you need your own forum to where you can KYOA for being a braggart.

OK... since you've repeatedly shown confusion on the matter... after the absolutely amazing, prolific display you've put on here...

THAT was a quintessential example of "IKYABWAI."

That you even thought to type the letters "KYOA" is so delightfully telling of your role here, it was actually reasonably awesome.

Re: Where's the home improvement forum up in this bitch?

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 6:54 am
by Atomic Punk
Dinsdale wrote: BTW, retard -- as a professional (like you'd know), you don't "cover up" water damage -- they kind of have laws against that and stuff... fucking retard.
I'm sure you are quite aware of these weird "Code" thingies in counties that don't apply in your locality. Why do you think the illegal aliens have jobs here?

You've dodged a simple question since you're a "professional" and all. You are an idiot/handyman.

Re: Where's the home improvement forum up in this bitch?

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 7:03 am
by Dinsdale
Atomic Punk wrote: You've dodged a simple question since you're a "professional" and all.

Like when I asked you to cite examples of these "KC" things you (falsely) made claims of?

Tell you what, Stockboy -- tell me what YOU think is appropriate for covering tough interior (heaven forbid real substrates, like CMU and whatnot) stains, so I can laugh at you.

Get a clue, dumbfuck -- chances are, the product I select for such an application is unlikely to be available at Home Depot... which has been the funny the whole time.

You are everything that's wrong with Home Depot.

Tell you what -- I'll answer your question after you answer mine...

What's the maximum allowable cut of multiple-component polyeurethane, and at what spread rate are they typically applied, both in WFT and DFT (basic math)?

They taught you that in those 30 minutes at "The D," right?

Fucking clown.

Re: Where's the home improvement forum up in this bitch?

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 11:28 am
by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2
Holy Christ, AP… way to take the weak side 3 man cover shallow Dins blitz deep into your A-gap. And thanks for remembering to make it fun for the clones.

Re: Where's the home improvement forum up in this bitch?

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 12:39 pm
by Goober McTuber
Dinsdale wrote:
Goober McTuber wrote:I’m partial to that egg shell... color scheme for walls.

Screwball -- You might think twice before taking any advice from someone who thinks "eggshell" is a paint color.
Dinsdale, you're full of fucking shit. As per usual.


Benjamin Moore

It can be a color or a sheen.

Goober McTuber wrote:BTW, I believe Dinsdale also has experience in this area. He will probably contradict everything I’ve said.

Re: Where's the home improvement forum up in this bitch?

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 12:48 pm
by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2
Is it possible to get a BM eggshell in a satin... or will AP's head explode?

Wait... they don't sell BM paints at HD, right?

Re: Where's the home improvement forum up in this bitch?

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 3:43 pm
by trev
Dins, what kind of paint should we use that isn't junk?

Re: Where's the home improvement forum up in this bitch?

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 3:57 pm
by Dinsdale
Goober McTuber wrote:Benjamin Moore

It can be a color or a sheen.

Do you really want to use a product made by someone as fuck-all stupid as to do that (and pay twice as much for said product-BTW)?

Re: Where's the home improvement forum up in this bitch?

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 4:07 pm
by Goober McTuber
Dinsdale wrote:
Goober McTuber wrote:Benjamin Moore

It can be a color or a sheen.

Do you really want to use a product made by someone as fuck-all stupid as to do that (and pay twice as much for said product-BTW)?
That was just one example. Eggshell is both a color and a sheen. Have you ever in your miserable existence admitted to an error?

Re: Where's the home improvement forum up in this bitch?

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 5:57 pm
by Dinsdale
Goober McTuber wrote:That was just one example. Eggshell is both a color and a sheen. Have you ever in your miserable existence admitted to an error?
I'd say it's Ben Moore's turn to admit to an error.

When you paint with "eggshell" color, do you trim it out with the color "latex"?

Go with 3 walls in the color "primer," and use that subtle hue known as "caulking" as an accent?

Fucking stupid.

Re: Where's the home improvement forum up in this bitch?

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 5:59 pm
by Dinsdale
Toddowen wrote:
trev wrote:Dins, what kind of paint should we use that isn't junk?

My guess is whatever paint is manufactured in Oregon.
Goobs alluded to a Up-and Middle brand...

Many of the better house paints (and better values) are distributed regionally, rather than nationally.