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Re: SOPA & PIPA Protest - Blackout Day - Get involved

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 9:28 pm
by smackaholic
BSmack wrote:
Dinsdale wrote:
Papa Willie wrote: I don't know about y'all, but there are shitloads of albums I recorded onto a cassette back in a day.

And if you own the album, and don't distribute it, there's nothing illegal.
I'd say about 2/3 of my old cassette collection (not including live shows) was material that was copped from albums my friends owned. Music sharing has been around since the 1970s, and the only impact it has had on the industry has been to increase market saturation/awareness of their product and to INCREASE overall sales.
there is a difference.

those cassette copies quality wasn't all that. and it still cost something to make it. interweb electronic piracy, OTOH is a perfect copy and can be shared with millions for nothing. this gives thieves the ability to completely ruin any hopes one may have of actually selling their creation.

and calling it not tangible is irrelevant. if your intellectual property has monetary value, it should be protected by law.

Re: SOPA & PIPA Protest - Blackout Day - Get involved

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 9:28 pm
by bradhusker
Jsc810 wrote:INTERNETS, 18th of January 2012.

Over a century ago Thomas Edison got the patent for a device which would "do for the eye what the phonograph does for
the ear". He called it the Kinetoscope. He was not only amongst the first to record video, he was also the first person
to own the copyright to a motion picture.

Because of Edisons patents for the motion pictures it was close to financially impossible to create motion pictures
in the North american east coast. The movie studios therefor relocated to California, and founded what we today call
Hollywood. The reason was mostly because there was no patent.
There was also no copyright to speak of, so the studios could copy old stories and make movies out of them - like
Fantasia, one of Disneys biggest hits ever.

So, the whole basis of this industry, that today is screaming about losing control over immaterial rights, is that they
circumvented immaterial rights. They copied (or put in their terminology: "stole") other peoples creative works,
without paying for it. They did it in order to make a huge profit. Today, they're all successful and most of the
studios are on the Fortune 500 list of the richest companies in the world. Congratulations - it's all based on being
able to re-use other peoples creative works. And today they hold the rights to what other people create.
If you want to get something released, you have to abide to their rules. The ones they created after circumventing
other peoples rules.

The reason they are always complainting about "pirates" today is simple. We've done what they did. We circumvented the
rules they created and created our own. We crushed their monopoly by giving people something more efficient. We allow
people to have direct communication between eachother, circumventing the profitable middle man, that in some cases take
over 107% of the profits (yes, you pay to work for them).
It's all based on the fact that we're competition.
We've proven that their existance in their current form is no longer needed. We're just better than they are.

And the funny part is that our rules are very similar to the founding ideas of the USA. We fight for freedom of speech.
We see all people as equal. We believe that the public, not the elite, should rule the nation. We believe that laws
should be created to serve the public, not the rich corporations.

The Pirate Bay is truly an international community. The team is spread all over the globe - but we've stayed out of the
USA. We have Swedish roots and a swedish friend said this:
The word SOPA means "trash" in Swedish. The word PIPA means "a pipe" in Swedish. This is of course not a coincidence.
They want to make the internet inte a one way pipe, with them at the top, shoving trash through the pipe down to the
rest of us obedient consumers.
The public opinion on this matter is clear. Ask anyone on the street and you'll learn that noone wants to be fed with
trash. Why the US government want the american people to be fed with trash is beyond our imagination but we hope that
you will stop them, before we all drown.

SOPA can't do anything to stop TPB. Worst case we'll change top level domain from our current .org to one of the
hundreds of other names that we already also use. In countries where TPB is blocked, China and Saudi Arabia springs to
mind, they block hundreds of our domain names. And did it work? Not really.
To fix the "problem of piracy" one should go to the source of the problem. The entertainment industry say they're
creating "culture" but what they really do is stuff like selling overpriced plushy dolls and making 11 year old girls
become anorexic. Either from working in the factories that creates the dolls for basically no salary or by watching
movies and tv shows that make them think that they're fat.

In the great Sid Meiers computer game Civilization you can build Wonders of the world. One of the most powerful ones
is Hollywood. With that you control all culture and media in the world. Rupert Murdoch was happy with MySpace and had
no problems with their own piracy until it failed. Now he's complainting that Google is the biggest source of piracy
in the world - because he's jealous. He wants to retain his mind control over people and clearly you'd get a more
honest view of things on Wikipedia and Google than on Fox News.

Some facts (years, dates) are probably wrong in this press release. The reason is that we can't access this information
when Wikipedia is blacked out. Because of pressure from our failing competitors. We're sorry for that.

Hey Jsc, I find it funny how you mentioned Fox News in a way to suggest they LIE.
Actually, MSNBC CONSTANTLY LIES on a nightly basis, EVERY SINGLE NIGHT, on Lawrence O donnell and Rachel Maddow's shows, there are lies and more lies, YET, for some crazy reason, you seem to think that FOX News is the only liar.

NEWSFLASH for ya, Bill O reilly does not lie. Ive watched his show for years now, and he may make a mistake now and then, and when he does, he is quick to admit it.
HOWEVER, night after night after night, MSNBC LIES blatantly and with zero shame.
For instance, this Mitt Romney situation about him only paying a 15 percent rate on his investment income is played on MSNBC as "Mitt pays less than most americans", BLATANT LIE!!!! Over half of ALL americans pay a lesser rate than Mitt, its a FACT, I checked it with the IRS website.
SO, this shows that MSNBC is comfortable with lying and not explaining the real truth.
UNTIL you realize this, I look at you as a complete fool.

Re: SOPA & PIPA Protest - Blackout Day - Get involved

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 11:06 pm
by BSmack
Papa Willie wrote:You know - it's really pretty simple (certainly with music). Just get sites that have music playing to pay a small monthly fee to BMI or ASCAP just like any place in the country that plays music in any form.
You mean like Spotify?

Re: SOPA & PIPA Protest - Blackout Day - Get involved

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 5:16 am
by Felix
smackaholic wrote:
there is a difference.
this gives thieves the ability to completely ruin any hopes one may have of actually selling their creation.

and calling it not tangible is irrelevant. if your intellectual property has monetary value, it should be protected by law.
have you ever posted anything like this.....

guess what, under the SOPA and PIPA laws, not only would the guy that created that video be in violation of two copyright laws, but so would I for posting it.....and I'd be obligated to prove in court the I didn't intentionally violate the law by posting other words, I'd have to prove I didn't make any money off of it.....guilty until you prove yourself innocent....

if you can't see the fucking insanity of that, well then there's no hope for you.....

media companies have always been reactionary instead of being proactive....if they'd merely have takem some steps (that have already been pointed out in this thread), they'd have been able to solve their problems a long time ago....

Re: SOPA & PIPA Protest - Blackout Day - Get involved

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 3:11 pm
by smackaholic
I am not in favor of the SOPA&PIPA laws.

To be honest, I don't know enough about it to have any strong opinions one way or the other. I do believe that it likely is typical gubmint overstepping, using a sledge hammer to drive a finishing nail.

That being said, some sort of protection should be provided to creators of intellectual property. And by that I mean there should be some protection against giving away material, not just unauthorized selling of it.

Re: SOPA & PIPA Protest - Blackout Day - Get involved

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 4:22 pm
by BSmack
smackaholic wrote:I am not in favor of the SOPA&PIPA laws.

To be honest, I don't know enough about it to have any strong opinions one way or the other. I do believe that it likely is typical gubmint overstepping, using a sledge hammer to drive a finishing nail.

That being said, some sort of protection should be provided to creators of intellectual property. And by that I mean there should be some protection against giving away material, not just unauthorized selling of it.
The existing structure already provides a giant sledgehammer to copyright owners. Ever hear of DMCA?

Re: SOPA & PIPA Protest - Blackout Day - Get involved

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 4:42 pm
by Felix
smackaholic wrote: That being said, some sort of protection should be provided to creators of intellectual property. And by that I mean there should be some protection against giving away material, not just unauthorized selling of it.
okay, let me provide you a scenario....

let's say I go to the local redbox and rent a movie-Unstoppable (which is a kick ass movie btw) in conventional DVD format....I bring the movie home, throw it into my laptop and make a copy of it....I have no intention of selling it, but I might loan it out to a remember that I paid a fee to Redbox to rent the movie.....would you say that I'm in violation of copyright/piracy laws?

Re: SOPA & PIPA Protest - Blackout Day - Get involved

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 6:57 pm
by smackaholic
Felix wrote:
smackaholic wrote: That being said, some sort of protection should be provided to creators of intellectual property. And by that I mean there should be some protection against giving away material, not just unauthorized selling of it.
okay, let me provide you a scenario....

let's say I go to the local redbox and rent a movie-Unstoppable (which is a kick ass movie btw) in conventional DVD format....I bring the movie home, throw it into my laptop and make a copy of it....I have no intention of selling it, but I might loan it out to a remember that I paid a fee to Redbox to rent the movie.....would you say that I'm in violation of copyright/piracy laws?
I don't know whether or not that would violate any laws. I suspect it probably does. I can tell you what violates my personal sense of right and wrong.

Your example is OK with me. Some might argue otherwise because if it is done by enough people, it will affect sales. Either way, I doubt the movie company storm troopers are gonna break your door down and bust you over it.

If you make that copy and sell it or post it on the interwebs for everyone and his brother to download free, I think you are doing something wrong and should be charged.

Re: SOPA & PIPA Protest - Blackout Day - Get involved

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2012 1:32 am
by BSmack
Felix wrote:okay, let me provide you a scenario....

let's say I go to the local redbox and rent a movie-Unstoppable (which is a kick ass movie btw) in conventional DVD format....I bring the movie home, throw it into my laptop and make a copy of it....I have no intention of selling it, but I might loan it out to a remember that I paid a fee to Redbox to rent the movie.....would you say that I'm in violation of copyright/piracy laws?
You mean the same shit EVERYBODY was doing with cassette tapes and LPs in the 70s?

I love watching these fools try to close the barn door when it is WAY too late to do so.

Re: SOPA & PIPA Protest - Blackout Day - Get involved

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2012 1:41 am
by smackaholic
BSmack wrote:
Felix wrote:okay, let me provide you a scenario....

let's say I go to the local redbox and rent a movie-Unstoppable (which is a kick ass movie btw) in conventional DVD format....I bring the movie home, throw it into my laptop and make a copy of it....I have no intention of selling it, but I might loan it out to a remember that I paid a fee to Redbox to rent the movie.....would you say that I'm in violation of copyright/piracy laws?
You mean the same shit EVERYBODY was doing with cassette tapes and LPs in the 70s?

I love watching these fools try to close the barn door when it is WAY too late to do so.
you still not getting it, B.

the record companies didn't give two fukks about that stuff, because they were inferior copies which really weren't much of a threat to their sales. in fact, it probably generated sales in the end.

i guess it just comes down to that whole 'though shalt not steal' dealio just not holding much water with you. no surprise there.

Re: SOPA & PIPA Protest - Blackout Day - Get involved

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2012 4:58 am
by Felix
smackaholic wrote:

you still not getting it, B.

the record companies didn't give two fukks about that stuff, because they were inferior copies which really weren't much of a threat to their sales.
uh, no......
i guess it just comes down to that whole 'though shalt not steal' dealio just not holding much water with you. no surprise there.
and what would you call charging me $12 to see a movie in a theater, $20 for a DVD, and $15 for a CD? the media conglomerates were fine when they could freely gouge people and the public sat there and took it because they had no alternative....

of the $15 for a CD, do you want to take a guess how much the artist receives from that? I'd say with most acts, it's less than a tell me again, who is robbing who here?

I freely support and buy music directly from the artists via a direct website, but I'll never fork over another $15 for an Atlantic or Interscope CD...those asshats suppress true talent and pawn off electronically created singers on the unthinking masses and the public is too fucking stupid to know any better....the record companies can go fuck themselves....

Re: SOPA & PIPA Protest - Blackout Day - Get involved

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2012 5:05 am
by mvscal
Dinsdale wrote:And if anyone thinks that putting Congress, or pretty much any authoritarian body in Screweyland in charge, they need their head examined.
Hey, c'mon. Who doesn't have enough Federal government in his life? Obviously the solution to all problems both real and imagined is more government.

Re: SOPA & PIPA Protest - Blackout Day - Get involved

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2012 6:49 am
by Screw_Michigan
Felix wrote:....the record companies can go fuck themselves....

Re: SOPA & PIPA Protest - Blackout Day - Get involved

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2012 2:17 pm
by BSmack
Felix wrote:and what would you call charging me $12 to see a movie in a theater, $20 for a DVD, and $15 for a CD? the media conglomerates were fine when they could freely gouge people and the public sat there and took it because they had no alternative....

of the $15 for a CD, do you want to take a guess how much the artist receives from that? I'd say with most acts, it's less than a tell me again, who is robbing who here?

I freely support and buy music directly from the artists via a direct website, but I'll never fork over another $15 for an Atlantic or Interscope CD...those asshats suppress true talent and pawn off electronically created singers on the unthinking masses and the public is too fucking stupid to know any better....the record companies can go fuck themselves....
You said it well Felix. And just in the last two years I have supported artists like Tom Lucas, Miche Fambro, John Bartles, Absolution Project and Ayurveda with my hard earned cash. And I'm supporting Jane's Addiction next month be seeing them in person.

Re: SOPA & PIPA Protest - Blackout Day - Get involved

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 3:50 pm
by jiminphilly
Copyright question.

I frequently read but don't post on a message board that prohibits members from posting an entire article found on another website. They claim it is in violation of copyright laws since the author of the story has not provided consent for it to be used elsewhere. They allow for only a short sentence or two to be posted with the user providing a link to the article. I've never read any copyright laws but I know T1B doesn't have such restrictions.

So who is right?

Re: SOPA & PIPA Protest - Blackout Day - Get involved

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 4:10 pm
by Goober McTuber
BSmack wrote:my hard earned cash



Re: SOPA & PIPA Protest - Blackout Day - Get involved

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 6:07 pm
by Goober McTuber
(CNN) -- The composer of the popular song "Eye of the Tiger" filed a copyright infringement complaint against Newt Gingrich on Monday.

Rude Music, Inc., owned by the song's co-composer Frank Sullivan, is suing the Republican presidential candidate for using the Grammy-winning song--widely known as the anthem for the movie "Rocky III"-- at events dating back to 2009.

The five-page complaint says the Gingrich campaign has played the tune while the candidate took the stage at numerous events in this election cycle, as well as during the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) for the past three years.

The document claims Gingrich is "sophisticated and knowledgeable" of copyright laws, arguing that the former House speaker has authored more than 40 copyrighted works, himself.

It also brings up the candidate's opposition to the proposed Stop Online Piracy Act. At a recent debate in South Carolina, Gingrich said, "We have a patent office, we have a copyright law. If a company finds that it has genuinely been infringed upon, it has a right to sue..."

The Palatine-based Rude Music is asking that Gingrich's campaign discontinue its "unauthorized" use of the song, in addition to paying damages determined by the Illinois court where the suit was filed.

The Gingrich campaign did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

Re: SOPA & PIPA Protest - Blackout Day - Get involved

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 8:06 pm
by jiminphilly
88 wrote:
jiminphilly wrote:Copyright question.

I frequently read but don't post on a message board that prohibits members from posting an entire article found on another website. They claim it is in violation of copyright laws since the author of the story has not provided consent for it to be used elsewhere. They allow for only a short sentence or two to be posted with the user providing a link to the article. I've never read any copyright laws but I know T1B doesn't have such restrictions.

So who is right?
It doesn't matter whether you provide attribution or not. Copying an entire article (or more than an insignificant amount of it) and posting it (i.e., copying it and republishing it) on a message board without the permission of the author is a violation of the Copyright Act.

Is there any concern among the mods/board admin that board members are breaking copyright law by posting copies of articles from other sources without permission from the author?
What about the posting of links to file sharing sites for the purpose of sharing music?

I'm not exactly advocating anything change but I'd be curious to know if there is a concern, especially since I assume a few of you are footing the bill for this site.

Re: SOPA & PIPA Protest - Blackout Day - Get involved

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 8:12 pm
by Atomic Punk
KC Scott wrote:The best example of this is the fucking Xbox games.

There is no way to copy them, that I know of, so after I pay $60 for my kids to play the new call of duty, two months later it doesn't work beacuse of scratches. You think MS or the game manufacturer is gonna replace it beacuse I paid for the content and the delivery method is highly prone to scratching?

Fuck No
I remember back at TNW and Mild7 was talking about using a permanent marker and covering the edge of CD's or DVD's and then you could copy them. Things may have changed since then.

Re: SOPA & PIPA Protest - Blackout Day - Get involved

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 10:03 pm
by Felix
88 wrote: It doesn't matter whether you provide attribution or not. Copying an entire article (or more than an insignificant amount of it) and posting it (i.e., copying it and republishing it) on a message board without the permission of the author is a violation of the Copyright Act.
if it was taken from the internet, I'm pretty sure that falls under the the Digital Millennium Copyright Act and the author of the article would be compelled to file a take down notice and jiminphilly would simply have to remove the content...."fair use" is the term I think
88 wrote: There is absolutely no question that you would be in violation of the Copyright Act by making a copy of a Redbox DVD. The Sony case from the 80's allows you to make personal archive copies of works that you have purchased (e.g., a backup in case the purchased copy was destroyed in some manner). You can sell the original, but not the copy. And you sure as hell cannot loan out the copy to your friend (although you could probably lawfully loan the original to the friend and then return it to Redbox). There is no scenario where you are permitted to make a backup or archived copy of a Redbox DVD because you do not own the Redbox DVD.
but it would be incumbant on Sony to prove that I didn't own the original...and yes I understand that DVD's can be traced, but in order to get their hands on a copy of a video I made, they would have to prove probable cause in order to obtain a warrant to search my dwelling......I'd like to wish them the best of luck on that....
Here is another Copyright issue. Let's say you bought a DVD of the movie Unstoppable. Then a few months later, you bought an iPad, which does not have a DVD slot. You decide to rip the DVD so that you can upload it onto your iPad and watch it while on vacation. Did you violate the Copyright Act? Absolutely. When you ripped the DVD, you made an unlawful copy of it. Not an archive copy of it (i.e., a back-up DVD). And you are using the unlawful copy on a different machine in a different format. The Copyright Act says you have to buy the same movie again in a format for the iPad. Kind of fucked up, huh?
fucked up isn't the word for I said, companies like Sony had no remorse when they were jabbing people so why should I give a flying rats ass about them....I've ripped dozens of movies to my Iphone...but the minute that movie is uploaded to my phone I immediately delete the copy from my Itunes library......sure, I know the trail exists in cyberspace somewhere, but I think companies like Sony have got bigger worries than trying to track down an illegal copy of a three year old movie that's been ripped into an Iphone format......

I'm fully aware of the potentiality here, but I'm willing to take the chance.....

Re: SOPA & PIPA Protest - Blackout Day - Get involved

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 10:04 pm
by jiminphilly
88 wrote: If we see that sort of thing, we take it down. We also have a DMCA take-down policy. This message board functions pretty much the way message boards were designed to function. I am not aware of any legitimate copyright concerns here.
It doesn't matter whether you provide attribution or not. Copying an entire article (or more than an insignificant amount of it) and posting it (i.e., copying it and republishing it) on a message board without the permission of the author is a violation of the Copyright Act.
^Pretty sure this goes on all the time.

And you might want to gander into the music forum and check out the thread titled
T1B's You Send It-mp3s

Again, not advocating change just inquiring.

Re: SOPA & PIPA Protest - Blackout Day - Get involved

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 10:15 pm
by jiminphilly
KC Scott wrote: I think you're saying we need to put Screwy on a performance plan?
Short of buying him a new mop, I think Screwy's doing the best jizz mopping anyone could ask for.

Re: SOPA & PIPA Protest - Blackout Day - Get involved

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 2:27 am
by jiminphilly
KC Scott wrote:
jiminphilly wrote: Short of buying him a new mop, I think Screwy's doing the best jizz mopping anyone could ask for.
Any new mop is coming out of his pay, after we found out what he did with the last one

Halloween costume?

Re: SOPA & PIPA Protest - Blackout Day - Get involved

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 4:11 am
by Felix
88 wrote:Felix-

What you describe is not "fair use" under the Copyright Act.

And I personally think the Copyright Act is a complete abomination, as I've said numerous times before.
so I'll ask the question again

is this a copyright violation? the clips from easy rider are not significant, but inclusion of the song Fire Lake by Bob Seeger would have to be considered a violation of copyright law....or is it "fair use"?

DMCA changed copyright rules.....

(btw, I've simply reposted this because Fire Lake is a kick ass Seeger song-best live band I've ever seen)

Re: SOPA & PIPA Protest - Blackout Day - Get involved

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 5:02 am
by Diego in Seattle
Damn...I miss the good riding weather....