Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 1:11 am
Short-Eyes in Seattle, you of all people ought to steer well clear of 4th grader references.
Props on your ability to distinguish between reality & bullshit. :roll:Cuda wrote:Short-Eyes in Seattle, you of all people ought to steer well clear of 4th grader references.
Moron.The phantorino wrote:Then...Derron wrote:Speak english mother fucker....
I think you meant Tole ItDerron wrote:A fucking wonder you were able to be trained to shit in a toliet instead of your pants. Stupid limeys.
Main Entry: tole
Pronunciation: 'tOl
Function: noun
Usage: often attributive
Etymology: French tôle, from Middle French dialect taule, from Latin tabula board, tablet
: sheet metal and especially tinplate for use in domestic and ornamental wares in which it is usually japanned or painted and often elaborately decorated; also : objects made of tole
But why you talk about defeation and tinplate is beyond us.
- Really Stupid Limeys, Esq.
Oops, my bad.Diego in Seattle wrote:Props on your ability to distinguish between reality & bullshit. :roll:Cuda wrote:Short-Eyes in Seattle, you of all people ought to steer well clear of 4th grader references.
At least I rate that high up the IQ ladder, you dunceGoober McTuber wrote:[Moron.
Dunce? Wow, that’s harsh. Props on embracing your own stupidity, moron.The phantorino wrote:At least I rate that high up the IQ ladder, you dunceGoober McTuber wrote:[Moron.