Got a "cottonwood cough" right now. This made me LOL and then the cough kicked in. Resulted in about 1-2 oz. of solid lougie in the sink.Van wrote:Admit it, R-Jack with a smooth clam is your idea of the perfect woman.
UNWAR allergies.
Moderator: Jesus H Christ
Got a "cottonwood cough" right now. This made me LOL and then the cough kicked in. Resulted in about 1-2 oz. of solid lougie in the sink.Van wrote:Admit it, R-Jack with a smooth clam is your idea of the perfect woman.
Goober McTuber wrote:One last post...
Goober McTuber wrote:One last post...
No dude. It's pretty clear "red text" means admin.IndyFrisco wrote:Van,
myself, PSU, 88, Otis, Mgo are the admins here. i guess my red text talk flew over some heads. but when you see that red text, that's what it means.
Not sure if you are smacking me here or not. Loved the Police Academy movies growing up. Tackleberry (dude who was ready to draw at any moment) was awesome at the time. Explain he badge comment. I don't remember.Tom In VA wrote:Your comment just read funny. It sounded like something Tackleberry would have said in Police Academy about his badge.
Goober McTuber wrote:One last post...
Oh fuck, you did it now.Van wrote:Otis, I don't even know who that is.
Lighten up Francis. Not "smacking" you. You've got it coming from all sides. I just found the "Red Text" comment funny. That's all.IndyFrisco wrote:Not sure if you are smacking me here or not. Loved the Police Academy movies growing up. Tackleberry (dude who was ready to draw at any moment) was awesome at the time. Explain he badge comment. I don't remember.Tom In VA wrote:Your comment just read funny. It sounded like something Tackleberry would have said in Police Academy about his badge.
That's pretty much exactly how it goes down.I can just picture 88 up there on his Scarlet & Gray throne, passing along an e-mail to Dave....
"Let the bastards eat cake."
As far as I'm concerned, this is Dana's, aka orcinus, board.Van wrote:Besides, I thought this was Dave's board?
Look, man, Katy just implied tonight that she won't take it in the ass.Tom In VA wrote:Oh fuck, you did it now.Van wrote:Otis, I don't even know who that is.
Nice edit, asswipe. ;)Screw_Michigan wrote:IndyFelcho's "getting smacked" paranoia is reaching absurdity here. No wonder Trev and Whitey were dogging you.
Get your shit together, dumbfuck. To quote Whitey: "You're a fucking mess."
Que Southern IndianaFucktard circling the "You're good peeps" wagons.
Goober McTuber wrote:One last post...
It was R-Jack's. Not mine.Tom In VA wrote:Aside from Van's smooth clam, it was the funniest thing so far.
I consider Spray a friend, yes. It happens when you've posted with people for over 10 years. It still doesn't mean we don't smack the piss out of each other if the mood strikes. It's not personal, it's the internet.IndyFrisco wrote:Real friends or "internet friends"? Personally, I only have real friends. All you fools are entertainment for me. Sad if you consider these folks "friends". I sure as fuck don't even after damn near 10 years of posting wit many of them.Katy wrote:Ya, I know who Spray is over here. Spray and I are friends, dipshit.
I said I am an admin and "I could but I won't" because I'm not like your pal RF. Make up all the cards yo want. You begged for a ban. I won't oblige unless you break the rules. Period. Get over it cunt.You can deny all you want that you didn't play the "Well, I'm an admin card." You most certainly did.
Do what all day and night? Fail? The fact you are here (apparently unwillingly?) speaks volumes. If you hate it here, why drop in? If your normal shithole were worthwhile, I'd drop in. It isn't. I won't.You know I can do this all day and all night--as far as I'm concerned watching your flail like a fucking tard is worth every minute I devote to T1B.
Good posters leaving? Where to? Your shit board? Cunt.You're a prime example of why this board is dying and most of the good posters are gone. Bitch moves with the keys from takeless, witless Admin who would've been run years ago if it weren't for having keys. Yeah, I am referring to you, Indy.
Fixated? He posted an article about his kid and how she was doing. It had her name and school and everything. I looked up thier stats on the school's website. The school he provided the name for. I tried to smack based upon the school's published stats. Little did I know the stats were from the year before. His kid was doing way better than the year before. I ate crow, and Wags acknowledged it. Wags and I aren't "friends" (as you would say about internet folk). We agree or disargree at times. I think in the end he thinks I am a stand up guy as I think he is. If not so be it. But in no way am I fixated on his little gal. Nice try yo fabricate some backing to your lack of smack.Weren't you that creep that fixated on Wag's kid?
First off, I deleted the nics. They were not banned. I was told which nics to shitcan by RF and it was discussed in the Admin forum. Again, if there was a major problem with it, why was I left with keys and mod powers??R-Jack wrote:I thought we were done with the logical fallacies after MadRussian tried to get over with "only fags like pictures of chicks in bikinis".
Thank God that some braindead hooknosed cocksock was able to pry the tard torch out of his cavernous dirtpipe and carry it to the finish line.
Hold up. Didn't you spend some time as an admin here? Yeah, you just mentioned it. In that brief time you banned your share of posters and trolls. IIRC they were folks who were not breaking any rules, just being the suckiest sucks who ever sucked. Oh yeah, you also made sure to ban that one troll nic that was directed at you.Katy wrote:I am calling you out for being a pussy for even throwing up your powers here.
Pussy move...
Don't get me wrong, props were given and no one lost sleep over it. It's just that if you are going to have the nerve to say flaunting the use of the admin keys is a "pussy move", you kinda look like a fucking idiot.
Also, that whole "ask for the admin keys just long enough to delete the nic that offended you that no one else gave two shits about" thingy kinda makes you look like a fucking idiot once again when you throw up that "you admins take this too seriously" card. I also thought it was humorous when you haul that card in with regards to .net. A couple of questions for you about this board who you claim takes this shit too seriously.....
How many troll nics are registered here that are directed at .net?
Has there ever been a forum here that was dedicated to .net?
How often is .net even brought up by someone who is not a .net "regular"?
I check .net time to time peeping the rankem threads. Yes a heterosexual male is actually checking out photos of scantily clad whores. The bewilderment seeping from MadRussians pores is palpable, I know. What I also know is that if you ask the same question of .net with regards to T1B, the answers are far different. I have seen T1B trolls there. They did have a whole fucking forum dedicated to this place.
I don't know if I've seen Katy's unwieldy sniffer on a box of Fruit Loops or not, but I do know that discussing T1B on .net is far far more frequent than discussing .net on T1B. Not even close. That shit board doesn't even get a mention on here unless one of you retards start popping off or making trolls. The sheer fact that one of the most popular topics on that board is what goes on at other boards may or may not be the definition of "taking this shit too seriously", but without question it speaks to a massive inferiority complex.
While your at it, you can save any past present and future "save face" and "board cred" plays. The only reason you are making your saggy waist warmers jiggle as you puff your chest and beg for a banning is because it plays so well over there. Sorry bitch but taking center stage in a circle jerk to you is merely a bukkake video no one is buying to any fucking half wit out there. Save it. It's old and tired and done better by tards you couldn't hold a fifty gallon drum of Nasonex to.
Massive love for R-Jack. Longstanding mancrush.War Wagon wrote:Van
What, no love for R-Jack?
Not at all. Where did I belittle anyone's effort?Dude nailed it and you're going to try and belittle that effort?
Guess you're reading a whole lot into a whole bunch of nothing. I didn't comment at all on his blast, other than to note my surprise at the length of it, considering its complete absence of any references to fecal matter.Guess he must've lit you up at some point too. Redass much?
Somehow, I remain immune. I can't recall either one ever ripping me. Probably ucan't has, way, way back when, in SCIII, but if R-Jack and I ever got into it, I can't recall it.See, posters like that make you think twice before hitting submit. ucant is another, these fuckers are lurking...
Douchebag thinks so.War Wagon wrote:Such passion... I'll wager you're a beast in bed, aren't you Katy?
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80' out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
Buccaneer was run.Katy wrote:Buccaneer left the boards because he got tired of it.
Papa Willie wrote:PSUFAN wrote: It has its moments, but they wear pretty thin - hell, even shutyomouth has tired of it.
I am?
'swati'msayin'.I don't fuss with much of anybody on the boards anymore
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80' out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
Unless they're pix of Katy in a wet tee shirt, you might want save them for posterity.Papa Willie wrote:Pix later.
Oh for criminey sakes. Who doesn't get what? You are wound way too tight over this. You have no credibility with anyone not in your admin CJ anymore. Stalking trolls kids is OK, as long as you're an admin, I guess.IndyFrisco wrote:
Some, or most, here don't get that.
Steely Dan put it more concisely.PSUFAN wrote:katy throws up a lot of falsehoods
Excelent song.Smackie Chan wrote:Steely Dan put it more concisely.PSUFAN wrote:katy throws up a lot of falsehoods
This thread just about made your head expoled didn't it?Katy wrote: Gay Marriage threads would be shitcanned.
It was the first time I had been on the board since my last post in the thread.Roach wrote:Resetting an old dead thread?
Possibly the dumbest thing you have ever posted. What the fuck is that supposta mean?Get shorter?
Wishing death on a person. Great take you fat tub of goo.Papa Willie wrote: This god damned country would be in SO much better shape if cod-sucking, shit-licking, short fucking little maggot liberal lawyers like you would mouthfuck the shit out of .45's on bumpy roads....
Fixed.Diogenes wrote:Excellent ALBUM.Smackie Chan wrote:Steely Dan put it more concisely.PSUFAN wrote:katy throws up a lot of falsehoods
by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 on Fri Jul 20, 2007 10:30 am
ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 wrote:
Right. Because unlike you, I actually respond to Vic. He's a funny poster
What the fuck are you talking about? You're a fucking mess.Roach wrote: Blow the minds of the Lady Tards from dotNet some more.