Palin: GONZO

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Re: Palin: GONZO

Post by JMak »

Believe the Heupel wrote:
Terry in Crapchester wrote:Don't forget, Todd's a championship "snow machine" racer.

Maybe that's just a provincial expression, but Todd's "snow machine" sounds an awful lot like what we in the U&R refer to as a snowmobile. Around these parts, a snow machine is something the ski resorts use to make artificial snow when there hasn't been enough real snowfall to allow them to do business. Not exactly the sort of thing you can race.
Snow machine is a regional thing. You'll also hear them referred to as snowgos and sleds.
Snowmobiles here in Michigan.

And Palin has far more meaningful accomplishments as Governor than Obama ever did in the Ill Legislature and US Senate.

Just sayin'...
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Re: Palin: GONZO

Post by PSUFAN »

And Palin has far more meaningful accomplishments as Governor than Obama ever did in the Ill Legislature and US Senate.

Just sayin'...
Why, ok - if you say so.
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Re: Palin: GONZO

Post by trev »

Believe the Heupel wrote:
trev wrote:
Believe the Heupel wrote:

Get used to the words "Spenard Builder's Supply"
When does this thing go down?
Probably won't, since the FBI has come out and said that the rumors they were investigating SBS weren't true.

So now we're just left with the explanation that the mean ol' liberal media made her quit.
You were wrong about the whole thing. And you still are.
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Re: Palin: GONZO

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

mvscal wrote:
Jsc810 wrote:
mvscal wrote:VP is the single most do nothing job in American politics. The office of Vice President makes a dog catcher in Little Saigon look frantically busy by comparison but what the fuck. The pay's great and so are the bennies. Look at Dan Quayle. He's spent the last 20 years working on his golf game. RACK him...I guess
Dude is chairman of global investments for Cerberus Capital Management, a multi-billion dollar private equity firm.

But don't let facts get in your way. :lol:
Board members do even less than vice presidents.
More categorical--and unconsidered, as usual--bullshit from Avi. In fact the only VPs since Agnew to be figurehead coat holders were Quayle and to lesser extent Mondale and Gore. The others--, Bush, Cheney, and Biden, were (are) extremely busy doing important shit. GH bush, for example, was up to his eyeballs in orchestrating the Iran-Contra follies (surely one of the most treasonous and duplicitous schemes in American history), while Cheney basically ran the show of that unprecedented crime spree. Biden, meanwhile, is working overtime sending the usual contradictory messages on crucial issues--a delicate daily balancing act carefully designed to gently confuse both our citizenry and our international colleagues. Presiding over the senate and other perfunctory duties have long since taken a back seat to the full-time crisis management that becomes every administration.

Think before you just start ejaculating onto the page, Avi. :meds:
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Re: Palin: GONZO

Post by trev »

I don't need an explanation. Sarah gave her explanation. I believe what she said. You just chose not to believe it and you were wrong, of course. And you continue to be wrong.

The left (and I'm assuming that is how you lean) just hate her. The media and several lefties have been horrible to her. She's damned if she does and damned if she doesn't. Instead of accusing her of ethics violations you should be calling her a hero for not being your typical politician.
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Re: Palin: GONZO

Post by Sirfindafold »

Diego in Seattle wrote:
PSUFAN wrote:I hope I've made it clear that I've got nothing against Sarah - except hopefully one day my veiny kack.

For the record, though, sfaf - what are her accomplishments as governor, apart ending the job on her own terms?
She sold a corporate jet....for a loss.
"corporate" jet? What corporation owned this jet?

The people of Alaska "owned" this jet. Until it was sold, the people of Alaska were also responsible for its upkeep, storage ,fuel, etc.

Sold for a loss? I've never owned a jet, but I'm sure they depreciate like most other vehicles.

I would say her biggest accomplishment as governor was to slow the growth of government in Alaska and created a budget surplus.

Is she accomplished/experienced enough to be POTUS? probably not. But if most voting Americans are inclined to vote for a guy whose experience consisted of; being a community organizer and a short stint as Senator where, when he wasn't running for president, he was voting "present", maybe she's got a shot.
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Re: Palin: GONZO

Post by PSUFAN »

trev, I don't hate her. Politics is a tough game, no matter who you are. If she was mocked for her numerous gaffes, then it's no more than she deserved. Remember, a Dem frontrunner once was mocked out of a POTUS race because of one weird scream - far less than Palin was mocked for.Let me ask you - do you hate Hillary Clinton? If so, why? Did she leave the public eye because she was getting mocked and ridiculed?

Has ANY female public figure been mocked MORE than H Clinton? Has that stopped her from continuing on? I'm personally not a fan - but shit, I'll recognize her toughness and tenacity...and in so doing, I have to tell you, Palin quit because she couldn't handle it. As such, she has NO CHANCE at winning office again.Every public figure is reviled in some circles, trev. Palin wasn't suddenly going to be an exception...nor did she deserve to be. Best of luck to her in whatever her new occupation will prove to be.
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Re: Palin: GONZO

Post by trev »

I do not hate Hillary Clinton. She is not worthy of such passion. I even said I would have a beer with Hillary. Why not? For all her time and years, I just don't see that much Hillary has done. She's a lawyer and career politician. It takes a village to raise a child? No, it takes a mom and a dad. She is way too socialist in her views for me. That said, I'm with a lot of my fellow conservatives and long for her there now instead of Obama.

You say Palin quit because she couldn't handle it? I say she calls the shots on her life. She made the decision and she will bare whatever consequences they hold. As far as the hate, I'm talking the way they go after her kids, her sex life, clothing, hair and etc. Her political views are fair game for anyone to critique. Do you think it's cool to photoshop her babys face into a convicted sex offender or a planned parenthood ad with a hanger? And no, sorry I don't feel the kids are fair game because they are in the spot light. They are there because they are a major part of her life. Poor trig has become the hate of pro-abortionists who just can't stand themselves when they see him. And I find it a little sickening.
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Re: Palin: GONZO

Post by trev »

Screw_Michigan wrote:That's an extremist fringe you are painting millions of people with, trev. Take a trip over to and you can find the most vile, racist propaganda depicting Obama and his race. Or his wife with bananas. Not all tards are that ignorant. Trig is the target of pro-abortionists? Are you on drugs? Jesus Christ.

Palin is a despicable imbecile. No ifs, ands, or buts about it, and it's clear and obvious to everyone and you can't stand that it's the truth. Face up.
I understand where you are coming from quite clearly. Let's get rid of her at all costs, right? She's THAT bad.
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Re: Palin: GONZO

Post by Mikey »

trev wrote: Let's get rid of her at all costs, right? She's THAT bad.
Finally starting to make sense
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Re: Palin: GONZO

Post by poptart »

PSU wrote:Palin quit because she couldn't handle it.
It's possible, but as I view it, she quit because she thinks she's positioning herself better to make a run for prez in '12 by taking this route.

Despite abruptly resigning from her Alaska gov position, Palin will still have a substantial base of supporters nationally.
She will remain very popular with a segment of the country who won't be bothered by her leaving Alaska early.

The problem for Palin, of course, is that she is utterly DESPISED by an almost equally large segment of the country.
Polarizing, to say the least.

Is there another GOPer who draws a crowd and generates as much of a "buzz" as Palin does?

I think the GOP still sees her as valuable and I also think that somebody(s) has whispered in her ear about '12.

Leaving Alaska was a caluculated move on her part, imo.
However bizarre it seems to many people, I think SHE thinks it is a smart move.

As a prez candidate, she's not my cup o' tea.

There is a very stark contrast in media coverage of Obama and Palin.

The left attempts to dismiss this or underplay it, but it's a very clear reality.
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Re: Palin: GONZO

Post by War Wagon »

Screw_Michigan wrote: Palin is a despicable imbecile.
I find it gut wrenchingly hilarious that a braindead dumbfuck like YOU thinks he's qualified to determine whom is or is not despicable or an imbecile. The two terms are mutually exclusive.

Why would anyone despise an imbecile? They can't help being an imbecile.

I don't despise you Screwey. You can't help it. I just laugh at you for being an utter imbecile who doesn't know he's an utter imbecile.

Chin up... I'm here to help you with that lack of knowledge. And I'm here to laugh at you.
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Re: Palin: GONZO

Post by CREEPER! »

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Re: Palin: GONZO

Post by War Wagon »

Screw_Michigan wrote: And the scary thing is there are so many, dare I say...simpletons like yourself where Palin will always have a shot because, like n...iggers in the ghetto, education and intelligence is an adverse trait while ignorance is bliss.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

n...iggers in the ghetto?

Aren't you the guy who was/is championing for Obama and decrying the language used at .net as racist?

You KYOA better than I ever could... every time you mash submit.

Here's a tip, "imbecile".

When you feel your sloped forehead getting warm with the impending doom you think you're about to unleash, go back and erase the last paragraph (or 2) you just typed.
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Re: Palin: GONZO

Post by Terry in Crapchester »

PSUFAN wrote:trev, I don't hate her. Politics is a tough game, no matter who you are. If she was mocked for her numerous gaffes, then it's no more than she deserved. Remember, a Dem frontrunner once was mocked out of a POTUS race because of one weird scream - far less than Palin was mocked for.Let me ask you - do you hate Hillary Clinton? If so, why? Did she leave the public eye because she was getting mocked and ridiculed?

Has ANY female public figure been mocked MORE than H Clinton? Has that stopped her from continuing on? I'm personally not a fan - but shit, I'll recognize her toughness and tenacity...and in so doing, I have to tell you, Palin quit because she couldn't handle it. As such, she has NO CHANCE at winning office again.Every public figure is reviled in some circles, trev. Palin wasn't suddenly going to be an exception...nor did she deserve to be. Best of luck to her in whatever her new occupation will prove to be.
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Re: Palin: GONZO

Post by trev »

Terry in Crapchester wrote:
PSUFAN wrote:trev, I don't hate her. Politics is a tough game, no matter who you are. If she was mocked for her numerous gaffes, then it's no more than she deserved. Remember, a Dem frontrunner once was mocked out of a POTUS race because of one weird scream - far less than Palin was mocked for.Let me ask you - do you hate Hillary Clinton? If so, why? Did she leave the public eye because she was getting mocked and ridiculed?

Has ANY female public figure been mocked MORE than H Clinton? Has that stopped her from continuing on? I'm personally not a fan - but shit, I'll recognize her toughness and tenacity...and in so doing, I have to tell you, Palin quit because she couldn't handle it. As such, she has NO CHANCE at winning office again.Every public figure is reviled in some circles, trev. Palin wasn't suddenly going to be an exception...nor did she deserve to be. Best of luck to her in whatever her new occupation will prove to be.
Not so fast. When Hillary and Sarah team up you men are going to be reeling from the wrath they together will unleash upon you both.
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Re: Palin: GONZO

Post by JMak »

PSUFAN wrote:
And Palin has far more meaningful accomplishments as Governor than Obama ever did in the Ill Legislature and US Senate.

Just sayin'...
Why, ok - if you say so.
I am saying disagree? Obama did not have a single meaningful achievement while in the Ill Leg or the US Senate. In fact, the most significant item of interest about his time in the Ill Leg was him dissembling about his vote(s) in support of born-alive babies being terminated. There's nothing else remotely interesting or remarkable about his political career prior to being elected President. Hence, it was no surprise that he and his campaign focused so heavily on his career as a community agitator.

Mvscal's dog catcher has a more remarkable political career than Obama.
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Re: Palin: GONZO

Post by JMak »

Screw_Michigan wrote:It's also extremely pathetic that Palin will use her family at every opportunity for positive gain, but yet when the spotlight gets a little to intense on her family, and the criticism gets a little too personal, she throws a temper tantrum and whines about the BIG, BAD liberal media being too mean to Poor Little Sarah Barracuda and her family. Get fucked, cunt.
Uh, maybe I'm wrong, but jokes about your daughter being raped doesn't qualify as criticism. And that kind of crap was mild compared what actual political pundits were saying (see Andrew Sullivan going off on the "retarded "Trig or others questioning whether Palin is the actual mother of Trig). Again, I could be wrong...but no reasonable person would argue that what Palin has suffered could be characterized as legitimate political criticism or even your middle-of-the-road political satire. Maybe you do, but then you'd be an unreasonable person.
Palin wants it both ways at all times, she wants to play games by her maverick rules, but when that maverick bullshit is turned against her, she whines like a temperamental bitch.
So what you're saying is you have no idea what you're talking about.
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Re: Palin: GONZO

Post by JMak »

Screw_Michigan wrote:That's the thing: You are Palin's voter base. You embrace ignorance and dumbfuckery like it's some kind of quality trait. W and Palin are two peas in the pod of dullness and idiocy and you say GO Sarah! Go W!
And you voted for...? If you voted for any of the candidates for POTUS then you're as guilty as you paint trev to be embracing dullness and idiocy.
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Re: Palin: GONZO

Post by BSmack »

trev wrote:Not so fast. When Hillary and Sarah team up you men are going to be reeling from the wrath they together will unleash upon you both.
Hillary and Sara will be teaming up about the same time mvscal and Jessie Jackson team up.
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Re: Palin: GONZO

Post by Truman »

KC Scott wrote:
General Peters wrote:Why do libtards hate this woman so much?

You confuse hate and hilarity.

The Left loves Palin beacuse she's a bonafide idiot parroting family values, God, fiscal responsability, security, blah, blah... while having a kid get knocked up, blowing up her clothing budget and babling incoherently about seeing Russia from the back of her deck. for all intent aand purpose she's a Milf George Bush.
…And you confuse hilarity with hysteria.

Luv ya bro, but aside from the two of us tag-teaming her faster than a pair of masked Mexican midgets at a WWE cage-match throw-down up at the St. Joe Civic Center, we're gonna hafta agree to disagree on Ms. Alaska….

The Left "loves" Palin because she's a bonafide idiot? Not so much, Scotty.

They're scared to fuckin' death.

Not breaking any new ground here, but the Nazis errr, Lefties have been in full blitz-mode on this woman ever since McEunuch trotted her out as his VP sidekick.

Why? Because she speaks to the Base, as well as to a groundswell of sheeple out there who have – finally - come to realize that the Emperor Truly Has No New Clothes. Doubt me? The woman could build a theater in Branson and play to SRO-sold-out crowds for the next 10 years straight.

Name me another GOP favorite that yields such star power.

Name me another Republican front-runner that could draw 20,000 people to a frickin' BassPro parking lot in the dead of winter.

Name me another Conservative that can guarantee and deliver a Saudi king's inheritance to a GOP hopeful's election/re-election campaign….

Quick answer: You can't. There ain't one.

The woman speaks for Joe Six-Pack as well as Joe the Plumber. Family values, God, Fiscal Responsibility, Security?

You say that as if that's a Bad Thing, B'rer.

How 'bout Pro-Life, Smaller Government, and that maddening Constitution thingie? That make your list of idiocy too? Sorry pal, but her message plays VERY well in Peoria.

As for blowing her clothing budget… Good point. I can see why the American tax-payers are pissed… Oh, snap.

Perhaps if she and Todd had only spent a week in Paris. Or flown to New York for dinner and a show. Funny how that Obumble feller refuses to release such expenditures…

BTW, It's Tina-Fucking-Fey that can see Russia from her deck… Palin has to fly to an Aleutian island in the Bering Sea to achieve such clarity.

You don't dig the woman. I get that. Please be sure to lemme know how that Omarxist thingie is working out for your Personal Wealth these days.

'sayin'. Peace out, Brah.
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Re: Palin: GONZO

Post by Diogenes »

JMak wrote:And Palin has far more meaningful accomplishments as Governor than Obama ever did in the Ill Legislature and US Senate.

Just sayin'...

I don't know.

Between him helping ACORN to intimidate banks into making high-risk home loans and helping to prevent any reform of Freddie/Fannie, that's had some serious impact...
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Re: Palin: GONZO

Post by Diogenes »

Fogetting Sarah Palin
by Ann Coulter

Sarah Palin has deeply disappointed her enemies. People who hate her guts feel she's really let them down by resigning.

She's like the ex-girlfriend they're SO over, never want to see again, have already forgotten about -- really, it's O-ver -- but they just can't stop talking about her.

Liberal: Ha, ha ... Sarah who? She's over, she's toast, a future Trivial Pursuit answer, nothing more.

Normal person: Whatever. How about the North Korean missiles?

Liberal: Can you believe she just resigned the governorship like that? What a quitter!

Normal person: Speaking of quitting, how's work?

Liberal: Did you hear she might get a TV show? There's no way Sarah Palin's getting a TV show! No way! I can't believe stupid Sarah Palin could get her own stupid TV show now. Well, I'm sure not gonna watch it -- that's for sure!

Normal person: Have you seen all the Michael Jackson coverage on TV?

Liberal: How does she think she can run for president in 2012 if she can't finish her term as governor of a Podunk state? She's finished.

Normal person: OK, then! You won't have to vote for her.

Liberal: I was never going to vote for her! But now I'm not going to vote for her twice. And I will never watch her TV show. I am so over her.

Reporters had already written their stories on Palin's press conference -- "rambling!" "incoherent!" -- before she even stepped to the podium.

Whatever you think of Palin, her argument for resigning was the opposite of "rambling" and "incoherent."

Palin's basketball analogy couldn't have been clearer, even to prissy liberal pundits who get uncomfortable when the subject turns to sports: She decided to destroy the other team's game plan, which has been to obsessively focus on her, by resigning.

This is particularly apt here -- she's passing the ball to a fantastic right-wing lieutenant governor, who shares her principles but doesn't set off the left's neuroses.

This is better for him, better for the state, better for the conservative program and better for Palin personally, whose family is sick of all the crap. Now she can make a lot of money and promote conservatism on a national stage.

It certainly won't be held against Palin by people who don't already loathe her. (On the other hand, her approval ratings among people who think she's worse than Hitler are down to 48 percent.)

With the left frenetically filing ethics complaint after ethics complaint against Palin, costing her state millions of dollars and her personally half a million dollars, citizens of Alaska must be asking, "Can we please have our state back?"

But to read the news reports -- which actually were rambling and incoherent -- you would think Palin was speaking in tongues.

The truth is liberals are furious they won't have Sarah Palin to kick around anymore -- at least not with Palin's hands tied behind her back by her public office.

Something tells me Keith Olbermann isn't going to be pulling any big numbers this summer attacking Eric Cantor and Michele Bachmann. I don't anticipate any sudden outbreaks of "Mitch McConnell Derangement Syndrome."

Soon we'll only hear about Keith when his creepy e-mails using his mother's death to hit on chicks start making the rounds again. (Tip to Keith: When a girl refuses to give you her phone number, her assistant's phone number or her personal e-mail address, and only gives you her assistant's e-mail address, you're not halfway in the sack.)

Bonus: If Olbermann gets canceled as a result of Palin's resignation, that will put her in a really good position for 2012.

But instead of being honest and saying, "Oh well, it was a good ride while it lasted," liberal chatterers indignantly demand: "Is this not the greatest betrayal a public servant ever committed against the people?"

On one hand, liberals are enraged at the heinousness of Mark Sanford -- whom they didn't vote for -- for not resigning and, on the other, they're enraged at Palin -- whom they also didn't vote for -- for resigning.

The peculiarly venomous hatred of Palin is driven by women of the left and their whipped consorts. All that needs to happen is for a feminist to overhear two Nation readers saying, "I hate to admit it, but Palin is kind of hot" and ...


Democrats are a party of women, and nothing drives them off their gourds like a beautiful Christian conservative. (How much money has that other beautiful born-again, Carrie Prejean, been forced to spend on lawyers to respond to liberal hysteria?)

So the motives are clear, but the money is not. Who is paying the rent for the losers filing all these frivolous complaints against Palin?

At least when Richard Mellon Scaife was funding investigations of Bill Clinton, we knew who Scaife was, he was an American citizen, and his money was accessible to U.S. tax authorities and not stashed in offshore accounts like a certain Hungarian Nazi-collaborator I can name.

How about some modern-day Scaife investigate the investigators?
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Re: Palin: GONZO

Post by PSUFAN »

The Left "loves" Palin because she's a bonafide idiot? Not so much, Scotty.

They're scared to fuckin' death.
With all due respect, that's borderline delusional. No one is scared of Sarah Palin - either now or in the recent campaign. It's pretty hard to be scared of someone who cuts and runs from her first big-time political opportunity, or who makes a fool out of herself so readily in nationally televised interviews...or speeches...basically, any chance she gets. When people criticized her for that, it wasn't out of fear - it was out of genuine revulsion at the prospect of another ignoramus in the White House. They criticized her because she was ignorant - and proud of it.

This country can't afford more dumbfuck leadership...and in the campaign, that reality was made clear as day by SP...and a clear choice was possible.

It's hard to fear someone who constantly kicks her own ass, who reverses her own party's agenda, who tells bilious whoppers, and who get sawed off at the knees by...Katie fucking Couric. "Don't be mean to Sarah" is really all you have...and it's downright thin.
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Re: Palin: GONZO

Post by BSmack »


Whatever minimal fear the left might have had at the thought of a Palin Presidency has been vaporized by the Nook-U-Lar sized meltdown of her's this past weekend. Even Richard Nixon circa 1962 thinks she should get a fucking grip.
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Re: Palin: GONZO

Post by PSUFAN »

I think there's a pretty good case to disagree with that...and call you a dumbfuck.
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80' out.
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Re: Palin: GONZO

Post by BSmack »

mvscal wrote:
PSUFAN wrote:This country can't afford more dumbfuck leadership...
I hate to break it to you, but that is exactly what the country got. We've got an affirmative action monkey who might as well be Ted Baxter with a tan and the world's foremost connoisseur of shoe leather in Joe Biden.

If you think either one of those clueless fuck dribbles has got what it takes to see the nation through this crisis, you are living in a fucking dreamworld.
OK, how about we cut through the bullshit. Is there ANYONE you think could lead this country properly?
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Re: Palin: GONZO

Post by Diogenes »

BSmack wrote:
mvscal wrote:
PSUFAN wrote:This country can't afford more dumbfuck leadership...
I hate to break it to you, but that is exactly what the country got. We've got an affirmative action monkey who might as well be Ted Baxter with a tan and the world's foremost connoisseur of shoe leather in Joe Biden.

If you think either one of those clueless fuck dribbles has got what it takes to see the nation through this crisis, you are living in a fucking dreamworld.
OK, how about we cut through the bullshit. Is there ANYONE you think could lead this country properly?
He's holding out for Duncan Hunter's epic comeback.
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Re: Palin: GONZO

Post by Diogenes »

mvscal wrote:
Diogenes wrote:He's holding out for Duncan Hunter's epic comeback.
Still sipping cosmos in Sarah's Fuhrerbunker?
I'm still thinking it would be nice to have someone to veto the excesses of the Pelosi/Reid administration.
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Re: Palin: GONZO

Post by Tom In VA »

PSUFAN wrote:I think there's a pretty good case to disagree with that.

Okay, make it.
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Re: Palin: GONZO

Post by War Wagon »

Soon we'll only hear about Keith when his creepy e-mails using his mother's death to hit on chicks start making the rounds again. (Tip to Keith: When a girl refuses to give you her phone number, her assistant's phone number or her personal e-mail address, and only gives you her assistant's e-mail address, you're not halfway in the sack.)
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Re: Palin: GONZO

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

mvscal wrote:
BSmack wrote:OK, how about we cut through the bullshit. Is there ANYONE you think could lead this country properly?
None that I am aware of. I'd have to say we're pretty well fucked.
You pathetic drunk Nazi, prepare for your daily beatdown...

Here is why we're pretty well fucked:

West Coast mob boss down in hit by ....

his underling, East Coast operator...

who handed off to the Arkansas connection...."We can do war, total empire"

And as we all witnessed...

And so the next installment...

Of course a knee-jerk Limdick spoutin' Libertarian Survivalist like yourself will hiss and spit, insisting there's some difference between Cheney and Obama, and you'll fart your childish racist blather...but're left holding your acorn dick in your hand wondering what happened to your pathetic John Wayne fantasy of American exceptionalism, etc. Well, Avi, the same crime syndicate is in power. Do you begin to get a hint of how completely off base you've been your entire adult life? How completely inane and tedious has been your jingoistic jabber? Your fake military history takes? Well, your done. Really. :wink:
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Re: Palin: GONZO

Post by PL »

mvscal wrote:
BSmack wrote:OK, how about we cut through the bullshit. Is there ANYONE you think could lead this country properly?
None that I am aware of. I'd have to say we're pretty well fucked.

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Re: Palin: GONZO

Post by Truman »

PSUFAN wrote:With all due respect, that's borderline delusional.
Borderline delusional? :lol:

You mean borderline delusional as in a President actually believing that he can chuck trillions of tax-payer dollars at larded-up special interest projects, euphemistically call it "stimulus", and hope to stymie "the worst economy since the Depression"?

You mean borderline delusional as in a President actually believing that he can design a Federal Bureaucracy that can deliver the same World Class healthcare Americans currently enjoy more effectively, efficiently, economically AND fairly than Private Enterprise?

You mean borderline delusional as in a President actually believing that the ChiComs and Russkies are "morally obligated" to initiate the same ruinous and suicidal version of "Crap on Trade" in a stupid and futile attempt to limit carbon emissions in the name of an unproven junk-science theory?

You mean borderline delusional as in a President acually believing that Americans will cue up 'round the block to buy the cute little Green Corgis he has committed to build with his two brand-new nationalized car companies?

You mean borderline delusional as in a President actually believing that he can cheerfully negotiate with people who routinely refer to America as the Great Satan and have time-and-again zealously demonstrated their will to destroy her very existence?

You mean THAT kind of borderline delusional?

Cool. As long as we understand each other. No disrespect taken, btw.
No one is scared of Sarah Palin - either now or in the recent campaign. It's pretty hard to be scared of someone who cuts and runs from her first big-time political opportunity, or who makes a fool out of herself so readily in nationally televised interviews...
Funny. I must've missed your indignant outrage when Kathleen Sebelius walked away from the state of Kansas, or when Janet Napolitano ran out on Arizona.

As for her interview acumen… Good point. Maybe Sarah should've given out a Website number on Katie's show. Or told Charlie Gibson about helping the small businesswoman who found that she's in a circumstance where she is not able, her customers aren't able to get to her, there's no transit capability, the bridge going across the creek to get to her business needs repair, may very well be that she's in a position where she is unable to access the -- her energy costs are so high by providing smart meters, by being able to bring down the cost of her workforce.

Or something equally as compelling.
...or speeches...basically, any chance she gets. When people criticized her for that, it wasn't out of fear - it was out of genuine revulsion at the prospect of another ignoramus in the White House. They criticized her because she was ignorant - and proud of it.
Now you're just making shit up.

Which speech would that be? The one where she exposed Obamanchurian as the Socialist we've all come to love and know in her address to the RNC? Or are you referring to when she pulled down the pants of JoePlugs in front of millions at the Veep debate? The hundreds of thousands of people that attended her rallies might tend to disagree with you, btw….
This country can't afford more dumbfuck leadership...and in the campaign, that reality was made clear as day by SP...and a clear choice was possible.
Irony much, P? So your vote got you two dumbasses for the price of one. Rack your "clear choice", I guess… :meds:
It's hard to fear someone who constantly kicks her own ass, who reverses her own party's agenda, who tells bilious whoppers, and who get sawed off at the knees by...Katie fucking Couric. "Don't be mean to Sarah" is really all you have...and it's downright thin.
Sounds just like the Messiah, sans the Katie part.

So Palin doesn't read newspapers. The Times and Post are chock-full of Liberal horseshit anyway. Besides, Thomas Jefferson once wrote that "the man who reads nothing at all is better educated than the man who reads nothing but newspapers."

And the very next time Katie Couric says that she "is just going to ask you one more time - not to belabor the point" to a spinning and/or obfuscating Oblamabush or Joegaine will be the first.

BTW, Palin never wavered from the Party's agenda… The Party did. And if you don't think that the Left genuinely fears a strong voice ringing the virtues of Small Government, Low Taxes, Pro Business, Less Government Regulation, Strong National Defense, and encouraging Individual American Exceptionalism, then you are just as naïve as the take you posted.

With all due respect. 'sayin.'
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Re: Palin: GONZO

Post by Truman »

BSmack wrote:Truman,

Whatever minimal fear the left might have had at the thought of a Palin Presidency has been vaporized by the Nook-U-Lar sized meltdown of her's this past weekend. Even Richard Nixon circa 1962 thinks she should get a fucking grip.
'Sup, B.

Ah. So now that Ms. Palin has been effectively marginalized, we can expect the Ministry of Public Enlightenment errr, National Media to allow her to fade off into the Northern Lights, eh, B?

You believe that, and I've got a Bridge to Nowhere to sell you.

Keep in mind that those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it. Palin herself referenced a quote largely attributed to McArthur when she stated that "we are not retreating. We are advancing in another direction."

Newsflash: The message doesn't always die with the messenger. 'Murica's a funny place, B. I wouldn't count her out just yet... But I wouldn't lay Wolfie's 15 bucks on it either. :wink:
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Re: Palin: GONZO

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

Democrats should pray to whatever god or goddess they believe in that Palin is on the ticket again in '12.

Stupid liberals.
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Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
Why don’t you just STFU.
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Re: Palin: GONZO

Post by Truman »

Screw_Michigan wrote:
Truman wrote: Funny. I must've missed your indignant outrage when Kathleen Sebelius walked away from the state of Kansas, or when Janet Napolitano ran out on Arizona.
[ Image ]Both were appointed to cabinet positions, you fucking idiot.[/ Image ]
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Re: Palin: GONZO

Post by MgoBlue-LightSpecial »

Oh come on, Screwball. Quitting to serve as a cabinet member and quitting to persue reality television "opportunities" ... essentially the same thing.
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Re: Palin: GONZO

Post by Diogenes »

The Difference is that Napolitano for one left Arizona in the hands of a Republican who is going to totally reverse her idiotic agenda, whereas Parnell is in total agreement with Palin, and will keep up the good work. Plus he won't need to worry about much of a primary challenge come re-election time.

In one case, addition by subtraction, in the other, no real change.
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Re: Palin: GONZO

Post by Truman »

quit (kwt)
v. quit or quit·ted (kwtd), quit·ting, quits
1. To depart from; leave: "You and I are on the point of quitting the theater of our exploits" (Horatio Nelson).
2. To leave the company of: had to quit the gathering in order to be home by midnight.
3. To give up; relinquish: quit a job.
4. To abandon or put aside; forsake: advised them to quit their dissipated ways.
5. To cease or discontinue: asked them to quit talking; quit smoking.
6. Computer Science To exit (an application).
a. To rid oneself of by paying: quit a debt.
b. To release from a burden or responsibility.
8. To conduct (oneself) in a specified way: Quit yourselves like adults.
1. To cease performing an action. See Synonyms at stop.
2. To give up, as in defeat; stop.
3. To leave a job.
Absolved of a duty or an obligation; free.


[Middle English quiten, to release, from Old French quiter, from Medieval Latin quitre, qutre, from Latin quitus, at rest; see quiet.]

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2009. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

Lemme get this straight:

Not only does the left look to redefine history, they wanna redefine the language too...?

Quit pretty much means, well, quit.

Take it up with the AHD, Losers.
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