Goober McTuber wrote:
You're kidding, right? You'll drink Budwhizzer but you're too good to drink Schlitz?
I didn't say I wouldn't drink it, just that I haven't yet. It's only sold in 6 packs for about $7 (that I've seen) and when I buy beer, I buy in bulk.
And I was just asking what folks who have tried it lately think of it... not that I really care what a bunch of beer snobs think or that you'll influence my buying or drinking decisions, just making conversation.
Re: Short beer review
Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 9:42 pm
by Mikey
War Wagon wrote: when I buy beer, I buy in bulk.
Funny. These days when I buy beer it's usually a bottle or three at a time. OK, well they're usually like 22 oz. bottles, but still. Maybe a 6 pack. Guess I'm getting old.
Re: Short beer review
Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 9:54 pm
by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2
War Wagon wrote:when I buy beer, I buy in bulk.
How many bushels of rice do you buy at a time?
So. I bet Costco must have some pretty sweet deals on your beer. Last time I was there... I walked out with a 7 bluewall radial tires, 47 pounds of Lucky Charms, and a 55 gallon drum of Hand Soap.
RACK ME. I am out.
Re: Short beer review
Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 9:57 pm
by Goober McTuber
mvscal wrote:
Dinsdale wrote:
mvscal wrote:
That shouldn't be an issue with an Imperial Stout. They run 9 to 10% ABV.
I'll pass, thanks.
To get to more than about 6.5%, it requires what are essentially wine yeasts.
Wrong. There are a number of ale yeast strains which can hit that range without breaking a sweat.
I wondered about that. The Hopslam is an ale that hits 10% with no hints of wine or ass. Just a very nicely balanced beer that’s the second best beer I’ve ever tasted.
Re: Short beer review
Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 9:58 pm
Regular Yuengling - Yuengling Premium - is very good American-style Pilsner. It's still pretty cheap around here. It's a darn sight better than the Yuengling that is bottled in the godawful green glass.
A new restaurant that focuses on Belgian beer is opening in my neighborhood this spring - walking distance. I can't fucking wait...
Re: Short beer review
Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 10:03 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
Since Michigan State plays the Wisconsin Floppers tonight, I will purchase a 6 pack of Hopslam in Goober's honor.
Re: Short beer review
Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 10:13 pm
Which Yuengling, simpleton?
Re: Short beer review
Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 10:16 pm
Is it in green glass, doucheteats?
Re: Short beer review
Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 10:16 pm
by Goober McTuber
MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:Since Michigan State plays the Wisconsin Floppers tonight, I will purchase a 6 pack of Hopslam in Goober's honor.
You will not be sorry. Unless, of course, you down the entire 6-pack. It would be as much alcohol as you would get in a Whitey Wagon 30-pack of St. Louis piss-water.
I will be pulling for those gritty, gutty Badgers to extend the string of Kohl Center misery for that greasy little whiner who coaches Miserable State.
Re: Short beer review
Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 10:23 pm
Why...WHY are you drinking beer out of shitty green glass, you testicle-tickling halfwit?
Re: Short beer review
Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 10:29 pm
Tap beer can sour on you easily for a number of reasons, you sperm-giddy rimrider. Are the lines clean?
Re: Short beer review
Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 3:11 am
by Goober McTuber
Goober McTuber wrote:
MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:Since Michigan State plays the Wisconsin Floppers tonight, I will purchase a 6 pack of Hopslam in Goober's honor.
You will not be sorry. Unless, of course, you down the entire 6-pack. It would be as much alcohol as you would get in a Whitey Wagon 30-pack of St. Louis piss-water.
I will be pulling for those gritty, gutty Badgers to extend the string of Kohl Center misery for that greasy little whiner who coaches Miserable State.
Nice game so far.
Re: Short beer review
Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 3:33 am
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
Well, if that injury is serious...goodbye season.
Re: Short beer review
Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 1:28 pm
by Goober McTuber
Screw_Michigan wrote:MSU looked as flat as Gobbles' wife last night. Pa-thetic.
Yeah, you wouldn't like her. She doesn't have a marble bag.
Re: Short beer review
Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 2:19 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
Screw_Michigan wrote:MSU looked as flat as Gobbles' wife last night. Pa-thetic.
Yep, that was the annual turd dropping they lay at the Kohl Center.
Re: Short beer review
Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 2:40 pm
by Goober McTuber
Kohl Center is a tough place to play aparently. And it looks like Lucas was the flopper.
Re: Short beer review
Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 3:05 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
Kohl Center is a tough place to play aparently.
If only they could play their early round tourney games there, eh?
And it looks like Lucas was the flopper.
Because he twisted his ankle and fell to the floor. I get it. Hilarious.
Re: Short beer review
Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 3:35 pm
by Goober McTuber
MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:
Kohl Center is a tough place to play apparently.
If only they could play their early round tourney games there, eh? .
That would be cool. They’ve already played the Sweet Sixteen there, and supposedly the NCAA was very pleased.
MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:
And it looks like Lucas was the flopper.
Because he twisted his ankle and fell to the floor. I get it. Hilarious.
That’s what he gets for jumping into Nankavil. Rub some dirt on it, you pussy.
Re: Short beer review
Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 3:39 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
That’s what he gets for jumping into Nankavil.
He didn't "jump into" anybody. He just pulled up for a jumper, you stupid fuck. If anything, Clankavil undercut him. But that's typical Bo Ryan basketball. He has set the game back 30 years, and that's why his teams blow dick in the tournament.
Re: Short beer review
Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 4:53 pm
by Goober McTuber
Screw_Michigan wrote:
Goober McTuber wrote:That would be cool. They’ve already played the Sweet Sixteen there, and supposedly the NCAA was very pleased.
As you very well know, UW will never play a tournament game at the Kohl Center, you FAT fucking RETARD. Eat another dick.
Glad to see your sense of humor is still as intact as your tattered sphincter.
Re: Short beer review
Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 5:18 pm
by Goober McTuber
MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:
That’s what he gets for jumping into Nankavil.
He didn't "jump into" anybody. He just pulled up for a jumper, you stupid fuck. If anything, Clankavil undercut him. But that's typical Bo Ryan basketball. He has set the game back 30 years, and that's why his teams blow dick in the tournament.
Bo is limited by the players he recruits, but he gets as much out of his players as any coach in the country. That’s why he won 4 national titles in Div III at Platteville. It has to suck for Miserable State to lose to a team that, other than Nankavil, played guys 6’6” or less.
Sucks that Lucas is so clumsy, too.
BTW, I saw this on another board:
I love how people assume WI has a week tourney record. Look at who they have lost to. 2002 lost to Maryland in the second round. Last time I checker Maryland won the whole thing that year. 2003 Badgers made it to the sweet 16 with their best player at the time being K. Penny. (The team did have Devin Harris and Tucker but they were young) They lost in that Sweet 16 to a good Kentucky team. 2004 they lose to Pittsburgh in the second round. 2005 they make it to the Elite 8 and give N.C. the hardest game they would have of the tournament, N.C. eventual National Champion. 2006 and 07 editions of the tourney were most certainly flops. The badgers did not play well and lost to teams they should have beat. But in 08 the badgers made it to the sweet 16 and ran into the buzz saw that was Davidson. And in 09 they lose to a very good Xavier team in the second round.
Re: Short beer review
Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 5:27 pm
by smackaholic
can we get this, uhhh, short, beer review back on track?
i checked for hopslam. fukkk, that shit just might be worth 15 a sixer. every review on it was an A of some sort and those fukkers are merciless beer snobs. i have never seen any beer there get As all around. i've checked what i consider to be outstanding brews and there is always some beer snob out there that is just rubbed the wrong way and gives it a C-.
Is that stuff strictly regional? Can it be had in the U&R?
Re: Short beer review
Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 6:52 pm
by Mikey
smackaholic wrote:can we get this, uhhh, short, beer review back on track?
i checked for hopslam. fukkk, that shit just might be worth 15 a sixer. every review on it was an A of some sort and those fukkers are merciless beer snobs. i have never seen any beer there get As all around. i've checked what i consider to be outstanding brews and there is always some beer snob out there that is just rubbed the wrong way and gives it a C-.
Is that stuff strictly regional? Can it be had in the U&R?
Don't know if it's available here, but it would be cool to do a side-by-side with the Stone Ruination IPA. It gets A's all around as well.
Re: Short beer review
Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 7:29 pm
by Goober McTuber
Mikey wrote:
smackaholic wrote:can we get this, uhhh, short, beer review back on track?
i checked for hopslam. fukkk, that shit just might be worth 15 a sixer. every review on it was an A of some sort and those fukkers are merciless beer snobs. i have never seen any beer there get As all around. i've checked what i consider to be outstanding brews and there is always some beer snob out there that is just rubbed the wrong way and gives it a C-.
Is that stuff strictly regional? Can it be had in the U&R?
Don't know if it's available here, but it would be cool to do a side-by-side with the Stone Ruination IPA. It gets A's all around as well.
I've had both. There's NO comparison.
Re: Short beer review
Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 9:22 pm
by Mikey
Well there you have it.
The final word.
Re: Short beer review
Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 9:27 pm
by Goober McTuber
Sorry, I was pressed for time. I’m as big a hophead as anyone, I love pale ales. But the Ruination is just a harsh overload of hops. The Hopslam probably has as much hops in it, but with the honey, and probably a bit more malt in it, it is just a much more balanced beer. You are what you drink, you totally unbalanced Cali.
Re: Short beer review
Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 11:29 pm
by smackaholic
just got back from the big Y. i found some stone IPA so I figured, WTF, give it a shot. they did not have ruination. they did, however have levitation, but, i decided to go with the IPA. i then did something i have never done before. I paid more than 10 bucks for a sixer. 11.99, to be exact. it is chillin' in the fridge now. will report back in a few hours after i try one.
for 2 bucks a bottle, the shit better be good, or i'm coming after you, mikey.
Re: Short beer review
Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 11:43 pm
by Mikey
Don't blame me if it's skunky.
Re: Short beer review
Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 11:54 pm
by Truman
PSU: Spent a month in Hershey one week years ago enduring something euphemistically called "sales training" and Yuengling green fast became a fan favourite and our drug-of-choice. They don't export it to the Flyover, but I've been known to have a pal of mine bootleg a case-or-three back to the Bellwether when he endeavours to your neck-of-the-woods. I'll be sure to have him hook me up with the Premium on his next trip.
Wags: Don't fear the Schlitz. Nice change-of-pace from the Belgian product brewed east down I-70. Old school recipe in bottles beats the piss outta the, well, piss canned under the same name.
Rack Goobs. Anything Bells brews is a stellar product. Would love to get my hooks in one of their seasonals… $10.00 price tag alone on one of their sixers puts their beer in Special Occasion country where I live.
Got an old pal – Wisky ex-pat that's been livin' in these parts for over 30 years – who drinks nothing but PBR. You'd love this guy Goobs… Still on the Packer Season Ticket list and drives a green F-150 tricked out with Pack logos (including a Brett Favre autograph facsimile) and GO PACK vanity license plates. His house is a frickin' shrine to the green and gold, and it's not unusual to find Paul Coffman or Lynn Dickey at his house watchin' the Pack on satellite come an NFL Sunday.
mvscal: Thanks for validating that you're just as clueless about beer as you are about anything remotely NFL- of BTCFB-related.
It's not even the Czech Republic's best export. Asshat.
Re: Short beer review
Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 12:19 am
by KC Scott
Truman sighting - everybody drinl
ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 wrote:
Screw_Michigan wrote:Coupla fuckin' geniuses we got here.
I think ignorance of matters of this type may actually work to their advantage. Isn't knowing shit beer admitting to KYOA?
I couldn't keep up with all the shit beers named in this thread. I do recall wanting to punch my fucking "Anchorman" teammates at UConn in the face most weekends (who am I kidding, I drank 7 days a week) for bringing Piels to the table.
Piels? Seriously?
I'll one up you're shit beer and trump you with the most foul substance known to man (as beer anyway)
Re: Short beer review
Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 12:53 am
by smackaholic
well, i just had one of the stone ipas. definitely a very good beer. smells like a christmas tree. must be the piney thing i been reading about on beeradvocate. but, it's really not my thing. a little bitter for my tastes. guess i'm a wimpy beer fan.
sure i'll have no trouble choking the rest of it down, though.
Re: Short beer review
Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 2:13 am
by Dinsdale
smackaholic wrote:beeradvocate
If you click on beeradvocate...
Just wave the white flag, admit you're a douche, and enjoy a lifetime of enjoying Buttwiper and Widmer Hef.
Not sure if I've changed ISPs since my last IP ban at that collection of dickwadery knpwn as beeradvocate.
They worship Rogue there -- 'nuff said.
And while the correct amount of respect is flattering... since Portland freaking invented this "microbrew" "craze" you're all waxing on about... according to beeradvocate, if it's made in Oregon, it's the GREATEST BEER EVAR! Nice to hear, but I'll wholeheartedly state that that ain't the case -- plenty of ass to go around these parts -- since there's literally hundreds of beers made in this town.
Re: Short beer review
Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 2:37 am
by smackaholic
i click on beeradvocate just to get another opinion on something. doesn't mean i'll follow that opinion blindly, any more than i follow the opinion of you or any other douche in this sordid clambake. so, what's your opinion of stone IPA or have you tried it. I will say that it's better than that widmer swill i had the misfortune of buying when i saw the made in oregone sticker and mistakenly thought that was a sign of quality.
Re: Short beer review
Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 2:46 am
by War Wagon
KC Scott wrote:Truman sighting - everybody drinl
I'll drink to that.
Re: Short beer review
Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 2:50 am
by Dinsdale
Stone has traditionally made very high quality shit. I've served it at festivals, and have a glass or two from them.
It's been adisturbing to watch them start sliding down the slippery slope that Rogue went down -- way too many products, and higher and higher ABVs as a marketing tool. (don't give a shit what anyone says, the higher digestives yeasts yield funny flavors, not up for debate).
When I was 21, the higher the ABV, the better. Now, not so much.
BTW -- whoever said that Beast Ice is in the running for "best bottom of the barrel shitswill is probably right.
The PBR resurgence is a Portland thing too-btw. Several years ago, some PBR rep-guy said that Portland was the only market they sold it in anymore. It was the stupid-douchebag-wannabehipster-transplant douches' "standing up to the establishment" thing, and a good chunk of the downtown bars sold/sell it for a buck for a pounder can. I think it mi9ght have caught back on everywhere else after Dave Attell swilled it on Insomniac... seems like about when it "went national" again. My favorite local band (and friends/acquaintences) was brewing on a promo deal with PBR up until that point -- the connection being they're label is PimpBionic Records -- PBR... hence me knowing way too much about PBR's business of the last decade.
Maybe I should get back into the "inside circles" of the cool-guy beer industry again... been awhile. Too busy hanging out with the cool-guy winemaking crowd, I guess... and there's a hell of an up-and-coming bunch of young(er) winemakers around these parts lately... the second generation is in the process of stealing the Old Gurads' thunder, which is good.
Re: Short beer review
Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 2:52 am
by Dinsdale
smackaholic wrote:i click on beeradvocate just to get another opinion on something. doesn't mean i'll follow that opinion blindly, any more than i follow the opinion of you or any other douche in this sordid clambake.
Whitey and Wolfman's opinions on beer are probably more accurate and valid than the collection of Oregon-Ball-Sucking-Homers on that site.
Re: Short beer review
Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 4:20 am
by Mikey
Dinsdale wrote: the second generation is in the process of stealing the Old Gurads' thunder, which is good.
Yeah, chuck the Old Gurads. Fuck 'em in the dumpater.
Re: Short beer review
Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 4:31 am
Dinsdale wrote:
The PBR resurgence is a Portland thing too-btw. Several years ago, some PBR rep-guy said that Portland was the only market they sold it in anymore. It was the stupid-douchebag-wannabehipster-transplant douches' "standing up to the establishment" thing, and a good chunk of the downtown bars sold/sell it for a buck for a pounder can. I think it mi9ght have caught back on everywhere else after Dave Attell swilled it on Insomniac... seems like about when it "went national" again. My favorite local band (and friends/acquaintences) was brewing on a promo deal with PBR up until that point -- the connection being they're label is PimpBionic Records -- PBR... hence me knowing way too much about PBR's business of the last decade.
Or then maybe it was this:
Re: Short beer review
Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 1:43 pm
by Goober McTuber
Dinsdale wrote:The PBR resurgence is a Portland thing too-btw. Several years ago, some PBR rep-guy said that Portland was the only market they sold it in anymore.
Well, that and the state it's brewed in. It never stopped selling here.
Re: Short beer review
Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 2:32 pm
by Goober McTuber
Dinsdale wrote:Stone has traditionally made very high quality shit. I've served it at festivals, and have a glass or two from them.
It's been adisturbing to watch them start sliding down the slippery slope that Rogue went down -- way too many products, and higher and higher ABVs as a marketing tool. (don't give a shit what anyone says, the higher digestives yeasts yield funny flavors, not up for debate).
Bell's Hopslam is 10% with no funny flavors. I have yet to encounter an ale drinker who has tried it and not immediately put it at or near the top of their list. One of our local microbrewers brewed a double IPA last fall that came in at 8.2%, and I'd put it right up there with Hopslam. Maybe the geniuses in Portland who invented this "craze" haven't figured out how to achieve a higher ABV without fucking up the taste.