Annie, please, use your talents for Good instead of Evil!!As if there's any doubt in your mind wrote:If Jamie Bamber massaged your balls, while
Lexington Steele sucked your dick with his dick
between the arch of your feet....
would you never be able to get it up?
If they did it repeatedly, would you always
remain flaccid?
(And therein lies the rub. If there's ONE thing about which Annie is an absolute mensan, it's sex. Giving, receiving, writing about it, you name it, Annie's the horniest woman on the planet and highly skilled to boot. Not a lotta boundaries there, and any inhibitions were long ago left by the roadside. God bless her and other women like her, at least for that...)
But that quote, submitted on Easter Sunday, with the fucking Kings still meekly trying to secure a stupid playoffs berth??
Firing squad.
(I'm kidding of course, but just barely.)