Can't believe one of your parents actually sent me a PM

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Can't believe one of your parents actually sent me a PM

Post by Atomic Punk »

Dear Atomic Wandering Lazy Eye Splunk,

It has come to my attention you are picking on my son PrimeX and it has disturbed our family when you had the following exchange:


Normally I’m not a judgmental person and believe I’ve raised my son better than most fathers can boast. He’s a good kid and I’ve taught him what your fat, no job having, lazy wandering eye having, AP droopy eye owning, tard, can’t find a job, fat, lazy eye, butt wiping (bhahahahaha can I get a reach around rack for this?) Where is Salad Tosser anyway? I digress.

Now let’s get back on topic here you fat, lazy eye, lazy wandering droopy eye, wandering droopy lazy eye, droopy lazy eye wandering, eye lazy drooping wandering guy there. Get my point yet?

Don’t make me sign up a new (what you’ve coined the term as a “shit troll” that is of common use) to make me run you like EVERYBODY else has. Don’t make me go there. In fact, I almost decided to quit browsing/reading this board TODAY when the re-emergence of IB showed up today. Damn! How could a fat one-eyed lard tard like yourself let that plague of the boards come back and shit on every thread? You know why I don’t do it myself? You know why you don’t see a sign out on my front lawn storing dead fucking noggers? Because storing dead noggers ain’t my fucking business, that’s why!

Look, I want to help you but Bernie comes home in an hour and a half… from the AIDS outpatient ward of the hospital. I need to go now but just remember that I’ll be watching you with my two eyes. Hahahaha You only have one functional one so I have scoreboard.

Oh, and to give myself credibility I’ll include a picture of myself. I don’t like givin it up on the internet like I do with Bernie, but just know I mean serious bidness.


PrimeX’s biological dad

BSmack wrote:Best. AP take. Ever.

Seriously. I don't disagree with a word of it.
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Post by Smackie Chan »

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Post by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 »


That post was Gunslingeresque. Can some tard come in here and translate what the intent of AP's post was?
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Post by Ingse Bodil »

ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 wrote:Wow.

That post was Gunslingeresque. Can some tard come in here and translate what the intent of AP's post was?

Sure. He was wielding smack nunchuks, it's the best way to make a show of one's skills at harming another while intentionally getting some licks in on yourself at the same time. We've all held real nunchuks. Same principle.

To get over he should have signed up as the troll PrimeX's Dad, and then wrote all that shit about himself. But I can see why he wouldn't do this on this board, where he isn't a member of 'staff'. The mods wouldn't get what he was doing.
X wrote:Ludacris... was kicked off the Pepsi brand ad campaign based on explicit lyrics in his album. But with Snoop, here's a coon who admittedly sold drugs and gang banged, was charged with murder and maybe even slapped his wife, representing one of the largest corporations in America--in essence, selling cars to sixty year old white men and blue-haired white women.
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Post by Rudolph »

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Post by Smackie Chan »

Rudolph wrote:D-
In a generous mood this morning, I see.
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Post by Prancer »

If I know Rudolph (and I do), he's still rallying from last night. He'll roll into the stable about 10 am or so, nuke a frozen burrito, and fall asleep on the futon. Wake and bake at 4pm, in time to catch Judge Judy. Borrow my laptop to catch up on AP's latest message board turds, play some Mario Kart on the N64, lather, rinse, repeat.
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Post by Cicatrix »

And the hole just keeps getting deeper....
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Post by SaladTosser »

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 5:05 am

I'm sure that with a belly full of booze and an uncooperative cornea, this seemed like a fanfuckingtastic idea.
Bizzarofelice wrote:I drank as much orange soda as an inner city block party.
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Post by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 »

RACK SaladTosser.
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Post by Donder »

I pity AP.
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Post by Luther »

The purported photo of Prime's dad sure has a lot of "Al Davisesque" qualities to it.

It appears that New Orleans is recovering quite nicely with the necklace he has. Even at the t1b bar last night, I heard Irie say, "Would you look at the size of them balls on his jewels?"

Rack the balls.

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Post by PSUFAN »


Keeee-Rist. At what point do you say, "maybe I'm getting a little old for the leather slingshot in public" look.

Who's the sick fuck that snaps that pic? I'm guessing, judging from the beads, that GrandPa SlackJaw is taking in Mardi Gras, or Fantasy Fest. Presumably, there are lots of naked women walking around. What possesses someone to snap THIS guy?

Someone needs to calmly point out to this guy that NO ONE wants to see that. He doesn't HAVE to dress that way in order to stand there and stare.
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Post by Bizzarofelice »

Luther wrote:Rock the bells.
rack the ladies love cool james reference
why is my neighborhood on fire
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Post by Cuda »

There's no reference to a Great Dane and a Red Rocket, so that PM is an obvious troll job
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Post by Cripple Fight »

Poor, AP. I guess all those years of test flying his nuclear submarine and cleaning out bedpans has finally caught up to him.

RIP zztop. 1999 - 2006

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Post by Cupid »

Show's over. Move along. Nothin' to see here.

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Post by Ken »

Oh, dear Lord. What the hell just happened?

After what is now being called 'Operation Spaz-eye Storm' by the news media, I could have imagined myriad avenues for jitterbug eye to take. Oh, I don't know... maybe ignore/eject, raise the white flag, or even send SOMETHING back over the 39th parallel... a grenade, a scud, a fucking pebble even. ANYTHING.

But this? Holy hell. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, I don't even know what the intent of that ramble was. Is it possible that spaz eye's spaz eye was the brains behind that post?
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Re: Can't believe one of your parents actually sent me a PM

Post by Britney's Discharge »

Atomic Punk wrote:Image
How is it possible that it has not been wytched by now?
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Post by Mikey »

I laughed...

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Post by RadioFan »

SaladTosser wrote:I'm sure that with a belly full of booze and an uncooperative cornea, this seemed like a fanfuckingtastic idea.
Bwah! Nice
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Post by Luther »


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Post by Tom In VA »

You're a bad man Luth.
With all the horseshit around here, you'd think there'd be a pony somewhere.
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