Your getting Sleepy......

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KC Scott

Your getting Sleepy......

Post by KC Scott »

At our company kickoff two weeks ago, they brought in a "motivational speaker". Dude had the Wayne Newton Big hair thing and started ranting about the secrets of highly successful salespeople (they write their goals down, some even on a daily basis! - Gee...) so since I was sitting in back I popped open the laptop and went back to work on a proposal that needed to go out. Dude then started ranting about visualization and seeing success and self hypnosis. My eyes are rolling back in my head when he says "lets do an experiment". Eveyone was instructed to close their eyes keep both feet flat on the floor and put their arms straight out in front of them. Next he says to visualize holding a bucket in your left hand and as you hold the bucket someone is filling it with wet sand. It's getting heavier and heavier. He rants on this for another minute, then says to visualize holding a hundred helium filled balloons in your right hand The baloons are are tugging upward, higher, higher, blah, blah, blah...... So By now I'm bored out of my mind and am peaking around the room to see who is actually falling for this crap. I see big haired dude walking through the conference room whispering in the ears of a few of those with their left hand down and their right hand up. He then goes back to the stage and "wakes" everyone up. He calls out for all those he "spoke" to to come up on stage.

Now I have always considered hypnotism to be total bullshit, and this dude said as much, saying a definite portion of the population could never be hypnotized beacuse their minds would not allow it. I'm a skeptic of everything - everytime I'd see Chris Angel or some other hack do the group thing on TV I figured it had to be staged. In this case the 10 people he called up - 7 of whom I've known and worked with at least 5 years - all got onstage and proceeded to do every asinine thing he told them. One of my counterparts was told, when he'd make him "sleep" that his left hand was glued to his head and he could not remove it no matter how hard he tried. Sure as shit when he "woke" him dude had that hand on his head and said he couldn't move it. Big hair then proceeded to pull 10 $100 bills out of his pocket and offered to give it to him if he could pry his hand off off his gourd and yet he still couldn't. Having known this dude would blow a goat for $50 I knew it wasn't staged. The others did a good variety of silly shit, including acting like they were 5, losing their shoes while they were holding them, and falling all over each other when they were "asleep". Again, if I didn't know these people I'd swear it was all staged. After dude was done with his show he pumped his book, his self hypno CDs and some other silly shit I wasn't going to buy, but still I gotta say it was the most entertaining thing we'd ever had at a company kickoff and elicited huge laughs. The "subjects" received huge amounts of grief from the audience afterwards, albeit with "free" autographed copies of big hairs book.

Any of you ever seen anything like this in person?
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Post by Y2K »

You gotta figure if this guy was "really" good he would have all the easy cash and fine pussy anyone man could ever need and the last place you would find him pimping his Mind Control Talent at some motivational seminar in the Midwest..........

just sayin................
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Post by Mississippi Neck »

There's a "psychic" here on the Lake that also sells used boats. She's got her big psychic neon sign and all that..So I go in there last weekend to look at her boats, she comes out and I'm like "well, lets get down to it, which one am I'm going to buy and for how much?"...needless to say she walked off a bit perturbed.
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Post by Adelpiero »

Y2K wrote:You gotta figure if this guy was "really" good he would have all the easy cash and fine pussy anyone man could ever need and the last place you would find him pimping his Mind Control Talent at some motivational seminar in the Midwest..........

just sayin................
why not??? think of the suckers he can make $$$ off in the midlands and midwest. the yokels will believe anything, if ya put on a good show, you could sell them some of that cure all tonic, and the fucks would buy in crates or ask wal mart to stock it.
KC Scott

Post by KC Scott »

Y2K wrote:You gotta figure if this guy was "really" good he would have all the easy cash and fine pussy anyone man could ever need and the last place you would find him pimping his Mind Control Talent at some motivational seminar in the Midwest..........

just sayin................

A Few of us were saying the same thing - But dude has done quite a few Fortune 500 companys - at $8,500 a pop

You gotta wonder, though when your making that much, why can't he do something about the big hair
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Post by Husker4ever »

You should have bumrushed the stage and pulled your co-workers hand off and later split the money. Beats the 25 bucks you made with him doubling up on goat cock.
KC Scott

Post by KC Scott »

Toddowen wrote:
KC Scott wrote:You gotta wonder, though when your making that much, why can't he do something about the big hair

Looks like the that hypno is for real.

You oughta call him up and tell him that you want to be able to use "you're" in the correct context again.

You're being a Tard.

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Post by MgoBlue-LightSpecial »

Toddowen wrote:You oughta call him up and tell him that you want to be able to use "you're" in the correct context again.
If you're going to correct somebody's english, you may not want to sound like a babbling dumbfuck.

Looks like the that hypno is for real.
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Post by Cuda »

If you'd have gone up on stage, opened that faggot bathrobe and wiggled your dick and sent everybody but your wife running for the exits, he'd have had a heart attack & died and you'd never have to do that shit ever again.

Where in your contract does it say you have to make a fool of yourself?
WacoFan wrote:Flying any airplane that you can hear the radio over the roaring radial engine is just ghey anyway.... Of course, Cirri are the Miata of airplanes..

Post by Screw_Michigan »

Cuda wrote:If you'd have gone up on stage, opened that faggot bathrobe and wiggled your dick and sent everybody but your wife running for the exits, he'd have had a heart attack & died and you'd never have to do that shit ever again.

"Here's to all that snatch in F-L-A!"
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Post by Rooster »

Sorry for the necro-post, but just came across this thing.

I went to a hypnotism show my sophomore year in college. I apparently have control freak issues and so was unable to go under, but I watched this guy do his act and then tried it on fellow collegians when I went back to the dorm. It was surprisingly easy to make happen, and people who you wouldn't think would let themselves be under the control of someone else would get hyponotized in less than 30 seconds.

All the usual stuff worked-- post-hypnotic suggestions, foolish behavior, demonstrations of strength or loss of muscle control.

The process is simple. Get a flashlight, candle, or use a lamp, make the rest of the room dark, and have the ummm, victim stare intently at the flame/bulb. Explain that you are going to count backwards from 100 and you want them to repeat the number you say. Tell them that as you pass 90 they will feel relaxed and that at 80 they'll be sleeping. Modulate your voice so that as you get closer to 90 and then 80, etc you slow your speech down, and lower the volume and timber so that you are at a rumbling whisper by around 75.

You'll be able to tell they are close to being under by their breathing cadence and how relaxed their facial expression is. Once you believe they are fully relaxed, tell them they are to go to sleep, but will hear your voice clearly.

At this point you can pretty much have them do anything they would be willing to do if they were, say, very drunk. Since hyponotism is just a state of being hyper-receptive to suggestions, people won't do things that they wouldn't otherwise do like murder, have sex with animals, etc etc.

Not that I didn't get people to try... ok, not really, but if a girl is slutty, for instance, she'll act slutty. If she's virginal, she won't go out and sleep with the football team just because you tell her to do so. Hypnotism, contrary to myth, cannot cause someone to turn into a zombie permanently if you startle them awake or remember things from their childhood that isn't readily available in a normal wakeful state. In the absence of a memory, a person will make stuff up just to please the hypnotist.

When it's time to end the fun and games, tell them at the count of 5 they'll wake up. Interestingly, however, because they are so willing to go under you can do something like snap your fingers and say, "Sleep!" and *boom* they'll be back under.

One additional tip-- most people are much easier to hypnotize after they've have 2 or 3 beers. It lowers their resistance. Give it a try at your next drunk-fest. It's a hoot.
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Post by Mike Backer »

Husker4ever wrote:You should have bumrushed the stage and pulled your co-workers hand off and later split the money. Beats the 25 bucks you made with him doubling up on goat cock.
I'm the guy who tossed Mark Cuban's salad by proxy.
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