Anyways, the elevation of that course is 9,500 feet and I am looking for tips on club selection. To give you an idea, here is a grid of my iron range on the flatlands -
4iron --> 210 - 225
5iron --> 200 - 210
6iron --> 180 - 190
7iron --> 165 - 175
8iron --> 155 - 165
9iron --> 140 - 150
PW --> 125 - 135
52 --> 115 - 125
56 --> 100 - 110
60 --> 80 - 95
Can anyone tell me what my new range would be in that much elevation? I hit the ball fairly high, so I imagine that the distance would carry even a little farther than most.
Here are some pics of the course...
Slope rating from the tips is 151. YIKES!