The Washington Post published Sara Palin's personal yahoo email address. You know, the one that she's been using to conduct state business with so that she could skirt those pesky FOI requests? Well, anyway, I decided to ask Governor Palin a question. Here it is.
Dear Governor Palin
I'd like to know how to get my village 27 million in earmarks. Do I have to chair a Senator's corrupt 527? If so, how can I go about this? Does it have to be the chair of the Senate Appropriations committee? Or will any corrupt Senator do?
Everyone seems either dazzled or incensed by your candidacy for the VPOTUS. I don't care, though...I'm just horny for you, baby.
I can't stop picturing you rolling atop my loins, screaming out gibberish like you do on the campaign trail, shaking your hair out of its stays, but with the glasses ON - that's important.
I hope they vote that sun-diseased corpse into office so I get to see you every night, flapping your gums with some vapid inanities for the cameras...and my overarching pleasure.
Let me see if I can rail some sense into you, lovemuffin.
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80' out.
PSUFAN wrote:
...but with the glasses ON - that's important.
hell yeah
There is some website for you freaks with that glasses was on G4 last week...some guy hogs his OL and videos it while both are wearing glasses..weird..
Screw_Michigan wrote: Democrats are the REAL racists.
Yep, I'm just SHOCKED that derron is perusing degenerate porn sites where dudes in glasses are featured.
I don't care if they're wearing bejeweled turbans...dudes are not part of this scene, derron. Holy fuck, you sick, sick unit!
There's nothing that isn't pure about my intentions for Gov. Palin. She needs to look smart so she's worthy of being a canvas for my dna jolts, ok? THAT'S IT.
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80' out.
I dunno why PSU, but you reminded me of this 'Mats tune...
C'mon little kiddie (Davey?), get your head on right
C'mon little kiddie (Davey?), get your head on straight
You're gonna get her down
You're gonna finger to her
You're gonna suck me down
You're gonna see her out...
Forget about the lights, girl, and the cars
You never heard somebody so far
Grab a hold, gonna hold
You're gonna stick it to her
You're gonna stick it to her
PSUFAN's got a boner
'CausePSUFAN' got a boner
PSU got a boner
PSU's got a boner now
PSUFAN wrote:Yep, I'm just SHOCKED that derron is perusing degenerate porn sites where dudes in glasses are featured.
I don't care if they're wearing bejeweled turbans...dudes are not part of this scene, derron. Holy fuck, you sick, sick unit!
There's nothing that isn't pure about my intentions for Gov. Palin. She needs to look smart so she's worthy of being a canvas for my dna jolts, ok? THAT'S IT.
I am shocked the resident homosexual ALWAYS reads faggot into anything where a dude is gives you the opportunity to bring your latent homosexual leanings to the surface for all to see...stay the fuck go smoke another pole bitch..
Screw_Michigan wrote: Democrats are the REAL racists.
Yep. The day after 9/11, as part of its "get tough" makeover, the Obama campaign is mocking John McCain for not using a computer, without caring why he doesn't use a computer. From the AP story about the computer illiterate ad:
"Our economy wouldn't survive without the Internet, and cyber-security continues to represent one our most serious national security threats," [Obama spokesman Dan] Pfeiffer said. "It's extraordinary that someone who wants to be our president and our commander in chief doesn't know how to send an e-mail."
Well, I guess it depends on what you mean by "extraordinary." The reason he doesn't send email is that he can't use a keyboard because of the relentless beatings he received from the Viet Cong in service to our country. From the Boston Globe (March 4, 2000):
McCain gets emotional at the mention of military families needing food stamps or veterans lacking health care. The outrage comes from inside: McCain's severe war injuries prevent him from combing his hair, typing on a keyboard, or tying his shoes. Friends marvel at McCain's encyclopedic knowledge of sports. He's an avid fan - Ted Williams is his hero - but he can't raise his arm above his shoulder to throw a baseball.
In a similar vein I guess it's an outrage that the blind governor of New York David Patterson doesn't know how to drive a car. After all, transportation issues are pretty important. How dare he serve as governor while being ignorant of what it's like to navigate New York's highways.
... why didn't the Obama guys and the AP figure that out? It's extraordinary that someone who wants to be our president and our commander in chief knows how to send an e-mail ...but not how to do a five-minute Google search.
Or hire someone competent enough to do so. He does list running his campaign as 'executive experience', correct?
Keep up the good work, asswipes.
And yes, I'm hijacking this retarded thread. It's been stupid as fuck and anything I do has got to be an improvement.
Besides, nobody reads my posts anyway. So why bother with all that self-restraint shit?
Message brought to you by Diogenes.
The Last American Liberal.
That's classic. I can't read a post by either of you and not think of the other. The two of you are probably the biggest fucking jokes on these boards.
I wouldn't be at all suprised if you two weren't the same poster. On the chance I'm wrong, then allow me the opportunity to tell "both" of you to fuck the hell off.
You know what? That was fucking hilarious. Really it was.
Seriously, brilliant writing. Such wit. Such wisdom. That little joke of yours was a fucking stroke of genius. A fucking stroke of genius. Did you have the fucking stroke when you typed that?
Listen. Listen closely. You know that sound? That sound you don't hear? That's laughter. That sound that you do not hear is everyone who read that pissing their pants at the sheer humor you tried to provide to us.
Amazing. Ahman Green has a better chance of going through an injury free season with no fumbles than anyone else without a fucking sense of humor does of topping that steaming pile of brilliance.